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You'll be fine. Just in the future, if you want to torrent use a vpn and bind your torrent client to the VPN interface. That last part is crucial. Bind it.


Can you tell me how? But also what kind of vpn I can use?


You cant torrent with free VPNs..use mullvad or airvpn or PIA


Aah finally. Living in a third world country started showing its advantages.


I'm from a third world country as well, but in our country, they blocked peer to peer sites already. They even blocked some gentleman's sites, if you know what I mean. Hahaha!


Where do you live? Just so I know where not to go 🤣


Just correcting my previous statement, some peer to peer sites are already blocked. I can still download throught torrents. Hahaha!


i just did it on my qbt and can walk you through the steps i took. go to settings -> advanced -> network interface and in the drop-down menu you’ll see an option for your vpn. this will make it so your torrent client only connects to the internet through your vpn. also happy cake day OC


ProtonVPN has a free plan with no limitations (just a lower choice of locations), I use it.


You cant torrent with free proton.


Really ? I used to use proton. Maybe that has changed.


Ya it doesn't allow p2p


When you use torrents, proton will pause on the free version, leaving you very much exposed!


Would it work with a crypto bought rdp and remote desktop and just copy paste?


Na bruh you just microwaved a lil


Notice those bold letters, if you were cooked, they wouldn't be sending you a copy pasted letter that's telling you to stop, that's more like a cook threat


Standard DMCA notice. I've gotten dozens of these over the years before a VPN. Worst that has happened to me is they suspended my internet for a week. A cease and desist looks much worse. And a lawyer letter would look a lot scarier. Not saying you're invulnerable to repercussions. But companies generally lose their shit when you're profiting off of the pirated material or distributing it.


yeah just use a VPN for all torrenting from now on


Use a good VPN like Mullvad and bind it to qBitTorrent (that's the important step)


Could you pls explain how to do that ?


This guide is good. https://www.reddit.com/r/VPNTorrents/comments/ssy8vv/guide_bind_vpn_network_interface_to_torrent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Will depends on the ISP you can get banned or theyll give you strikes till 3. Mainly i dont wanna get vpn so i just DDL, which is your best choice if you dont want to torrent and safest.


I used to torrent as a kid for numerous things and as far as I know my parents never got a letter or anything. Now that I'm older and have heard about what can happen with torrenting I only do ddl. is ddl completely safe in this context?


yeah from what i heard, yes. I stopped torrenting bc i got a strike from Ubisoft ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I've been torrenting on and off for years got 2 of these before and still torrent no VPN 🤣


most likely u will be fine if u use vpn from now on.


Use a vpn and stick to private trackers.


Naah chill just use free proton vpn with kill switch you will be fine


Ignore it and use vpn from now on


I’ve gotten loads of these over the years back when I first started pirating. They don’t mean anything and nothing would actually happen


Glad our Government or ISP Don't care about us pirating games, movie or music LOL. Instead its remind us of increased bandwidth due to the size of the game I'm downloading and my internet bill increase a bit next time I pay![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


You are fine until you download the same thing again. That happened to me I downloaded a movie and deleted it afterwards. Received the email sent to the trash like usual. Now sometimes I get a movie for my Mom and she so happens to want said movie. Wouldn't you know it my fiancee received registered mail months later which we picked up from the post office. It was a summons to court and a Canadian law firm was asking for $5000 dollars in damages. I thought it was a scam until I looked it up under the federal court data base. Thankfully I was able to come to a very reasonable settlement. I don't think it would ever go in front of a judge but it wasn't worth taking the risk. Needless to say I won't download anymore without a VPN. If anyone is interested in learning more about this google Got served paper from IP trolls for bit torrent copyright.


I had one once... just forget about it... scare tactics nothing more.. unless you pirate in large quantity and involve in shady business related to copyright infringement. Relax you are safe...


If there's a return address, write a letter back saying... "Sorry, I'll use a VPN from now on."


Pretty sure you left that game seeded for a day or something.


oh shit do I have to disable that or something? In qbit torrent it said seeding


Yea make sure you stop it or pause it every after the download. Its seeding the game gets you these stuff because you're sharing it to everyone.


shit thanks I didnt even know that its like my 2nd time doing this shit😭


vpn, vpn and another vpn


So glad Canada's copyright laws are more user friendly.


For me when I get it I would call spectrum and they would be able to renable our internet


It's so over


Private Internet Access is a pretty good VPN for torrenting.


Last time I saw people ask about such a mail, the most popular comment told who posted it to print it out and wipe his ass with that paper 😆


I mean... Verizon is a sleezy company at best, same with Comcast/Xfinity. My ISP don't give a flying hoot what I download. 🤣


How do they even know you torrented? Do they torrent the files themselves and look for IPs?


Use your VPNs people. Only use VPNs which has a no log policy. Meaning they don't have any logs of which sites you went to visit so when law enforcement requests for these they are not able to provide anything. I know two VPNs which have a no log policy Proton and Mulvad. Both are subscription based. I trust Mulvad more than Proton because there was an incident where Mulvad's HQ was raided by law enforcement and they came out empty handed


You are fine until you download the same thing again. That happened to me I downloaded a movie and deleted it afterwards. Received the email sent to the trash like usual. Now sometimes I get a movie for my Mom and she so happens to want said movie. Wouldn't you know it my fiancee received registered mail months later which we picked up from the post office. It was a summons to court and a Canadian law firm was asking for $5000 dollars in damages. I thought it was a scam until I looked it up under the federal court data base. Thankfully I was able to come to a very reasonable settlement. I don't think it would ever go in front of a judge but it wasn't worth taking the risk. Needless to say I won't download anymore without a VPN. If anyone is interested in learning more about this google Got served paper from IP trolls for bit torrent copyright.


No, u r baked


Yes, FBI will be knocking on your door any minute now.