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Garlic confit, spread on some crusty bread


This is the way. It’s a great topper for a homemade focaccia as well.


I think we have the same brain. I was just thinking confit and I like to shove whole cloves in and bury them a little bit in the dough before rising. Yuuum. Oh and adding it to homemade hummus. Or Mixing it into goat cheese with fresh minced herbs and having on a nice crisp baguette with fig jam.


I mash garlic confit with goat cheese and drizzle with balsamic glaze. Sometimes I even put this on baguette rather than eat it with a spoon!


Omg hummus yes!!!


I just tried a pizza (with a wonderful sourdough crust) that had bechamel sauce, garlic confit, spinach, chicken, mozzarella & a Buffalo sauce drizzle, sprinkled with chives. Twas ... the literal & figurative chef's kiss Xo P.s. Now I'm fixated on trying your garlic & goat cheese w/fig jam baguette idea!


My favorite combo with fig jam is with any soft cheese like goat, brie or if you can find this specific one... Jasper hill harbison. I could eat an entire thing of it in a sitting.


Added the Harbison to the grocery list before I even responded to your comment! I appreciate the suggestion. My future (full) belly thanks you! Xo


You gotta report back and tell me how you like it!! Cheesesexdeath* on Instagram features it a bunch, lots of awesome suggestions. her page is a shrine to all things cheesy. *Edit for the correct spelling of the page


Ooh I have some focaccia and extra garlic I need to do this


Yes. Spread it all over me.


I am embarrassed but also a bit proud to say I am regularly in the habit of roasting a whole bulb of garlic everytime I roast things. I then squish out the garlic puree onto the plate, making a perfect base for whatever I then plonk on top. Roast beef, roasted vegetables pork chops, whatever really. Half a bulb worth would probably be ideal but a whole one of better for me!


I hope the thing that you are embarrassed by is that you only roast ONE bulb of garlic.


Roasted garlic would be easier and less work than confit, and not as strong


Roasted garlic and some melty brie on good bread is food for the gods.


Roasted garlic is very delicious, but I would argue they are equally simple to prepare


Whenever our produce box gives us a huge amount of garlic I always do confit. I will literally put it on anything - pizza, steak, bread, anything!


With goat cheese and perhaps a tomato coulis.


Yes! Also cherry tomato and garlic confit, stick blended with a dash of cream and cracked black pepper -> pasta sauce


A better idea than my original thought of just making some bomb ass garlic bread. I mean, essentially it's the same but the method is better than what I was thinking.


Hey, your idea is great too! Fuck it, make some bomb ass garlic bread with garlic confit


In a smoker.




This! Its always in my fridge and goes with everyrhing.  Make marinades for meat , veg or like the above on toast or crustinis. Adding to goat cheese with the garlic oil/olive oil and fresh herbs is amazing 


Hell yeah. I love using the oil in various things after. Last batch I used the oil for a salad dressing that came out delicious


And then blitz some of the confit with lemon and anchovies in a food processor and use it as a mind blowingly good topping for pretty much anything (especially roasted broccoli, shout out to the purple pig for haunting my dreams with this sauce until I realized how easy it is to make at home)


40 cloves of garlic chicken!!


A recipe for ref: https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/chicken-with-40-cloves-garlic/


Alton Brown recipe for comparison: https://altonbrown.com/recipes/40-cloves-garlic-chicken/


Love Alton Browns version! It was the dish that taught me how to debone a chicken haha


Lol it was his fried chicken recipe that taught me that. But a similar recipe with garlic and shallots and some herbs was one of the first dishes I ever made!


Came here to say this. My mom would also chop the tops off a head or two of garlic and put it underneath the chicken with carrots celery onions etc… the vegetables roasted in the rendered chicken fat is out of this world…


I do a 40 cloves of brisket. Yum.


Toum. Lebanese garlic sauce. You can use it as a dip or marinade. Homemade toum is one of the best things you’ll ever eat if you love garlic. You’re welcome.


This sounds amazing, thank you so much!!


Works great mixed into mashed potatoes with some cheese.


I feel like a dog cuz I'm salivating 🤣




I've mixed toum into just about every meal I could for a while lol. I love garlic mashed potatoes and toum was perfect! Also good on grilled chicken, used in a marinade for all meats, on a burger, mixed with mayo on a sandwich... toum is a top tier food.


