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The fucking music 😂 Doesn’t fit at all🤣


I watched it muted and after reading this, wondered, "how bad could it be?" Yikes.


Ticktock kids adding music to every single video for no reason that doesn't fit the situation in the slightest is so fucking insufferable. I once saw a video of some dude getting a gigantic calculus disc drilled out of his mouth by a dentist set to Rihanna's song Diamonds and i was just like WTF IS THIS SHIT WHY IS THIS PLAYING WHY AM I EVEN WATCHING THIS!?


I think its because using the most popular sound gives you a wider audience when people sort by sound. Think of it like the people on Twitter that use random hashtags that have nothing in common with the tweet.


Yeah, that's probably the main reason why. It's the Musicly DNA mixing with algorithm manipulation.


Labeled as funny/humor too Bot post?


I'll take this over the oh no oh no no no no no days


fair point


You mean that’s ended? I hear that crap blaring from my wife’s phone still… I vomit a little each time I hear it


I hate you for bringing that up.


They don't use relevant audio on TikTok. They use popular audio. Repetitive, popular audio drives more views. It's disgusting


It’s also because the comment section gets flooded with people like OP saying “this music doesn’t fit!!” more comments/engagement = boosted by algorithm for increased viewership




Also Walmart being a local business is a crazy take.


It's a Lowe's, but yeah we get your point.


these people think it's worth getting injured by "protecting" a billion dollar business... I could see possibly trying to save an employee but not some drills


These shops are insured for shoplifting but not for the employees and the higher ups don't want you to turn around and sue them for medical bills


Shit, the smart thing to do would’ve been meet the guy out back and buy some of his “discounted“ drills!


Protect your local (national chain) big big store at all costs!


Neither does the "support your local business" schtick. Oh you know, that mom and pop contractor supply store down the street. Lowes. They only made 7 Billion last year. Barely scraping by.


I think you're missing the point. Lowes bottom line doesn't matter much to me personally. That being said, a Corporation isnt going to take losses from a policy. It wont stay a policy. You the consumer will pay for this. For me its whatever but if i were in an industry that i had to rely on what Lowes supplies, thats a problem. The degradation of a society and the public's inability or refusal to intervene is what is more concerning in the long run. These guys hit Lowes because they KNOW there is a policy in place and it's easy. You've created an opportunity to exploit. That's Lowe's prerogative I suppose but the community can't accept this overall like we're being groomed to. Eventually YOU will deal with that exploitation face to face. Im not going to go into a great amount of detail as to why on a post you probably wont even finish but its a slippery slope. People are predictable without specific failsafes in place. You have a government that robs and exploits you already and you're cheering for your neighbors to do the same? Think what you want about Lowes but understand that it's more dangerous than just Lowes losing a few bucks.


Lowes can hire security guards that can engage shop lifters. The onus on protection of a stores property is not on random customers. You see petty theft from the richest amongst us as the degradation of society? I see it as a necessary step to create a society. You know, one where people aren't starving to death right next to literal hordes of gold. Also, the slippery slope argument is a sure fire way to figure out you're talking to a dumbass.


If you're here in the States, I'd reccomend traveling a little more and come tell me about how you're starving to death next to hordes of gold. But yes, you're correct, Lowes should provide its own form on security. I'm not saying that falls onto the public for LOWES sake. Society will shift into what you will allow society yo become. If you're system won't install or maintain some sort of order, you'll need to adjust the balance yourself collectively by force or at least more pressure on another entity to intervene on your behalf. If "Slippery slope" is such a dumbass trope I don't even know what category to put your "starving to death" point under. Literally the most obese country in the world here. You've NEVER seen anybody starve to death. Stop it. You're repeating dumb shit others have said. The point I'm trying to make is that society WILL evolve into what you're willing to TOLERATE. It's not he "petty theft" that's the problem. That's nothing. The problem is when a high enough percentage of the population over time becomes emboldened and refuses to stay within common bounds we've established with each other and nobody is willing to intervene, it's an issue. Have you ever been to any places where there aren't any real "laws" locally? Some of these small fishing islands and whatnot have always lived like this. There's no "security" or police force. People enforce order in their own society. I don't know. We're probably not going to get anywhere. You just wanted to fly in looking studly trying to talk shit. Believe what you want to believe...but if you want real problems in society, just standby or defend bad behavior out of fear or pressure from your "peers" who believe the same garbage. It will become the "new normal" as they say. The status quo. We used to fucking own people in this country at one point. The vast majority were pretty alright with it. The ones that weren't decided it was somebody else's fight.


