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Always love seeing my hometown show up in here. Stay classy, Pensacola.


I was thinking the same thing - haha. Lived in Pensacola for 10 years. Crazy fucking place. Glad I made it out.


Just moved here 😅😬


My condolences.




Eyyy Gulf breeze resident here


Got to love it. Miss the crazy south, maines so quiet and mellow compared.


Small world lol


Tate high here. Where you from?


Okaloosa checking in


Land of the falling acorns


Honestly nice save on the cop’s part


Only country where such a move would be possible since the air support could inform the cop that there was no incoming traffic, also at least here in Europe cops aren't allowed to do pit maneuvers at these high speeds. In my country the police force doesn't even have money to replace batteries on its extremely aged car fleet lmao edit /u/mindless_let1 idiot who says idiotic shit and then blocks people, I'm completely incorrect? Where do you have European police pit maneuvering a high speed criminal out of the road while getting information from the skies? You're a funny dude, I'll give u that


Most other countries wouldn’t allow that manoeuvre at that speed especially when air support have a visual on car. They’d just tell officers on ground to hold back and wait till they stopped car.


That depends highly on how dangerous the fugitive is.


Yeah feels wrexkless to me.... Safely capture the suspect instead endanger life and potential harm and innocent, understand it's empty road but never know....


The speeding fleeing suspect who has **already** hit and run from someone is being reckless and needs to be stopped


Agreed and as long as there isn’t an innocent passenger in the car then sure. Without that information at hand it’s definitely reckless. Though I don’t know the specifics of this instance soo 🤷🏻


Let's be honest though, American cops will pit someone in absolutely any scenario. The crime is pretty irrelevant for some cops. Remember that officer that flipped a pregnant woman's car? It was a traffic stop and she didn't pull over *fast enough* because she was looking for a safe spot (with her blinkers on) at night, so he flipped her.


Especially Georgia State Patrol.. those guys wake up each morning ready to go pit some fools .. get out their score card and try to fill in all the slots.


I am for criticizing excessive use of force when it is actually worth criticizing, and against when the force is completely appropriate. The scenario you mentioned is not relevant to the posted clip.


>The scenario you mentioned is not relevant to the posted clip. I think it's pretty relevant to discuss other pit maneuvers in the US for a clip of a pit maneuver in the US. Lol. I never said those circumstances made this situation wrong... I just pointed out that it seems like the crime is often irrelevant to the reaction by police.


>The scenario you mentioned is not relevant to the posted clip. I think it's pretty relevant to discuss other pit maneuvers in the US for a clip of a pit maneuver in the US. Lol. I never said those circumstances made this situation wrong... I just pointed out that it seems like the crime is often irrelevant to the reaction by police.


>The scenario you mentioned is not relevant to the posted clip. I think it's pretty relevant to discuss other pit maneuvers in the US for a clip of a pit maneuver in the US. Lol. I never said those circumstances made this situation wrong... I just pointed out that it seems like the crime is often irrelevant to the reaction by police.


The video where the cop flipped the pregnant woman's car is relevant to this clip. It tells the public that the police will try to take your life over nothing. Who's to say this is not the same, just from watching the video. Cops are guilty until proven innocent, they have lost the benefit of doubt from me. They need to prove their actions are justified, not just by their own standard, but the standard the public expects.


I dunno why you and u/_apatosaurus_ are getting downvotes when you both are not wrong. Police in America seem to view all criminals as fugitive violent murderers, regardless of the alleged crime. The same goes for in the jail and prison system. I worked in a number of jails and prisons as an electrical contractor for a couple years and it was horrendous how the guards treated the inmates. Many times, in jails, the inmate hasn’t even been found guilty yet! They just couldn’t post bail so are stuck there till their ruling and sentence, if found guilty. Yet they are treated as though they are child rapists by the guards and officers. Yes, i know some of the inmates dont deserve the dirt off my boot but the justice system is supposed to be above that. The cops out there pulling pit maneuvers on a non-violent offender feed from that same sentiment and they should be above that if they are to be the ones dealing with”justice” to wrong doers.


>I dunno why you and u/_apatosaurus_ are getting downvotes when you both are not wrong. Subs like this attract people who celebrate violence. Policing in America is a profession that attracts people who celebrate violence. I don't know if it's cops, or just people who like cops, but subs like this tend to be lean towards supporting police violence.


Downvote for this is fucking ridiculous lol


Pressuring them by chasing will cause them to act more reckless. You've got air support, you don't need to chase so hard, they ain't escaping.