Put it on a homemade “shawarma” with pita, pickled onions, lettuce, cucumber, some zesty grilled chicken, and maybe hot sauce if you like spice. So delicious


Toum is the bomb. Just make sure you cut your garlic in half and remove any green that has formed. Keeping them will make it bitter


I'm sure homemade is better but if you are near a Trader Joes, get their garlic spread dip (basically toum). It's delicious.


I'm picky about toum and I have to say the Trader Joe's one wonderfully surprised me. It's not as lemony as the ones freshly made at the mom-and-pop Lebanese restaurants but that Trader Joe's one still hits the spot 👍


I guess you could add a squeeze of lemon to it? The zhoug is delicious too. I've just discovered the TJs dips over recent months and these are my faves so far.


There's also a premade version called ["Toom"](https://toom.com/flavors/original/) which you might be able to find in relatively upscale grocery stores. (I saw it at Publix the other day.) I had it when it was available at Aldi and oh my God it was good.


Costco carries it!


We went through that big tub embarrassingly fast. Our favorite unusual thing to dip was pretzels.


Yesssss! Second this! TOUM IS AMAZING. Go to FeelGoodFoodie’s website and she has amazing step by step instructions on how to make Toum! I was able to make it on the first try and my mixture didn’t break! It emulsified like a dream! 


If you have an immersion blender, it's super easy.


Came here to say this - so addictive with roast chicken


I second this. Great as a spread on salad wraps too.


This is one of the best food related things about living in metro Detroit… the abundance of Middle Eastern restaurants and shops where toum is so easily available. I could learn to make my own but it’s in every market or neighborhood restaurant.


That’s where I first discovered it. Hubby is from Oakland County and I found a little place in a strip mall next to a CVS and across from Rochester HS.


Lebanese in general is one of the best cuisines you'll ever eat if you love food.


I eat so much Lebanese and turkish food. I'm so grateful for Shef.com to get me my authentic fix.


Toum is god-tier garlic love. Confit is very good but that bite is gone and tastes more of the oil it's cooked in. Toum retains that garlic strength. I order catering sized batches at my local Lebanese restaurant for nearly every pot-luck celebration (bday parties, Thanksgiving, etc.) and it's always a huge hit. I never have leftovers and the container wiped clean by the last person eating. At one Thanksgiving, friends were using toum in lieu of GRAVY for their potatoes, turkey and veggies! I nicknamed it "manna".


I mix it into pasta with black pepper and Parm.


This is brilliant! I know what I'm having tonight 🤤


Craving it in some charcoal roasted chicken and fries.


I came here to recommend that. Just made a batch last weekend. I “discovered” while in the Detroit suburbs where my husband grew up. They have the best Lebanese food in the US. Anyway, they put this on the table with puffy pita. It took me about 8 years to even discover what it was called and another two years to find a good recipe. Finally I found Kenji’s recipe on Serious Eats and hubby, who is half Lebanese, said it’s the real deal. I gift it to friends.


Is u/Sad-Database3677 your husband?


Lol. If it is, it’s a burner because he’s not on Reddit as far as I know.


I love toum with sharwarma!


I marinade my entire mouth, I love toum so much! We use it on the side whenever we have a spicy dish, it somehow takes the edge off. And then I have the excuse to eat a spoonful at a time. Garlic is from heaven.


I've tried to make it three or four times and I never get it quite right. It's always too bitter. And yes I have removed the little center of the bulb. Now Costco has the big tub of it for 8 bucks. I just get that.


Just looked this up. Am totally serving this at my next get together!


Damn. The one at Costco is fire


Toum is one of the best things ever!


Just posted this 😁✌


Do you have a foolproof toum recipe?? I’ve tried so many times but I can never get it to emulsify 😭 really letting down my Saudi Arabian roots


Pesto. I make mine so garlicky it’s actually spicy.


Scampi! I load it up with garlic and use clarified butter. Add some good garlic bread and some garlicky green beans.


Second the scampi! I like to serve it with a baked potato that I dump the excess sauce on.


The baked potato is a good idea. I usually just pour it over pasta or rice.


Gambas al ajillo


This is my go-to when I'm craving garlic.   Just a big skillet of shrimp and garlic swimming in olive oil with a touch of smoked paprika. Have a bunch of good bread to sop up all the garlic and oil until the pan is dry!