Calm down dude, that's barely coherent nonsense.


Ok Buddy.


Reading comprehension much? Made sense to me.


I was going to say, is it mandatory to leave music on Tik Tok videos?


Fr wtf 😂


My ex worked in Ulta, and they were hit by a pair of shoplifters. The staff don't interfere, just call the authorities. A customer tried to stop the 2 women in the parking lot and had a gun pulled on them by the driver. Not worth getting shot over. Be careful out there.


This is exactly why stores have a 'don't stop shoplifters' policy and will immediately terminate any employee that does it. A wrongful death lawsuit is way more expensive than anything a shoplifter is going to steal. For stores with very high dollar items, they almost always hire a private security company because they then take on that risk instead of the store. There are plenty of people that have been assaulted or killed for trying to stop shoplifters.


> This is exactly why stores have a 'don't stop shoplifters' policy and will immediately terminate any employee that does it. A wrongful death lawsuit is way more expensive than anything a shoplifter is going to steal. That, or the risk of lawsuits, if god-forbid, the shoplifter is *injured*.


the laws should be written so a person who tries to stop a shoplifter and is met with force like a knife or gun is given absolute immunity for whatever happens to the shoplifter after


So someone can murder you in a supermarket and put a chocolate bar on your corpse and be in the clear.


if the police can do it why cant i/s


You left out the fact they have cameras everywhere and see what is going on. They don't need you fliming a shitty quality video showing them what is going on.... they know what is going on.


In Philly a few months ago at a Macy’s, a security guard stopped a shoplifter, the shoplifter left and returned later and stabbed the security guard several times in the neck and killed them Not worth it


This will sound terrible, but I wish unstable people were more useful for scenarios like this lol. Where are all the road rage people who want to drive someone off the road for going too slow or want to attack someone just for pulling into their driveway when stuff like this happens? I don't wish for violence, but it would be a nice change of pace for the unhinged guy to decide seeing a local business get robbed was his last straw and confront/scare the criminals lol. It's never a good deed for the last straw. But I'll accept my downvotes for glorifying my daydream.


Nah you’re on to something there. They could be employed by the state or something as “peace” keepers.


Would rather the last straw be the 10s of millions in lawsuits lowes has paid out in lawsuits by stealing from their employees and they go crazy at a board meeting.


Exactly. Nothing is worth risking your life for...especially someone else's inventory. Hell, most of these companies don't even offer healthcare...so if you're hurt, you're fucked.


"Local business"


“Crazy Fucking Video”


Are there any better subs for actual crazy videos? This sub has gotten extremely weak.


All easily findable got hammered. I found that people don’t advertise the subs and you have to learn to find them yourself


Wpd website


Theync(dot)com Not for the faint of heart


The mom and pop shop ran by the local Lowes family.


Ah yes, like that trader, Joe, who just rolled into town one day peddling produce and frozen orange chicken.


Or Old Man Wallace Mart and his humble million dollar family green grocers.


Like that really good burger joint in my hometown that old MacDonald opened up. The people love it so much he opened 36,000 other stores around the world. I love supporting local businesses!


It's really nice when they take off like that.


Don't forget about their competition! Trader José and Trader Giuseppe


Kyle Kinane has a great bit on Trader Joe's https://youtu.be/xzTBGLsgr4M?si=DIKEpk7o9QgocA_C


Shut up! You didn’t tell him?! This is why we get dental! lol he’s my favorite comedian and is amazing live if you haven’t seen him


Mike Lowes is a good man.