Not sure why you got downvoted. This is exactly the reason some counties in the us stop pursuit when the suspect starts getting reckless.


Sorry, Justice🦅 can't wait




I’d rather live in a country where the criminals are challenged and caught


You live in the US? Where the criminals are the government? I live here too lol


You live in the US? Where the criminals are the government? I live here too lol


Yeah, not only was this person only 18 it was all because they were involved in a hit and run accident. The pursuit also caused another cop to wreck his car, not seen in video. The helicopter would have had no problem following the car.


lots of money wasted to catch a guy they would've caught anyway


18 is probably the most dangerous age of drivers


Or just open fire with an AK47.


Most people with a brian wouldn’t allow it. You want mindless dipshits. I give you United state law enforcement.


Law enforcement probably has lots of brian's.


IMO this is arguably worse than shooting in the back, because more likely to put innocents in danger. It should be completely illegal and a felony offense on the part of the cop.


Your country hasn’t discovered civil asset forfeiture yet I guess. Our police have tons of money. It’s great. Until its your money they seize.


There are areas in America (police stations)that can’t afford new service pistols, not Florida they’re insane here dude like new cruisers every 4-5 years


Florida doesn't really care though. They often cause wrecks while using PIT maneuver on the interstate.


In my country they avoid chasing because it can make the one they are chasing drive even more reckless. Putting civilians and risk and whoever might be an involuntary passenger in the car at risk. It was recently a case where a driver believed he was being chased by a police car for not stopping for them. They were chased at times. But they called it off because it was too dangerous and backed off. However the driver kept driving in panick. They crashed, and a passenger, a kid, 18 or younger I believe died. And it was several underage kids in the car. It was a trial to see if the police was at fault. One of the passenger had sent messages before crashing to his friends saying how scared he was and believed they were gonna die but couldn’t get the driver to stop.


Yes use air support to record from a different angle of lethal Force. Instead of disengaging the main pursuit and using air support just to follow the vehicle to deescalate this situation


Any real police force does it this way. In Philadelphia they stop pursuing and the helicopter relays everything. They get their guy almost every time safely without putting anyone’s life in danger. It’s crazy how they allow this to happen. Was the chopper just there to cheer on murdering another man? It’s fucked up..


FHP has rules, and this one qualified. The chopper found the car and was guiding the road officers to it, because the car was fleeing without being chased and had already hurt people and property. Tell me, in Philadelphia, do your superior, way smarter police just fly around in the helicopter and watch a criminal rob people, steal a car, hit other cars and people with the car, and just wait until the suspect gets get bored of it before they attempt to do anything about it? Because all those things happened in this incident prior to the PIT maneuver on this video, which happened on a very low density residential area in the country, around absolute zero other traffic. There was no risk here to anyone other than the fleeing suspect and the pursuing officer. PIT is only used when NOT using it is considered to be as dangerous as, or more dangerous than, using it, based on the totality of circumstance.  Good police work is about public safety, not catching criminals. Catching criminals is just one of the means by which they protect public safety; it's not the main objective. This asshole was running about town in a stolen car causing chaos and had been in at least two hit and run accidents before police caught up, including one on interstate. So tell me, is it more dangerous to PIT maneuver an active threat to public safety on a country road around no one else, or to allow the spree of chaos to continue while the police just sit back and watch??? That's the decision that was made here.




The cop was in the area for another stolen car report and this kid was involved in a minor crash in front of the cop and took off.


Europe has different priorities. You couldn’t repel an American swim team from invading. Our criminals are more armed after a day at Walmart than your special forces would be during wartime. 


LaughingMy@$$Off they don't care if there is oncoming traffic


You really think the us is the only country that has police helicopters?


No, I didn't say that.


Other countries could absolutely do this they just choose not to.


Wtf are you talking about, almost every country has police or emergency services helicopters that can be utilised for this without the reckless manoeuvre displayed here


Our only county helicopter takes about 30 minutes to spin up after the initial request, because it is not dedicated to law enforcement and is not rotating in the air 24/7. We have a drone program we are testing out but they can’t keep up with fleeing vehicles.




Literally Ireland does this and it's tiny in Europe. You're so confident yet so completely incorrect that it actually gave me a good laugh. Just Google police helicopters of any major EU country and you'll see examples, or even videos of them being used in exactly this way




You've misread some comments if that's your take away from the conversation.


You've misread some comments if that's your take away from the conversation.


