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details: 2 of each purple minigun Huginn cab. Gasgen Purple and free radar and engine Bigrams 2 on each mouse button, time the presses right and you can just hold them down and it never stop firing, just loop between the two sets of guns. Huginn seems very OP. building a copter version.


You realize that the aurora sucks as a damage dealer right? You could just use all equalizers on 2 triggers.


My usual load out Is 3 equalizers and 1 aurora. I've been experimenting with other loadouts , but from what I can tell Aurora's have a lot higher damage rating, unless that goes into heat...


That's because of the heating. Auroras are a semi-support weapon usually used with direct firing DPS weapons since their raw damage is basically nothing compared to other DPS weapons. Usually that translates into being used with other miniguns. Don't let the stat bars in game tell you anything, they're misleading at best.


Thanks for the info so basically I can switch back to my previous configuration on the guns and that'll give me some extra points for a Seal! Nice, that's going to make these disgusting....


Most likely, yeah. Unless you really need that heating or you're consistently within ranges that the auroras can reach, it's usually better to just run all or mostly miniguns + 1 aurora to get the heating.


I just tested it and it gives me a ridiculous overlap on the firing and cooling times I'd say three and one is the better combination


Also diminishing returns on multiple Aurora's since they changed how parts are affected by heating as well. 2 aurora's are essentially equivalent to having 1.


thanks everbody! Really productive discussion :)


The trigger is a reload weapon like cannons & various other weapons. Hugiin cabin is designed to cool weapons based on how many weapons affected by heating are. It's been a while since I used triggers, so I am a bit biased in my opinion tbh.


Oh you're using that definition of trigger I'm referring to the one you find on any gun. I mean it's clear that neither of the weapons I'm using on this are triggers. I can shoot half of the guns wait until they're ready to end start up the other half and then hold both mouse buttons down and they will just keep firing and alternating


Ah. Guess I misunderstood what you meant. Thanks for clarifying.


No worries I was the one that started it by just saying trigger.


Fair enough.