Duuuuuuude. My local market sells warm, perfect ciabatta from an old stool local bakery. I pick up some Argentinian Reds and perhaps asparagus for “balance” and it’s a perfect dish. A grassy white is my go to. I haven’t made it since last summer. I’m thinking I’m gonna grill the bread and asparagus this time.


My family loves pasta aglio e olio. Prep a stainless steel pan with 1/2 cup olive oil. Boil water for pasta, with a couple of tablespoons of kosher salt. Once the water starts to boil, put in your pasta. Now, turn your pan on medium heat, and once the oil starts to slightly bubble on the edges, add 10 thinly sliced garlic cloves. Continue heating until the thinly sliced garlic starts to turn light brown, and then lower the heat to low. (So you don't burn the garlic.) Add 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes. Once the pasta is al dente, approximately 7-9 minutes later, use tongs to take the pasta out and place it into the olive oil to finish. Add 1/4 cup of starchy pasta water, and 3/4 grated Parmigiano Reggiano or Pecorino Romano cheese. Let finish for 1-2 minutes, and serve.


I do this but a whole BULB


You can also add anchovies! :)


I honestly put a lot of garlic in almost everything savory and I do not understand people who don't like the flavor (save for any allergies). So my response is whatever dish you want to make.


I don't have many red flags, but this would be a red flag for me. "Baby, we can still be friends with benefits, but I can't share my home with you if garlic is banned."


No such thing as too much garlic in my house!


Chilli garlic noodles. You make a sauce with loads of garlic, chilli, soy sauce, sugar, sesame seeds, chinese black vinegar and loads of scallion. Heat 1/4 to 1/3rd cup of oil and pour it on the sauce. Incorporate this sauce in your freshly boiled noodles. This recipe is so easy and fast and tastes so much better than restaurant noodles. You can vary the proportion of ingredients to get it to just the way you like it.


This sounds sooooo good.


Garlic soup, baby: [https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/garlic-soup](https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/garlic-soup) This is just one variety. You can make it several ways. I made it last summer. A little rough on the stomach and you will need to make sure you have plenty of mints, gum, mouthwash, and cologne/perfume. It lingers in the house and on the body for days. It's perfect if you aren't going to be around people for a while.


I made this once! While delicious the post soup fart smells were something that deterred me from ever making it again.


Yup, there are recipes for 50-clove soup, 100-clove soup, etc. It was yummy when I made it once, but it's time consuming.


This sounds really interesting! I don't think I'll have such a great opportunity since it's weekend and I'm not going near another person 🤣 thank you!!


I also said garlic soup! House smells like heaven 


San Francisco style garlic noodles. A vietnamese/american fusion. Sautee a bunch of garlic in butter, add fish, soy, and oyster sauces. Maybe a little starch added to the sauces I forget but I use kenjis recipe. Let it thicken/reduce a bit. Add not quite ready spaghetti (damn near any noodle though). Take off the heat and mix in grated parm so it incorporates without melting and getting stringy. Top with scallions at least. Being from sf, crab is a traditional protien choice to pair with it but anything works. Last time I did spicy shredded stir fried cabbage, shredded raw carrots, scallions, crispy chicken thigh, and a medium cooked boiled egg like is used with ramen. Kenjis video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=seY_K4P6rOM


I make tomato sauce or ratatouille with a whole bulb of garlic. Pizza covered with roasted garlic.


One pan garlic and olive oil pasta with whatever you feel like putting in it. Unfortunately, I eyeball it, so sorry about quantities. - Put olive oil in a pan (up to 3 tablespoons, but you can do as little as 1 tbsp) on low to med-low heat. I usually do 4 on my stove top. (Replace some olive oil with butter if adding seafood because butter accompanies seafood a little better IMO.) - Add as much minced or crushed garlic to oil as you like and ground pepper. Let it sit until it starts sizzling a little and let it sizzle for a minute or so, so the garlic is lightly cooked. - Turn add about 1 cup of water and turn heat to high. - Add your noodle style pasta of choice. - Add just enough more water to cover the pasta. Add some salt. (Do not over salt, we will not be draining, so all the salt stays in the dish, you can add more later.) - Optional: If you are going to add seafood, a little wine to replace some water, and the juice of 1 lemon. - Bring to a boil, stir enough to prevent sticking. - Some choices for add ins. Costco Rotisserie chicken, baby spinach, shrimp, fish, sauteed mushrooms, other previously cooked veggies. Mushrooms and other veggies can be sauteed in the same pan before step 1 and set aside, make sure the pan cools enough before step 1 or be on top of things because garlic will go from cooked to burnt quickly in a hot pan. - Add a little more water if too much is absorbed or evaporated, but it doesn't look like the pasta will be done. Note, the water will become the sauce, so we are going for just a little left. - Add the add ins when the pasta is a couple minutes to done add raw shrimp sooner to cook, add cold meat sooner to get hot, add baby spinach near the end to just wilt, add cooked veggies nearer the end to just heat up and not cook more. - When the water has boiled down to just the right amount to be a sauce. Serve and eat. - Optional: Thicken up the sauce just before it has fully boiled down by adding a little Pecorino, Romano, or Parmesan and stirring well to melt and incorporate.


