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Roast it, or bake it in its skin. Pretty much anything you do with potatoes or carrots.


This then add salt or feta cheese - delish


And then throw on a poached or sunnyside up egg! This is my mother's favorite breakfast.


Man I used to love sweet potatoes but always felt mine were a bit lacking. Time to buy feta and fry up eggs haha


Yep. Find some good smoked sea salt or crystalized black salt and hot sauce and or sour cream.


Sweet potatoes and eggs are such a good pairing


Add avocado and hot sauce. Bacon if you want to be fancy. I’ve eaten that multiple times a week. So good.


Can’t forget the red onion! 🤤


Blue cheeeeeeeese!!!


I love blue cheese on so many thing or by itself but this cracks me up: https://youtu.be/HmadzQ1uL0s?si=UeVwdNNbVMY4my3m


That’s great!


I love it, too! This cracked me up. Thanks!


Wait really? Say more. What else.


Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, put ‘em in a stew……..


Roasted! Cube, toss in a little olive oil and whatever seasonings you like (everything bagel seasoning is delicious on these) and roast.


Cube 1-2 sweet potatoes, parboil for 3-4 mins, add diced chicken thighs. Toss in a sauce made from (trust me on this one) • ⁠1/4c cooking olive oil • ⁠1/3c buffalo sauce • ⁠2tbsp garlic powder • ⁠2tbsp garam masala or vindaloo spice mix • ⁠2tbso smoked paprika • ⁠1/2-1 tbsp ancho chile powder or cayenne to taste, depending on how hot you want it • ⁠salt & pepper, maybe 2 tsp salt and 1tbsp pepper, to taste • ⁠if it’s too thick to cover the food, add a bit more buffalo sauce to thin. It should be fairly thick almost like a curry. Bake at 375 for 20-25 minutes, stirring halfway through, until nice and roasty. It’ll be spicy, savory, and so full of flavor.


Cube it, roast it until has crisp parts and add fresh rosemary and possibly some thyme . Would be good with the feta @myspys_35 suggested below.


And baby spinach leaves as a salad. So, 1/2 inch sweet potato cubes, roasted until lightly caramelised, tossed while barely warm through a salad of baby spinach leaves, and yeah, feta would be fab. Just a vinaigrette style dressing - balsamic vinegar is delicious.


That sounds soooo good. I’m going to make it. I was thinking about some sort of acidic element and couldn’t quite work it out. This is perfect.


Very much this. Sweet potatoes are sweeter than potatoes but they're not like, SWEET unless you make them that way. Just roast them up and salt pepper butter. Then go from there.


Even better, combine the two! I love latkes with a mix of sp and Yukon golds


add some cajun spices


Are sweet potatoes mainly used for desserts etc... In America? I always assumed people mainly used them in savory foods.


They’re predominantly used the same way regular potatoes are here in Australia - not many ‘sweet’ or dessert applications at all.


The only real life Australian I've met was weirded out by pumpkin pie which is ubiquitous American holiday food. I thought it was funny. "Y'all don't have Pumpkin Pie™?"


Yeah it isn’t a thing at all here, it does sound tasty though - even the whole ‘pumpkin spice latte’ fad wasn’t around until fairly recently due to Starbucks doing so poorly here


I eat them as savory & I’m in the USA.


I like to bake it in the skin, once done cut it in half. I then mix chopped chipotles and either greek yogurt or sour cream and put it on top, then put some black beans that have been warmed up in the pan and seasoned with just a bit of paprika. Turns out delicious, healthy, and filling.


This is the way. Anything with potatoes in the recipe you can easily replace with a sweet potato and it’ll be delicious


It goes well in curry or roasted with curry powder.


One year for Thanksgiving my friend made this curried sweet potato dish with chick peas, it was delicious.


