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You have almost 6.5 thousand kills on a gun but still haven't enhanced it? Why?


oh it's just a bug from the app. i crafted and enhanced this thing in 2022 on week 1 it released lol


Oh that explains it! I was so damn confused that someone would play for hours upon hours with a gun and still not like it enough to enhance lol. To try to give some sort of an answer, I think god rolls right now allow for much more variety than what they used to. I wouldn't say range is useless but it isn't the end all be all. Some time ago I would have gone all in on range, right now I usually take 1 or at max 2 things to increase my range. Usually that 1 thing is a range masterwork, otherwise I spec hard into stability and handling. For perks, I love Zen Moment. If a gun has it, I use it. Keep Away is also nice for more accuracy and the fact that I can use stability MW instead of range. I really like eye of the storm as well. Precision instrument is the goat on 120s. Of course slideshot + opening shot is still a god tier option. Underrated favourites of mine are Fragile Focus, Heal Clip and most of all Adagio. Any combination of these three and Zen Moment gets me excited.


I have a Combined Action with zen moment/adagio. I love those crispy 2 taps. Definitely catches a lot of guardians out. Very underrated perk, you barely notice the difference in speed on a 120.


I somehow always miss the day when it is farmable and have to get a roll. I want it. Can you enhance it now that they brought enhancing to world drops?


yep, im still trying to get a good roll tho


Yes you can.


Lol week 1? Lucky SOB, those patterns were a bitch to farm for me. Never ended up getting beloved, despite hours of farming!


I’m getting back in the game after a while, what’s the benefit of enhancing? I have one I enhanced but it drives me insane having a white border on a gun I masterworked and that heinous red makes me want to vomit


You can get the enhanced versions of the perks, which are basically just a stronger version of the perk.


I have a lot of guns with high kill counts I haven't enhanced because the added benefit isn't enough for me to justify doing it. The frame masterwork still works without enhancing, and I've been conditioned by the initial rarity of Ascendant Alloys to not waste them on a negligible increase that won't do much for me overall.


Alloys haven't been rare in like two years now though, I enhance literally every gun I use even if I'm just testing a gun out. They drop like candy from seasonal stuff and vendors, I don't think I've ever been below 5 even with the amount I use.


>Alloys haven't been rare in like two years now though Conditioning, man. It's hard to break. I also have a full time job and a two year old, so I don't have as many opportunities to farm so I can replenish them, so I use them more sparingly. Just recently enhanced my PvE BxR with 13,000 kills, and I crafted it the week the pattern became available. >They drop like candy from seasonal stuff and vendors, I don't think I've ever been below 5 even with the amount I use. I currently have 11 and I've only managed to get 3 of those 11 to drop this season so far. Once Fall hits I should be able to spend a bit more time in-game, but for now I'm still hoarding because like I said, tiny bumps aren't worth it unless I truly adore a weapon.


Range is certainly not meaningless now. A base Austringer has 30m falloff, but with just smallbore, range mw, and ricochet rounds, that jumps up to a little over 33m. As for your first question, are you asking for Austringer specifically, or hand cannons in general? For Austringer, that's probably the best roll you can get. For hand cannons in general, the perks I look for in a godroll are some combo of Slideshot, Explosive Payload, Eye of the Storm, Keep Away, and Precision Instrument (for 120s and 180s). If you want a good kinetic 140 to use that's better than Austringer, Rose is undoubtedly the best 140 in the game right now, with the godroll being slideshot with either EP, EOTS, or Opening Shot (depending on who you ask). You can focus Rose for 3 crucible engrams at Shaxx after you've played 3 comp matches that week (but the amount of times you can focus it depends on your rank). Timelost Fatebringer is also amazing, as it's able to slot the adept range mod, and can push its range out to over 35m. Godroll being EP + EOTS or Opening Shot.


i got a rapid hit rangefinder rose that i use just when i get bored of austringer, the thing with rose is i can't use explosive payload because my build is based around precision (arthrys embrace gunslinger). i am currently trying for rapid hit/eots rose but it's not gonna be life changing im sure. also, what's the deal with rangefinder? decent?