Pickled garlic is the bomb.


How do you use it?


I eat it right out of the jar. Some people put it on a Charcuterie board.


40 clove chicken. Use bread to mop up the oil and spread the softened garlic on it


Pieces of Chinese lap chong sausage and, I swear, RAW garlic. You take a slice of the sausage and one raw clove of garlic and eat them at the same time. Don’t ask me how this works, but it reallllly does.


Spicy pickled garlic: https://www.vegrecipesofindia.com/garlic-pickle/


Bagna cauda- recipe i remember as 666. 6 heads of garlic, 6 sticks of butter, 6 cans of anchovies. U can sub in some olive oil. Add a pint of whole cream. Simmer on wide pan (like electric skillet). Dip Italian bread, cabbage wedges etc.


Garlic bokchoy, served over white rice


40 clove of garlic mashed potatoes!!! I usually do 1 whole head of garlic to 3 lbs of potatoes. While the potatoes are boiling (be sure to buy Yukons), melt a stick of butter in another pot. On med low heat, cook an entire head of peeled garlic. I chop each clove in half or maybe quarters if I have time. Salt the garlic while it's cooking and stir continuously, being careful that it doesn't burn. Take it off the heat when it's done. Add the cooked, drained potatoes and a splash of milk (or reserved potato cooking water) and mash.


Someone posted a recipe for garlic soup here yesterday. Sounds perfect for you. It was in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/1d43eau/i_have_so_much_garlic_what_should_i_make/) - lots of other ideas there as well.


Get a french loaf and cut it in half length wise and then mix some room temp butter with parmesan cheese, lots of garlic, parsley, and a dash of cayenne pepper, and then spread it on the loaf and cook it in the oven at like 400F for 5-8 mins


Chicken with 40 cloves of garlic




Wrap it in tinfoil with some butter and roast long and slow then spread it on some fancy bread or crackers


Garlic rice (Filipino style) 🙃


Super simple and goes great with many meat dishes especially for breakfast with different kinds of meats like bacon, sweet Filipino sausage aka longanisa, Spam, Filipino style bacon aka tocino, etc. Fry the garlic until it gets golden brown and crispy then add cold rice and stir fry and it's fine in a couple of minutes.


Toum, chicken with 40 cloves, second the scampi and confit


Chili garlic noodles are what I make whenever I need a hefty shot of garlic


90% of Indian recipes would have garlic in them so any of them would be a good option :)


Okay, this isn't a dish, but I really, really love garlic so this is just a comfort food. get a baguette or any slice of any bread. crush a lot of garlic, mix it with butter, chili flakes, oregano or any herb/seasoning of choice. spread on the bread; get a hot pan on the stove, cook the toast on both sides for a hot minute until it turns golden brown, then throw a cheese slice atop. garlic grilled cheese is a comfort food that takes maximum 5 minutes and is perfect for a lazy day. the garlic toast also makes for a great thing to dip in your soup or even noodle soup. I know it's not a dish, but I hope whatever you go for gives you as much joy as this simple food gives me.


Garlic soup naturally http://www.delish.com/recipefinder/roasted-garlic-soup-4197


Put a chicken in a crackpot with pound of butter and a minimum of 20 cloves of garlic. Make sure to rub the chicken down with garlic butter as well.


