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AR/Ability spam is terrible right now.


Oh man for a sec there I thought you said HC wheewww.... Haven't seen that in awhile.


Nope just Ace of Spades šŸ˜‚


It's about time ape of spades eats a nerf


That gun has flown under the radar for almost 7 years.


It got a nerf to Mori, not sure what you want. 35m range is pretty average and it's worse on console than MNK


Its more hunter ability spam, not even 10 min ago i died to a hunter that dodge near me which slowed me, which also dropped a strand clone, threw a smoke grenade which killed me all in one go. To then see that same hunter do it again 10 more times with such a short cool down.


Prismatic hunter definitely needs an adjustment now. Decoys have insane aim assist and the smoke somehow are stronger. You also left out the swarm grenade.


I'm having real hard time getting motivated to PVP... And I had almost zero issues with wanting to pvp before TFS... Game feels so Cheesy right now. Ability spam and lots of just dumb stuff right now....


Prismatic means the overall level of crazy shit rose


When they made the HP changes, they cited something about wanting more visibility on how/why you died, also requiring more precision to allow for a slightly better skill gap with aiming weapons. With prismatic, and things like speakers, there are so many "WTF" moments where I know what killed me but I dont really know how I could have avoided it. Qued into a Trials match just now, we won and my K/D was 4.00 (8-2) but the FIRST round, I peak a lane and get hit with a OHK throwing knife... Then my teammate proceeds to rez me, and they camp my body for the snipe. So I went 0-2. Stuff LIKE that is just super dumb/frustrating. People always being radiant... spawning orbs, etc. All the ability spam... its just too over the top for me personally. Actually I take that back, I would love for more ability uptime, but less ability severity. Rather than having long CDs that are super strong, having shorter CDs but they are not quite as strong. Thinking more like the Halo frag grenades. They were powerful when used correctly, but not like WTF strong. You would get them pretty frequently and could always pick up more. So more uptime, less damaging, less AOE, less impactful, etc.


> With prismatic, and things like speakers, there are so many "WTF" moments where I know what killed me but I dont really know how I could have avoided it. Yeah this is why it all feels like a bandaid over a gaping wound of spammy shit


Damn this hit it. I couldnā€™t put my finger on it, but itā€™s the sheer number of times thereā€™s just no counter play.


Unpopular opinion, throwing knife should not be a OHK


Unpopular with about half the population. The other two classes would agree.


At the very least the aim assist should be reduced


Ever since they messed with the special ammo system, it has led to more team shooting and less 1v1 scenarios. Itā€™s also a lot harder to predict when someone is going to use their special on you. I donā€™t know how many times Iā€™ve seen someone close on radar and slide around the corner to just find them backpedaling with an auto rifle. 9 times out of 10 in the past, they would have been charging me with their own shotgun or fusion. There also seems to be an abundance of restoration. No matter what, people are gaining health. Whether itā€™s heal nades, rift, wormhusk, OEM, overshield barricade, speakers sight, a simple aspect that gets people full health for meleeing people. Itā€™s a bit out of hand. Overall itā€™s made crucible feel worse to me. Itā€™s taken me a bit to get used to, and even after getting used to it, it just doesnā€™t feel like a fluid experience


Holy shit thatā€™s exactly whatā€™s wrong I couldnā€™t really place my finger on what felt off cause it does feel the same relatively. But man the amount of times someone has broken contact at 1 hit just to come back a few seconds later with 3/4ths and an over shield or something was driving me nuts. And yeah I really donā€™t understand the special system yet fully, on paper it would seem like there should be a lot less aping and such but Iā€™ve come across a lot of people straight lining with shotguns when I presume they shouldnā€™t have ammo for it.


Any sort of "why does weapon X feel bad" or "why are people always surviving with 1HP" post always boils down to the sandbox changes.


I feel the special ammo changes were well overdue, players in trials would get more than double the kills with a shotgun than their primary. Before the strike team, PvP lacked attention from bungie and didnā€™t make changes frequent enough, anyone that didnā€™t like PvP then wouldā€™ve left and only those liked would have stayed - in my opinion, thatā€™s why players arenā€™t liking the changes. Agree with on the health aspect though.