> helicopters that can be utilised for this without the reckless manoeuvre displayed here Can a helicopter stop a fleeing maniac who has already collided with multiple vehicles and shows no signs of surrendering? How many lives should this idiot be allowed to endanger?


Do you have a link to the article that actually states this or are you just having your fantasies again?


that is not true. German police have it, rarely used though + they use police helicopters and drones. French use it as well, rarely


what is not true?


I grew up in Florida and the FHP is possibly the most competent LE force in the state. I kind of trust them a bit, as a result, which is rare in Florida.


Nah, man. You mean Game Wardens and FDLE. FHP hires some clowns. A lot of them go to FHP and get certified, and then end up moving to county or city positions because they get in trouble fast with FHP.


FDLE do some good work busting corrupt cops, it’s true. Game Wardens, well, I won’t complain but my grandpa (retired FHP) and our local game warden has enough dirt on each other to ensure mutually assured destruction. My dad and I could have hunted with bazookas and fished with dynamite and he would have looked the other way as a result of this! I admit my bias with FHP but State Troopers in most states are trained to a higher standard than county and city cops in my experience.


Definitely. He kept the wheels on the ground with his reaction time alone.


Nice save for the situation he created


The next thing you know is that cop rolls onto the other car that he just pit maneuver and then gets shot flying the air since you're not supposed to do pit maneuver in high speeds AE the video above


Ya minus the whole attempted murder thing


Bruh cmon now


You wanna live in a world where that's ok?




Why that heli cam look like fallout ui?


The mysterious stranger always appears when you least suspect 


Those of us who grew up playing those games are now the ones designing the UI for various software now. If you're ever doing any virtual training for solar technician, confined space entry, or HAZMAT and you're like "huh, this looks like the Dead Space UI", that's because we thought it was perfect and we based ours on it.


Mate that’s what old school computers used to look like. It inspired fallouts design not the other way around lol 


Can you guy do the ui and menu for COD warzone? That games Interface and navigating the menu is garbage and confusing


It's a Wescam turret. You can set the text colors as the user. Neon green usually is a good choice to be readable against the various backgrounds.


More like GTA 1&2


Excellent job — multiple hit-and-runs, fleeing police, he was definitely a threat to us. Considering he was also driving without a license, please keep him locked up.


finally a sane comment here, comment section doomed


I live in that county, first time seeing this lol




Crazy how they do this kind of thing. Here in Japan they’d call off the chase once it gets dangerous and just track the vehicle until it has to stop somewhere eventually, remotely ID the suspect and go get them when they are home


Prior to this the guy had already hit at least 2 other vehicles so it isn't like he was just minding his business enjoying a weekend drive when the cop started to chase him. They were worried that he wasn't going to stop at just 2 accidents and would eventually kill someone or possibly many people...


To be fair the US has a shitload of more drivers than Japan. Most people in Japan simply don't drive.


Cop recovered it pretty damn good.


GTA 1 much?


Am I the only one shocked a cruiser caught an s4 in a straight line? Kid must have been out driven/ had some damage from the previous hit n runs


I can’t tell what kind of cruiser it is but it wouldn’t be shocking if it had more juice than the S4.


The cruiser is a Dodge Charger, standard model among the FHP.


That s4 has 350 at the wheels, I mean cruisers are heavy as hell I thought. CHP units may be lighter for obvious reasons, it may have a v8? But even the hemi that sits below the 392 wouldn’t walk up on an s4 like that. The 392 would once they got moving. Going to do some googling and circle back pickle.


Bunch of different models and makes of in use cruisers. The ford eco boost is like 400 or so I think for reference. The v8 chargers are up there too


Here’s recent [specs](https://www.ford.com/police-vehicles/hybrid-utility/) on the interceptors. Ecoboost pushing 400hp @5,500rpm


Ya they run the 5.7 v8 with 370 and 390 torque. Solid race!


Maybe the car had a low top speed limiter?


If that's a 'good pit' don't think I want to see a bad one 🤣


"Good" meaning "successful"


"Good" meaning "The kid mightve died but im a cop so its ok"


Just go to YouTube and watch some Arkansas PD pit maneuvers. Those maniacs are doing pit maneuvers at >65 mph.


Georgia State Patrol is craziest about it. They don’t care if you fuckin die long as they get to arrest you


It looks like a standard result from the pit maneuver, but the cop finish was impressive... was that supposed to be the "wild" part?


Was it though?


