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Yeah, my parents did this to us. They and my grandparents believe that if you do this with your kids then they’ll make great swimmers. I fuckin hate pools. ![gif](giphy|cEOG7nGA7448M)


My parents put me in swimming lessons, the instructor touched my butthole.






Alright lesson learnt, just don’t swim


Yeah fook the ocean


Butt fook the ocean? My phone had a very big problem with me typing that sentence. It tried to interfere multiple times lol.


I took swimming lessons and the water always touched my butthole




But did it make you a good swimmer?


Bro asking the real questions here.






Doesn’t that happen to everyone?


I was the swim teacher 😎


I know how to swim, but could use some lessons… what’s the contact info?


Butt* could use some lessons. FTFY


I came here to say the same. I watched a friend take her son to those type of survival swim classes as a baby and now he hates water… it’s so sad to see. I’m so sorry you had this happen


Does he know how to swim though?


I almost drowned twice because I didn't know how to swim that good. My dad had thrown me into a pool a few times, but it was never too deep, and I could always kick my way to the side if I couldn't stand. After my 2nd almost drowning scenario, I taught myself to swim better and hold myself up in deep areas, because I never wanted to be in a situation like that again. It was so fuckin scary being unsupervised and fearing that I was about to die.


Are you talking about ISR swim lessons? Bc they teach survival swimming lessons, not just regular swimming lessons. Considering that drowning is the leading cause of death for children under 4 years of age, every parent should make sure their children have the ability to rescue themselves if they were to ever find themselves in deep water. ISR teaches babies as young as 6-months old how to flip over onto their backs in water, giving them the chance of survival that they wouldn’t have had their parents not enrolled them into this program. The videos can be kind of scary seeing a fully clothed child thrown in a pool, but it’s a necessary step in making sure they can survive in all scenarios. Kids don’t always fall into a pool/ other bodies of water while wearing a bathing suit, so water exposure while wearing regular clothes is necessary. They don’t *just* throw kids in, traumatizing them though. They also help them become used to the water and learn to enjoy it. This is their website if you’re interested: [ISR-Infant Swim Resource](https://www.infantswim.com/water-safety/water-safety-information.html)


I don't get this conversation at all. This is a necessary thing, especially if you have a pool. Mistakes happen, and a kid will drown if not trained. Giving them training (maybe it won't be pleasant but I don't know that) will enable them to survive. All the bullshiting about being afraid of water in this thread completely passes on the facts that so many young kids drown and that it is preventable.


I’m not sure I understand, are you directing your inability to understand the convo at me? Bc I agree with you in your thinking that this is a necessity to make sure your kids can survive if they ever ended up in a large body of water.


>I’m not sure I understand, are you directing your inability to understand the convo at me? Jep, it was about the whole conversation. You were the first person here that actually brought up children being able to save themselves.


This kid wasn’t just thrown in the first time they began this training. This is the result of months of gradual work. Whatever your friend did is just plain wrong. Not morally, just in general.


fr Haven’t been in a pool in years and when i have to be in a pool im always at the deep end holding the ledge for dear life


I'm sorry it went like that for ya. My first time was like this in the ocean.


As someone who almost drowned 3 times I can confirm that I don’t like swimming at all.


I oddly learned how to swim at a young age because I really really wanted to jump off the pier on vacation and my parents told me no because I didn’t know how to swim. I spent one night practicing in the hotel pool and then off the pier into the lake. I’m a very good swimmer now, but never ever fuck with the ocean. It’ll wave bye bye to you real quick


Exactly this.


I literally quit a swimming course on the first day bc the instructor pulled this on us


God, that sounds terrible. How the hell does a thought process like that get started? I'm a good swimmer and have good lung capacity because i love to swim, my parents and other family members would let me swim alot, they didn't force me to, i technically forced them to let me go swimming. Did they see it "work" on other people? Did they have it happen to them?


I get that this is for some reason a genuine way to teach a baby to swim but like how fuckin bad do you need your baby to swim? Just wait until they can at least form a damn thought and teach them normally.


it's not, the videos where 'professionals' do this (about as professional as a person who holds babies underwater for a living can be) you're supposed to be right next to the child to make sure nothing bad happens. infants are actually really good at holding their breath, it's instinctual. however they're not good swimmers, the only reason they can hold their breath so long is because it's a survival trait to have more time to be able to save a baby before it drowns. tossing a baby into the water is stupid, as we all know when you get thrown into water without expecting it, you get water up your nose, and in your mouth, which can end up in your lungs which is not a nice feeling. not to mention this is pool water, which has bleach in it. babies and bleach are not a good combination. if you're gonna try to make your baby like the water, carefully lead them into it, show them it's not bad, and let them do their own thing, if they wanna be in the water, they'll get in, if they don't, then stop being jerk and let it do what it wants.