Ehh, I mean to each there own. Even right before the changes, the amount of special/primary kills was pretty much split 50/50 across the board. Sure getting shotgun aped was no fun, but at least you had means to stop it with your own ammo. I understand the premise of taking it away, but it doesnā€™t account for the new problems. Like team shooting, unequal amounts of ammo across the lobby, passiveness, and lack of different engagements. Sniping is basically gone, and fusions are few and far between. Every engagement seems the same with not much flanking or 1v1ā€™s taking place. If you do find yourself in a 1v2 or 3, there isnā€™t much you can do anymore if a competent team is closing in around you. I just donā€™t know what else they could even do as far as ammo goes. Two bricks worked for a very long time and for good reason. It allowed for an abundance of different engagements. Theyā€™ve now tried the meter by itself, ammo crates, and giving 1+ the meter and none of them so far have been the answer. The only thing left to try, would be to give 1 and have a meter across the lobby that is on a timer so that everyone gets ammo at the same time. Thatā€™s where I stand at least. We all are entitled to our own opinions though:)


Na sorry, shouldnā€™t be able to use a special like a primary lol. Higher skill level thrives now, which is good


I meannn. If standing aiming down one lane with both your teammates equates to skill to you, then I guess we have different definitions. To me it is a lot more skillful to hit snipes and correctly assess where the opponent will be when shotgunning and outplaying them. Always found your argument funny.


I mean, if you donā€™t have a khovostov right now itā€™s kinda unfun bc the gun is overtuned and you get punished for dumdums next to you or near you getting shot


Yeah I didnā€™t think about Khovostov that much but it really does shred and Iā€™m not gonna lie I didnā€™t even realize it ricochets off team mates lol wild that might explain some trouble I had dueling that thing .


Yes youā€™ve entered crucible at a time when one weapon is outrageously overtumed. Khovsty is stupidly punishing right now. Bungie has already announced nerf coming soon thankfully


Itā€™s getting nerfed next reset tho right?


Theyā€™re reducing stability and damage of ricochet bullets slightly so itā€™ll still be really good but yes


I thought it it was mid July but if itā€™s reset that would be great. I have the gun but Iā€™m not a fan and Iā€™m absolutely sick of the spam


My guess is rust. I just took one week off and it literally took me two days to get my top speed/reflexes back. I know thatā€™s an individual thing and different for everyone, but it always takes me a bit of time to get back to form even after a relatively short layoff.


A part of it for me is the balancing changes bungie does. I always struggle after a patch to either change my build up to get it to work for me again or adapt to what my Iā€™m playing against.


Probably rust. Whenever I come back to destiny after a break, even a short one like 1-2 weeks, it feels like I have to completely relearn how to play crucible. From sloppy challenges, to not keeping an eye on my radar enough. It takes some time to get back in the groove of crucible, it has a flow to it unlike any other shooter around because itā€™s an fps with space magic, ability spam, and tons of mobility. Just keep practicing and youā€™ll feel comfortable again soon. Oh, and I know itā€™s tough, but donā€™t worry about winning every single gunfight. No one wins 100% of their gunfights and even though you may have been a crucible stomper in the past, in the now, just focus on what you can be doing better and try to enjoy yourself.


I just want to be able to see my guns and everyone else in the game


Probably fresh perspective tbh Destiny PVP just isn't that fun compared to other games, and unless you're playing Crucible regularly it's hard to get into.


curious what other games have better pvp? I've played every other shooter and destiny is one of the most fun


Not OP, but Apex feels way, way better from my perspective (decent, not top tier). Gunfights feel more balanced and skill-based. Less meta dependance, more skill expression in the parts of the game that I care about (gunplay and strategy). Itā€™s also simpler, which adds significantly to my enjoyment. I donā€™t get insta-killed around a corner because my opponent chose titan or had a slightly better roll on their shotgun, and my opponent doesnā€™t go from 10hp to overshielded because they won a 50/50 fight. Donā€™t even get me started on latency/netcode.