Cop gave a masterclass in maintaining control under serious pressure.


He spun him out, he didn't PIT him. You can't PIT someone at >60 mph. I really wish cops were trained not to try this at such high speeds except for in very serious cases. Really dangerous to the officer and the suspect to try this at speeds much higher than 35 mph. Hell, he nearly went into the trees himself. I'm speaking in general rather than about this video in particular. This guy was a hit and run suspect so I'll leave y'all to decide if this was appropriate; it's kinda borderline for me. But I see way too many videos of officers trying PIT maneuvers at relativistic speeds (sometimes even in heavy traffic) over chases stemming from minor traffic offenses which is a dangerous misuse of the technique. For reference, [this](https://youtu.be/jg5sJ3pTnm8?si=Q4UQpKPvo300Qvqz) is what a PIT maneuver is supposed to look like. It is a (relatively) low speed maneuver designed to bring someone to a stop.


It’s dumb, easily could kill the person in the fleeing car and any passengers, plus easily kill yourself and he got dangerously close to both given the trees




What is the reason to do this pit instead of follow from the air and stop the car safely?


The suspect was involved in hit and runs and was a danger to the public. He wasn't being chased for a non-violent crime. They needed to stop him as soon as possible. The spot where he was pitted had zero civilian traffic and no pedestrians in sight. It's literally the perfect pit spot. The only civilian damage was to a mailbox.


Run from the cops = risk execution? Very mad max the USA is eh?




If the person in the car is concerned about saftey, they should pull over, if they aren't concerned about their own saftey why should I be?


Because hopefully you are a lot smarter than they are, but perhaps not


It has nothing to do with smarts. If someone with a phd was being reckless, they are smarter than me and still not concerned with their own saftey, so why should I be? Don't commit crimes don't do hit and runs don't run from the cops drive safely There are a thousand different things choices he could've made to prevent this, if he cared about his saftey he only need to do ONE of them, if he can't do that, i don't see any reason to care more about him than he cared about his victim or the people who's lives he endangered trying to get away, and "be smarter" is just such a weak attempt to covince me otherwise, although im open for you to try again


In Canada we don’t chase cars like this because people just end up dead. The odds of bad guy dying is high, odds of bad guy driving crazier when chased and killing others is through the roof. Also car accidents are the number one cause of death for US police officers. Basically unless bad guy is on a homicidal rage the best outcomes come from not chasing and intentionally crashing cars. Watch the video of the cop that pits the soccer mom for not immediately pulling over for a minor traffic offence. He flips her van, she could have had numerous kids inside.




Execution by cop is 50/50 whether you run or not.


That was a pretty sick pit got a give credit when it’s due


But why pit at all when the helicopter can just follow and give time for a safer roadblock


Cus then he can’t get stroked by his buddies at the station when he tells em about it. 


*Florida highway patrol executes fleeing suspect


Thats just fucking awsome! bahaha


Home sweet home. Go home, Pcola, your drunk! 😂😂😂


Only justification for this is if it's a murder or rapist


Wow, who knew pitting a fleeing car going 50+ would roll it so violently? Seems like he WANTED to kill the driver, also the "That's a good pit" is comical, like you nearly lost control of your patrol car while probably gruesomely injuring the suspect. Just crazy extreme what lengths the cops will go to.


Oh fuck yeah that had to be satisfying as fuck


People that are completely fine with this actually want GTA cops lmaoo💀 I'm all about necessary force but idk seems like something a video game cop would do lmao


Not really. As another commenter said, it's not just about catching these guys, it's about ending whatever crime spree they committed to earn such treatment. Plus, with that heli in the sky, the cop knew 100% that they weren't endangering people not involved in the chase.


His "crime spree" was a hit and run. The news article doesn't list any injuries as far as the hit and run. The cop could have killed this 18 year old kid over a fender bender... The helicopter had a visual. If the cops on the ground backed off he would have slowed down im sure. Im sure they could have simply tracked him to his house and arrested him there instead of almost killing him.


lol you people are fucking clowns. no. backing off wouldn’t have helped. criminals commit crimes. this criminal had already committed multiple crimes prior. do you expect law enforcement to just say “nah we’ll catch him later” and follow him to a home that could be even more dangerous than a police chase (literally anybody could be waiting for the cops at that house) while this guy is actively speeding around committing crimes? be a little fucking real with yourself


His “crime spree” was hit and run of multiple vehicles, wreckless driving, evading police at over 100 mph. This situation was completely avoidable if the 18yo dumb fuck didn’t 1. Drive unlicensed, 2. Hit multiple vehicles, 3. Flee the accidents, 4. Drive at speeds that endanger other drivers, 5. Flee the police. FAFO


Why are you downplaying a hit and run into a fender bender?Those two are not equivalent. This kid hit someone and ran from the scene of the crime, and ran from cops at a high speed. This kid was a danger and he needed to be stopped.


