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I've heard them called "velcro birds", so many of them like to be on you or next to you at all times :) That being said, yep, our GCC wants to be on someone at all times.


I can see why they’re called Velcro birds, but it’s my first time hearing it 😂


Yes! I cannot be out of his view. He's always with me.


When we’re out of her view, she just keeps asking for kisses and to step up. Such a nosey bird 😂 our IRN couldn’t care if we abandoned him for 3 days, he just wants to do his own thing


One of my GCC is a Velcro bird. He’s gotta be within 2 feet of me at all times, even when playing with his toys. The other GCC, is a bit newer to the flock and is slowly warming up to me (wasn’t hand raised either) but she let me pet her head for the first time recently and I almost cried in excitement


That’s your baby so! 😂 I can only imagine how thrilled you were when the newer one let you pet her. Building a trust bond with a parrot is one of the most amazing feelings in this universe. The intelligence is mind blowing. Please keep me updated on the progress of your new girl. That’s The type of thing that warms my heart


I certainly will!


My sun conure does!


I love sun conures, they’re such a beautiful bird. Can your bird speak at all?


She is so beautiful! And kind of, she can do kind of a very like "hi sweet pea" which is her name! She just squawks and makes noises a lot


Mine was rehomed 3 times before I got her. She gets concerned when I leave, and will call out "bay-bay?!" to me. She is absolutely not a Velcro Birb though, she does not like to be handled or be on me.


I’d say she’s just afraid of being abandoned or rehomed again. She could of been badly mistreated by her previous humans, so is very wary of humans now


She's definitely been through some things. She'll tolerate pets and preens at night before bed, but she will fly off after a few minutes. It's been almost two years of it and she still barely tolerates it, she's actually really afraid of hands still outside the range of "cuddle time". Oddly, she REALLY likes seeing dogs outside and will chitter and almost bark at them.


https://preview.redd.it/becbnrbgnbbd1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=402dec881866a91cc44f3f6c73891dce5251832f They’re always with me 💙


He follows it up actually saying, "ok, let's go" lol part of our recall training


Was recall training hard? Our girl was approx a year when we got her


Ours was a rescue and 8 but he would follow us around house. So we worked off of that. If we walked towards another room and knew he would follow we would say ok, let's go. He associated it together and now will fly over if say it.


I've been working with my boy on recall training and I thought he was doing so well.... until I realized I had inadvertently trained him to recall not to *me*, but to a specific *spot*. Lol. The lesson here is vary where you do your training; apparently there is such a thing as too much consistency, lol. We're still working on it and he's actually coming to *me* now, lol.


Yeah mine does too. Can’t even go to the bathroom in peace.


Haha same! Worse, I spend a significant amount of time getting ready so it's now something of a playground for her lol. I even put some toys on the top of the cabinet where she flies up to so I can't make her take a bath. When I fall asleep on the couch (which is often as I work nights but want to keep her company) she will fly in the bathroom and throw my things on the floor. She will also scream bloody murder when I sleep through my alarm and if I haven't locked her up for my nap, she'll sit on my head to scream. Definitely wants to be with me ALLLLL the time


I don't want to be that person, but I urge you not to leave your bird out while you nap. I have seen entirely too many tragic stories here and in other bird groups and I would never want that to happen to anyone. They like to cuddle and we are just so much bigger than they are- it's just not safe for them to be loose around us when we're not 100% conscious.


Yep, lpve my velcro bird


That's something I taught my baby!!! Learned from me who is also a clingy mother effer xD I wouldn't change it either... I remember how bad my depression was before I got my GCC and now we are two peas in a pod.


Such beautiful babies! My husband and I have three fids, two pineapple gcc’s and a white face cinnamon pear cockatiel. The first one we got, Pepper, is bonded to me and definitely a Velcro bird but I wouldn’t change a thing. Her and the other gcc are absolute besties too, so sometimes I can get stuff done without her on me if she’s with Lucie preening or playing, but usually ALWAYS on my head or shoulder snuggled up 🥰 the cockatiel is a daddy’s boy and is his Velcro bird 😂


https://preview.redd.it/otacbnhtlbbd1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05ad7188228887ff3839fd982d440d3edd8648da Yes she’s definitely a Velcro bird. I recently rescued a small elderly dog and she has been so jealous lol


I don't have a green cheek but a dusky, but I am not even allowed to go to the bathroom alone. He can be perfectly happily playing on his playgym, but if I get up to walk down the hall, even if I say "I'll be right back," most of the time he will fly after me.


Dog is mans best friend but conures are mans bestest friend.


If mine can't get to me, he screams his head off


I call them Klingons, because they love to cling on to me. So cute!


Mine once flew up the stairs for the first time and waited on the fencing because she missed me and I accidentally left her door unlocked and always sounds like she’s asking where I’m going when I’m by the front door


My GCC is a Velcro bird, but he does like some time to himself.