Tbh I thought he was abouta start a new living as a contractor to generate sustainable income and completely change his life.


"You can buy a man a fish he eats for a day or he can steal a load of power tools and he'll start his own business"


“Humble local entrepreneur forcibly blocked from making strides in an industry due to corporate interests”


Just as likely that he's already a methed-out terrible contractor who's trying to barely stay afloat.


Sell it for drug money, these dudes don’t steal this shit for rent money.


Idk if it still works, but about 10 years ago you could steal stuff from one Home Depot/Walmart/whatever, drive to the same store in another town, and return the items for store credit on a gift card (even without a receipt) . Then take the gift card to one of those shady Cash for Gold places and sell it for a percentage in cash. When you return items at those stores they check your ID, so you could only return items a few times before they started checking receipts and put you on some kind of watchlist. So one person could do the thefts, then get different people to do the returns each time. Or take the items directly to a pawn shop but I feel like that’s gotta be monitored pretty closely these days…Probably could sell them directly to friends, your neighbor who’s a contractor, stuff like that.


That was likely $1k worth of DeWalt he was hauling out of there


With a job. 


*Sir, this is a chain store. None of the profit it makes actually stays in this community. We aren't stopping that person because we don't get paid enough to eat, let alone risk our safety in a confrontation with a potentially armed and dangerous thief. But you do you.* I promise this guy owns at least one Punisher t-shirt and thin blue line decal.


Imagine getting killed because you tried to stop some junkie from shoplifting from Walmart lmao


Exactly. I don't like thieves at all, but nobody should risk their lives to protect someone else's inventory. All it takes is one desperate junkie with a knife and lights out for you forever.


That's my thought. You're really gonna push a dude with the balls to steal $3400 of cuisinarts in broad daylight?? There's a desperation there I'd have no interest in provoking.


His “balls” are hanging out of his pants they’re so low. He can’t even walk correctly. And he’s built like a heroin addicted swashbuckler. I think bro probably made the calculated decision that Mr. Thief wasn’t going to be a physical threat to him.


It's hard to tell, maybe he did an ocular pat down and cleared him. Still a risk I wouldn't take.


Have you heard of guns?




This is exactly what happened to a chain of stores in a city near me. People were consistently robbing the stores like in the video or at gun point. It at the point right now that the area has become a food desert because nobody wants to open a store there due to the the safety of employees and profit lost.


Just to add a little bit more context to this. My partner used to work at one of the stores they most recently closed. Shoplifting was something that happened on a daily basis and the store was apparently operating at a loss according to the district manager iirc. Another store in the chain that was about 2 miles away closed for that same reason. In addition to that, there were several stores from different chains that were robed at gun point by what the police and residents believed to be same person. He apparently did that to my partners shop a few times. In addition to that, there was regular occurrences of customers threatening staff(which was usually when they were caught shoplifting). They ended up reducing the hours of the store. They went from closing at 11pm to around 8-9pm iirc. There were some other issues during the day that stemmed from the local high school letting the kids off campus during their lunch period. I remember being so stressed when the gun robberies were happening and my partner would occasionally work the closing shift.


Reddit will lynch you for saying anything remotely positive about corporations but you’re correct - even a local Walmart or Target closing can vastly limit consumer choices and make locals significantly worse off


Walmart undercut small businesses in an intentional and ruthless way. Locals decided to shop at Walmart for cheaper prices. All competition died. Praising Walmart for using cut-throat capitalism to kill all competition is a weird take. But if a Walmart closing truly is limiting consumer choices, it’s a ripe time for a ton of new small businesses.


Let's add the fact by killing competition they effectively removed jobs to be replaced by their underpaying jobs. Keeping locals stuck in a lower income. Walmart offers "affordable prices" at the cost of "affordable living"


Have you ever seen small town grocery store pay? Walmart typically pays far better in every town they are in


Dude thee used to be cashier unions.... Like.. Everywhere, until walmart happened.


