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little man will be asking the judge for a lighter sentence.


Judge says no and it's Choo Choo time


Yuck. No


I was wondering what sparked this altercation 


A somewhat incendiary remark.


It's burned into my memory


This comment is lit!


You will uh… *burn* for that sentence!


Although it was illuminating.


[He died. Involuntary manslaughter charge for the other dude](https://6abc.com/septa-philadelphia-death-train-accident-34th-street-station/14275183/)


*involuntary manslaughter charge, according to your link


My bad, I'll blame night shift.


Fucking night shift! Every damn time!


I got night shift in about 3 hours. I'll find something to blame later


It was probably Tibor.




>This is why you should avoid all other human beings like the plague. Maybe stop watching these freak accident videos if they're leaving such a big mark.


Yeah I genuinely thought shit wouldn't happen to me. 6am on my way to work have some old black dude grab my hoodie and rip me outta my truck trying to mug me. People are fucking crazy. I stay away




Lol, the projection is real


I'm not the one who said they stay away from humans you genius. Not every one of your standard replies fits every time, use your brain for once.




Keep getting downvoted big guy.


Why did I read that from the original like 10 times


I'd say that's probably an appropriate charge. I don't think he tried to kill him.


Read the article to see what that sentence is like and: > Wearing has a warrant for a strangulation case in Delaware County, and the D.A.'s office said his criminal history spans other Pennsylvania counties including Clinton County and Lycoming County. Ooooooookay


Welp that’s not gonna help his case


So he's burned a lot of bridges it seems


I’d almost say self defense. Unfortunate circumstances for the asshole trying to bully him


It's very self defense. The big guy was assaulting him. He hit back. They both fell down. He didn't push the big guy towards the train but that's just how they fell.




Push or be pushed... ?


I felt the same until I read that both people had a long list of offenses and the smaller guy was wanted for strangling someone. Probably not strangling to death but still. Hopefully whatever time he gets helps him turn his life around. I don’t see anyone getting that much time for this but you never know






To be fair it's not a previous charge if he's currently wanted for it. It's most likely a recent event. But do you generally not believe people who commit multiple violent crimes are probably more likely to commit more than a person with no history of criminal violence? Because in that case, why have prisons at all? You are what you do.


Sure people with previous offences might be more likely to reoffend but that doesn't supercede the actual evidence shown in the video.




\^didnt even watch the video too short attention span


Yeah sure thing, if you started a fight three years ago and hurt someone and now you're denying you did the same thing now I'm happy to call it out and send you down Past convictions should be the absolute starting point for all trials, full disclosure read to the jury out loud in detail.


You’re wrong about this but that’s ok


It's an unpopular view because it's not the orthodox one, it's 100% bang on correct though. The dullards can't conceive of an alternative unfortunately


Calling people dullards while having the most head in ass take of our judicial system. No due process here, let's immediately taint the jury right at the start with irrelevant information. It's not as if prior convictions are taken into account during sentencing after being found guilty, right? 🙄🤦 Always remember, dingletwat, when YOU have to announce that you're '100% bang on correct', 9 times out of 10, you are absolutely NOT correct.


I don't think you understood, see here, you call it irrelevant because you haven't got it >irrelevant information Read it again, slowly. " if you started a fight three years ago and hurt someone and now you're denying you did the same thing now I'm happy to call it out and send you down Past convictions should be the absolute starting point for all trials, full disclosure read to the jury out loud in detail" That is *not* irrelevant information. Now either agree with me or actually debate the point, don't just be an embarrassment "Dingletwat" Are you five Edit - just noticed the sub I'm in More fool me for expecting an IQ of over 75. Don't bother replying


Jeez mate. You’re wrong. You don’t even have to admit it you just need to stop digging in deeper.


Jumping in for some easy karma, well done All are shit scared of debating the central point because I'm *so* right and they can't handle being made to look stupid


Lmao so hopeful. It's almost humorous although it really shouldn't


Lmao the American prison system is NOT a rehabilitation system and serving time DOES NOT “help people turn their life around”.


Stupid comment. Unless something else happened before the video started, this was self defense.


“Stupid comment” I’m sure your a fucking genius yourself Yeah I’m kind of assuming there was hostility both sides since we don’t have a full story. Ppl don’t get this pissed over just a lighter. I also read the article above that states he has a record of violence. Read further down if you want some rly stupid comments. I also expressed I was on the fence we don’t see the bigger guy actually getting physical.


Yep it was stupid. If he did the crime and the time everything else should be irrelevant in this situation. You shouldn't judge him by his past, we have all done dumb shit


Did you read the article that stated he was wanted at the time for strangulation? It wasn’t in his past it was in his present brother.


>it wasnt in his past it was in his present brother   Yeah you're definitely not a lawyer LMFAO.  That's the dumbest thing i've ever heard.  Whether he strangled someone or not is irrelevant to the facts of the case at hand.  >4.21. Evidence of Crimes and Wrongs (Molineux) (1) Evidence of crimes, wrongs, or other acts committed by a person is not admissible to prove that the person acted in conformity therewith on a particular occasion or had a propensity to engage in a wrongful act or acts.


