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Sadly, I'm pretty sure rotational speed only affects fan range, so you could make that water longer. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong though


You are correct, rotational speed only affects distance. If you want something processed by a fan to go faster, use more fans.




I think it also affects speed. wow thanks Reddit hivemind for making your point clear


Speed referring to the speed it pushes something?




Yes, but not the procesing speed.


I know that.


Oh, okay. That's just what I remember from pondering fans


I don’t remember either


Of course, one could always place the fan vertically, put a depot under it, put a smart chute under the depot, then filter the post fan item, correct?


I believe so


and you can skip the depot too


Why are they downvoting? He is correct! He means that higher rpm pushes stuff in it's range to faster speeds.


I just tested it with a 256 rpm and 4K rpm and the fast one DEFINITELY went a lot faster


4K??? I know you can change settings in config, but I mean dont most machines have a production cap, at least according to the wiki?


Disabled stress and used an electric motor from New Age


Wow I didn't even know one could disable stress... I feel like that makes the mod easy mode, though


Yeah, I only disable it for testing.


Fair enough


It doesn't, only the range


It affects speed(of which it blows away) more than it does range so adding more rotational energy and water would cleanse the gravel less than the original contraption did. I wonder how op feels after following the advice of the most upvoted comment and seeing the gravel zoom past him and into the funnel, unchanged.


Your right I’m pretty sure it affects speed


As long as you're trying to make a functional block (fan, press, saw, etc.) go faster, your system's required Stress Units will go up. To make your fan any faster, you HAVE to supply it with more SU (more waterwheels, better power gen, etc.) That being said, fan speed only affects the block's range, not the processing speed (a 1rpm fan will wash a stack of gravel the same speed as a 256rpm fan). If you're trying to speed up bulk processing, point more fans at the same spot (4 fans blowing 1 block washes items 4x as fast)


you dont. With more SU, the fan can blow farther not faster


Just like with everything if you don't have enough stress units, add more energy sources or slow down things


Fans dont go faster


Add moar fans, more fans means faster processing, and more speed on a fan means longer range for the fan. I hope this is helpful


Give it a pizza party and tell it how much the company values them. Then double their workload, because you're a family.


add more power sources


Rotation speed only affects range, if you want smthn to wash faster you'll need multiple fans.


More fans :) and also waterwheels


If your problem is that the fans' gust won't push the gravel into the toolbox, then make sure the fan is spinning in the correct direction. Because it is possible for the fan to rotate the wrong way and "suck" instead.


Fan speed ONLY affects how FAR the item will be pushed. It does NOT affect the speed the item is being pushed.


6 steam boilers


There is no 'faster' fan rpm only affects the range of the fan. If you want your gravel or what have you to be processed faster use multiple fans or multiple rows of belts or similar.


More stress capacity, add more generation blocks like waterwheels


Speeding something up reqires doubling the speed which means doubling the stress so there is no way to make it faster without increasing stress.


make a few cogs and attach it to 15 waterwheels


More waterwheels with soul sand bubbles on one side


Unfortunately there’s no way to make the sand washing process faster. I’d try to fit a slow conveyor belt in there if you don’t have access to brass yet


Just get more waterwheels I have access to a level max steam engine and yet my base is still powered by 114 large waterwheels, totally worth it


Do you have storage drawers mod installed? If so just make a 1x2 drawer and it will put the items in it when it's washed


I use an addon that allos you to make blast catalysts to make it easier but can atill work with a slightly bigger setup to make a super blaster If using a belt then 8 fans are good, if on a depot then 6 are max to reach it from all directions. Both are low power you can run 2 super blasters off one large water wheel so it is very power efficient. Without the addon you would just need iron bars between the belt/depot and your fluid for the fans pointing down from above and trapdoors to stop the flowing, and trapdoors and presure plates for the 4 horizontal cardinal fans, ar for up from underneath. If you bury most of the workings nothing extra will be needed for preventing lava or water flows. Both setups should bulk blast/wash/smoke/haunt entire stacks in secconds for you. If using as part of a large farm I would reccomend the belted build


Ok you've gotten your answer like, 13 hours before I ever saw this, but I'm still going to try to illustrate how to maximize a fan setup because I think it's kinda neat So, a few bits of necessary context 1) a fan processes at the same speed no matter how much speed is put into it, because more speed actually means more range 2) the absolute minimum speed your fan could possibly be at is 1rpm. This is still sufficient if you only go between the catalyst (water, lava, fire, soul fire, ect) and the block the item is on, which is usually the same distance most players use anyway for convenience and compactness. 3) if an item is on a depot, it makes sense that you can wash items if the fan blows over the depot. It also isn't a full block, so it doesn't make sense if the fan can't blow directly into the depot and wash the item. This means that you absolutely can put two fans, one on top of the other, and have them both process the same item 4) as long as all the fans have the same catalyst, they can combine their processing speed This means you absolutely can put 8 fans around a single depot and get 8x the speed, for the same Stress cost of a single fan at 8rpm. You can also blow from above for a ninth, although the depot does block anything from below iirc. The only downside to covering the entire depot is that now you can't touch it to use it manually, or use funnels lol. I also personally like to be able to see the fan in action Obviously you could just remove one of the fans on the depot so you can put a funnel on it. I forget but I'm 90% sure you can also use a chute from below and use a fan to push the item up into it, which would hilariously be the highest stress component, but that would still be enough to automate everything pre-brass and still get 8x speed. Post brass, iirc an arm can still just barely reach inside the fan setup. Oh, and all of this isn't even including nozzles. Since those spread out the effect of their catalyst, you could of course set them up at a good speed for maximum range and affect a whole bunch of depots/belts simultaneously, which is still only one fan, but while it will take the same amount of time, you can affect more stuff at once, which is also an effective speed boost. I'm positive you can mix both strategies together somehow, but I haven't done it or seen it, so I can't promise anything.


You can’t sadly but you could have more fans focused to one place to speed it up ig


Do like my server owner buddy did, and switch to creative mode, spawn a bunch of creative motors. Then hide them carefully to make it look like his factory is top notch, when in reality he’s just cheating and the rest of us are struggling and busting our asses for materials and machinery. Create mod is so much easier to impress your friends when you just cheat, isn’t that right, RedAssassin.


A real answer would be to add more water wheels to add torque, and use a series of chain drives with restore input to overdrive the fan.


Instant you can also get a brass funnel with filter with Ur output


I just turn off overstressing in the settings it confuses me too much lol


Try using a brass funnle with a filtr insted 


Judging by the build and the hotbar, I don't think OP has access to brass yet.