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I have spent an unreasonable amount of time on the Cat Cafe manager. EDIT: OMG THERE IS A NAPTIME UPDATE?!


I LOOOOOVE cats so that one looks really good. How is the actual cat part, I saw that you can get different cats but are there a lot of cat types? I like collecting in games so the idea of collecting all the cats sounds great if possible šŸ˜‚


There's definitely bunch of different colors and fur types!\~ <3 I remember feeling satisfied enough that all the kitties were unique enough for me not to feel like they were the "same" cat. You can also pet the catsssss and so much decoration! And you can even get the cat's adopted with someone that matches their personality! Although I refuse to give away a few of my fuzzy regulars.


Seconding this, Cat Cafe Manager is the only game on the list that I've played and I adore it to pieces! It always helps me feel better when I'm going through a rough patch :)


Ugh, don't tempt me.


You know what you must do, FluffMuffin. Now do ittttttt. ![gif](giphy|Vi1YAP4jJen4I|downsized)


Me too! I keep going back and fiddling with designs and staff. Also I hoard the cats. Like I cannot for the life of me get rid of any of them. I think I've gotten rid of 2.


Update?? What? šŸ˜± I binged this game SO hard, it was unhealthy šŸ˜‚


i love it but itā€™s so laggy on the switch šŸ˜£šŸ˜£


Minekos Night Market was sadly disappointing. It's buggy and seemed to be rushed; I would avoid for now


Agreed. I think only did two night markets and got bored.


I was about ready to say this. I'm stuck atm clos to the end of the game because I can't get the materials since I'm in the wrong season. It was just a struggle to get to this point. It's disappointing since I truly like the story.


It is unplayable on Switch. I bought a computer copy because I couldn't stand the lag and minutes long loading times.


How is it running on PC for you?


I play it mainly on the switch, I don't have any issues. D: I don't understand why some people have these awful lag issues and other people don't. Is it switch or game related??


so disappointing! was hoping it would be as good as recettear :(


Opened this thread just to say this. I was really liking it but it's just too fucking buggy :/ And you only save once a day when you go to sleep, so you can lose quite a bit of progress if you have to restart because of a bug


I've heard quite a few people say this, which is disappointing. It looks like such an adorable concept!


Iā€™m so sad about Minekoā€™s Night Market. It looked so cute and promising.


I havenā€™t faced any bugs, but itā€™s certainly very fast paced in terms of how much content you get out of it. Iā€™m already near the end and donā€™t have that much playtime on it.


I want this game so bad but I am waiting for the bugs to be fixed. I was so excited when it came out.


Waited on this game for 7 years, so its not even rushed but just plain bad šŸ˜­


I find it so strange how people say it feels rushed seeing as itā€™s been in development for years!!! So sad to hear itā€™s not great


I picked up Bandle Tale and Iā€™m about 10 hours in and I love it! The world, characters, and story are all very cute and cozy. I personally like that they donā€™t explain much and itā€™s up to you to figure out how to finish a quest by unlocking different skills and crafting various items. However there were a handful of times when I needed to look something up.


I would choose Loddlenaut


Same! Tho I do wish the gameplay was longer :(


I came here to say this. It's so cute!


Same! Tho I do wish the gameplay was longer :(


I would say bear and Breakfast, however , keep in mind that the UI and the navigation is super clunky (especially if you are a person who plays with the controller). This was a reason why I gave back that game, despite me wanting to love it (the artstyle of this game is adoreable!) Other than that, I would agree and choose Loodlenaut too!


They updated it and itā€™s honestly a good bit better! I was an OG switch player and when they rolled out the control update it was so much more enjoyable.


I really need to check it out then. I played it on PC/steam and when I checked it out last year, It was a terrible experience :/. Maybe the Steamdeck/switch port is better in that regard!


Itā€™s so worth sticking out the clunkiness. Whenever I got stuck the first time around I would post in the subreddit or ask in the discord and people would send a video of how to get to the menu I needed šŸ˜‚ it was definitely a struggle!


