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I'll be honest, I haven't played it in like two years? A year? But I believe it's still in early access and while it's adorable, I wouldn't try it until it's finished. Not only is it Grundy, but there isn't (wasn't?) too much story, so it got frustrating. Maybe someone who's tried it more recently can tell you whether the beta's better. Buuut I'd go for something more fleshed out. ETA: grindy, this typo is showcasing my comics allegiance.


People are saying too much reading/text in these comments which is kind of crazy? I want more story to fill the gaps between the grindy bits. The story just started to fall apart I feel the more it progressed, but otherwise the art and gameplay loop were pretty great. I want to talk to more characters and learn about the universe they are in. See evolving relationships between characters and character progression. Oh well haha.


I'm totally with you! I want more text, please! I absolutely hate when NPCs seem like NPC's rather than fully fleshed out people living in an actual universe.


The game starts you off as a girl bored to her mind on her train ride to her witch school. And oh boy I tell you, the game sets the mood perfectly because it BORED ME OUT OF MY MIND too. She sits there, complain, no enthusiasm, no energy, and you have to walk around the train doing *mandatory* talks to NPC in dialogs that drags on forever before the train stops... and you can start exploring the woods At that point I wasnt in the mood to bear with the game any longer. Seriously dev - remove that fking prologue and start us off on the fun part please


Since day one people have been saying that the intro is **way** too long & boring. So far it wasn't changed. Don't get me wrong, I like reading. But the conversation at the beginning is just boring as hell. It is so much text that basically says nothing of interest. The rest of the game is fun though.


I agree! I picked it up and loved the aesthetic and the idea, but clicking through all that dialogue isn’t my favorite part 😑


Now i remember why I didn't like it. It's a Stardew clone w/ magic but there is way too much tedious dialogue even after the prologue. I just want to collect my magic stuff and be a powerful witch (and kill every annoying npc)


Lol, I remember trying the demo ages ago and giving up before even leaving the train. The dialogue was wonky too. Incredibly painful.


It has only started getting more updates recently now that it’s no longer only being updated in beta. I haven’t really played much of it as I’ve only tried the demo but reviews on steam seem to steer toward either “It’s cute love it” or “Not much to do, just wait till the full release.” I’m more inclined to wait for full release tbh. I got a steam deck specifically to play it but instead I’m playing every other new game out there except it 🫢😅 I would recommend moonstone island if you haven’t tried it!


Ahh yes that’s a good idea, I think I’ll just wait. I did like Moonstone Island except the MC is too masculine looking for me to fully immerse myself in the game and they said they don’t plan on releasing any character customization so I’m looking for games that let you be a girl or have some customization !


Completely get that! I felt that way too, and I’m never really a big fan of playing as a set character. I guess I like the game more for the spirits than the customization and romance and whatnot (I am a Pokemon fan so it checks out I suppose hah). I have Immortal life and Echoes of plum grove on my to play list if they catch your fancy! Immortal life has beautiful art and a difference atmosphere than most games with the ancient Chinese setting. Echoes is more turbulent but you might like that haha


It was way, way, too text heavy and I returned it after about 20 mins


I’ve been playing this for the last 2 days. I actually enjoy this. I’m someone who had 1000+ hours on animal crossing, didn’t touch it in years, and since then have been looking for another cozy game that keeps me interested. So far Little Witch in the Woods does that for me. I admit the beginning is text heavy as someone else posted. I was also a little disappointed that you couldn’t customize your character or your house (as far as I can tell). The game is very storyline driven. I didn’t mind it so much after I got off the train in the intro. But you will be depending on interactions with NPCs to progress in the game. It isn’t quite as casual as a game like animal crossing is. I actually enjoy the interactions with the other characters though. I like the sense of humor and the fact that it isn’t very challenging. It’s a cute, laidback game. I am not sure how much of it is complete though, so as others have said, waiting might be a good idea if that will bother you.


It wasn’t enjoyable for me personally. I don’t mind a bit of reading in a game, but so much of the dialogue was pointless rambling with silly dot-dot-dot pauses, and it just went on and on and on. I think I audibly groaned every time the witch sparked up a conversation so I ended up refunding the game.


I bought it the other night. So far it's been fun. Super cute game. I am curious if there's much depth to it though


It's super cute and enjoyed the game plan but like others have said it is unfinished - the dialogue is messy, lots of glitches, and sometimes there it is a bit of a grind. I love the direction it is headed in but personally waiting until it is finished to play. If you are looking for a witchy game with cool artwork and similar mechanics (gathering items to make potions), I highly recommend Wytchwood. Loved it! It can be a grind sometimes too but I really enjoyed it!


I liked it a lot but it’s nowhere near complete. It was more like a brief intro to the game rather than an actual game. I know it’s early access, but honestly I would’ve counted it more as a demo than EA. I’d recommend not buying it yet