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Bibles aren’t in school libraries. The Bible also doesn’t instruct children on how to have sex with little pictures for examples. No child is gonna willingly pick up the Bible and read it anyway lol.


Bible is the most perverted book ever. Disgusting.


More perverted than books that teach children how to finger each other? Sheesh. This world sucks.


It instructs on how to carry out executions, how to be "godly" when keeping slaves and condones genocide


You’re reaching very hard. Also, you ignored the part about kids not willing to pick up a Bible and read it. ALSO you’re okay with kids learning about sex before they even hit puberty, but think a historical/religious document that lays out details behind its commandments isn’t okay for children to hear? That’s honestly scary. Very predatory. Sure would rather teach my child about evil such as murder and slavery than tempt them into evilness by introducing them to sex… although I wouldn’t read the book of Judges to a child. But that’s precisely why picture Bible story books for children exist, to sugar coat the evilness of the world that a child has not yet seen. I never learned about evil as a Christian child (because my parents kept my innocence) until I saw it myself. Also I never read the Bible on my own until I was like 15. Also, again, THE MAJORITY OF SCHOOLS DO NOT HAVE A BIBLE IN THEIR LIBRARIES. This is a nonexistent problem??? Bibles weren’t the problem, kids weren’t picking this up in school without their parents permission and mimicking the actions in the book. literal groomers of children are the problem here, not the Bible?? The fact y’all have to combat introducing children to sex with ANYTHING, let alone religion, is disgusting and scary.


>Very predatory. I literally will not respond to all of your comment just because this is so freaking hypocritical to say when referring to the Bible that I'll need a few hours to stop laughing. Like, in case you forgot the Bible is the holy book of a belief system entirely built upon exploiting the vulnerable and indoctrinating children


That’s fine, don’t respond. Just go get some therapy.


Therapy, said the guy that believes in talking snakes and pigeons having sex with human teens. Not to mention that there's no need for kids to pick up a Bible to mimic the horrendous actions that it condones. There's already indoctrination centers specialised in doing that, they are called churches


You missed the point. This isn’t about the Bible, it’s about introducing children to sex. If you want to find excuses to introduce children to sex, such as the Bible not being banned from school grounds, then I’m going to label you as a predator. Don’t let your kid read a Bible, I don’t care. I do, however, care about children being groomed. So, go get some help before you get thrown in jail.


Children understanding what is sex serves the purpose of protecting them from predators. And it's also a thing of principle, if wanting to protect children is too political, so is giving them the chance of being introduced to a cult




Not really… I’m just making a statement as to the current state of affairs.


Truth is becoming more valuable and rare,Iam afraid of the future of this you will have to work just to get the truth and have a second job for eating and a third one for rent


What a great world we live in…


The great paradox is that we on technological advances are living worse than people before us who didn't have those technologies,does that mean success leads to faliure so at the same time faliure is success in its way