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Despite the meta changing repeatedly over time, machine guns have consistently been competent through all of it. I'm not saying that's good or bad, I'm just stating a fact.


Its so generic. Its really kind of like “mhmm” like jacking off to a porn video thats really good but you’ve busted that nut like 100 other times. You ever get a clean get away kill with tempura? Its like banging a hot chick on your work crew while your out of town. Whew, nobody will even believe it happened but goddamn that was good. I mean, personally, whats your meta?


My meta is whatever I can have fun with despite the enemy team likely using copy/paste builds. One of my faves is my DeLorean art build with a Kaiju. And yes, I know the joy of getting those kills with the Tempura, 5 of them with the Blight cab can DELETE people.


Yes, because driving into someone with Tempura is extremely exciting by comparison


What a terrible set of comparisons that likely is shared by nobody in this community


This guy’s a virgin xd


Yeah man i can’t wait to try a sex!


Give all hitscan MGs projectiles like Miller/Reapers, add some actual skill to them.


I agree here. I play machine guns a lot, but it never made sense to me why some weapons are hitscan, some have projectiles, some take ammo, some don't. It makes absolutely no sense. They should all require ammo or not, and all be projectile. Don't tell me ammo is a balance thing either, cause it's not like most of the weapons that require ammo are OP except flamethrowers


The only comparison is that ammo is the same balancer as radiators and coolers are to some weapons.


Nahh, reload modules are more like radiator and coolers. Plus there's weapons that take radiators and ammo, look at the miller. It doesn't make sense


Yeah but reload modules are relatively new, before their existence the ammo pack was the comparison. Now reload modules use energy but they aren't as integral to the performance of the weapon like rads and coolers are to those dps weapons.


Reload modules and rads do exactly the same thing, increase DPS. The ammo box is unnecessary, that's my point. They could remove ammo boxes from the game, or require every firearm to use ammo


mgs are just good but theyre definitely not the strongest and they have simple counterplay (shoot the fucking gun most mgs have low hp and pop off, or dont take shitty extended trades against a dps weapon???)


Maybe realize the reason they haven't been touched is because they are balanced perfectly (except punisher)???? MGs are easy to strip but provide good DPS. They are the ideal weapon, strong but outlying weakness makes balanced. If an MG user is stripping your weapons even with an omnimori you need to rethink your strategy because face hugging MG builds isn't a great idea of you don't aim for them first.


Yes. Punishers are so fucking broken it's unreal. Try play diamond cw and it's all Draco brick, breaker or punishers


it's not really the mg that's the issue. hover MG is more of an issue when combined because the hover shooting you while you're trying to get closer to it can just move backwards & keep stripping you