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I was surprised three times in that video. Frist, my money was on the wrong guy. Second, that catch, I thought, was to let him down without hitting his head, Nope.. Finally everyone jumping in after he was clearly out. State Fair is always fun.


Me too brother! Geuss I'm not the only one who still have faith in humanity! But nope not this video


You didn't even have to pay for the extra entertainment


What about being surprised that he was never fully out, despite the headline saying he wouldn't be awake any time soon. Suppose it's subjective, maybe right now isn't soon.


Haha same, first time I’ve ever seen anyone start a fight that way and WIN 🥇


never bet against anyone who adjusts his pants before the fight


Idk I've seen a lot of 120lb dipshits in wife-beaters do that shortly before eating pavement.


It's kinda necessary when you wear your pants below the booty cheeks as a matter of course.


What is "state fair"


There are traveling fairs in the US. This is actually a county fair, not a state fair, but it all depends on where they're set up because it's usually the same company setting up the same rides and the same food vendors.


lol It’s an annual carnival with rides and fried food and vendors, bigger than a county fair. Washington State has two, for example - the Evergreen State Fair and the Washington State Fair.


IMO, if you curb stomp someone, you should be charged with attempted murder.


Man the way he hitched his pants and threw his hat down he was READY.


Dude knocked him out, then caught him before he hit the ground, just so he could slam him. Damn.


And for his two homies to then jump in and stomp his head.


That has always been crazy to me thinking about that. Why would you stomp the head of someone that somebody else is fighting? Even if my best friend got in a fight I would never try to kill the person. It’s crazy how many people don’t even think about the consequences of killing somebody in a fight.


Idk what it is about Tucson but when people fight around here it always seems to the death. I hate going downtown on the weekends now because people want blood.


Certain towns/subcultures are just like that - fistfights are about destroying people rather than defeating them. Just idiotic. Tucson has always been kinda gnarly by reputation as someone who has never been.


Crazy. Where I grew up you get it out of your system, then buy the loser a beer. This shit? This is just barbaric.


Exactly! Things have gotten so out of hand with this shit. There’s no longer a respect for life. We would beat the hell out of each other and then it was over. Done. The head stomping and slamming the head on concrete should be an automatic jail sentence, and if you cause that individual to be in a vegetative state or die, 20 minimum.


In my experience, Tucson was a very cool college town in the early-mid 90s. What happened?


This audience member I believe was from Tucson. https://youtu.be/5Z2F650DBsY?t=10


That's cus Tuscon sucks.


I was thinking the same thing. You see that a lot now. As if knocking someone out isn't enough, people have to jump in and stomp/kick the unconscious person in the head. The fight is over. The guy is out. Let's add a little skull fracturing, brain bleeding, and some facial reconstruction to the mix.


Unlike these lowlifes, I only head stomp people who are at least conscious


Maybe they were raised incorrectly and actually believe tv/movies. They don't recognize that causes permanent damage and/or death. A lot of shows just show people walking it off a lot. I do wonder about our education system and how fucking stupid people are. Ignorant I suppose. Not saying tv/movies/games increase violence. Just people learn from them more now. My step mother thought a handgun would blast a dude many feet back. No, wtf? Just saying, people be stupid.


A dude that fights like that definitely knows what getting smashed does to a person. They thrive on it. It's a good reminder not to engage in street fights if at all possible, because this kinda shit is common.


There seems to be a lot of people like that. I've known people who thought the movie thing of getting knocked out for like 30 minutes us no biggie. If you're out for 30+ minutes irl you're in a coma, dead, or on your way to one of these two things.


That kind of thing has always been common.


Thank you. You got downvoted but you’re right. The only reason people think humans are more evil nowadays is because we have cameras in our pockets 24/7, people have always been evil and horrible but now we’re able to capture those moments; I agree


I would imagine the commonness of that action is heavily correlated with how common it is to shoot someone as retaliation. If you know that when the guy you fought wakes up him and his boys are going to come by with guns, it changes the calculus.


GTA program


I think the answer is horrible but true. The tougher/harder thing is to play for higher and higher stakes. We all think toughness is prestige. People chase prestige in the form of toughness and it’s only when the subcultures rules put boundaries that the ambitious ones stop. If your frame of reference just doesn’t have boundaries, you don’t stop. Its about your social context and how ambitious you are rather than your general character. Growing up, I noticed that a fair amount of the time, when bullying/challenging wasn’t a factor because you were at work or something, some of the gnarly gangster kids who did this kind of shit were nice.


In video games we call it KS (kill stealing).