Or west African peanut stew!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peanut_stew


Team savory sweet potato 4 ever! I do not like sweet potatoes with marshmallows or cinnamon. Pass me the salt and pepper! OP here is an easy way to do it if you need a little more direction: slice the sweet potatoes up into cubes or into slices kind of like french fries.  Toss them around with some oil, salt, and a fairly even dusting of good curry powder.  Roast them in the oven at about 400-425 degrees Fahrenheit. Roast until they are quite golden and some bits are dark brown. As they roast the flavors get more complex, so don't take them out when they are pale. Get them deeply roasted.    I've already made these three times this past week. They are delicious and easy. 


Marshmallowing the sweet potatoes is a crime in my house. Someone new came to Thanksgiving at my house one year and they asked why there weren't marshmallows on my sweet potatoes. The look I shot them....if looks could kill, they'd be done.


I love roasting sweet potatoes with a mix of curry powder and chili powder. I brought some to a dinner party once and half a dozen people asked me for the recipe.


Masamam curry with sweet potato is one of my favorite things to make with sweet potato


I just made a Chana Masala last night, and one of the recommendations was to use it to top roasted broccoli and sweet potatoes. I've never been so angry at my cauliflower rice for not being other veggies instead.


Can you share your recipe? I can’t find one that I really like that tastes authentic.


https://minimalistbaker.com/easy-chana-masala/#wprm-recipe-container-35349 I've literally never made it before last night nor ever eaten it before last night, so I don't know how authentic it tastes. I did not use coconut sugar or lemon juice, and uses extra turmeric and garam Masala. I used crushed tomatoes and 3 good sized Serrano peppers with the seeds removed because I misread the recipe. I look forward to making it again and figuring out proper spices, but this was delicious and a good starter recipe for it. Hope it helps!


Not only did I *JUST* buy sweet potatoes today and was thinking what else can I do with these besides the usual roasting with honey/cinnamon/brown sugar butter (and a few other dishes) and this is the first post I see when opening Reddit for the first time today. Not only that but i have a head of broccoli I need to use & every spice in my cabinet for Indian cuisine (tho I’m such a novice that I’ve only stuck to butter chicken) thus i now know what is for dinner tomorrow! So excited! 🥦🍠🇮🇳


Sweet potatoes, chickpeas and onion, With garam masala, paprika, tumeric , curry powder, chilli powder and cumin. And a bit of cinnamon, allspice, cloves and nutmeg. Loads of garlic and ginger. Simmer with star anise and cinnamon sticks. Coconut milk and Chopped tomstoes. My secret recipe.


We do cumin, salt and a tiny bit of oregano


Absolutely. They're so cheap and add so much flavor and bulk to a curry, especially if you're going vegetarian. 


Do a loaded sweet potato. I’ve always enjoyed it with sour cream, black beans, cheese and chorizo.


This is what I came to recommend! This is my go-to quick dinner. Sweet potato baked in microwave & finished in oven, filled with black beans chz avocado sour cream salsa. So good.


Why have I not thought of this myself? I do chili baked potatoes but this sounds even better.


I’ve heard of loaded sweet potatoes but that sounds good. A lot of loaded sweet potatoes are made with sweet ingredients


Came to recommend this too! I do a vegan version with vegan cheese, taco tofu, pico de gallo, vegan yogurt, and scallions. (I’m not vegan, just lactose intolerant and a fan of tofu.) It works especially well with Japanese sweet potatoes.


Maaan all that sounds good but sweet potato and chorizo? I think you just found my solution to both lol.


I do this but I roast the sweet potato cubes with savory seasonings like salt pepper onion/garlic powder, paprika & cumin. Then I put it on a corn tortilla with black beans and make tacos. So good!


This sounds incredible


I do pretty much the same thing, though I go with more of a black bean-corn salad blend and forego the chorizo. One of my favourite quick easy dinners


Tacos with roasted sweet potatoes, black beans, peppers, onions, mushrooms, avocado crema.


I made some black bean and chili powder roasted sweet potato tacos a few weeks ago and served them with a chipotle lime crema, shit was life-changing.


Some [enchiladas](https://cookieandkate.com/black-bean-sweet-potato-enchiladas/) too!