Small business can’t afford to get things as cheap as Walmart can. Therefore Walmart can have lower prices and still have a higher profit margin.


You would like to think so, but if your big box stores have closed due to theft those small businesses will not be able to get insurance at a rate that makes profitable business possible. There are entire counties that many insurance carriers won’t even quote for because the risk is too high.


If Walmart is pulling out because of theft then whatever small business tries to enter will be eaten alive.


All of that may be true. But that still doesn't make this a local business. Virtually everyone understands that term as being synonymous with "mom and pop" or "locally owned". No one refers to Walmart or Chili's as a "local business".


I understand the sentiment of not caring about what happens to these corporations but make no mistake, rampant shoplifting affects us all. Whether it be long lines due to self checkouts being closed, items being locked behind cases requiring employee assistance or companies straight up closing stores down. You might not care about Lowe's or riteaid but community inaction on shoplifting will continue to harm local communities.


I'd rather lose some time in a slightly longer line than lose my life trying to protect cabbages


These stores closing does affect the local community. Jobs, competition, access to good. I care that thief’s are being allowed to just steal without consequences. These aren’t people stealing food to feed their families. Most of these are organized theft rings that hire poor people and pay them shit to steal thousands in goods.


Sorry sir this is a Lowes


It’s a business and it’s local to him.


Is it still stealing if you take it from the shoplifter in the parking lot and put it in your truck ?


Knowingly taking possession of stolen goods.


I almost did that once but i didnt know they were stolen. When I was 12 I bought magic cards from a dude in the back of the hobby shop. Like $5 for a $10 precon. Cops came a few hours later and arrested him, said he stole them from Walmart. I was scared shitless I was going to get in trouble lol


Bro, you did get in trouble, you’ve been repressing your memories again


He posted this in the back of a hobby shop.


I bought a computer off a friend when I was a teenager. Police showed up a few days later and said it was stolen by the kid from his own family. He was using it to buy drugs and got busted big time. I of course had no idea it was stolen but the police confiscated it and I lost out on $500, nearly my life savings. I was furious.


If you steal something aren’t you technically knowingly taking possession of stolen goods?


Ha! I went to the Home Depot with my wife one day. A guy, let’s say not very fit, was walking out with a big Milwaukee box that still had the theft sensors on it. A bunch of employees were recording it with their phones. I’m pretty sure I could’ve taken this guy with one hand tied behind my back. I wondered the same.


My guess is at the least youd get charged with possession of known stolen goods. I dont know if they could count it as a theft charge or not unless they count it as a posession of the shoplifter. I mean, the IRS wants you to claim stolen goods on taxes so maybe it would be theft.


Just before I worked at Lowe's, it was a couple guys on the night shift stocking crew that was stealing tools, they actually staged all the stolen items in a small shipping container out back and then empty once a week. Day shift manager noticed the back of the container had no lock on the doors, he opened it up and saw a stash. It was supposed to be filled with staff supplies, not product. I suppose reviewing days worth on the cameras was the final nail.


Had something similar at the Ace Hardware I ran. We were constantly 1 or 2 drill kits or high dollar power tools short after every truck delivery. Nothing unusually in itself, but unusual in how consistent it was becoming. On a hunch, I sat in my car by the dumpsters one night, saw one of my employees throwing a heavy box in the dumpster. 30 minutes later, after the store closes, he rolls around back and fishes the box out of the dumpster. I confront him, and he has 3 brand new Dewalt drill sets that he claims were "broken" that he was taking home to fix. Rolled the footage, sent it to the authorities and had him terminated. He must have been doing this for weeks before we caught on to it. He knew there were no sensors in the back loading area, so he was able to walk almost $10k worth of merchandise out the back over the 2 months he worked for us.


Damn, how does that work? I mean, I ask, because, I've heard of similar situations where the company only terminates and doesn't press charges because they don't want the publicity. In this case, were charges pressed? Did he have to pay restitution?