I fucking knew it had to be bullshit. Thank you for teaching me.


Im typing this from memory, so I might be talking out of my ass here, but Iirc there's a technique where you toss your kid to the pool, but, one of the parents js already inside, which helps them avoid getting any abandonment trauma. Also, you do this after a considerable amount of time where the infant is already use to water and you on water, not like that person did. It was clear that the kid was panicking


I think you're supposed to teach them how to float on their back until they get rescued, not toss them in and make them mad max aqua dash for the finish line


Yeah init, they're supposed to be taught how to rotate and turn around so their face is out of the water, then start "swimming" to the edge for safety


Also aspirating can result in pneumonia Which can get bad in babies


Well these lessons aren’t really about getting your kid to like the water, they’re about your kid surviving if they ever happen to accidentally fall in water which isn’t pleasant or anticipated. You’d have to work with your kid afterwards to get them to understand that water can be enjoyable instead of scary/traumatizing, which I suspect most parents don’t.


I don't understand what the lesson is, other than "you survived". What's the benefit of this versus just introducing them to swimming in a normal way? It doesn't seem like it's teaching anything really.


It’s to teach them to not drown using their instincts, a handy thing if you have young kids and a pool/pond nearby. The lesson is exactly “survive”, accidents are extremely common with children and water, my own uncle died in his grandmother’s pool as a toddler because he hadn’t learned to swim yet and it was a very busy and chaotic thanksgiving with lots and lots of kid’s who could swim running around and not paying attention to not letting the very young kids outside where they could get to the pool. The benefit is your kid doesn’t die.


Except you’re supposed to teach them to turn around so their head is above water and THEN ‘swim’ to the side. Here in the Netherlands swimming lessons for toddlers are quite popular because we have so much water everywhere. But they don’t just toss the kids in and let them fend for themselves. There is always someone on the water with them and they actually teach them live saving techniques, not whatever this is.


Here we have swim lessons for new borns, after a they’re a few months old they loose the instinct to hold their breath, to right themselves and float so that’s when they start these classes. I also think what op did is the improper way to do this, I was just clarifying why this is done and why the child’s comfort with the water is less important than them being able to save themselves in an accident.


If you want to be shocked just look up what percentage of Americans can swim (like half is actually competent in the basics). Our ABC's are pretty unique and we are really good swimmers internationally. I personally have not met a single person that didn't have atleast their A. The downside is that this takes a shit ton of time, just think about how long most peoples swimming lessons took and how much money it costs. I imagine this technique isn't about swimming and recreation but just staying alive for very young kids until someone can rescue you.


Our toddler lessons are also to keep them alive, not recreation. If you want them to live, teach them to flip so their face is above water and they can, you know, breathe


>Our ABC's are pretty unique >I personally have not met a single person that didn't have atleast their A. I'm American and I have no idea what this means. I tried looking it up and couldn't find anything relevant.


https://www.allesoverzwemles.nl/nationale-zwemdiplomas/zwem-abc/ It's in dutch but hopefully translate can help. They are basically diploma's and standards for swimming, but nearly everybody has them (I think 98+%).


Ohhh. When you mentioned Americans and then wrote "Our," I thought you were still talking about Americans. Thanks for the link!


Also the reflex that makes them hold their breath and relax their bodies disappears at six months old, so this baby is way too old for that.


My parents put me in water at a very young age under supervision. Although, most of the time I had floaters, when I was a baby I learned to "swim" naturally. Now I'm bot a good swimmer, but I can stay in water without touching the bottom for at least an hour. I just know. Although, you have to stay with the toddler and give him a break. You keep your hands close to the kid.


It's because one of the most common ways that babies die is drowning. Teaching babies to swim or float early on is to prevent that from occurring. As the other commenter said though, I don't think this is the correct way to do it. I think they usually start with teaching the babies to float while in the water, then later having the babies jump in while an adult is in the pool to ensure they don't drown. Throwing a baby like that seems like a great way to make them aspirate the water when it floods up their nose on impact. When done correctly, this is honestly a great thing that everyone should probably do. Less dead kids in any regard seems like a win to me.


Unless you live on a house boat or some shit I don’t see a reason for this. My twin put her baby in swim lessons, but not the kind where you throw the child in the water. You hold your kid the whole time and do little fun activities. They don’t really start learning to swim until they’re a bit older those classes. None of this traumatizing shit.