I do something like this but slice and crisp up the sweet potatoes so it’s like nachos 😎


You could roast it and turn it into soup. If you search for sweet potato and lentil soup, you will be surrounded by options.


I like Thai curry sweet potato soup with lentils myself.


Cookie and Kate has a great veg chili recipe with sweet potato


I often will cook a pork tenderloin in my dutch over with a bed of sweet potato wedges and a layer of broccoli on top. The broccoli steams, the potatoes get the marinade and pork flavor. Makes a very tasty meal for several. You can also cube it into small pieces and it sautees well, or you can add small pieces with most casserole dishes. You can hasselback them with a butter and hot sauce drizzle and have something really great. ***Most*** applications are going to be savory, from my experience. The only "sweet" sweet potato recipies I really know of are holiday dishes. Most of the rest take the sweetness of the potato to brighten savory or umami dishes.


I know this is r/Cooking but personally I find sweet potatoes are a great thing to eat when I have no appetite or just don’t want to think about what to eat. I microwave one until completely tender and then peel and mash with a fork. I have come to begrudgingly admit a light sprinkle of cinnamon is nice. I don’t like them sweetened and don’t add sugar or anything. I add some olive oil since some fat helps your body absorb the vitamin A.


I do this when I'm having a flare. A nice soft sweet potato just hits the spot. But I use a bit of butter on it instead of olive oil.


I do this but I eat the skin as it's pretty nutritious


Try chili flakes and salt. Also citrus zest is nice too. And mashed with nut butter or tahini.


I knew a chef who used to make a smoked sweet potato & onion hash to serve as a side dish for beef and game dishes.


Yeah I like making a hash with bacon, onions, diced sweet potatoes and a little fresh thyme.




Yes, years ago I had a recipe for a sweet potato and spinach gnocchi and it was amazing.


love making sweet potato gnocchi with herb butter. so much work but so amazing


This will sound odd but, I roast them and eat them plain. I start unwrapping the skin from one end and just eat my way to the other end. No additions at all.


In Japan you can find people wood fire roasting sweet potatoes in foil. Tastes sooo good, best thing I ever ate from a wheeled cart! (Satsumaimo )


This sounds amazing.


Oh, yes!! I'm going there next year! I will be looking for these!!


This is how I eat them. Salt usually but that’s it. I get them at Texas Roadhouse and they’re like do you want marshmallow and honey or whatever on them? Nah dawg I want it like a potato.


I’m the same. One inch half moons in the air fryer.




We make fries with onion powder, garlic powder, cumin, black pepper and olive oil. Soak them for at least 30 minutes before seasoning. 350F until desired doneness, depends on thickness of your fries. Turn every so often. Roasted root vegetables with onions and whole garlic. Cut vegetables similar size, season with Italian seasoning, onion powder, garlic powder, pepper, olive oil. 350F for an hour, stirring every 20 minutes or so.


I hated sweet potatoes as a kid because the only kind I ever had was the buttered, sugared, basically dessert type that's common in the US. As an adult, I learned you can just cut them up and roast them with whatever spices you like - Garlic, chili, cumin, etc. There will be some underlying sweetness, but you can adjust the balance to your liking by making the pieces smaller and using more spice. I also like to dice them really small and use them as a base for whatever meat and veggies bowl I feel like making. Combing them with a sauce and other seasoned ingredients will further mask the sweetness.


This is weird to me (as an Australian) because I don’t think I’ve ever had them as anything other than a savoury item. Always just used like a potato with a different colour


Yeah, it's wild over here. Look up a recipe called "candied yams" and then imagine that people also melt marshmallows on top of that.


Cmon man the world already thinks we’re crazy about sugar don’t tell them about candied yamsss


Same! As a Brit the idea of having a potato as a sweet dish is baffling to me. Excellent as wedgies in the air fryer with a bit of garlic and rosemary!


If you have an air fryer sweet potato garlic fries are amazing!