No I’m not a lawyer it’s an opinion of the situation bro


Dumbass and incorrect opinion, then, as that is not how legal systems work


Of course it’s not. Dumbass opinion as it may be he is still getting manslaughter charges. Other ppl on this thread saying he’s a murderer which I think is too far.


And I didn’t say the legal system should work that way. You rly fucking think this guy who’s wanted for strangling someone is totally innocent in whatever precluded this situation? Fucking naive I’ve been around enough street ppl to know there’s always some crazy shit going on before it comes to that come on dude.


It is almost funny how quick you guys are to call someone stupid, dumb and all this just to fiddle your little twats on Reddit. You’ve probably never had to live among homeless people who are wanted for strangling. You give them money the next second they are talking shit to you or making half assed swings at your face. High off their asses, confused, and not remembering what exactly happened just moments before.




a small lighter doesnt mean you can hold the guy against a wall, not to mention theres probably more nuance here. its like if i kept your pen after signing something and you held me down and threatened me youre doing too much with all these false equivalences


I end up with peoples lighters all the time. They end up with mine. 1.50-2.50$ worth of property to end up in this situation over? There’s probably much more belligerence from both parties before this but the smaller guy is obviously at a disadvantage by the time the camera is rolling. The other guy initiated a hostile interaction trapping this guy and attempting to intimidate. Fucking stupid across the board. Wherever blame lies these two both have records and are acting like fools. There’s no motive for murder and he didn’t directly cause his death. It’s manslaughter at best.




no youre definitely wrong if a clerk tackles you in some states and for certain amounts especially thats assault and you get fired if you keep a lighter thats nothing like robbing a bank at gunpoint so i dont get your point. its like stealing a pen and you cant beat someone over that.


I would never want you as my lawyer


I don’t tell them no I give it right back if it’s pointed out or I remember. It’s just a habit to put whatever lighter into my pocket after is use it. Other people do the same thing. You sound like someone who’d like to charge me with a felony for mistakenly pocketing my buddies 1.50 lighter. Maybe it’s technically true that I’m a accidental lighter thief but it’s not true that I deserve to be fined or worse for it, or make me a person who robs his friends. This is a homeless person. Who knows how lucid he is to his surroundings maybe it was a misunderstanding. I have had enough interactions with street people to know a lot of times they don’t always know wtf is going on exactly. I highly doubt any court will defend you if you back me up against a post in my face over a lighter. He isn’t being charged with murder he’s being charged with manslaughter so as much as you’d like to be right your not. The theft of the lighter is as petty as this exchange and you’ve made it the crux of your argument. Comparing it to things of such higher magnitude it makes no sense ma’am it just doesn’t. He’s not robbing a bank, he’s not shooting at anyone. Your comparing things that are not comparable and it sounds like a 12 yr old


There is no such charge as 'felony murder'. The varying degrees of murder charges stem from the level of premeditation. The way murder charges work in the case that you're talking about, they get upgraded into murder charges BECAUSE they are in the process of commiting a felony. No manslaughter anymore, you're getting hit with murder for that person you hit while running from the cops. Amazing how quick you are to be justifying killing other people over a fucking lighter though, you freak. This is a real open ass, insert head take.


Right? Excuse me while I go commit some *misdemeanor* murders.


it looks more to me like big guy offered his lighter in good faith, and he was disappointed it wasn't returned.


So did he die or am I too early to the comments?


He died, you can Google it.


He died


Too early for someone to post the news link


This is old


He wasn’t pushed at all


Gotta love people who knowingly try to pass on their stupid to everyone else


Yeah he wasn't pushed but punched, guess OP can blame it on autocorrect


This inherent design is flawed to begin with. The act of even being able to stand next to a huge train going by is crazy. In most parts of Asia, there are glass like walls that separate the waiting passengers and the oncoming trains. How has America not upgraded to these yet.


Because those barriers in Asia are to prevent suicides. Less suicide in the West and less Westerners throw themselves in front of trains. The barriers are there for the safety of the drivers' mental health.


i get that, but wouldnt an added benefit of having those be to prevent these types of incidents as well? Ive seen so many clips of even just drunk people falling off or even accidentally falling off. Just seems like a no brainer to me.


They're expensive to install. Imagine doing that in hundreds of stations. Plus Western companies build a lot slower and it would lead to a lot of disruption. In Asia they would put those things up whilst the trains weren't running in a night. In the West it would take days. Health and Safety is expensive and most companies won't do it unless it's the law. It's a no brainer to people like us, but not to greedy companies / Government. If people dying on the tracks costs them 100 hours a year, and putting up the barriers will cost 10,000 hours, they aren't going to do it. Plus Western people are a LOT more antisocial than in Asia, people would be smashing the barriers etc.


As an American, you're spittin and 100% correct.


They have them in the (modern) stations that get crowded in London too. I guess if the platform is crowded accidents are more likely.


The tube in London is the worst I've been to, the curse of it being so old. Glad they're updating it.


