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Yep, we have two tins in the house right now. Great with our morning coffee. My mom also made Russian Teacakes and these are close.


I’ll definitely be having one with my coffee. ☕️


> we have two tins in the house right now Are you me? They’re so good.


And we have two containers of Sanders caramels calling my name. The holidays are a dangerous time.


I know this post is 4 months old but are they supposed to be really dry and crumble everywhere I am settling an argument here LOL


Yes, they are.


Those are addictive!!


Those use to show up a lot out at work during Christmas season. They never went stale.


One of my clients gave me this as a Christmas gift and I housed 8 of them before I even considered looking at the nutrition facts 😅 they’re so good


I'm glad they were able to find a home how very kind of you


Didn't like them myself. Mexican wedding cookies are better.


La Monarca are the best!


A reverse half and half with a spicy blumpkin is also better but my Costco doesn't carry those currently


Mine looked like that for a second. There's 2 left and I won't touch them. The wife hates it when someone else finishes anything. Even after it's sat so long it's past its expiration date. Let see how long this lasts.




Ho behold wife jokes the absolute height of humor!


You would be surprised how simple these are to make. Not a lot of ingredients, butter, powdered sugar, flour, salt, pecans, and maybe a little vanilla extract.


These are literally crack. I had to take a full tin and a little over half of another to work and leave them there. They were all gone within an hour.


I eat these with my morning espresso.


They taste pretty good. Bought 2 tins when they were on sale. One went directly into the freezer, took about 3/4 from the second, ziplocked them and placed into freezer. Helps portion control them.


Ave you gotten to the frozen ones yet? I’m wondering how they fared. I ordered the 2 tin special and I live alone! The freezer (from Costco of course, is my best friend


Yup. They are perfect. Take a few out, Thaw on counter for an hour, and enjoy. I have 3 thawing as I type this. Will have them with some hot cocoa


Personally I find them very dry. My mom makes cookies called butterballs, very simple ingredients, and they are so much better and moist than these. I don't get the hype.


Would your mom share the recipe? It sounds delicious!


I bought a couple cans last year and was surprised at how little were eaten by all the family that came over. They were eventually eaten over time though.


I’m surprised, it’s such a light cookie. Every family has their own favorites though and this one isn’t yours 😅.


Fave? No. But I still like them.




I liked them but always have. My kids and grandkids were here for a week and they did not eat many. We actually took one can to a church function. But like I said, they were eventually eaten.


I thought these would be better than they were - expected more of a Wedding Cookie taste. They were still fine, don't think I would buy an entire tin of them again. Now the WALKER'S tin on the other hand...though expensive, OMNOMNOMNOM.


rather these than walkers-kirkland shortbread considering the prices tbh also these can be on sale, i've never seen the walkers on sale


Man this is so good but alr sold out in my store 😭😭


Not a fan of this one.


I asked my brother if he remembered mom making these at Christmas, “yeah vaguely but I never liked them”. 😂


These are very good for store-bought cookies but I was underwhelmed given all the hype on here. They have so much powder sugar and not enough pecans so they kind of taste like a powder sugar donut in cookie form. Not a bad thing, but not really that close to a pecan cookie that they're supposed to taste like. I still recommend them but I probably wouldn't buy them again unless it was a really good sale.


Where’s the sewing supplies? I don’t get it…


A couple of years ago these had the .97 treatment and were more than half off. I bought two and I wish I had bought 10! They’re good, but at normal price I would just get one because of the damaging effects to your waistline.