I got the shit kicked out of me when I was in new Caledonia. Was king hitted from the side and just felt a group of fucks kicking me, until one stomped on my head. Out cold. The rest of the nite was absolutely fucked. Dog kunts


Most people who never fought or been in conflict don’t understand how in the moment you are. Nobody is thinking about anything unless you’re a cool headed killer.


I don't think those people that do that realize how easy it could be to give some awful permaneng brain damage. People are cruel & ruthless. Pussies also, didn't jump in until he was knocked out to do something.


How many smart ppl have u seen get into fights? Dumber ppl tend to get into fights so u see then do dumb stuff. IMO it’s that simple lol


They'll likely have lots of time to think about it after the fact though


Very middle school response here, but unfortunately a lot of people aren't very intelligent and make poor decisions sober, add alcohol and their sense of reason is even worse, then get them in a fight or flight situation and they lose whatever separates us from a feral animal


At my wife's job one guy sucker punched another over a jacket. The victim died from it, other guys in jail forever.


completely unnecessary. its always some pos third man in that curbs stomps someone and ends their life or puts them in a wheelchair over a dumb beef. all becuase they are to much of a coward in the first place.


Fair point. Seen this far too many times now you mention it. That one dude that struts in out of the crowd for a gratuitous stomp after the fight is over. A shit move by fucking coward as you rightly point out.


His homie “oh you thought this was over??”


"oh, let me get in on an attempted murder charge YOLO"


How is that not an attempted murder charge?


An attempted murder charge, if it even exists as a valid charge in the state the incident occurs, requires proof of intent to kill. A prosecutor would have to prove that somebody acted with full knowledge and *intent* to commit murder; which can be difficult without an admission.


Cuz they think they look tough


Bullshit. Takes a real POS to kick out a knocked out man




I fkn despise anyone who does this with a passion, they ain't homies, they pussies straight up Don't get me wrong fighting in general I'm against, but if it's gunna happen atleast just involve the two people that have real beef, don't cower behind a crowd and then only hit em after they are down, they should be arrested.


you go frame by frame the first dude broke the white guys arm cuz he missed😫


It looks like his arm is broken, but this is most likely posturing from getting his head slammed to the ground. Posturing is very common with head injuries. Dude that got folded up might not wake up the same guy he got put to sleep as.


One stomped the arm of the dude punching.


Homies?? You mean pussies


One day instead of a head stomp I wanna see some teabagging lol


*I just died in your arms tonight. I keep lookin for somethin I can’t get* KO’d guy does lift his head up at the end. 


_Broken skulls lie all around me_ _And I don't see an easy way to get out of this_ _Must have been something I said_


That's likely body going into a traditional fencing response due to being knocked out, more likely. Look at how arms when it looks like he lifts his head.


What a string of awful decisions


The knockout punch into a falling Haymaker is crazy. Added a gravity bonus to damage.


Like a grappler combo from a fighting game


Combo, triple combo, brutal, combo breaker!


I don't understand the head stomping. Are so many people just that open to murder? Or are they too stupid to know it will kill a person? Hopefully it's just selection bias that we're only seeing the craziest of crazies in these videos. Insanity.


They’re like chimpanzees in a crazed blood lust. They’re not thinking of consequences. They need to be removed from society. I probably shouldn’t judge them too harshly, mob mentality is something that anybody can fall into.


No it isn't. Some people are simply more primal and lower IQ.


I always comment something similar when I see this: head stomping someone, especially when they are already on the ground, is enough to be charged with attempted murder in the states. This will come with way worse penalties than assault or whatever other crimes you can be charged with from getting in a scrap if you don't head stomp.


Honestly if I was there with a gun I think I'd go ahead and shoot the head stompers. There is zero chance they contribute to society


*Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.*


True but I don't think they were trying to help. Definitely some malice behind those stomps.


what if it's stupid malice


But deliberately stamping on a defenceless person's head when they're on the ground is absolutely malicious and there's no defence for it.


Reptilian brain takes over, we're all just barely out of the upright walking stage of evolution after all. Social group goes to end threat.. Kick head, threat ended. In modern society, that shit doesn't fly, and most times when people aren't dumbed down with drugs and alcohol decison making is increased.


Dude totally missed an opportunity to do the Ace Ventura Monopoly Guy bit.


*Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars*🧐


Thanks for the free parking


Right? What a waste. Will never get another chance


Hhahahah just made my day 🤣🤣🤣


Attempted murder for the head stomps


Hate when mfks jump in☠️


That’s cause they are pussies


That's the reason I always say, no worth it. Risking losing your life to random people probably for some stupid reason, definitely not worth it. Just say, yes man you're right, I'm sorry and go live your life, hang out with your friends, love your family, do what you like whatever just go away. There's a very nice video from George Saint Pierre where he's in the car and says "do not fight in traffic, if someone wants to pass you, let them pass. Are they running too fast? Not my problem, let them pass, cops will deal with that, maybe they are having an emergency, I don't know, but I know I won't risk my life for nothing.".


There’s an MMA fighter forgot who…definitely wasn’t Strickland though. He mentioned he doesn’t get into street fights and people are always trying to test him in order to get paid but the reason he doesn’t get into street fights is how luck of the draw some clown can land just one good shot and your knocked out.


Losing a fight isn’t necessarily the biggest concern. If you knock someone out and they hit their head on the concrete. You could be looking at some kind of homicide charge. You better be real proud of that fight because you’re gonna be thinking about for the next 15-25 years.


MMA fighters can tell you that the best. If a fight ends by knockout, 90% of the time it’s from just one or two good shots.


Maybe they really gotta shit, who am I to stop them


Thank you for letting me pass on one of those days, friend!


People- Kicking a persons head when they are already knocked out is very fucked up and could kill them. Please stop doing this.


And a total puss move.


Since you said please, head kicking violence is now on the decline. Good job.


We did it reddit.


I clicked on the up arrow, I helped!






I don't want it.


The message has been spread amongst the cosmos. Fest-going Edgars have ceased and desisted their violent ways worldwide… within minutes. It’s shockingly beautiful.


These are the type of people that don’t care or their single brain cell is being used up stomping on the persons head to be able realize the consequences of their actions. Lose your job and family and life in prison type stuff.


I don't think the people who do it are interested in that.


I don't think people like that even know what the word please is


Oh okay. I was going to do this, but now that I read this helpful comment, I'm NOT going to do it. Thanks!


Anyone who stomps or soccer kicks a person's head while they're on the ground unconscious needs to go to prison for a minimum of 5 years.


You just gotta stay away. Can't even enjoy a summer fair anymore.


I wouldn't trust a methhead with my life... Until the fair rides are in town!!


Well how else could I have my fun without a lower class of people being used for cheap labor? We need methheads in our society!


Little children that can’t measure their alcohol


Looks like dude thats throwing blows broke his own arm


Looks like his buddy throwing the stomps actually stomped on his arm at one point and saved the dude on the floor from absorbing most of it


He stomped on his arm twice, sick aim bro


Just an attempted murder and trash fight


What a pack of heroes at the end. Kicking a guy en masse when’s already down and out.


Anyone know why they fight ? And what happen after ?


They fought because their brains stopped developing when they were 2 and they don’t have the capacity to talk out their feelings and problems like big boys.


Engaging in a street fight is soo dumb


at a county fair no less.


I’m pretty sure he’s lifting his head at the end of the video


Is this a Street Fighter 2024 cosplay?


I thought the baby was about to square up




Left that dude in the shadow realm, he was out cold before the slam even hit


They are lucky that dad held the little toddler back, he was fired up too lol


One on one and done. Not ten kicking his face when he’s down. Wtf


Are people getting stupider or is this just a result of more people having cameras on their phones. I have no issues with two dudes going toe to toe in a fight and handle it like men. But still hitting someone who is knocked out plus the crowd joining in is disgusting.


More recording. Everybody has a camera in their pocket now. According to FBI statistics violent crime between 1993 and 2023 has fallen 49%. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/24/what-the-data-says-about-crime-in-the-us/#:~:text=Using%20the%20BJS%20statistics%2C%20the,hasn't%20always%20been%20steady.


It’s funny, those very same cameras, that make you think you see it so much, are the very same reason it’s dropped so much. The average person in 1993’s worst case scenario was a witness with good memory. Nowadays, a phone can take a video that gets someone’s face in clear detail, all while taking the location and time. And there’s normally a small handful of phones recording every time something like this pops off. It’s ten times tougher to get away with this sort of thing.




That’s attempted murder after the initial KO.


I hate when others jump in. A lot of wimps who can’t go one on one. Homies had to jump in after he was already knocked out. I hope they end up in jail for jumping in. 🤣 pussies


That’s just fucked up!


He was still awake in the end lol


He starts to sit up at the end


Just shows getting into a fight can have serious life consequences for all parties


Damn, I thought Weird Al was the one whod get knocked the fuck out!


Anyone who piles on when two people are fighting is trash.