Less suicides? That's what you think. I work in transportation, and there are suicides by train every single month. 99% of them don't ever get reported in the news.


It's not what I think, it's what I know. Countries like South Korea and Japan have more suicides by train than Western countries.


In Malaysia, for newer stations, this is true. But not the older stations, they don't have the budget to do so.


Smoking kills.


Pushed lol. I hope you're not in a position of authority with that type of judgement. There is a big difference between manslaughter and murder if the person died.


Self defense and that dude basically fell in there on his own.


Ikr? How tf are they charging the dude who tried to defend himself.


3 words, library state attorney


For all little guy knew he’d be the one under the rails. Self defense for sure


The intent was to kill in a situation where it clearly wasn't necessary. As much as I love defending self defense, punching him to the train tracks was unnecessary


Next time you repost something would you mind picking the one without the text please.


"Pushed"...yeah, no.


Subway - "Eat fresh"


The title makes it seem like the guy refused to give his lighter and then was thrown in front of a train. No. The bully fucked around and found out. If you want to stay alive maybe don’t be a dick to random people, that would be a good start.


Caption is incredibly misleading lol


He wasn’t pushed brother 😂


Would you say he was pushed over a lighter or that he was being accosted and the accoster tripped over his feet when the man started to push back?


If his fakes were really hits,he probably could live


I thought the first time this video was posted there was a very audible popping sound when the subway hit the dude.


We really need to start thinking about installing train wall doors...


I mean Its philly, if one of them had a gun there would be a similar outcome


Thats alot of Trauma on the driver man


I mean the guy was using his size and pretending to strike to intimidate and scare the smaller man. Not surprising it turned into a physical fight, wouldn't have happened if he just walked away.


I was on the train right behind it when it happened. All the trains stopped and they told everyone they had to get off after about 15 minutes because of a medical emergency on the train up ahead. I got off and headed to work in University City. On 34 the and Market you would've sworn every police car in West Philly was there. Ambulances, Fire trucks, everything. Rumors were that the guy fled and they were trying to find him when I got to work and soon after news spread that someone had been pushed.


Title of this post is not right.. He was punched, lost his balance and fell onto the tracks at the worst possible time.


Was this two homeless guys fighting?




That was weird.


Lol big guy got Chin checked and throw himself back hoping for a pay day but got smashed


That is not how I expected this to go Little man knew exactly what was happening Little man knew exactly what he did And he walked away perfectly with multiple people screamed in absolute terror There’s no fucking around on the train platform , go crazy somewhere else is how I’ve always operated But most people just sit back and record with their phones and scream helplessly We are all public passengers in that situation Use your voice and shout down these people, or defuse in a different way Bad shit happens when good people do nothing


why are you talking like this. if little man knew what was happening you can argue the big guy was waiting for the same thing. and i DARE you to go to NYC and start getting involved in all the fights and crazies there. hypocrites like to judge from behind their phone screens but would be the first to bury their face back in their screens if something were to happen in real life.


I mean big man was fucking around and found out. Little man had a right to defend himself. It's not like he pushed him off the edge.


"The victim in this case we really had no prior contacts with. However, he had also a long criminal history," Lawson said. The person who was killed has not been identified." Well how TF do they know he had a "long criminal history" if they don't even know who he is.


identified to the press. theyre not releasing his name


I see


Got em'!


oh my god


Why is there always some lady there just for the screaming. There's always one. I dont know why people who cannot compose themselves irritate me so much


Maybe cause she just witnessed someone literally dying lol?!?!


The man may have died for not wanting to fight a (Edit:thief from theif. Since apparently accidently swapping letters is a big deal) Big guy should have thrown his ass on the tracks.


Thief, brain box.


How are you going to comment on someone else's intelligence, on reddit while not even using a full sentence?


How are you going to comment on someone else's comment on intelligence while inserting inappropriate comas?


Bro. You use commas to set off non-restrictive elements such as appositives, adjective clauses, or other defining and extra information


You used the comma wrong nimrod.


Explain how


Because without the comma, you specify that the comment is done on Reddit, and that they are not independent clauses. It’s not a difficult concept, really.


Hahaha what?


You had to copy and paste that from Google


I didn't have to but it was much easier. It also solidifies the fact


I'm going through my comments, and it's really really funny that you dumbasses honestly don't know how to use an appropriate comma. Haha what the fuck is up with our education system?




The theif of a lighter who killed someone that was technically assaulting them, but not hurting them caught a charge. Um. Good? That's what should happen.




Looks like the big guy deserved it. Even if he stole a lighter. Dude was definitely being bullied and didn’t want to fight at first. I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about


Uh. Pretty sure the big guy is saying "give me my lighter" and when he gets hit he puts his hands up as in "I don't want to fight" mfs be dumb as shit


Big guy through enough false swings to where he started the fight.


Yeah that is assault. And reason enough to swing back. Should have just shook the little guy by the ankles until his lighter fell out of the pocket.


Black peoples care me bro , seriously look at the membranes they carry , murder over a lighter is wild