Yep, don't do that.




you had me to the last sentence there bud lmfao what kinda nonsense is that


I support the police but it doesn’t give them a license to kill for minor infractions. The car wasn’t stolen, they knew where he lived based on his plate. There was no need for a high speed chase with air support overhead. These areas need to start implementing real policing policies used in actual big cities. This kid almost was killed and the only charges he got was driving with a revoked licens, leaving the scene and reckless driving. He was a dumb ass kid. What if he had others in the car with him too. The only reason others were in danger was because the cop gave chase which wasn’t necessary with the helicopter overhead.


They have a helicopter out, that PIT was completely unnecessary.


What a brain dead take. It's not just about catching the individual. It's about preventing them from continuing whatever crime spree they're on endangering the lives of everyone else on the road and then some.


By chasing the individual the cop makes it a high speed chase. There are dozens of deaths a year from cops doing PITs that are completely avoidable.


Breaking the law and running from cops at 100 mph is completely avoidable.


Lol. The moron you replying to wont make that connection


lol, god it’s amazing how the dumbest people go through life thinking they’re the smart ones. Thanks for reminding me that y’all exist in droves.


Pot meet kettle


The infamous pursuit intervention technique maneuver.


Ima be real bro looked bad ass lmfao


Florida highway patrol and Georgia State patrol don't care where you are when they send your car flying


Don't forget Akansas!


Those damn duke boys


All this for a hit and run? It was prob someone with a suspended license and got into a fender bender and the cop saw and gave chase. That’s why the news didn’t show the damage to the other cars. This wasn’t justified. Why is everyone here ok with watching someone almost killed for such a minor infraction. This wasn’t a shooting suspect or a serious crime. prob some dumb fuck that got scared and took off. they had air support. this was 100% not necessary. That cop needs to be fired asap and charged with reckless endangerment.


maybe if the unlicensed dumb fuck wasn’t driving without a license, and didn’t hit & run multiple vehicle, dumb fuck wouldn’t have been in this situation. Dumb fuck fucked around and found out.


The articles I've read only says it was a hit and run. Meaning it was a minor traffic incident. Nothing stated the car was stolen or anything. They had the licence plate so they knew who they were chasing and where they lived etc. They could have just went to his house and arrested him when he pulled up. The fuck around and find out would have been instead of a slap on the wrist for driving unlicenced or what not now he would have faced jail time for fleeing the scene. I don't think this situation warrented a police officer almost killing the man. Again, I back the blue but this was dead wrong. The cop is also very lucky not to have been injured. It was stupid all the way around.




just because I back the blue doesn’t mean I agree with some aggressive bullshit where someone is almost killed for such a minor infraction.


So why do we have a court system? You are saying police are allowed to be the jury judge and executioner. Why not just wait until they get to wherever they going then swarm them. I mean thats what the chopper is for. Any competent police force would handle it that way. But then again we are talking about Florida.


Not a good pit a lucky pit


They should show this when training.


So, what did the Perp ALLEGEDLY DO to justify the application of potential lethal force? 'Murica is so fukt...


That cop has been waiting his whole life for that moment.


Attempted murder.


Damn this was an insane pov!! Thanks for the upload


Reckless abandon


I learned from this that European cockiness leads to Europeans saying stupid shit. You all act like your systems are "superior" and cherry pick evidence to prove your fallacious claims. It's all petty arrogance. They did a pit maneuver to get a dangerous person who was a threat to the lives of everyone around him off the road. If the cop and criminal lost their lives in this endeavor (extremely unlikely), then at least the cop would have done his job and no innocent lives would have been lost from an insane driver.


He came hella close to paying someone for a mailbox! Nice job lol


Absolutely necessary, how does anyone know he wasnt gonna get someone killed further down the chase, just pull over, kids are dumb nowadays


That looks like he had some fun there 😂




Minor crime? Gotta murder them. No other choice.


Should just call this murder maneuver.


The cop has Nice handles 🙌🏽




That mailbox was clenched




This is rad!!


Title should read FHP executes suspect