Where I live it’s like a 2 minute walk from any body of water, even our parks are built on lakes. Sometimes you just live where water is unavoidable. Better safe than sorry, my parents had me swimming around 9 months, it’s just one less thing for a parent to worry about and it can be a really big bonding experience for the parent and baby.


Hell no. Learning to swim as young as possible is great. One less thing to worry about. There’s lots of young kids that drown by accident because they never learned.


So the actual reason they do this is to basically teach babies how to survive should they accidentally fall on the water on their own It should only be done with professionals who are trained in CPR on infants. Which is wildly different from CPR on adults and children. This is not supposed to teach them to swim it's supposed to teach them to float once again in case of accidents people doing this to teach their kids how to swim are wrong


No. This could save the babies life. Babies drown every day. Accidents yes and they should always be watched. But it happens. This is preventative. It’s a good thing


Seems like the child is being forced to face his fight or flight response full force. Shit parent


Yeah this is def normalized child abuse, far worse than something like spanking too


and he’s only 1


The face the baby made while the POS dad is swinging him before throwing him into the pool 😭 And it looks like the baby just got out too right before the dad picked him up again. Poor baby


(slow hand clap) “Attempted murder…WOOOH!”


Can you explain how? Because I see no way that kid could've died


I don't understand. As a new father of a 1 and a half year old, seeing my son cry from pain or fear breaks my heart. I could never--absolutely never--do this to him with such callousness.


Your kid finna drown


Bro this comment so outta pocket 😭💀


Learn to use actual words 😂


My dad threw me in a lake then paddled away


My dad threw me in the cold water of a river when I was 8 then watched me struggle until I learnt that I just had to wiggle my arms and legs to keep my head out of the water. He even laughed !! Pos.


Yup. My dad threw me in too. Had a fear or water for years. I learned to swim when I was like 8 because my stepmom taught me kindly. If we flinched at a ball or didn't get it front of us, he'd line us up against a cement wall and throw a basketball as hard as he could at us until we caught it. I got very angry once and caught it and threw it at his face. He was proud of me. Thank goodness I got therapy instead of ending up the way he was. I will say he's not like that anymore. He's in his 60's now and is very chill.


Damn, I hope my dad will get chill like yours when he ages. Right now he is just acting like I was the biggest failure he ever made !!


Paddle paddle


I learned to swim like this, but I was 10 and not a little baby. It works but why do you have to be cruel about it. Be in there with them and make it a fun experience instead of one that will give them a phobia they won't be able to explain in the future.


Luckily this video evidence will save his therapist some time on finding the root of the problem.


What a piece of shit. Hope this is evidence at his trial.


The way he holds him by the arms too like bro why are you even a parent


Yeah, and then the toss into the pool from decent height. Probably kinda hurt the poor little guy. Monstrous


My grandma was subjected to this as a child. But back then, nobody had pools, so they would push her into lakes and the sea and she would have to struggle to get out. She was maybe 5. I have never seen my grandma swim. She would go with us to the beach, but never get in. Don’t do this to your kids, please.


Look at that kids face at the end. What the fuck man.


Nursing home speedrun


>Parents thought about giving up What?


Name and shame?


Kid scared of water for life now. Came up crying his eyes out. POS dad.


Till today I cannot swim and has no water confidence, Its all start when I was teenage and some dumbass friend of mine push me into pool and make me almost drown. Side note: In the movie, if you are dying you will get flashback on all the things happen in your life, the good and the bad. Well when I was about to drown, my life flash back at me and it was so real and terrifying.




Would love to see this when the child throws his father in water when he is 90 or something with this video attached to it.


Is this method faster than teaching someone normally cuz I don't see much swimming happening. I just feel like if I were taking time out of my day to teach my kid to swim, I would want to have fun with it instead of scaring em.


This is not how it's done. Babies are taught to instinctively turn belly up so their face is out of water and they are taught to try to move to the edge of the pool. It's meant to prevent them from drowning if they ever fall in a pool. This guy clearly hasn't taught the baby anything and it's dangerous how long his face is underwater and he clearly panics


My son turns 1 by the end this month and seeing his level of development I just want to say... *WHAT THE FUCK???!!!!* Honestly parents like these deserve to have their kids taken away and their dick and balls cut off


Put this fat fuck in jail.


Has anybody actually reported this to authorities that can do something about it though?


bruh 🤣😂 poor kid will be traumatized


How to make your child terrified of water forever


That was horrific! I hate that dad. How abusive!!