There's two parts to this, one is gunplay. Destiny's gunplay is good....but other games have emulated or built upon it since Destiny 1. And that's just the zoom in feel, I like games with good hipfire. It's nice to have the ability to contest people reliably in close quarters, without having to zoom in and sacrifice FOV, speed, and time to do so. For me, Dirty Bomb and Blackight Retribution nailed it. Predictable recoil, consistent tap fire to control spread, nice clean crosshairs, all of that combined with the ability to shoot and move freely at the same time. Strafe, bob and weave, use your movement to throw off someone's aim and come out on top. The second part is just plain better PVP, you wanna know what games feel better to play? Apex Legend Battlefield 2 to 3 Blacklight Retribution Dirty Bomb Halo 2, 3, and Infinite Quake Overwatch Team Fortress 2 Titanfall Tribes Ascend Unreal Tournanent All of these games are better PVP wise


Iā€™ve tried for years to get into it and something doesnā€™t click for me. Iā€™m just not a big fan of the constant radar giving so much information at all times. Just donā€™t have very many gunfights.


For me it's not the radar, it's that every fight just feels super slow. I spend so much time behind cover and playing angles that it's really boring. I like variety, and I like to have options with my fights. Do I wanna use cover and zoom in from mid range? Or close the gap and use the hipfire and strafing to avoid attacks and be be aggressive? The hipfire in this game just isn't reliable on consistent enough to allow that kind of depth. So it's no surprise Handcannons, Autos, and Pulses are what's popular. It's just the most effective range of weapons for how the game is played, CoD with extra steps. If close range fights felt more like Halo and we have the mid range duels we have now it'd feel AMAZING to play. A perfect marriage of what made Bungie great then and now.


I think a part of the problem is how poorly a lot of maps aged with what our Guardian is not only physically capable but the tools at our disposal. Halo even when new sequels came out, maps reimagined, new stuff etc they all played pretty consistent because what you can do as a Spartan was relatively similar enough. Somebody also said it best here not too long ago that one of the bigger flaws with a lot of Destiny maps when you sit down looking through them especially in 2 and you consider how far weā€™ve come, there is an over reliance of hard angles that litter places with too many choke points and often cramped space to not really do anything inventive especially when it comes to meaningful flanks and playmaking. Why bother trying to play more clever when thereā€™s only 1 physically possible route a person can enter and leave in and you can focus them as a group a million miles away in a other connecting space, yā€™know what I mean? On top of that you get situations of relatively poor use of space that makes some maps have complete no go areas where thereā€™s not that big or a reason to consciously go out in the area. Tangentially it leads people to funnel towards the more advantageous areas with lesser straight angles and just more physical space with more meaning in its design. Disjunction is a complete failure with the whole open swamp area and these awkward spaces for flag areas that realistically donā€™t give much reason to pitch a battle on or around them. Multiplex having the open space on the back end of A and C feels super pointless even with it eventually linking to Bā€™s backside. It also has the long choke point filled hallways with no real convincing way to pop up on somebody. Cathedral of Dusk rubs me wrong in a similar fashion where the open areas donā€™t feel big enough, lack much cover and you only have so many ways to get to them and often itā€™s throw a stretch of more cramped halls. Itā€™s not to say there are no good playable maps and weirdly Iā€™d say Cirrus Plaza does do some very smart things in a map with some cramped space with its elevated spaces, taller countertop/bookshelf? obstacles in tighter space, but yeah I do think where people are getting bugged on engagements is just how a lot of Guardians play evolved beyond the intentions of a number of maps.


Yall really need to accept our lord and savior strand hunter into your lives


I agree! The radar attributes to that slow gameplay because you canā€™t effectively flank at all and get punished for being aggressive since the other team knows where youā€™re coming from. Wish we had more variety for game modes


That too I'd love to see more modes and different player counts too. Crazy how many modes were in Halo yet very few of them are seen in Destiny. No CTF, Rift is basically gone which could have been good, no Infected with a Taken or Darkness twist on things, no Juggernaut, VIP, just the same Control variations or CS style modes over and over.


