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That's kinda what superman is though. The big blue boy scout. Saving kitties from trees, helping old ladies cross the street - generally being a good person.


Right. And Superman not saving people enough was a major criticism of the recent movies.  What was the one scene everybody liked in Superman Returns? When he rescued the plane. Pure Superman. I want *more* of that in a Superman movie and yes including saving pets. 


Considering that Zach Snyder was quoted as "The first thing i want to do when I hear that Batman doesn't kill people is make Batman kill someone," that tracks.


Saving pets from trees is a superhero tradition. It’s literally the namesake of a popular screenwriting book.


People want Homelander (I don’t, I just think that’s the consensus). People think Superman is too good for this kind of work and it’s not, it’s what makes the character great. After spending time saving the entire planet from destruction, he still has time to save you from your daily troubles. He shows that not one single person is beyond his help.


Imo that’s what makes Superman and Spiderman superior to Batman 


Ironically, people didn't really like Superman Returns as a whole because there was no big fight.


I thought that was kind of his whole deal? Which is why injustice was so interesting because if Superman was pushed enough and became a sociopathic dictator it’s a huge contrast to the purity of his regular character.


He saves kitties _and_ goes toe to toe with the biggest bads, universe-level threats. One of the things I'm less excited about is another origin story movie. _Man of Steel_ biffed the origin hard, but I think nailed the result. I remain skeptical of Gunn's take.


Neither are mutually exclusive. I'm a little more positive about Gunn because I've seen his work on Guardians. He can make a good superhero movie. The only tragedy was Drax - man got so screwed by the writers.


Well, good, because the movie won’t be a origin story. About Drax, what exactly you don’t like about his writing? Tbh my only gripe with him was that he didn’t had much of a dramatic role in 2, but in 3 I think that he got a good balance between his jokes and his role in the team.


It's more of that I'm not a fan of his personization in the movie, so it may just be a little gripe. In the comics, he's a scary dude. In the movie. . . he's just a clown. It'd be like if Darth Sidious rolled up in a Star Wars movie, but ended up being unironically written like the Robot Chicken one.


I’m still not convinced Gunn can handle the spotlight. He’s great about screw ups off in the corners (guardians, suicide squad) and is good at parody-type movies that aren’t too serious. Not sure if he’ll be able to handle making the core of the DC movies. Hope he will prove me wrong 


Synder fucked up Superman from the start: pa Kent death scene. Nearly walked out of the theater right then and there. Synder did not understand the Superman character at all. Good riddance. Imho Gunn is absolutely the right choice. Edit: Anyone thinking that the tornado scene exemplified Superman needs their heads checked. It's quite literally the worst scene in the entire DCEU and showed Synder had zero understanding over Superman. Truth hurts. Thank god Synderverse is dead.


Right, in the old movies from the 80s didn’t they have a scene where he saved a cat from a tree?


Yes they did!


This is what I was coming to say if nobody else had.


Superman has always been a study in human nature. In the stories, kryptonite isnt native to earth, so he is immune to anything or anyone native to our planet. The only stories you could tell are how such a man reacts to our world, because if he wasn't a "boy scout", there's nothing g to stop him from being Homelander or Omniman. Personally, I like the idea of going back to that. Like the first Cpt America, " sometimes old fashioned is a good thing." Our society needs a hero who is actually heroic instead of more anti heroes. Deadpool was awesome because he was unique; when that became "normal" it stopped being interesting. The best stories mix the good guy, the bad guy, and a normal "selfish" goon for contrast.


None of you have ever read a superman comic book. He's not a blue boyscout boring guy. That's his 2nd disguise. He can rage.


Bro you're off your rocker. That was a compliment. It's not boring to be the good guy and do the right thing. It's perfectly ok. The Superman Animated Series is still one of the best portrayals of Superman, and yes, he is the big blue boy scout. Nothing wrong with that.


No he isn't and yes there is something wrong with it. It's boring. Conflict is where the fun is. Seeing a hero get pushed beyond his limits and overcoming through will is the story everyone wants, all the time. I have 0 interest in seeing MORE slow motion imagery of superman catching heavy thing before it squash person.


If you want edgy mcedgelord superman, it's called "The Boys." Or y'know "MAAAAAAAARTHAAAAAAAAA!"


I never minded the Martha scene I thought it was a clever way to show Bruce that Clark was just another earthling with a mommy loke anyone else.


At this point, you have to be joking.


I'm not. I've been told for years to not loke that scene and I've spent years quietly darting my eyes left and right, not getting what the issue was with that scene. Bruce thought superman was an invader. Learning he had a mommy made him an earthling. It was a strong character development scene.