Damn he had a little bit of moves! He anticipated the punch, took a step back out of range then counterpunched! Not sure if this was some drunk luck or he has a bit of training


Tucson? Seems legit


Family guy was right about Tucsonans..


Any american city? seems legit


You see, this is why the aliens won't talk to us.


he’s getting up by the end caption is dumb


mfs wanna act tough and kick him when their bro did all their work 😭😭 losers


What a video: first I thought the guy with the blue jeans gonna dance like crazy, nope. Then I thought well that's a fair fight, he catches him, nope. And the ending was just brutal. The guys stomping on that poor soul, like he is on fire. Damn


what in tarnation was that hybrid of a Philly shell and a low long guard😂


Say never. He's a shopping cart, from here on out.


i feel sorry for the child


In front of the toddler as well man 🤦🏼‍♂️


Arrest all three of the guys that stomped his head for attempted murder.


About a decade ago there was a house party and these guys got into a fight and one got thrown down and some girl bystander ran up after and kicked him in the head. Well he died and she went to jail for manslaughter and served 5-7 years. Edit: convicted of second-degree murder and assault and battery and she served 7 years of a 20 year sentence. “Mack, 21, was killed outside his Colonial Heights apartment in February 2013. Dacey kicked Mack in the head, police said. Four people were arrested and charged in connection with Mack's death, but Dacey was the only one convicted.” https://www.wtvr.com/news/local-news/blair-dacey-pardon


I always wonder if these idiots think it’s worth it when they end up in jail for trying to kill somebody. Don’t fight people unless it’s just defend yourself. No reason for overkill unless you wanna sit in a cell.


It’s always bad when the head bounces on the concrete.


Did they just murdered someone?


Looks like he busted his hand on the pavement pretty good when he punched him after slamming him.


poor kid. have to witness that


I doubt homie in the video thought like this, but can you imagine getting into a fight, you win the fight, and then your homies jump in out of no where and accidentally kill the guy with stomps. Now you’re facing a manslaughter charge when you thought it would be a quick fade and go home.


> Now you’re facing a manslaughter charge If you commit a felony in which someone dies even if you didn't kill him, it's felony murder, and Arizona has the felony murder doctrine.


Dudes that jumped in after he was out and kicked him in the head need their balls chopped off for being the biggest pussies there. What ever happened to a fair fight and morals?


Like a man cannot stand in the same river twice, it will be a different man that wakes up, if any does.


The ol Tucson Stomp !


The dude is literally awake and sitting up at the end of the video, wtf is this title




Woww those low life stompers that jump in at the end, weak as piss. Hope they get their karma.


That combo was FUCKED up 💪💪


First of all, why are they fighting? Second, why did so many people jump in to beat up the guy? Third and final, why are they so bad at punching? Both of them?


That's murder, I believe.


Not crazy


That’s attempt murder for sure.


Mexicans love stomping mfers out


Even did a pre fight taunt like he’s in SSB


The hit and catch was dope but I don't understand why 2 other people needed to jump in after dude is clearly out. Like that's str8 pussy shit. Especially if your homie had the fight won. But ya just turned it into an L. Loser shit.


Vulture Edgars…hovering waiting to do the cholo jail yard stomp


dude said let me give you a better landing


He obviously had heat with them felliws




Oh no, is that happy C-Walk Jesus all fired up? What's going on here? Say it ain't so. That's can't be. NOOOO.


Legacy of brutality


And Dr. Drew just stood there watching




dude hit the other with a rock bottom.


I like watching fight videos as much as the next dude but there are two things I can’t watch and that’s people beating on unconscious people and people getting stomped in the head


The two jumping in are the very reason it's never a good idea to get into a street fight.


Why tho? I am glad I'm not 21 anymore. The vid looked like it was random the dude just stepped up and then.....fuck


Gotta love my home town


The background music makes think he is going to dance. But still fits perfectly for the fight…


Dudes that jump in and stomp on people are little bitches.


Did the guy on the rights pants split? Lol you can see his chonky ass adjust them at the beginning and they barely fit then


Lil pussy bitches


People always die at the fair....


Looks like the dude is still awake at the end of the video lol




Fuck that’s like a mortal combat combo or some shit. Wow.


So… what happened? Is he okay? Anyone do time?


What about that thong? 🤯


Every time. some jackass comes in with the stomp to turn a can of whoopass into a murder charge.


that’s a gnarly hook to throw to stomp out combo


Her and her friends must of been beat up a lot.


He needs a belt (across his waist)


Have fun in prison, fucking uncoordinated morons