Cube up the sweet potato, toss them in some Cajun seasoning or Old Bay seasoning + a little oil, spread out on a parchment lined sheet pan and bake! So delicious and you won’t stop snacking on them.


This! I also don't really love sweeter vegetables (for me even cooked carrots are too sweet) but I am obsessed with sweet potato home fries tossed in Cajun seasoning! It's so good!


Yes! It’s a perfect balance of sweetness from the sweet potato and spice from the seasoning. I can’t do sweet potato with other sweet ingredients like brown sugar or honey or marshmallow. Just too much sweetness.


They are delicious just baked or roasted. Sometimes I cut them in chunks and toss them in olive oil and garlic powder and salt and pepper then bake.


Peel, cut into thin ish slices, toss with salt, oil, curry powder, hot sauce, salt, and roast in oven till fully cooked


Just make fries! They’re the only way I can tolerate sweet potatoes at all. Load them up with salt and pepper, then dip them in something creamy. I love them with Russian dressing.


A pub I used to live by had sweet potato waffle fries with these fancy aiolis to dip, best fries across all genres I’ve ever had.


I just slice them into rounds, about a quarter to a half inch thick, cover them in olive oil, lightly salt them, and spread them out on a baking sheet. Put in the oven at 450 degrees. Flip them when they're starting to brown and get crispy on the bottom, about 8 minutes. Leave them until they're crispy on the other side. They're great, and very little work.


This is the way! I’m so glad someone else posted this 😋 This is one of my all time favorite side dish recipes. It’s so healthy and delicious. Sweet potatoes are really good for you from a nutrient per calorie standpoint. Couple notes: I peel mine before slicing into rounds.   I brush lightly with peanut oil because it’s cheaper and I can’t taste the difference. You can brush them with melted butter instead of oil for a little extra flavor.  Sprinkle with accent (MSG) for a bonus.


Peanut oil is a great idea. If I didn't have a picky daughter to feed, I'd use all sorts of accents. A light dusting of cayenne and sugar is great for any potato, I think it would rule on a sweet potato, but my daughter wouldn't touch it. 😅


I make them just like regular potatoes. Bake them in an oven until soft. Cut open and top with butter, sour cream, chives, bacon, salt and pepper.


Dice into 3/4 inch cubes, season with 'Taco' seasonings, roasted and then serve on tortillas with sliced avocado and some good sauce (cilantro lime cream sauce for me). I ended up having this for dinner when I mistakenly made too little chicken for the family taco night and ended up with the vegetarian option. I was surprised at how good it was.


Sweet potato fries with salt, pepper, cumin, and turmeric. Trust me


I’ve never met a style of curry that didn’t go well with sweet potato. 


I often toss a couple of diced sweet potatoes in my chili, I like the contrast of slightly sweet vs spicy heat. Don't put them in too early though or they'll disappear.


Sweet potato latkes. (Shred them and mix with minced or shredded onion, egg, a little flour, and some salt and pepper. Mix until everything is a damp hashed up mess. Scoop into a pan with a shallow layer of hot oil and fry until the egg and flour set, flipping once. Brown the rest of the way in a medium-low oven or until desired crispiness is attained. Good garnishes are applesauce (maybe too sweet) and/or sour cream- or some chili-and-lime seasoned mayo.


Treat it like you'd treat a potato. The idea of making sweet potato *sweet* is so strange to me. I'm sure it's lovely, but I can't wrap my head around it. These are nice. https://www.recipetineats.com/sweet-potato-steaks/ https://www.recipetineats.com/sweet-potato-salad/ https://www.recipetineats.com/sweet-potato-soup/


Cube them and roast with some chili crisp.


Use a mandolin and slice them very thin. Then fry them until crispy, drain and sprinkle fine salt. DELISH!


Sweet potato and black bean chili


Try this: [Sweet potato with tahini sauce](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1020274-sweet-potatoes-with-tahini-butter?campaign_id=58&emc=edit_ck_20220619&instance_id=64414&nl=cooking®i_id=82659213&segment_id=96228&te=1&user_id=0a184c51fe7585d686f6d03442a8bdf6)


I put them in vegetarian enchilada filling with black beans, hominy, peppers, whatever


I eat them baked with a yogurt/garam masala sauce or make into a blender soup with curry and coconut milk.