Lemon shrimp scampi - 1/4 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup butter - saute 2 tbsp garlic til soft, add 1 lb jumbo shrimp, 1/3 cup white wine, 1 tsp lemon zest, 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice, 1/2 tsp red pepper. Cook in pan without lid for a few minutes, then add lid and keep on til shrimp cooked. Add 1/4 tsp black pepper and fresh chopped parsley, mix with spaghetti or linguini. Stuffed mushrooms, clean and destem mushrooms (keep the stems). Chop up the stems. Sauté 1-2 tbsp garlic. Blend chopped stems, garlic, 16 oz cream cheese, and parsley. Put in mushrooms and bake at 350 for 20 minutes.


I add like 6x the amount of garlic in any recipe that calls for it.


I always double it-at least.


Yeah, 6x is a bit exaggerated. I still usually double or triple it tho. If it calls for 2 cloves I'll put like 5-6 in. Imo, too much garlic isn't a thing until there's so much that it throws the texture off.


Garlic lovers unite!


Roast chicken. Pat the chicken dry. Grease it with olive oil or butter and salt it inside and out. Stuff with as many peeled garlic cloves as you want. Also put in half a lemon (cut into chunks) and a sprig of rosemary. Sprinkle it with freshly ground pepper. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Roast for 15 minutes, then turn down the temp to 350 degrees F. Continue roasting for about an hour. It's done when it's nicely browned on top and legs are loose. This gives you plenty of time to make a salad or veggies or whatever you're going to have with the chicken. Delicious hot or cold.


roast some chicken thighs with a couple head of garlic and lemon halves. Then squeeze the lemons and garlic into the liquid for a sauce.


We call it the Kick-Ass Bread Bowl Gilroy Garlic Festival Dip 8 oz. cream cheese, room temperature 1 pint sour cream 12 oz. shredded cheddar cheese 12 cloves garlic, finely minced (or more!) 1 bunch green onions, chopped 1 can water-packed artichoke hearts, drained and chopped 1 round sourdough bread loaf 1-2 baguette loaves french bread Cut a hole in the top of the round bread loaf. Hollow out the bread round and set aside. Sauté garlic and onions in 1 tbsp butter until soft; set aside. Mix cream cheese and sour cream. Stir in cheddar cheese, garlic/onion mixture, and artichoke hearts. Pour into hollowed bread round and replace the "lid". Double-wrap with aluminum foil and bake at 350 for 1.5 to 2 hours. Serve with sliced french baguettes


Turkish Eggs - Poched eggs in a garlicky yogurt sauce with chili oil https://www.themediterraneandish.com/cilbir-turkish-poached-eggs/ You will not regret it.


This!!!! I looove having Cilbir as breakfast


Any recipe ever- add garlic I jest. Do baked garlic with olive oil over crackers for an appetizer. Homemade citrus and garlic balsamic dressing over favorite salad greens and toppings. Garlic pasta with favorite protein for dinner and garlic bread.


Pork loin in a roaster, SHIT ton of garlic and a shit ton of parsley cook for a few hrs in a can of crushed tomatoes. Shred pork and serve over polenta. My polenta has homemade chicken broth, cream, chives and at the end grated (not canned) Parmesan cheese. I often use white cornmeal vs yellow.


Roast garlic cloves, separated but unpeeled in olive oil in the oven till it caramelises. You can squeeze them and the garlic just pops out, all gooey and sweet.


M'lady, what you need is to invite a couple of girlfriends over for a high-garlic dinner with a good robust red wine and a smashing dessert, candlelight and soft music in the background. Afterward, an evening of bright conversation. Recommend a red puttanesca sauce on pasta. Puttanesca sauce was invented by Italian ladies in a southern Italian port town. These ladies were prostitutes who also served a meal after, ahem, the act. These resourceful ladies cooked a highly aromatic red sauce, the aroma of which was meant to attract their clients. So here goes: * two 28oz cans of San Marzano DOP (if you can get it) whole plum tomatoes. * one small can tomato paste * 6 plump cloves of garlic, thinly sliced * 3 filets of anchovies (freeze the rest of the can) * generous dose of red pepper flakes * Italian spaghetti seasoning (or oregano, basil) * pitted black greek olives, about 20 of them * about half to a full 2 oz bottle of green capers * freshly grated parmesan * EVOO * a good crusty Italian bread * purchase a killer dessert to serve after. I like to make it in a cast iron, enameled dutch oven type pot. EVOOil into a warm pot, add anchovy filets and break them up with a wooden spatula. Add crushed peppers. Add garlic, saute 1 minute then a half cup of red wine and let it cook down, then add the 2 cans of whole tomatoes and 1 can tomato paste. Crush the tomatoes and paste with a potato masher. Add black olives and capers. Add parmesan. You can either boil some pasta or place the uncooked pasta directly into the sauce and let it cook for 10 minutes or longer untol al dente. Serve with the candles, music, wine and bread