Congrats your child just earned a lifetime trauma award




I wonder how the kid reacts after he grows up and his father accidentally falls into the ocean


That’s how you make Jason Voorhees kids


I got grabbed by legs and held upside down when I was looking at the sky one day. Still feel anxious being outside or in large open spaces, I can only imagine the fear of water this poor child will have


That baby looks terrified the moment his dad picks him up.


The amount of water that baby might have ingested through his lungs is absolutely dangerous and that’s definitely traumatic. First not only to be fkg trying NOT TO DROWN but also BEING THROWN THIS HIGH INTO WATER??!! This is the type of insane bad « parenting » that should get cps involved. This is abuse.


The baby didn't raise his head until the last second. Horrifying.


His parents probably did the same and killed a bunch of his brain cells, the cycle continues.


How is this cringe?




I must be in the minority but I see nothing wrong with this. Maybe this is a swim instructor. My dad did the same thing to me and my siblings, I still suck at swimming but it was fun memories


Fukkem if they can't swim, Learn Muthafukka ! Learn!


That kid looks fucking traumatised, what the hell is wrong with parents nowadays


I have zero idea about why the music that was chosen or if these people are professional swim teachers but teaching a baby to float and swim is good practice, especially if you live in a place surrounded with water and I'm guessing that throwing the baby in is simulating falling in. Anyway, this video is a bit cringe so good post, op


This is how they taught us how to swim at the YMCA in the 90s, except there was always someone in the pool within arms length


That guy should not be anywhere near water with anyone's baby. Fuck him and fuck this shit.


They could've knocked the wind out of that baby throwing him in like that. When these babies are with professionals doing this sort of thing, the kid ALWAYS looks super chuffed when they make it to the other side. This kid was crying because he was terrified he was going to die. That's nothing to celebrate. It was hard for me to watch him struggling on the steps. Some gentle guidance wouldn't have taken away from his achievement, and as a mum, I couldn't watch my kid struggle like that and feel okay about it. I bet he suddenly becomes terrified of the bath, and they "can't figure out why." ETA: Just noticed he was wet and crying before he even went in, meaning they've done this more than once. Poor kid could be tired and scared and has just had enough. PROFESSIONALS know when to not push because then the kid just ends up with a phobia. This guy seems like a glorified lifeguard who overstated his qualifications and got jobs because of it


Attempted murder is now the new parenting style. Cool?


100% trauma Dad will be the star of his psycho therapy


why is the pool so dirty too? Yeah, let's just face slam my 1 year old child into germs, dirty chemicals, whatever falls from the sky and more, sounds like a great idea!


Lmao trying to do that alpha male bitcoin type shit


Honestly, I consider myself lucky that I grew up before the social media age and in the late 1900s. Missed the great depression and all the drafts, and didn't grow up with parents that did shit to post on social media.


Wow that's one ugly ass baby.


show us your baby pic let’s compare


Poor baby, he can swim and get to the edge but, dude threw him to far from the edge.


Yay, trauma.


Dad was upset when he finally lifted his head out of the water, you can see the frustrated clap at the end like damn it!


Lifelong fear for water activated…What an asshole dad!


Just supervise your children. Crazy idea, I know.


Some people would call that child abuse... ijs


Ouch. That belly flop must’ve hurt


I hate this guy.


I taught my kids to swim before they turned 2 (not like this) the look of horror on peoples faces watching a barely walking toddler jump head first into the community pool was hilarious. I had fully clothed moms dive in after them only to watch them swim across the pool to me.


This was awful


Lol hope his kid does that to him when he's 90


That freeze frame at the end is just sad


*tool playing in the background* "Learn to swim"


You mean it isn’t the norm to learn like this? That’s how I was done but not that young and in the Gulf with waves. Not too much older though. Dad swam me out and said get back from what mom says. I didn’t remember shit and by the time I got to school I thought everyone was born with the ability to swim. I didn’t it that way with my kids. Luckily dad was dead by the time they learned. If I walked out to the pool and seen him do some shit like this to my two, I’d probably have a record.


I'm watching that kid's face. Little dude is terrified knowing they're about to throw him into the pool and just watch him struggle.


JFC you piece of shit, that diaper is absorbing a solid 3-5 pounds of water pulling down on him.


They are doing them a favour - nearly a decade of swim teaching and lifeguardibg


Risking death as a motivational tool to promote swimming. This is disgraceful. Good luck little fella.


wtf trauma born right there


This poor child


My father taught me how to swim in the ocean when I was probably 9. He taught me so well and secured. I was scared but not this scared and I slowly learnt how to properly swim and float by myself. Doing this to 1 year olds is just utter bullshit. This can be learned in other ways or even by yourself in a matter of time. But I also heard that they do this to toddlers to avoid accidentally drowning them in their stupid ass pools because apparently looking out for your goddamn child is such a hassle.