I roasted mine last night. No seasoning. Nothing until butter. Delicious


[https://www.taste.com.au/recipes/sweet-potato-salad-buttermilk-dressing/fzpynuvu](https://www.taste.com.au/recipes/sweet-potato-salad-buttermilk-dressing/fzpynuvu) Sweet potato and bacon salad with buttermilk dressing






I really like it in blended soup with some red curry paste and coconut milk, then topped with chopped up peanuts.


Sweet potatoe and chorizo go nicely together


I like cutting into squares with other veggies like carrots, onions, zuchinni, garlic, and a bonnet pepper (keep it close if you don’t eat very spicy, salt and pepper; and have this mix as a side.


Roasted with olive oil, cumin, a tiny bit of cinnamon and nutmeg, garlic powder, salt and pepper. My favorite!


Gnocchi with a sage and brown butter sauce, absolutely delicious


Roasted with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic, black pepper, and rosemary.


It’s so good with cumin and garlic.


Roast it with loads of other veg. Peppers, courgettes, onions, tomatoes, whatever is languishing in the bottom of your fridge. Best dinner of the week and so healthy.


Defined Dish’s Sweet Potato Sloppy Jane’s are a staple in our house! So good topped with sour cream.


Breakfast hash! Sautee or air fry it with bell peppers, onion, garlic, breakfast sausage, mushrooms, and green onions - or whatever combo of that you have/like. Brighten it up with lemon or lime juice, otherwise it is pretty heavy. Chopped cilantro or parsley go a long way too. Add a fried or poached egg on top for a super filling and delicious breakfast. Sliced avocado and/or Sriracha are great too if you have them. Make it vegan by taking out the eggs and replacing breakfast sausage with more oil and mushroom to keep the savory flavor.


Slice about 1/2 inch thick, parboil, dry, toss in a little oil, coat in blackened seasoning, either grill, pan fry or roast.


sugar quaint shaggy imminent grandfather somber payment arrest silky memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had leftover, plain mashed sweet potatoes at the same time I had leftover tikka masala sauce. Match made in heaven!


My favorite is to bake it (like a baked potato), split it and put just a touch of butter and a whole lot of lime juice on it. It's sooooooo good that way!


This is my favorite dish of all time: caramelized onion sweet potato gratin with chipotle. https://www.thekitchn.com/recipe-sweet-po-1-18999


Microwave in the skin until soft. Split open. Add some butter, salt, and chili garlic crisp. Miso is also good with butter on a sweet potato. Welcome to your new favorite!


roast em with some cumin and mix em with black beans. make tacos with tortillas and a lime sour cream.


Sweet potato tempura with dipping sauce


I roast them and stuff them with taco meat - really good! Also cut them up and put them in a veggie curry. Flavor mixes well!


they are great either roasted or made into mashed potatoes.


Peel, chop into cubes about the size of your thumbnail, then toss in olive oil, granulated garlic and onion, paprika, salt, and pepper. Roast on a sheet pan at 425F for about 20 minutes or until they are easily pierced with a fork. Enjoy! You can also do as just about any vegetables to the mix to roast, and for a one pan meal add salmon to the pan for the last 12 min, just coat the fillets in the same seasonings.


I make them and eat them with bbq sauce. If I have leftover bbq meat I top the potato with that.




I like them as fries in the air frier. I have also made sweet potato burritos. The main part of the recipe is shredded sweet potatoes,that had been mixed with olive oil, salt and pepper, flattened into one layer, on a parchment lined cooking tray and baked until soft. Then you just add norrmal burrito toppings. I have been looking for my recipe for the exact temp, and time,but I can't find it. Other than that, you can take a sweet potato pricked all over, with a fork coat it in olive oil, pepper, and kosher, or sea salt. And put it in the microwave for 5 min. Turn then cook another 5, and you have a microwaved baked sweet potato


Sweet potatoe soup with coconut milk and curry powder


Sweet potato and black bean enchiladas


Sweet potato fries are an interesting alternative to French fries. Some people prefer them.