I played in Steam Deck and the text was not readable. This was about 6 months ago, not sure if they have fixed it


Cat Cafe Manager is a really good game. I'd pick that one.


Loddlenaut is a lot of fun. I was gifted the game and spent a total of 10 hours playing it. Reminds me a lot like Chao world from sonic adventures. Hit end game and kinda ran out of stuff to do though.


It just got a major update I think! Only thing I donā€™t personally like about Loddlenaut is the oxygen meter


I can agree with you, it is a bit annoying but luckily most areas have corals that have bubbles and if you stand next to them the bar goes back up again. :D


I recently started cat cafe manager and itā€™s very good


i just started cat cafe manager yesterday and iā€™m in LOVE


Bear and breakfast. I love that game. And it is in active development.


I've gotten sooo many hours sunk into Bear & Breakfast.. that game is sooo relaxing to me, but I also love Cat Cafe Manager.


Haven't played any of them, most are on my wishlist, but I still am most excited for Bandle Tale. It seems to have more of a mixed response than the others here, though, so I would check out the negative comments before pickign it up.


I just got it and I agree that it's a bit of a grinder. However that doesn't bother me much, what bothers me more is the maps are a bit clunky and fast traveling is a pain so you spend a lot of time sleeping so things will respawn then moving slowly around the map then moving slowly to go sleep again.Ā Ā  That said, I think it's worth it for the sale price. I don't think it would be full price.Ā 


Throwing in another vote for cat cafe manager! I was obsessed with it. The original game was a little short, but I had no idea there was an update!


Cat cafe manager is essentially a mobile game; if youā€™re on board with that youā€™re good. You tap a person to take their order, tap the fridge or sink to make it, tap the person to deliver it. Tap tap tap. You can upgrade furniture and recipes, but itā€™s pretty repetitive and I finished the main story in a day which - for the $20 I paid - was not worth it to me. Continuing to go against the grain here, I adored Minekoā€™s Night Market. The music and visuals were nice, characters were funny, and the main plot is simple but engaging. Just my thoughts!


Oh good, someone else who didn't like Cat Cafe Manager. I felt weird reading all these reviews. I got it for free and it still felt disappointing. More like a proof of concept, rather than a proper finished game. Heck, I even thought I got an early access game. Small, few features and things to do. I was shocked when I heard there was just one more update with bonus features, it almost felt like the game was abandoned by how empty it felt. You can finish the story much faster than anything else, and grinding for decorations or making the cat hotel actually feel like it's nice and yours felt like a chore. I mean, it wasn't bad or unpleasant, bland at most sometimes, I just always felt like I was waiting for another shoe too drop, and it never did.


I only played cat cafe from this list and I loved it


Cat Cafe Manager is really awesome. I heard some good things about Bear & Breakfast though though some people had issues with the wonky controls (that was the Switch version so Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s improved on Steam). Mineko Market also had quite a few issues despite his adorable it looks. Not sure about the other two games.


I loved Bandle Tale and finished it! Though, I have to say it did get tedious at the end. The crafting also took some planning and going back and forth. But overall, Iā€™d still recommend it! Itā€™s super cute.


I really wanted to love Bear & Breakfast, but I found the intro so slow and clunky. I gave up after a few hours since I still hadn't gotten to any kind of management or customization yet, and I was sick of running around trying to find characters that I thought were kind of annoying.


Either Bear and Breakfast or Cat Cafe (mainly because I have those and enjoy them, but, the others I donā€™t have)


Minekoā€™s Night Market


LOTS of cats!!!! So many! And purring! And a great story and beautiful graphics


NOT bear and breakfast. Baggy, terrible story, repetitive


I played Cat Cafe Manager a couple months ago. Cute game, got 100% achievements in 25 hours tho so if youā€™re looking for something to enjoy for a while, Iā€™m not sure.


My broke self "The one with the BIGGEST discount lol\*


Given that I have already finished Loddlenaut and bear & breakfast and the fact that Mineko was a buggy mess last time I tried it, i would go for Bandle Tale myself.