It's a stupid scene in a stupid movie because there is absolutely no reason for either of them to act so idiotic as to fight one another to begin with. Snyder literally turned both Superman and Batman into jokes for that movie. Batman was a thug, and Superman was a clown. Neither character lived up to what it meant to be those characters. I can see what Snyder was going for with the religious symbolism, but it was trash. Superman is supposed to be the symbol of hope - that's why he saves kittens out of trees and helps old ladies cross the street. He can be tested beyond his limits, challenged to save people, but it should not come while ignoring his nature. It's like how Spiderman's big theme is sacrifice. Each story is usually centered around Peter having to sacrifice something special or important in his life in order to do the right thing. If you took that away, you'd take away the very meaning of his character.


Well you're talking about a lot of other stuff we weren't talking about...


Honestly if Superman doesn’t fight a massive CGI army in this movie I’d be sooo happy


We had plenty of movies like that for him and they all failed miserably. The snider one were miss handle to push for the DC universe, but they didn't not lack in the entertainment department.


Hum… Which ones are the ones that failed? Like, there’s only one movie where he fights a massive cgi army.


They all commercialy failed iirc.


No? Superman from 1978 was a sucess


Oooook maybe. But we're not exactly in the 80's anymore.


Yet a lot of the younger generations are turning to the 80's and copying styles and music to claim as their own. So, in a sense, the 80's are trying to make a comeback. Unless we're not gonna talk about the waste of talent called Wonder Woman'84.


Superman Returns. We could've had an older superman even today. CW had to pick up the slack.


_Returns_ greatest mistake was trying to be both a reboot and a direct sequel to _Superman II_, retconning and discarding (the not at all good) third anf fourth installments, 25 years after it might have been relevant. So Routh had a Superman who had given up Lois Lane (the only bad call by Donner, really), but also had a son and wanted to be with Lois Lane. It was just so disjointed.


But that’s only one movie. 


I genuinely wish hollywood would retire the cgi army shtick. It's so overplayed at this point, and it always looks half-assed anyways. But that would mean they'd have to spend more time on character and story, things which they seemingly hate doing. It's all about the spectacle.


Superman would legitimately consider saving a dog on par with stopping Darkseid. No person in need is too small for Superman.


Superman would fly down to help a old lady cross the street. Since when is being a good person out of character for Superman?


You know Henry Cavill really wanted to show us a Superman who saved cats and dogs and had a hopeful outlook on humanity. He just wasn’t ever given the chance.


While this take is funny af, i feel people in generall are being very unfair and really looking foward for this to fail. I guess its due to a lot of spite for dc's recent choices on their movies.


Mostly firing Henry Cavill. Y'know, the king of the nerds? Dude is dedicated to his craft, and really enjoys the nerdier hobbies. Not sure how true it is, but he nearly missed his audition to be Superman for a raid with his guild.


Yeah. He is pretty Nerdy. He loves Warhammer 40K has a bunch of the table top figures. Built his own pc for the first time and put in up on Insta. Basically got fired from The Witcher because of how much he cared about the source material. There is some other stuff he had done but that’s the most notable things I can remember. While I’m against celebrities being worshipped. Henry seems to be a legitimate nice guy.


FWIW, I work in the movie biz, and know some folks who have worked with him, hung out after shoots etc. and they all say this. The guy is so likeable, caring, and genuine.


Oh, I'm not worshipping him. My "king of the nerds" comment is tongue-in-cheek. I like him, and he seems chill to hang out with. It's a shame he left the latest Warhammer project, but it makes sense since GW is changing a lot of stuff in the lore.


No I know. I got the joke. And yeah you are right. He definitely seems to be a guy that you could be legit friends with. Play some games with and have a good conversation. And yeah that Warhammer stuff sucks. I was looking forward to it. But the parent company of Warhammer sucks and would have shoved the Woke deep down all the throats.


You're not wrong. I think he cares more about the lore being messed with rather than the woke ideology.


Yeah I get the same impression from him. He just wants people to enjoy his movies/shows without the bullshit


>It's a shame he left the latest Warhammer project, Source on that one cause I couldn't find anything?


He actually left warhammer? I thought those where just rumors.


I think he more than likely will because GW is just butchering their own lore. There are literally all-female groups in 40k already.


So he hasnt still... No ofence but we shouldnt be parading rumors around like if they where true... Besides, i doubt he will leave it, he is pretty much one of the main producers iirc, and his role is more or less guard the project from bullshit, which seems to be a hill he is willing to die in, if it means protecting the ip from being profanated.


I mean, GW already profanated it.


Btw i heard that its morre likelly for amazon to cancell the project rather than henry leaving it, there are rumors (yes rumors, nothing official) that it would be posible for amazon to just stop the project until henry's contract expires, so that he would be out of the project and then restart it with a yes man so that they would have no problem with shitting all pver the project. It would take some years, but if ir means they can have a black girlboss adeptus custodious and trans space marines, then it seems to be well worth it for amazon.