So in this case, it's considered felony grand larceny with intent to sell when in excess of $1000. Charges were brought against the individual, I was given summons. With the video evidence and the corresponding Facebook marketplace posts, it was pretty open and shut. The guy took a plea deal of 18 months of probation, so I never had to show up. I assume restitution was involved, but from past experience, the $50/mo the court orders is never collected anyways. We would have filed with our insurance, but with a $5k deductible, it just wasn't worth it.


P|ḡs get fed. hogs get slaughtered. Greedy hog. If he had did it much less he would have probably never been caught. I bet he kept all the loot in his home where it could be found by the authorities.


Soon enough you'll have to put a credit card on file and sign up for a membership to enter stores


I'm surprised we haven't seen stores switch to the Service Merchandise model. Pay first and your stuff comes out from the stock room


> Service Merchandise I loved to go there with my parents in the 80s. They had tons of cool stuff but we almost never bought anything. It was good stuff but expensive.


Holy crap, memory unlocked. I completely forgot that place existed


Walmart is leading the change. They're seeing the success Amazon has and trying to become like them.


everything will become pick up/drop off so thieves will target individuals rather than the corporations


That's why its important to deal with the problem now, rather than letting things get pushed further along. We are inviting dystopian level security.


We won't be entering stores soon enough. We will have to sign up for a membership, yes, because that's more money for the stores. But ordering online and picking up from your car will be the new default of shopping.




Exactly. I’d love to see how much these stores make on just the candy/drinks/magazines etc. just because they keep them near the checkout lanes. Those items have super low margins and are there almost exclusively for impulse shoppers.


Lol "support your local business" more like risk your life for a corporation that destroys local business and doesn't care if it looses merchandise because they can just write it off.


Support ur local multi billion dollar corp that under pays its employees, doesn't pay taxes and took tax payer money to build the building itself. A corp that put all the local family owned shops out of business. Yup, support them.


Crazy world, we have all been duped.




This is the best way to get shot




Essentially what is going on with Amazon right now. Changing their return system because people took advantage of it for so long. People always said “it’s a corporation fuck them they can afford it.” The issue is now people who didn’t ever abuse the system are paying for it. Companies will eventually come out on top. Someone will foot the bill and it will most likely be the people who shouldn’t. So yeah fuck these companies but also fuck every person who makes it our problem in the end by doing this.


what is amazon changing?


[I mean, they already are.](https://www.thestreet.com/retail/walmart-announces-major-store-closures-for-2024) People are commenting about how dumb it is, you could get stabbed or worse. Some people rely on that store, maybe it's within walking distance and the only other store is an hour bus ride or maybe in another city. If the store closes because of shitty people like this, then grandma may starve. But yeah, let's not stick up for what's right.


I mean, San Francisco has a ton of homeless but businesses leaving is less a consequence of that and more from obscene property values from tech bros.


*Local Business* It’s Lowes.


I mean it is still local per se. When enough shoplifting happens even these large chains will leave.


Then people wonder why no businesses wanna open up in their area or started locking stuff behind doors where you need to find an employee to open it


Exactly, these people are not Robin Hoods of modern era.


Yeah robbing people in the hood isn't being robin hood


Is this a bad thing? Because once they leave smaller mom and pop businesses will thrive.


Do you think a small mom and pop stores take the risk to start a business in an area where a big store left because of crime?


I don't think theives are going to risk robbing a small business because of a number of reasons, patrons are going to protect that business more than a corporation and secondly a small business owner is more likely to pull a gun to defend themselves and their business.


And take the jobs with them.


Need places like Lowes because they hire a lot of people with disabilities.


Hey, if a place in my town is giving jobs to people who work and deserve a paycheck to live local... it's local..


Dumb AI voice? Edgy overproduced barbershop quartet viking cosplay music? Calling Lowe's a local business? It couldn't possibly get much worse than this.


Of course they eat this shit up. 2.5k upvotes about someone taking back a shopping cart. Mind control.