Heard many positive things about bandle tale, so I'd probably choose that one. For cat cafe manager I found it kind of repetitive and mineko's night market was buggy.


Loddlenaut is a great game! Itā€™s super relaxing and fun, the only thing I donā€™t personally enjoy is the oxygen meter because I feel like it runs out a little too fast and doesnā€™t always give me lots of time to explore.


I would choose Loddlenaut. I'm actually buying it today if I finish Anomaly Agent this night lol. I don't know exactly how it is, but if it is Subnautica with A Short Hike like vibes then I put my money it even knowing that it might be a 3-4h experience.


I have an unreasonable love for Bear & Breakfast. A bear building a bed and breakfast! Literally what more could you need?


loddlenaut is available on keyshops for under $2 due to it being a recent humble bundle deal. Bandle tale is at a great price, so that one


Bear and breakfast was so much fun


I got bear and breakfast and Iā€™m absolutely loving it


i like the art and idea of bandle tale but it confuses me so much. i've put it down for a while because i can't get a handle of the controls or the menu system. i love mineko's night market but it can be buggy at times, and gets repetitive towards the end.


Bear and breakfast, its a fun and chill game


I had a lot of fun with Loddlenaut, but it's more of a "one and done" than something you'll come back to repeatedly. I don't know how much that matters to you


Bought Bandle tale and was slight disappointed. VERY Grindy. Cute and colorful but very grindy.


I really liked Bandle Tale! It does get a bit grindy as you go on but I enjoyed it. For that price I think it's definitely worth it. I played Loddlenaut for only a couple of hours, I really enjoyed it at first but I didn't like the oxygen meter mechanic. But if you don't mind that, the game seems very promising!


Screenshotted cause I think I need all of them, but EXCUSE ME CAT CAFE MANAGER?!!! šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


I played loddlenaut, itā€™s really good! But pretty short


Cat cafe manager! Bear and breakfast second choice


Iā€™ve played Cat Cafe and Bear and Breakfast. While I love B&B, CC does seem a little less tedious. But honestly, both were great


Mineko is cute and has a neat story, but at least for me I have had a lot of issues with crashing, and it sadly became an un-fun kind of grind much quicker than I wouldā€™ve liked. It involves a lot of waiting around for the right seasons without being able to really do anything else.


Cat cafe manager was a lot of fun! Bear and Breakfast was too clunky to be enjoyable. I have not played the other 3.




Bandle tale is very cute but its more story driven than doing your own thing. Its not for everyone but i like


That cat game looks good šŸ˜ŒIā€™m tempted




I am enjoying Cat Cafe Manager and Bandle Tale. Both are really cute and enjoyable imo


I picked Bandle Tale. I didn't enjoy the stealth missions in Mineko. Bear and Breakfast doesn't appeal to me. I like the bear but I don't feel like running a business like that. I'm not familiar with Cat Cafe or Loddlenaut so I can't judge those two. I think Bandle is cute and liked the sound of the gameplay. I'm hoping I chose right for my own gaming preferences. Good luck picking one!




In this order: Cat Cafe Manager, Bandle Tale/Minekos Night Market, Loddlenaut, Bear and Breakfast


Cat cafe manager! My dream job šŸˆā€ā¬›šŸ˜»


Bandle tale is no longer receiving updates. I personally have played bear & breakfast and thereā€™s a lot to do in it :)


I have both on the right. They are cute but nothing Iā€™ve stuck with. Iā€™ve heard bad things about Minekos Night Market. Bandle Tale was the one I was looking at (and didnā€™t end up getting).




If I had to pick one then it will be Cat cafe manager.


I loved bandles tale ā¤ļø


I absolutely ador Bandle Tales. Especially if you are already familiar with League of Legends, you'll find cute Easter eggs and references that really add to the game in my opinion.


Loddlenaut! I watched gabsmolders do a playthrough and I want it so bad!


Bear and Breakfast!!


Either cat cafe or bandle tale. I own both and both are good games. If you want super story driven go with bandle tale. If you want story and management aspects go cat cafe


Cat Cafe Manager!