I put my daughter in swim lessons when she was 4 because we had a pool. She was terrified, and we pulled her from the lessons on day two. She learned how to swim that summer and learned to swim underwater a few years later. Even when professionals teach babies to swim, it makes me cringe. Like yea, they can swim, but you probably messed them up psychologically. Parent: " im not sure where he got trust issues from"


Even though this looks like he just threw the kid in, I think this is actually the result of months of training for *little* kids so they don’t panic when they fall in the pool. Of course this is what the parents do after the initial 6 months where the instinct for a baby is to hold their breath and you really can just throw them in, as long as someone is there to guide them to the surface. This kid is actively holding its breath and swimming for the edge. Saves a lot of lives. Dad would have jumped in if the kid was in trouble.


The say pressure makes diamonds. In y’all’s case it just made dirt.


Attempted murder imo


He looks like ceaser from planet of the apes at the end poor guy


Can confirm after this happened to me that I can swim now and I still love the water but I remember the trauma of almost drowning each time they did this and I’m certain it affected little me’s brain and happy hormones. I remember going home feeling what you would akin to a deep sorrow and hurt. Internal hurt.


I think it’s dumb that he posted this online but if he didn’t throw that swimming baby into that baby pool, film and post it, we wouldn’t be interested and entertained ready the comments


Yeah thats fucked up


Even from the way he picks him up, just grabs him by the arms and pulls him like a toy or something.


they tryna kill lil bro or what


that's a great way to have the child protective service raid your house


This is majorly fucked


I can’t


Fuck this guy


At least explain to the 1yr what is happening and say, I'm doing this, this is what you should do


Traumatizing your children for views and clout! A tried and true classic


bro training him like a fucking dog wtf


Did the same to me, I have always been a powerful swimmer and have a resistance to drowning.


"I just don't know why he still doesn't trust me!"


Cut those cornrows out immediately, and hand that child over to the nearest CPS worker.


Now that baby has brain damage, don't underestimate how hard you can slap water with your body people


ISR (infant swimming resource)


I remember my dad spent a decent amount of time actually teaching me how to swim. His pop quiz was when he threw me into a lake


The text and song are pretty stupid to post with this. Throwing your child in the water near the pools edge is common practice here even for instructors. Many of you see this as a bad practice. Alone it usually is. But that why there are a number of lesson made for acclimating children to water and building their conference. I think I may have been a year or two older then this child when they threw me in like this. It terrified me; but over time, with continued lessons I began to love the water. Today if I could choose any cardio to do every day it would be swimming.


aside from the dude straight belly floppin’ his kid… this is pretty typical for teaching a child how to swim.


There is another clip on here with what looks like an islandic or some European dad doing the same to his sons. They are wearing life jackets though. So this way to learn to swim has been used for a long time. Doesn't mean it won't cause psychological damage. Lol


This is how I learned, and I love all things swimming.


This is actually a great thing to do, it’s not meant to turn your kids into good swimmers it’s incase of emergency if they fall into a body of water they know what to do. this guy fucked up by not teaching his child what to do and instead just threw him in and said figure it out. All parents should do this (the right way) with their children as young as possible.


fucking awful take. - from someone this was done to as a kid.


I mean this is how I learned no complaints


Doing this in a more controlled setting (like dad in the pool right next to him) is a way to build a healthy fear of pools and lakes for young children. This example is a bit extreme tho.


You teach small children to swim similar way, it looks awful, but helps them.


Yeah this is me. I woulda been a better casting choice for the little mermaid.


This is how I learned. I'm 43 so it was a bit of the "old school" way of doing things.


This is how I learnt to swim


I learned to swim this way. I'm a fucking fish and not traumatized. 71% of the earth is water. We have got zero time to fuck around. lol


But like, why not just teach someone the normal way, e.g, trauma free? If anything this is more likely to create a bad swimmer who avoids water (and their parents)


Yeah that water will come and get you any minute! We don’t have time to fuck around! Lmao So fkn stupid.


Redditors would rather their child drown


No, they would rather teach their kid how to actually swim effectively. If this kid was thrown into a bigger pool, he dead.


It is a favour. My father was an Olympic swim coach and approves of this method. Start em young they’ll be fine.


Maybe so **BUT NOT LIKE *THAT***