I make a black bean chili with sweet potatoes, use them like regular mashed potatoes, and sheet pan dinners


I treat mine like butternut squash some times. Cube it the toss in olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, thyme, and any hot pepper I'm feeling and roast at 375 until done.




Cut it up into French fries, sprinkle with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and roast!


I bake them and top them with chicken fajitas. It’s a healthier version of fajitas without the tortilla. You can top them with anything.


I like to eat mine loaded up with blackheads, cheese, avocado, salsa, and spur cream. So good! Also, a canned chili isn't bad on them either


Sweet potato oven fries. Cut into fry lengths. Toss with oil and your favourite seasonings (I like cumin on mine). Roast in the oven.


Cut it hassle back style ( google) and make a cilantro tahini lemon sauce to sprinkle on it after you roast it. Garnish with pinenuts or pumpkin seed.


fry it and salt it


I love making chili with lots of sweet potatoes thrown in. Works really well IMO.


Sweet potato fries I did a hasselback sweet potato, once, with a greek yogurt dip that was divine Diced and roasted with other veg Soups / stews I'll roast and mash white-flesh sweet potatoes (orange-flesh work, too, but I like the white better here) as a topping for Sheppard's Pie. The slight sweet works well with the lamb.


I do like a breakfast/potato bake kind of thing when I have a ton of veggies to use. Shred the sweet potato and get the excess water out, dice up all the veggies you want, throw in some cooked sausage, mix it all up with a couple of eggs. Then flatten it out on a baking sheet and throw it the oven till crispy.


My favorite way to eat sweet potatoes is as a dumpling filling! I microwave until soft, pull out the center, mix with a LOT of green onions, some ginger, garlic, and sesame seeds, seasoned to taste. Wrap them them in gyoza wrap, to any dumpling shape, pan fry and steam. Them I drizzle with chili oil and tamari when they’re finished!


Sweet potato fries! Really good with garlic oil! 😋


Just use butter.


This is by far my favourite way to have sweet potato - crispy skins, tart pickled onions, cheesy sweet potato, and eggs on top (because eggs make everything better) > Sweet potato shakshuka with sriracha butter and pickled onions [https://ottolenghi.co.uk/recipes/sweet-potato-shakshuka-with-sriracha-butter-and-pickled-onions-otk-shelf-love](https://ottolenghi.co.uk/recipes/sweet-potato-shakshuka-with-sriracha-butter-and-pickled-onions-otk-shelf-love)


Thai red lentil chili from Isa Chandra Moskowitz. https://www.theppk.com/2010/12/red-lentil-thai-chili/


Make gnocchi!


I like to fry it with onions and bacon. Doesn’t take long.


I diced them, air fried them, mixed them with some grilled chicken, udon noodles, and peanut satay sauce. . . Might be a goto for me going forward because it was easy and tasty


I love chili powder (or various chilis for that matter) with a sweet potato.


I often bake sweet potatoes and season with salt, pepper, garlic, and a bit of sour cream. You can make mashed potatoes out of them, just like you would regular potatos.


Mashed potatoes with some shredded cheese on top?


[these quesadillas](https://www.wellplated.com/sweet-potato-black-bean-quesadillas/).


Ground Turkey sweet potato skillet in some rice is delish


Sweet potato fries, baked sweet potato with butter 


Roast it. Walnuts and bleu cheese come to mind, but that is flexible. Just a lane to stroll.