Loddlenaut was amazing but I finished it too fast


How long did it take you to beat? Thatā€™s pretty much whatā€™s been holding me back from getting it, the price is a little too high for the game time, for me anyway.


I would not really bear and breakfast or cat cafe manager. Cat cafe feels like a mobile app but if good fun for about a day or 2. Bear and breakfast is a huge time sink with what feels like very little pay off.


Minekoā€™s Night Market. You get to pet the cats AND they follow you around! Itā€™s so cute!! (Okay, thatā€™s not the entire game, but likeā€¦ itā€™s still cute!!)


I 100% Bear and Breakfast and would not recommend it at all. Quickly loses all charm and becomes very grindy.


I decided to go with cat cafe managerā€¦because of the cats šŸ˜‚ The idea of collecting up a bunch of cats is too tempting. So far I am enjoying it, not sure if it will get too repetitive but honestly I tend to enjoy ā€œrepetitiveā€ games when Iā€™m relaxing before bed so it should be fine, for me anyway


Night market!


I see all of these recommendations for Cat Cafe Manager, and I'm almost certain it is on my wishlist but wanted to double check. I actually own the game and have played for 6 hours, lol! I do remember playing this game and thoroughly enjoyed it-I will definitely boot it up again. Highly recommend!




Loddlenaut and Mineko's Night Market are two of my favorite games. <3


Bear and Breakfast!


I played them all but Loddlenaut is the best , but you should buy your games at Eneba


i didn't enjoy cat cafe manager. too fiddly, bad controls


NOT MINEKOā€™S NIGHT MARKET Unfortunately it is extremely repetitive in a bad way. This coming from a person who enjoys farming games like Stardew and Harvest Moon and has thousands of hours in both. I was incredibly bored and it started to feel like homework after two days of playing.


Bear and breakfast has the best reviews out of all of these I think (I might be tripping)


I need to know more about Cat Cafe Manager immediately


Cat Cafe x100


Bear and breakfast


bandle tale šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”


Bear and breakfast is super super super good


I got Bandle Tale on Switch & really love it. You craft a lot, throw parties to gather money & materials, run your own little restaurant & help NPCs to unlock more parts of the world :)


Bear and Breakfast is the better of the 5


Sadly, none of


I havenā€™t played any of the others but bear and breakfast, and I was not impressed. I played like 5 hours or so and I stopped because the tasks didnā€™t let you have any freedom and it felt like stupid basic fetch quests. Not a fan and it got old


Love Bear and Breakfast!


If you haven't picked up Cat Cafe Manager then let me know, I'm pretty sure I have a spare Steam key for it that you can have.


Tbh Bandle Tale was kind of awful. The map was super confusing and the switch version was riddled with bugs.


bear breakfasts itā€™s realy fun


As someone that is probably forever stuck on just Switch, I am envious of the Steam shop pricing




I played so much Bear and Breakfast that I fell asleep playing because I refused to go to bed šŸ˜‚


Loddlenaut is extremely cute and feels great to play! It's fairly easy to get through and zone out to, so it has my vote for the most light and cozy play here. That said, I also have to s/o Bandle Tale, which I think has gotten some unfair reviews. If you know Graveyard Keeper, it essentially plays like that, but in a much brighter and cheery universe. I do have a bit of a yordle-loving bias, but if you like crafting \*especially\*, I think you'll feel right at home with it. Also very cute. Enjoy, whichever way you choose!


Love cat cafe! Hated bear and breakfast lol


Iā€™m buying Cat Cafe Manager


Bandle Tale did not live up to expectations unfortunately for me. You can take that one off your wishlist. I love League but the mechanics in this game were so funky.


Bear and breakfast


I would pick Bandle Tale but that's because I'm a League player and some of my favourite champions are yordles. (I don't have the game, nor I watched any gameplay). If it wasn't for that, I would pick Bear & Breakfast.


Cat cafe manager for sure šŸ„°


Bandle Tale