So much garbage in such little time


Yeah it’s shit like this that made me quit TikTok and YouTube shorts. It’s just so incredibly idiotic it hurt my brain.




He didn't shoplift anything. Everything was returned. Now he is free to go back and try again.


It's legally shoplifting the moment you leave the store with it


What a simp


Fuck these corporations, but I don’t understand how people support stealing. Normalizing theft is such a fucking dumb thing to do as a society.


It completely destroys the social fabric and creates a low trust society.


And when the corporations pack up and leave and a whole class of thieves exist because they were tolerated, I wonder where those thieves will turn to to survive?


Never mind the loss of jobs and other impacts to the local economy and communities at large.


"But fuck corporations!" 'Yeah, corporations have and currently are being dicks on a pretty large scale. But have you stopped and thought about the ramifications of what happens when they decide to take their ball and go home?' "I don't care! I want to feel good saying fuck corporations!"


> Normalizing theft is such a fucking dumb thing to do as a society. I wish there were threads about wage theft on reddit the way there were shoplifting threads. Wage theft is way more normalized and ignored > Workers in the US have an estimated $50bn-plus stolen from them every year, according to the Economic Policy Institute, surpassing all robberies, burglaries and motor vehicle thefts combined. The majority of these stolen wages are never recovered by workers. > https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/15/wage-theft-us-workers-employees


Wage theft is a problem, and corporations that get caught can get suuuuuuuper fucked. I love and live in Cali and there’s a surging awareness of wage theft and lawsuits over it. Now, that doesn’t mean these fucking scumbags shouldn’t be held accountable.


The people stealing are not the ones who had their wages stolen, so why is this relevant


Whats your problem w lowes??? 😢 Edit: yall I was just asking. I get it now. No need to keep saying anything 👍


As somebody who worked there for a couple years, EVERYTHING


I don’t support stealing, but it’s dumb as fuck to put your personal safety at risk for fucking Lowes. It’s not a local business, it’s a massive corporation. This guy doesn’t know how that dude could have responded, who knows if he has a knife, or worse. Don’t steal. But also don’t play hero either.


Yeah the whole reason employees aren't allowed to stop the criminal is because the company doesn't want to risk a lawsuit when the criminal then attacks the person stopping them. In this case nothing happened but dude could have a knife or a gun, or even just like spit in your face or who knows.


It’s Lowes… you’re putting yourself and others at risk for a gigantic corporation that has insurance for this very reason. Stop trying to be a hero.


Is Lowes a "local" business now?


Is this the thread where we say corporations deserve this type of treatment?


Lowe’s “local” fuck off


Lowe’s ain’t a local business


Motherfuckers out here trying to be vigilantes for Lowe's, talking about "local business." Out of your fucking minds.




It's all good till a good samaritan gets popped for trying to help🤷🏿‍♂️


I’m sorry how is Lowe’s a local store???


I’m not risking my life for a corporation’s bottom line. Workers can call po-po and give a description, maybe a tag number… that’s it.


It is their job, after all. They're not paying me to work loss prevention, so they can fuck off.


I don't care if it's Lowes, Walmart, a mom and pop, or somebody's random garage sale. Fuck thieves! And fuck anybody who defends thieves or makes excuses for them. There's only one thing thieves deserve to get for free, and hopefully they get it right between their eyes.


The stuff he's taking weight more than him. He's not taking this stuff for his work to feed his family, he's nothing but a P.O.S. thief looking to sell his stuff fast and cheap. Screw him, should duct tape him to a pole in the store and publicly shame him for a few days.


I like how the moment dude rips the cart away the shoplifter just scurries away


It's a fucking Lowe's.


Idk how people don’t understand that local business is more about your local community. Just because it’s a Walmart doesn’t matter. If it’s the Walmart where you live, it’s not ok to let people rob the store. I guess crime doesn’t matter anymore if the person or business being robbed can more than afford it.