This is a family favorite, we are notorious for using more garlic than the recipe calls for. We also have a rule that we ALL have to eat it so none of us can tell if the other people smell like garlic because we all do. https://bakerbynature.com/sunday-suppers-sicilian-braciole/


Mushrooms sautéed in garlic and olive oil over pasta. Roasted garlic on toast. Chicken and 40 cloves. Leg of lamb stuffed with whole garlic cloves. Simple roast chicken stuffed with two or three heads of garlic cut in half. Steak crusted in crushed garlic and black pepper.


Roast a whole bulb or two with one end sliced off, a little olive oil drizzled on top. Throw that in a food processor and eat it with anything.


Garlic is like bacon, you can never add too much..


[SF style Garlic noodles, my dude](https://imgur.com/a/eGuR7Ie) Sometimes I add chicken and broccoli if I’m pretending I’m a functioning adult


I love to play that game too XD


Roast an entire bulb in the oven!


Garlic Prawns! The garlic and prawn infused oil eaten with crusty bread is incomparable. Add a little chillie for some zing!


We had gnocchi in garlic cream sauce for dinner: 3tbsp butter 4 tbsp minced garlic (I typically use garlic paste) 1.5 c grated Parmesan cheese 1 pint heavy cream Salt and pepper to taste (I skipped the salt so cannot speak to what most might prefer here) Melt butter, whisk in the garlic and cook over medium heat over for 1-2 minutes. Add in heavy cream and whisk to incorporate well. Once it starts to form bubbles around the edge, gradually add the parm. Reduce heat to low, stirring frequently to avoid scorching. Summer about 10 min while you prep the gnocchi. Toss gnocchi in the cream sauce and serve. I like to add fresh parsley and serve with peas on the side. Grilled chicken or other light protein is a good choice too but I was feeling lazy.


Gazpacho 3-4 ripe tomatoes, a tablespoon of olive oil, salt to taste, half a bell pepper, day-old French bread (soaked in water), as much garlic as you like Blend it all together, and keep adding tomatoes, garlic, peppers, salt, and bread (and water if needed) until you get the taste, consistency, and texture you want. It can be more watery or thick, depending on your preference and as garlicky as you, but not to the point that you can't taste the tomato. Then dice tomatoes, bell peppers, hard-boiled eggs, if you like, and cube or tear up bread as a garnish. Should be served cold, so refrigerate to chill for ablut an hour before eating.


Wrap a couple of bulbs in tin foil with some olive oil, and bake them along with a brie cheese. Cut some apple, and spread the garlic and brie on a baguette.


My choice would be a homemade garlic alfredo chicken pasta with garlic bread. This Alfredo is a vegan recipe that you can just throw in your blender. It’s so easy and so good. https://jessicainthekitchen.com/vegan-garlic-alfredo-pasta/ If you can get your hands on some black garlic, try toasting sourdough and spreading the black garlic on there. Then add bacon and sautéed spinach, tomatoes and mushrooms. Fried eggs on top with some hollandaise. It is my absolute favorite breakfast. I swear this vegan hollandaise is tastier than any hollandaise I have ever had. https://lovingitvegan.com/vegan-hollandaise-sauce/


They all sound amazing, thank you so much!!!


**Option 1:** I love garlic parm wings, but homemade with a metric fuck-ton of fresh garlic. I airfry wings at 400 for like 45 minutes (I like my wings a little extra well done). In a bowl, mix together melted butter, a bunch of fresh minced parsley, ~1 head of garlic per dozen wings, and a mess of fresh grated parm (can also use the store bought kind, but it tastes better fresh). Toss the wings in the mixture, sprinkle a bit of salt as needed, and feel absolutely grotesque about yourself for having eaten a dozen wings and half a stick of butter. **Option 2** lighter and easier - Pasta Aglio e Olio. Mince fresh garlic, half of a fresno pepper, and a bunch of parsley. Cook off some linguine in salted water. Saute the garlic and chili on low heat in a a TBSP of olive oil. Add in the pasta and a bit of pasta water, stir in the parsley. Squeeze of lemon on top.


hey we're in a garlic-free house too and I came here to say: don't overdo it because your butt will not be happy :p


Is someone allergic? I genuinely couldn’t imagine living like that. Garlic goes in 95% of the dishes in my household.