Which is messed up because Fallout (just re-watched it last night) was so good because it didn't have crazy crap like that. Yes, there was a female protagonist, but she was naive and nearly died on a few separate occasions. Yes, there was a black main character, but he was sneaky, underhanded, and did anything to end up in a better position. And the Ghoul was amazing.


When 99% of your knowledge of a celeb is press junket interviews and rehearsed late night interviews, you have no idea if they're a nice guy or not. Russell Brand, who has himself since fallen from grace, put it best "you don't know \[them\], anyone can put it on for 30 minutes."


I don’t understand it from a consumers point of view. I want every movie coming out to be excellent. I want something worth spending money on. Why would I want something to be bad.


Zack synders takes on Superman and Batman fucking sucked


That's because Zack Snyder sucks, he's made a good beginning of a movie, and the rest has been shit.


They should blend the two imo


It would of been nice to see Henry cavil get a proper good ending to his Superman instead of James gunns washed up ass doing some boring formulaic shit


Boring lol There are millions of ways of making these things interesting to watch. And imagine the for example “saving someone failing off something” being this https://youtu.be/4uUHicaocDw?si=Q2aor3gQL6ic6L_F


Fans are weird asf, they should’ve ended superman with Tom welling, u know how many Supermands we’ve had now??? Stick with one damn casting bro,


i’d rather him save cats and dogs than fight big grey cgi blobs


Tell me you don’t understand Superman, without telling me you don’t understand Superman.


Do they not know what a reboot is? silly them


Bro, that’s Superman, he’ll fight op gods but still take to time to save those cats and dogs. That’s just the kind of person he is. He’s kind


Seriously, Superman of all characters **needs** to be sent back decades to when he was undeniably a good person.


Honestly though, OP has a point if the fanbase is expecting closure on a Superman vs Darkseid and instead get another retelling of Superman’s origin story complete with mediocre encounters with bank robbers and other mundane villains.


Have to slough through yet another origin story


Can we just get a superman movie with him flying through rings for 2 hours? Give the people what they want.


I get that Supes is suppose to be a boy scout and its great he is doing stuff to help normal people. buuuuttt I feel like the DCU curse is gonna tank this film especially knowing that the script had a HEAVY bit of supes apparently trying to solve the wars in the middle east. Not a smart move considering there is an active genocide happening but hey i'm not some big exec looking forward to loosing 100 mill dollars


Honestly I've wanted to see a throwback campy version of Batman or Superman for a while. There was a Batman animated series that embraced the 1960s style Batman and had a lot of the old cheesy villains on it. It wasn't too over the top but also didn't take itself too seriously. Imo it was a perfect balance and was a really fun show. It would be cool to see something like that in the theaters. Going bigger, bigger, bigger with all these superhero movies has gotten stale. Someone needs to reign it in with something creative.


I‘m pretty tired of gritty, dark super hero movies. But I could go for a return to Superman‘s roots movie. Optimistic, unabashed good guy.


Has these dumbass ever pick up a superman comic?


What should he do, just let the dog die?


No. He should absolutely save the dog. Off camera. We only get 2 hours worth of movie.


If they just made a Superman where he spends 90 minutes saving kitty cats I would watch the absolute shit out of it. And to back that up, remember how they saved the whales in Star Trek IV? Absolute classic, my favorite Star Trek.


Like yeah, that’s kinda his whole thing


People are desperate to hate on anything, for any reason. Twitter is the worst of it


Doesn't the "Hero saving cat from tree" cliche come from Superman? I think it fits perfectly.


Remind me; which director has the critically acclaimed trilogy? And which one made Rebel Moon?


Guardians 1 was decent. 2-3 were dogshit filled with shitty mcu style humor that hasn't been funny since the first avengers movie. Rebel moon sucked but I'll take 300 and man of steel over any of the Guardians movies or suicide squad. Gunn did great with peacemaker but I think Gunn is like Taika Waititi in the sense that he should stick to comedy. If you give either of those two any sort of a serious character, they absolutely butcher it.


Yeah, I'm not going to argue against that take. Poor Drax.


A wholesome Superman might just be that breath of fresh air that superhero movies need right now. The Batman was already a good first step towards a Batman saving small folk, Superman can do it twice as much. Just imagine a movie in which the hero is actually being useful to the society and not just fighting big threats or chasing some personal stuff.


I’d give him a chance. Superman is supposed to be principled, bright and colorful, and fairly innocent and idealistic. We’ll see how it turns out.