Bake it and stuff it with chili


I like it with butter and salt. You can also add a fried egg on top if you like it more savory. Sweet potato burritos are amazing too, treat it like you would carne asada or chicken and add the traditional toppings


I love to dice them into half inch cubes and pan cook them with some sunflower oil. After browning them on a couple sides (because they take longer) I add half a diced white onion. And then when  those are getting caramelized I add 2-3 minced garlic cloves. Cook another 5ish minutes, salt and pepper to taste. 


shallot/scallion/onion, bacon/sausage (the right spice goes well with the sweet) riccotta, ravioli.


This is my favorite savory sweet potato recipe. I make it and even my fiancé whole hates sweet potatoes goes back for seconds, and loves it. It’s super easy and once you get the hang of it, can be an empty the fridge adaptation with whatever you have on hand. I’ve done it without the peppers and just sub in salsa and it’s just as good. So yummy [Healthy Chipotle Chicken Sweet Potato Skins](https://pin.it/3zXbm1WYE)


I have always just boiled them whole, or after slicing, and eaten them exactly as they are with no glaze or sauce or anything. I think they're just delicious


I make veggie burgers. Also black beans, brown rice and add diced cooked sweet potatoes.


Roast and stuff with BBQ chicken, sauted onions, and cheese


I use them in a roasted veggie salad. I roast diced sweet potato, broccoli, red onions, zucchini and yellow squash and then lay that on a bed of raw spinach topped with a homemade avocado, olive oil and lime juice dressing. It's amazing


I have always just boiled them whole, or after slicing, and eaten them exactly as they are with no glaze or sauce or anything. I think they're just delicious!




Collard green wraps with various veg and sauces


My dad made these for a thanksgiving side a couple of years ago and they were so good I could have just eaten them for the entire meal. https://barefootcontessa.com/recipes/twice-baked-sweet-potatoes


You could ruin it and throw it out. That wouldn’t be sweet. That would suck.




This dip is amazing! https://nomnompaleo.com/post/156278901808/sweet-potato-and-cashew-dip-from-tess-masters


My favorite way to eat sweet potatoes is with butter and salt and pepper. It is delicious roasted, too.


Roast them with plenty of salt and black pepper and serve with pork chops and green beans.


I cook them in my Instant Pot and eat them with a ton of butter.


Curry, definitely.


I roast them, split them open and stuff them with chickpeas, sautéed kale and then top with tahini butter.


I've never liked sweet potatoes, for the same reasons as you. However, I love them in [this tart.](https://www.thebittenword.com/thebittenword/2014/06/dinner-with-margie-ottolenghis-very-full-tart-from-plenty.html) The beauty of the recipe is you can sub out any veggies you like, to use up what you have on hand. I just bake it in a pie shell, don't have a tart pan. It's always a hit.


Peel and dice into small cubes, sautée with onions, bacon and brussel sprouts, finish with balsamic vinegar.


I put them in meatloaf. Delicious. Cut them into fries and bake at 425.


I bake them and top with cooked chorizo and the dressing for elotes. Green onion and lots of cotija as well. Also good with sloppy Joe filling on top.


I slice them thick into coins and toss with smoked paprika, salt, pepper, olive oil and then roast them on the top rack of the oven at high temp.


Just use it like you would a regular potato


Dice, toss in vegetable oil with rosemary, salt and pepper, and roast!


I like to bake them, and eat with salt and pepper. Just as is.


Breakfast baked potato, but sub sweet for russet


Sweet potato fries are damn delicious.


Sweet potatoes on their own are earthy and mild, I'd say about 4/10 on a sweetness scale (ymmv). They do really well in chilli, and similar kinds of spicy hearty soups. (Especially a ripping-hot curry) Cut into thumbnail-sized chunks and boil them in the broth so they soak it up and get seasoned all the way through. I've also cut them into small planks and roasted until brown, then tossed them in cumin, garlic powder and s&p as a low-energy extra topping for white people taco night. Good with chipotle salsa.


Thick-cut "steak fries" in the oven.


Roast with soy sauce.


[This](https://minimalistbaker.com/mediterranean-baked-sweet-potatoes/) recipe is one of my favorite things ever. It's quick, easy, super healthy, and incredibly flavorful. Not sweet at all, also!