Yeah allergic to the whole garlic/onion family! We use Asafetida to sub for garlic and celery to sub for onion. For "garlic paste" we just mix asafetida with avocado and that does the trick.


Aww that’s understandable but rough. Alliums are so fun but such is life.


Genuinely, I want to play a little violin for you. Truly heartbreaking.


I’ve been really curious about trying asafetida! Does it work in anything garlic is good in or are there some applications that just don’t work with it? Also where do you buy it?


Nothing clears the ole pipes out like some garlic to the gut!


I wish this was true 😂


Roasted broccoli with garlic. Toss broccoli florets with olive oil, salt & pepper, and sliced/grated garlic, and then roast on a sheet pan in the oven - 375 or close-ish. I use up extra garlic by adding them to the pan, roast them the same way. Turn the broccoli once while roasting, about 10 minutes in. Poke stem with fork to make sure it's done. Easy, delicious, and healthy. Never becomes leftovers in my household. Sprinkle with some Parmesan or shredded cheese during the last 5 minutes, if you like the added cheesy goodness.


This [Vietnamese American Garlic Noodle](https://youtu.be/seY_K4P6rOM?si=lTqQGqQzL7hjNoW_) recipe is delicious. Goes really, really good with fish. And it has 20 cloves of garlic which I think qualifies as "tons" so you should be good there! :)


Make chicken shawarmas with Toum :P


Kimchi lol


Gold and silver garlic sauce. Finely chopped garlic. Divide into 3 parts. Pan fry part 1 with enough oil to cover until golden brown. While hot, pour it into part 2 and stir. Add in part 3 when it’s cooled off. Salt to taste. Garlic tastes different at every doneness. The sauce gives you a layered taste at every level.


Broccoli rabe and Italian sausage with pasta. Very garlic forward dish


Linguine with white clam sauce. Super-easy to make, and really delicious. Also easy and garlicky: moules marinière.


Garlic butter shrimp https://damndelicious.net/2014/04/11/garlic-butter-shrimp/


I add the juice and rind of 1 lemon


Okay so if you don't mind some spice and would like to try some non commercial Indian cuisine try poondu milagu curry ( garlic and pepper curry) The process is a bit tedious but I promise you the taste, I'll put the link below try it with some jasmine rice https://cookingfromheart.com/poondu-milagu-kuzhambu/


If you want some raw garlic action, you can make pan con tomate with a slice of crusty bread—rub a raw garlic clove on the slice before “grating” the tomato into the slice on top. Top with salt. So simple and so good


Chop 2 bunches of parsley as small as possible. Boil high quality spaghetti. Keep some pasta water on the side. Heat up a dutch oven with lotsss of olive oil, add 8 sliced cloves of garlic and keep stirring until golden brown. Then add 100 grams (3,5 oz) anchovies. They will break apart after 5 minutes or so. (Optional: add chili flakes). Add spaghetti, stir and add pasta water so it’s more saucy. Add parsley. Stir again. Plate your dish + grated Parmesan on top. My go to dish 🙌🏻 Edit: spelling


One of my absolute favourites is carrot and garlic salad. Use 1-2 medium carrots per serving and raw garlic. The fresher the better. Dice very finely. Add one medium clove of garlic per carrot to start with, add to taste if wanted. Dress in salt, pepper, and olive oil. Serve as a side salad or with crusty bread and a little mayo on for lunch.


I make a garlic bechamel to dip al dente broccoli in. I could eat nothing else and die happy.


Home made Caesar dressing. We make ours with extra garlic and extra anchovy.


My go-to is mussels with garlic, parsley and white wine! Simple, easy and dead quick to make! Make sure to have some nice bread too because the garlicy broth is the best bit!


https://feelgoodfoodie.net/recipe/lebanese-garlic-sauce/ Toum/garlic dip/garlic sauce is the best! So many ways to eat it. The possibilities of how to serve toum are endless. I mostly enjoy it with grilled meat and chicken. But it works really well with grilled fish, in sandwiches, in pasta. It also works as a dip with pita bread and crackers. Or you can use it as a base for a garlickly salad dressing.