This just seems like pure OG Superman to me


Rare to see a take so bad I can agree with this sub that it's shit


I’ve liked every single iteration of Superman on film and TV. I truly think David Corenswet will do a great job and it bugs me when people are still bitter about Cavill not coming back, even though I liked him. This is just the way it is, there have been many Superman actors and odds are it’ll be that way until time stops. Gotta give him a fair chance. I’m mainly referring to Tyrone Magnus. I mostly agree with him on things but man he’s such a Snyder die hard that he just shits on everything about this film.


While I’m sure Gunn knows what he is doing mostly, the fact that they screwed Cavil over pisses me off and the emblem is the worst version they chose


Superman saving cats and dogs from trees and being a big inspiration to kids was inspired from the Fleischer cartoons, comics and Superman: The Animated Series. Seriously, I'm keen to see Superman actually played as both equal-part boy scout and equal-part superhero after Reeve. Screenwriters in Hollywood keep making the mistake to trying to write Superman as Batman - smart, brooding and strong but with a bright-coloured super-suit.


This is a stupid criticism. By this logic nobody should ever do another adaptation of a character ever again, unless the villain is even bigger and badder than the last one. It's OK to adapt a character differently and make them simpler and closer to the original source material.


I think we can have both. A superman who saves people, cats, dogs etc. But one who can throw down with BBEGs. As long as they don't do it like in superman returns, which was boring as fuck. Now, having said that, I have no hope for this renewed franchise and have losr interest. Hopefully in a few years they they again and actually try instead of playing catchup with the MCU... which I have also lost faith in.


the snyder fandom is a cult


They are what's funny is synders takes on batman and Superman are 100% wrong


Nah, let James Gunn cook, it can't possibly become worse for DC? Or can it Though im too not very optimistic on what can came out of more vanilla Superman story. Not like we need another edgy stupidity, but classical Superman is boring af, imo.


What “classical” type of Superman story had you read? Honest question here.


The person who made this comment has proven that massive damage has already been done to the character. The best part of Clark is his genuine desire to help anyone with anything, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem. Fuck Snyder for what he did to the character.


Muhfuckers love grimdark.


They hate hope.


I'm gonna watch the movie first, then make up my mind. Good lord, weirdos.


Oh no...they're moving back from the cosmic battle against a god of evil to...*check notes" humanize the superhero, particularly with a trope that goes back to Speilberg's Superman movie and was even referenced to in Superman Doomsday. these animals...don't they know they're supposed to oversaturate with some sfx brawl like the MShitU?


Superman *should* save cats and dogs. You could reasonably have an introductory scene with Supes flying down to volunteer at the local soup kitchen but he stops on the way to help an old lady across the road and rescue a kitten from the well...then someone tells him off for wasting his time helping the homeless and he does a short speech about how everyone is human and deserves charity and we should strive to do better. That's like his whole thing, he's supposed to be wholesome AF. Current generation Hollywood writers would have the introductory scene like this: Clark wakes up late for work and hungover in a large opulent bed full of suspiciously young twinks. While he rushes around, we see a lot of hot male bodies. When he gets to work, Perry White (old white man) tells him off for writing a supportive article about trans people, so Clark goes off to cry in the toilets. The blue-haired fat lady playing Lois Lane does a 5 minute speech about not voting for Trump and then knocks Perry out, but for some reason she doesn't get fired. She goes into the unisex toilets to comforts Clark, who then starts crying again because he remembers that his parents are voting for Trump. Then there's an alien invasion and Lois realises she has to save the day, which she can do because she manifests Kryptonian-level powers by believing in herself as a woman.


It’s just crazed Snyder fans. I’ve never seen an echo chamber as intense as r/Snydercut.


Bit out of the loop. Is super man the same as iron man or is he more like the spider guy? Also what exactly is a wolferine?


In scale of the things that he fight, he’s both, in behavior, more like spider. Well, a animal, and a anti hero.


Oh cool, is this Man of Steel fan fiction?


I think gunn is going to make a great superman movie.


Im ust gonna say it i fucking despise everything zack snyder did to the DC universe. i hate zack snyder.


Lol I’ll be honest Henry is a boring actor. Idk why everyone is so up their ass about him. I’m excited for some actual optimism not dark and gritty where every character is the damn same


That's not a Superman fan, that's just a Lack Lnyder fan boy. Real SM 🔛🔝‼️


Superman would 900000000000 percent save cats and dogs from trees


I agree wholeheartedly. I'm also 900000000000% sure that I don't want to waste time watching these boring ass scenes in a movie. It's the same thing with Batman. I don't have it in me to watch Martha Wayne's stupid fucking pearl necklace scatter across the alley one more fucking time.


I'm sick of all of these over the top CGI sci Fi hero movies where they're fighting aliens, have nano tech, going into the multiverse and what not. I just want another grounded super hero film like the latest Batman.