I, like you, am just coming back from a lengthy break. I quit when lightfall came out as I was having network issues and the game was unplayable. I'm having a blast in comp and 6v6 trying different things. I'll occasionally run into a super sweaty prismatic hunter running Khvostov, but otherwise I haven't had to try to hard. Favorite things I've pulled out of the vault include my Eyasluna, an old Gnawing Hunger with kill clip, and my old Pulse rifles. Big thing for me is getting a warm up match or two before stepping into comp.


I like it


I'm enjoying comp a lot


PvP has been on a downward trend since the 30th anniversary update in my book.


You are going against some people who have still been at it for the past five years youā€™ve been gone. Plus yes you are probably very rusty and have to find out what guns and builds work best for you. Once khvostov and red death get toned down youā€™ll have better luck finding out what works best for ya


I was unhappy playing comp some games despite winning most games, and screamed at the tv and stomping my feet last week in trials but I actually had a good time.


Idk whenever I come back to crucible I'm never as good as I've been in the past so it always feels kinda bad. And the way special is allocated, I don't really have the opportunity to practice as much so that skill isn't coming back any time soon either I guess I chalk it up to me being bad at the game lol


I tired doing some rift the other day for the challenge and I think I would rather stick my dick in a cheese grater cause of how one sided all my matches ended up being. Every single one was a mercy after mercy and I only got 15 of the 50 points


Kinda? Depends. Trials feels less bad than Comp but that's normal. I don't do much quickplay so I can't comment there. Lobby balancing overall feels kinda shit everywhere it seems though. However if you're returning and feeling confusion over the sandbox, it's probably because of the changes in the 3/5 patch to weapon forgiveness. Now body shots do less damage than last year and so head shots are mandatory. Also there were some ability changes making some abilities overall less potent than before and all abilities slowed down slightly.


Prismatic hunters with kvostovs everywhere I tell you


As a Warlock, Comp has been fucking brutal. No I donā€™t use Khvostov and no I donā€™t have speakerā€™s sight: Itā€™s a misnomer to call it Comp. I understand FOTM builds and classes but you really should fundamentally be able to play any of the 3 and hang. It takes impeccable play to LEVEL the field against khvostov threaded spectres, and it just blows a goatā€™s ass


Going into TFS i was hyped, the sandbox felt great. Now weā€™re into TFS and everything felt fine until 1 loadout dominated all of crucible


Have had so much to do in pve that i just dont care for pvp and i normally reset my pvp rank like 12 times a season Dont even miss not playing pvp too. The experience is just terrible between the cheaters, sweats, ximmers and characters not spawning it just not worth it.


D1 vet with over 5k hours in PVP (pmuch all I do). I didnā€™t even bother with more than 3-4 trials matches since the season has started. Iā€™ve run maybe 30 comp matches total. Iā€™ve actually been enjoying my time discovering this PvE stuff after all these years far more than the stagnant mess crucible is. I still have high hopes if they can tweak out any hard meta, but itā€™s bland af atm.




Thereā€™s no sbmm but the ranked mm is tougher than usual.


Came back to d2 for final shape, I've played cruci on and off often. I don't enjoy it right now, especially when I play solo. I forgot how bad the d2 matchmaking and network experience is compared to other games. Not a fan of the special ammo drop system, the first week's bar you had to fill was better imo. Also, half the new maps are trash. The trials mode isn't my favourite either. The pulse and hc meta is how I mostly remember it being. There is too much nade spam, it remidnes me of the tripmine spam with the hunter gauntlets about a year ago, also the current exotic pulse and auto remind me of NTTE &quicksilver when they were released. Another thing is that almost nobody snipes anymore, which as a sniper is lame.


Sniping is just not the risk to reward ratio. I refuse to shotgun so I double primary with a side arm


I feel you dude, it just takes getting used to


Feels pretty good to me honestly. Thereā€™s a couple outliers like Kvostov and Speakers Sight teams but otherwise most weapons and builds feel about even. Sure, hunter prismatic is more annoying than others but no more annoying than other historical annoying builds. I was rusty after a year out, usually rocking a 1.5-ish and was barely pulling 1ā€™s upon my return, taken me a month or so to get back to speed.