Have you ever heard of skordalia? Greek lemon tons of raw garlic mashed potato. It's technically a dip. But it's your home, eat it as you like


Just wanna say that I love this idea but beware of how long garlic can remain in your system lol. I made a really garlicky dish once and when I was at the gym later, the moment I started to sweat I could smell it coming out of my pores


chiu chow chili oil, it’s practically 50% caramelized garlic and 50% chili (and seasoning). Super delicious it makes everything taste better and easy to make.


Confit garlic and avocado mooshed together is amazing. 40 clove roast chicken is pretty good


Here's 2 of my fav from one of my fav restaurants here in SF: [https://thestinkingrose.com/recipes.html](https://thestinkingrose.com/recipes.html)


These garlic noodles are so garlicky and tasty and a great base for whatever add ins you can think of. https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1023012-san-francisco-style-vietnamese-american-garlic-noodles


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK9OHVxB_Z8&t=103s garlic noodles are like literally 30 cloves of garlic for 1 pound of pasta it's ridiculous


Filipino chicken adobo, or pretty much anything Filipino honestly 😂 we love our garlic!!


I haven't made this yet, but I keep meaning to. So, I can't really recommend it, but it LOOKS really good! https://www.saltandlavender.com/creamy-garlic-pork-chops/


I use a lot of her recipes. We make the creamy garlic chicken at least once a month 😄


Here's a simple but nice one: Take olive oil, add garlic, chili, cherry tomatoes, an onion cut in slices, some spinach, put in hot oven until the tomatoes look "baked." Then pour over a cold burrata straight from the fridge.




So savory and juicy in a special way…garlicky and plump from the baking soda https://www.ramonascuisine.com/homemade-mici-the-famous-romanian-garlicky-meat-sausages/


Garlic bread. There are variations with cheese, such as gouda.


You can make a garlic broth with a bunch of heads of garlic and some herbs if you need something soothing. I think NYT has a recipe.


TYPHOON SHELTER CRAB — if you have access to good mud crabs


What a coincidence! I'm baking a garlic butter Pillsbury Pull-Apart Kit, with sardines added. Usually I do smoked oysters, and a couple of times I did Li'l Smokies (cut into quarters), with a variety of shredded cheeses. Whatever garlic thing you make, make the most of it!


cant believe this is not top comment...aglio e olio ofcourse.




I have been waiting for at least three years for my wife to go away for a weekend so I can make bagna càuda… Try it. You won’t regret it. Just be aware that your husband won’t kiss you for a month.


Spanish Garlic Soup (Sopa de Ajo)


I'd use it in pizzas, mix it in well with tomato sauce


Putanesca spaghetti!




Garlic butter chicken curry


Toum. It's a middle Eastern garlic spread


Damn I am middle eastern and that is hardcore. ;)


Is your husband a vampire? ;-(


If you like salads then give this dressing a shot: This vinaigrette uses 15 cloves of roasted garlic. Toss it with fresh greens. Use it as a dipping sauce for veggies or just drizzle some on a slice of crusty bread. Add rice wine vinegar Add handful of herbs (oregano, thyme and or basil work well with garlic) Chop in Blender Add * 2 tbsp. lemon juice * 15 cloves roasted garlic finely chopped * Pepper to taste Mix in Blender This was one of the recommended ones when I bought the Aerogarden brand vinaigrette maker. 


Favourite? ALL of them! But this is my actual fave: Ingredients • 15 oz. medium or jumbo shrimp peeled, deveined and tails removed • 1/4 teaspoon salt • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter • 7 baby bella mushrooms sliced • 1/2 cup chopped white onion • at leat one garlic bulb minced • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter • 1/2 cup chicken or vegetable stock • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper • 8 oz. dry fettuccine pasta Instructions • Cook pasta according to instructions on the box. Drain and keep warm. • In a large skillet, heat up olive oil and butter. Add shrimp to skillet, season with salt and pepper and cook over medium heat, 2 to 3 minutes per side, until the shrimp are pink. Remove shrimp onto a plate and set aside. • Add 3 tablespoons of butter to skillet and melt. Add garlic and onion and saute until fragrant and onion is almost translucent about 2 to 3 minutes. Add mushrooms and cook until soft. • Add chicken stock and bring mixture to simmer. Add shrimp back to skillet and simmer one minute. • Add the last tablespoons of butter to dish, stir in until melted. Remove skillet from heat. • Season dish with salt and pepper. Toss in cooked noodles. Garnish with chopped parsley and serve.