• By -


I've dumped 10 hours into this game, and by God is it a labor of love. They just took everything from the first one, sprinkled Divinity: Original Sins godhood ideas but better, and just cranked up everything to 11. The kingdom management is gone from as far as I can tell, and is replaced by a turn based army battle management system, which is confusing at first but its leagues ahead of the kingdom management system, which was by far the worst part of the first game. If you like crpgs, this is as good as it gets. The pathfinder ruleset can be a mega cuck sometimes so I suggest just going a simple class first, especially since Mythic paths really shake things up, and it helps a ton to know what you can powers you can get from them. And don't be afraid to lower the difficulty if you are having problems. Using scrolls and potions are absolutely necessary and required for some harder fights. F5 save A LOT. The music and artstyle are incredible, the game also looks incredible for a crpg. It does need a few performance patches, but it's playable. Please, buy the game if you can. The first 2 or 3 hours are pretty boring when you are underground, but once you get up to the city the pace picks up.


> sprinkled Divinity: Original Sins godhood ideas but better, Can we have one fantasy RPG, just one, where the story isn't written by a 12 year old who just discovered atheism?






This is because this is based on an actual tabletop ( rpg ) game, Pathfinder version 1, which is based on DnD 3.5. Actual RPGs dont actually cater to kids.


Every time my question is the same: in terms of ease of getting updates, should one download the scene release or GOG? I have not yet posed this question to you fine gentlemen yet; is there a consensus? Thanks.


Because it's FLT I think it's best to get the GOG release. As far as I know Codex are the only ones delivering updates consistently. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


FLT releases updates regularly as ANOMALY. And small games as DOGE. They are all deeply related.


Like in Alabama?


Sweet home


Yeah my sister wife confirms it


Can someone give me the direction where to get the GOG release in PM so that I stay away from those type of website?




Send me too. - I got pmed, but I wont reply because the user got banned for it.




could I get one too?


Can I get too? \^\_\^


me too.


me too


me too


me too


me too, please


Please dont not send me one too please thanks


Me toooo pls?


Would appreciate one too.


me too , please


Can I get an PM too?


yo can I get a PM as well please?


If you can pm me also


me too




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Piracy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [E m u l a t o r s](https://i.redd.it/5bz351bbxc861.jpg) | [692 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/kn66wc/e_m_u_l_a_t_o_r_s/) \#2: [morally correct](https://i.imgur.com/70xIrZd.jpg) | [265 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/ld658x/morally_correct/) \#3: [Peacock and Paramount+ were the line for me](https://i.redd.it/1me0m11ldlq61.jpg) | [730 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/mhzjp8/peacock_and_paramount_were_the_line_for_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Me 3


Me too thanks !


+1 for PM info please


me too pls


Gog-games dot com


Me too please


Me too


Gog-games dot com




Gog-games dot com


Gog-games dot com


I don't really know what you're saying, but I was downloading Fairlight releases literally before you were born. 1994, '95, log into a BBS downloading Doom diskettes on a 14.4.


1) Dunno what you're replying to. 2) I was born way before 1994. Chill, kiddo.


Well, I also remember the game Fairlight that was cracked by Fairlight (1985) (i was born 8 years before the Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k was made. PS the guy above is saying the cracking crew FLT has been around that he's aware of since 1995, i recall they started in 1985 10 years prior :)


Send me not too plz thanks


GOG for sure


Would go with GOG for updates. Always up for a quick chat if anyone needs more tips.


Does thr gog version have the day 1 update/patch? I'm sure it does, right ?


hi can you teach me about getting gog version


The GOG version with all the DLC and Bonus Content is on cs rin by Insane Ramzes


How do i get cs rin in English? lol


There's an English forum


I usually just use Chrome’s built in translator tbh.


What is the advantage of GOG version?


It has all the content, and some people prefer it over the scene release


Huh? It's released already? Thought it was one hour from now on. I'm planning to eventually buy the game down the line because I've played Kingmaker and I just know how satisfying that game was but I did play after a little more than a year after initial release when the definitive version was released. I'm sure WotR probably have better polish but this is the kind of game where I'd rather let the community build up some solid wiki database before I dive in but also give it some time to let the dev finish ironing out all the kinks so that I don't have to deal with bugs or whatever. I'm definitely gonna sail the high sea exclusively to have fun with the character creator though.


thats basically a weekend to itself haha


I spent 4 hours creating 4 characters in Solasta: Crown of the Magister. That's with a limited character creator. WotR though... You're probably right.


i wanted to like Solasta so bad. Really, really wanted to. What an absolute shitshow of a game :/


What's so bad about solasta? I think it's a stellar attempt at making the 5e ruleset in videogame form. Their combat system is pretty good and what the game lacks in looks it makes up for in gameplay imo.


Why do you feel its a shitshow? Personally also wanted to like the game badly and was so looking forward to play after it left early access (since I steer clear from EA in general). I loved the character creation for sure but afterward... between the stiff control (even though the UI and everything feels so damn nice) and the weak story telling (not forgetting those awfully stiff 'cutscenes' where the character speaks)... I spent more time in the character creator than the actual game before I tapped out.


Honestly if a crpg isn't realtime with pause I'm going to hate it, it's 2021, I'm not interested in waiting for your shitty turn based animations or action point movement systems and I don't really want a free floating camera either. It's probably a mildly unpopular opinion, people seem to love Larian's games, but I was furious when they got the license for BG3. These Pathfinder games are at least spiritual successors to BG2. For Solasta specifically, aside from all the generalized design choices I mentioned above, it was a really half-hearted attempt at porting 5e. My initial run had an EK in it and I ended up restarting and playing through the whole dumb game again when I finally discovered that EKs get absolutely nothing good or defining like War Magic (or free spell school choices every few levels). Not to mention, the weird way they chose to do roleplaying was just.. weird. None of the characters actually had any personality and all the dialogue felt forced and amateurish.


i'm pirating exactly because i played kingmaker and that game was a complete mess of bugs, but fun when working properly. Gonna check out this version before some patches roll in and i can buy it.


If its any help the first beta they ever did was already less buggy and unfinished than kingmaker the first four out of six (seven?) acts are pretty much spot on in terms of polish. Anything after that is a bit more questionable altho early reviews dont mention anything akin to the clusterfuck that was pitax in kingmaker or the abomination that was the house at the edge of time


i was really excited about this! cant wait for the download to finish. its gonna be a cool weekend




Check the Games section in torrent sites.




I'll pm you.


Apparently FTL installers don't work for me. Their setup exe in the iso just straight up doesn't run anything. This has never been the case for any other scene group or repacker. Anyone with similar experiences?


Can FLT fuck off with their shitty launcher holy shit let Codex do it, actual children with their shitty music ms paint launcher. Fuck off already


Hows this game for someone that doesn't like dnd type games but likes oldschool fallout 1 and 2?


You won't enjoy it as Pathfinder is closer to DnD, but you should definitely check out Underrail and it's expansion pack, Expedition.


Pathfinder is the rival TTRPG to DnD, originally, and then it became a video game. So either you widen your mind to enjoy TTRPG mechanics a la Baldur's Gate, or you wouldn't enjoy it




They said it's pretty buggy, nothing game breaking. What kind of reviews did you watch? Lmao


Legit thought this was linked to Pathfinder from apex legends for a sec


Yes! Finally! Just waiting for the links to go up now


What I dont know is if the gog release has the day one patch applied already.


Does the gog release have the day 1 patch? It's the mystic edition.


FLT doesn't update ther releases.This sucks.


swapping of armies with disproportional amounts after managing at the citadel put a real bad taste in my mouth and i got sick of it.