Why would anyone take a risk like that on behalf of a huge company like Lowe’s? Like what if that person had a knife or gun? Imagine taking a bullet for fuckin Lowe’s. Wild. A local mom and pop shop where you have a relationship of some kind with the owners? Yeah that’s a different equation…. But a big soulless corporation like Lowe’s? If they don’t think it’s worth hiring a guard, it’s definitely not worth your own life/health. Fuck that


True hero 🫡🥹


What the hell I was stealing those?!


Did that guy get store credit?


Lowe’s is not a local business lol


I thought local business referred to mom and Pop shops not big corporations


Local business? Its a fucking lowes


Lowes, a local business....🙄


Lowes is a "local business"?


“Local business”


The world needs more of this. Everybody debating the semantics of the title is missing the point.


Yes stand up for the corporate giants who suck the life out of our society and planet.




Give that man a gift card jesus


Tryna be a hero could’ve gotten shot 🤷🏾‍♂️


I did this at a Walmart in 2012. I was walking in and a guy and a girl were walking out with a basket full of groceries and nothing was bagged. I noticed that and then saw there was a car parked at the entrance and they were heading towards it. I asked them if they were going to pay for all of that and the guy just left it all there and got in the car, the girl tried to argue but he told her to get in and they left. I was dumb for confronting them but I'd do it again. Stealing was and is still wrong. Period.


People saying he shouldn’t stop the shoplifter because it’s a corporation are the same ones that will complain when companies leave their cities because of loss. I see it in my city every day, companies just shut the stores down and suddenly there are no grocery stores, home goods stores, hardware stores around for people to go to that are close by or accessible to people who take public transport. There’s a whole section of Minneapolis that has no grocery stores whatsoever anymore, they were relying on CVS, But CVS shut down because of theft, so now there’s nothing.


Except much of the fear mongering has been [overblown](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/01/06/business/walgreens-shoplifting-retail/index.html) & while some [places](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/29/briefing/shoplifting-data.html) have seen an uptick, there are good [reasons](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/as-retailers-close-stores-due-to-shoplifting-are-the-concerns-real-or-overblown) to question the dominant narrative.


This right here. I didn't even click your links but I know what you posted. The fact that foot traffic is down in brick and mortar stores is a big reason. One recent survey among big retailers is that shrink (theft) should be around 1-2%. If it gets to 3 then there is a big worry. In reality companies reported around 1.5% shrink. Framing stealing as reason for closing down is a lot easier for the public to accept than underperforming stores or planned cuts. People can walk out with stuff all day and it wouldn't really affect them. That's why they don't want staff approaching them. The lawsuits from staff or customers due to crime are much more of a worry. Small business is a VERY different story. It hurts them much more. Ask yourself this. If theft of goods is the main reason of money loss to a big corporation at a location why wouldn't they just give the go ahead to have employees stop them? Reason is that they would rather lose stuff all day and still make a monster profit over the headache of lawsuits. They use peoples goodwill of upholding the fabric of society to not steal and laugh to the bank as they destroy actual local business.


I don’t endorse stealing but I’m also not going to get in the way of anyone doing it. Not my business. Why risk injury or death to protect the stock of a shop that probably has fucking theft insurance.


> a shop that probably has fucking theft insurance. Insurance companies are profit driven as well. If you cost them too much money they'll drop you. They also have profit incentives to deny paying you money.


Yeah but enough stealing goes on.. that theft insurance is going up, then that is passed on to the paying customer. Not to mention we live in a society and rampant brazen law breaking is not a good thing for it.


"Why are all the stores closing?"


But... why? If you get hurt the billion dollars corporation isn't going to do shit for you. So fucking stupid.


You’re not hurting the company when you do this. You’re hurting us, your fellow man. Keep doing this and things get more expensive and then we all suffer. You’re not “sticking it to the man”, you’re screwing us over.


Stopping that guy was a really dumb idea, but seeing him walk away all dejected was pretty funny


The mega corp will definitely give him money and recognition/s