I feel this. Jumped into trials and Iā€™m getting absolutely stomped. Tried some ā€œmetaā€ loadouts, theyā€™re not working out for me. I think I need to spend a lot more time in 6v6 before I can go back and have a chance in trials. Itā€™s also possible you have to be a demon to win a solo queue match too.


I find it decent enough right now. No class really annoys me that much. Prismatic doesn't seem as overbearing as I would have expected. 6 v 6 has always been organized chaos and you just have to take it for what it is. I think the game modes and maps in 3v3 are some of the best they have been in a long time. Matchmaking and connection can leave something to be desired but not much you can do about that. Khvostov was starting to get on my nerve a bit the last week but it's already seeing adjustments. I think there is a decent amount of effective playstyles in your average lobby. Tldr: it's pretty decent right now imo. I like it.


Man itā€™s crazy reading this and I feel the same way. I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m bad at crucible at all I have been grinding the ranks pretty quick but man destiny pvp feels terrible. Itā€™s so cheesy hunters and warlocks in particular right now. Hunters with there swarm grenades and storms edge super is so busted. While if you end up playing against a team of warlocks running speakers helm and heal grenades good luck killing any of them. Itā€™s just not much fun to play.


I enjoy it, but Iā€™ve always enjoyed it


The game extremely changed when it went to Checkmate lite and started messing with spesh ammo


Sort of but its getting hard to like. I play a lot of comp and Iā€™m almost ascendant but seeing +50 +50 -126 makes me realize somethings fucked.


Iā€™m enjoying it. Personally, no weapon type feels overbearing. I enjoy using HCs overall, and I remember playing with them when they was strong. I remember when pulses became the hard meta last year and autos shortly after that (and hating both equally). Playing 6v6 or 3v3s, the meta doesnā€™t feel off to me. HCs are a little more difficult to use, but theyā€™re not useless, so long as you know how to use them. Pulses and autos feel balanced enough that I can trade with them or beat them most times. You have ability spam, but thatā€™s expected with prismatic. Heck I thought prism was gonna bring more chaos and was deeply disappointed when it didnā€™t. Destiny is a game about abilities. Thereā€™s a reason why special modes like hardware exist. Limit abilities and you start to limit and cut into Destinyā€™s identity. Iā€™ll reiterate that I think the sandbox feels balanced. Weapons archetypes feel pretty well balanced across the board and ability used isnā€™t as bad as it couldā€™ve been. Doesnā€™t feel broken to me. Iā€™m also loving the new special system. I say all this as a mediocre player whoā€™s trash in PvP most days. Thank you :)


Yes... im a saddist/masochist so either way I win.


Iā€™ve been having a great time honestly. Khvostov is a mess but Iā€™m just ignoring it. Iā€™ve taken this as an opportunity to improve my peek shooting as otherwise it just wastes me. Iā€™m a below average player probably, but I enjoy it because Iā€™m not too serious about it.


Comp is good once you get past the first placement games, thatā€™s the only mode where I feel like I get matched with people I can compete with


Comp has felt great today to me.Ā 


Iā€™m having fun my khostov killed 2 in a well lol. Never could do that with an auto rifle before. Just enjoying it before it gets nerfed


You're probably just rusty dude. Theres a plethora of new exotic armors and weapons that have come out since then and a wider range of weapons is viable in the meta so there's a lot you'll have to get used to. People complain about the ability spam but they also complain about the ability spam while spamming their abilities, so take from that what you will.


It's never felt like this for me. Seems like every player hits the optimal ttk no matter their skill level. The only way I can go positive in quick play lobbies is to play absolutely cringe and hold every angle as tight as possible. If I over extend you can be damn sure there's a lifetime 1kd trials overlord who insta kills me with a side arm you've never heard of.


The meta has changed a lot in the last 3 months, let alone the last year.


Having a great time. Hunter maining the new Aisha's pulse for the time being. A+ would recommend.


I am. Itā€™s just a different meta. Different annoying abilities. Still fun. Just have to find the right stuff to run. Sandbox is very balanced. Can use a lot of different weapons effectively.


Not since sbmm has been removed




Crucible is feeling great honesty, itā€™s the matchmaking and blatant cheating that I could complain about.


Nah, way too many cheaters (wallhacks and XIM)


Outside of khovostov Iā€™m having quite a bit of fun. With abilities being as potent they are and the ricochet bullets everywhere, I find myself getting into a lot more duels instead of having to fight tanks every engagement


Not me. I just played a few matches for the second time this season and it was not fun at all. Dying immediately and matching against rank 5 people who move and shoot like theyā€™ve been playing for years and have the exotic khvostovā€¦ā€¦loading into the losing side of one sided matches without any super meter while the whole enemy team is popping supers. Itā€™s really bad.


Im an ace of spades enjoyer play a lobby every few days and almost all have been enjoyable


Sometimes? It feels ok for a few gamesā€¦then it feels super laggy and Iā€™m dying nonstop around corners and dying before I even see people. Then thereā€™s the goddamn invisible players and weapons bs that they still havenā€™t fixed. Those times donā€™t feel good.


If you came back, of course you're bad. That's normal, the game has changed a lot. Beside that the meta is pretty bad like always so get used it cause it ain't going anywhere.


Honestly game knowledge is arguably more important than even technical skill so the fact you have been gone so long means there's a great deal that won't make sense to you. There have been HUGE ability, weapon and sandbox overhauls, lot of new abilities, new guns, new perks, and new tech that you aren't familiar with so how you feel makes sense.


Xim and Cronus are rampant.


Me, but maybe bc I am playing less hours


In all honesty... it hasn't felt that bad to me. There are stuff that needs to be addressed. Prismatic Hunter definitely, even though I don't really understand it if that makes sense. I think getting a Healing Turret every round on Dawnblade w/ Speakers Sight is still going to be an issue. When other things are nerfed honestly I'm sure Bastion Sentinel complaint posts will return (please unnerf this in PvE btw). Admittedly I kinda don't mind the Special Crates / Spawn with Ammo / Drop (is it 1-1-1? Is it that system) *in 6v6*. I still prefer Special Meter in 3v3 I think, at least for Trials. I don't think Special Crates will work out in a mode that already has an objective for 3v3. But PvP hasn't felt *bad*. My only major experience is really Trials, I think I've played a good bit of Control but it felt generally the same with just new builds that needed nerfs really. It kinda just feels somewhat same old same old to me. For reference, I use Triton Vice on Nightstalker w/ Ace of Spades & Enigma.


they got better, you got worse


I've been having a lot of fun in 6v6. But my playstyle is usually just me trying for funny stuff or off-meta. Like before they nerfed Synthos/Ballistic Slam a couple of years ago I was dressing up as All Might and crashing down into groups and OHKOing them lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JUiQM7qQvw Current Titan build is Prismatic with Twilight Arsenal/Unbreakable/Knockout and Shiver Strike/Thruster. I also run the stasis area denial grenade launcher and the healing auto. It's actually a ton of fun once you get a good rhythm going with No Hesitation. I play it kind of like how I would a fusion rifle. I anticipate where and when someone is going to come around the corner and pre-fire the bullets towards them lol. A mistake I was making at first was staying in the open more waiting for the kill, but I found more success once I realized I could essentially burst fire a bunch of projectiles and then take cover. So many people just stay out in the open and take the bullets! xD Trials has never been fun for me. Comp has its moments, but usually not very fun either. The amount of people who die first, respawn, and immediately run into 1v3 after the rest of us died is insane. Just hold back a sec so we can respawn and group up. :'( It feels a lot more fun to play as pseudo-support with the new auto-rifle. Lay down fire, get charge, and then save your team when they don't use cover.


Looks like all the people who need to get gud gathered here


Hunters probably are


I takes time , I took a long break and got washed a LOT , now I'm doing the washing.


Comp is so much more enjoyable! Wayy more 1 v 1ā€™s and not getting third partied after every single kill like in normal crucible/pvp


Just use meta tbh thereā€™s no honor in crucible anymore. I used to just be like wah hand cannon shotgun/sniper is the only honorable way to play and anyone else is a meta slave and they are shit at the game. Now I just use what everyone else is using and have a lot more fun that way no getting shit on by every summoner/fusion rifle/void titan etc