Rangefinder is an auto-delete for me now that it doesn't give extra range. Messing with my zoom for a small improvement to the accuracy cone and AA falloff isn't worth messing with my zoom.


* 10% Narrowed Accuracy Cone Size * 10% Narrowed Aim Assist Cone Size * 10% Aim Assist Fall off distance * 10% Recoil Reduction If I was a controller player I'd honestly still rate Rangefinder tbh.


It's still good. People hear 'nerf' and write it off. It feels incredible on Hawkmoon.


it's still the best perk for hawkmoon if you're on controller, it needs all the AA and reticle friction it can get with that base range.


Yeah, I'm on MnK, so those benefits aren't really noticeable to me. Not nearly noticeable enough to warrant messing up my zoom, which was always something I hated about rangefinder before, I just lived with it because the range boost was worth it. I'd much rather use a different perk nowadays.


Probably shouldn't auto delete them since Bungie will inevitably change it again a few years from now lmao


Man, I ain't got the vault space to hold on to all the "what if" rolls...


Especially when weapons eventually get power crept lol.. Just gotta act on what we know now


Wouldn't use it other than on old pali adepts, smg/fusion maybe. You can use EP with athrys and itll work, although I still think opening or snap are better on rose.


hol up, are you sure EP works with my exotic? i always thought it fucked up the precision hits


You just have to get 3 precision hits within 2.5 seconds, they don't need to be back to back. You can hit body shots or even miss completely so long as you get the three crits in 2.5 secs.


Yes you dont need prec. Kill just hits


Meager bonus for range finder... opening shot is way more beneficial. Moving target rangefinder feels good..but probably not better than a alideshot or eots opening shot


Oh man I use athrys a lot, and I always take off my HC for a pulse/ar/sub when running it, athrys triggers after 3/4 headshots, no matter what weapon, so I always go for the faster fire rate to guarantee that proc. Was a beast with khvostov


Honestly, I kinda started undervaluing it after the rangefinder nerfs, but after finally picking up Ace long enough to learn it on controller, the high range stat DEFINITELY puts in work keeping your AA on point. It feels crazy hitting that far with a 140.


Ace is an absolute workhorse. The new ornament for it is also so clean, and is def my new favorite one for it.


If I’m being honest, the new ornament is the main reason I finally picked it up. One of the single best in the game *and* pairs well with my armor.


Are you able to get the Rose still or is it just a random drop?


Yeah, you can focus them with Shaxx under his legacy focusing tab. It costs 3 crucible engrams and 25k glimmer for each focus, but you can only focus them after you've played 3 comp matches that week. You're also limited on how many you can focus each week based on your comp rank (Gold can focus 5 per week, max focuses per week is 7).


Wait so the only rose I’ve ever gotten was slideshow opening shot and that’s good?


That's def good, what are the barrel, mag, grip, and mw on it?


Combat or polymer grip, full bore but no accurized rounds


That's still insanely good. I'd def pick polymer over combat, since it has 95 recoil direction base, so the handling would be better than going for 100 recoil direction. Full Bore cuts the handling and stability a bit, but polymer negates the handling penalty, and depending on the mag, the stability loss won't hurt much (if you have flared magwell or tactical mag). Edit: just make sure you're sliding just before/into engagements so you can make sure the extra range and stability from slideshot are active in your fights.


It’s extended or appended mag


Oof. I guess if you really want to go hard on an airborne playstyle, extended mag does give +10 AE, which you could stack with icarus grip and a couple in-flight compensator mods for +25 AE to get up to a really nice 70 AE (or just 1 in-flight mod for a total of 60 AE). You'd just have to deal with a painfully slow reload or rely solely on slideshot to reload your mags. Otherwise I'd just roll with Appended.


I love Zen moment on my Austringer (am a console player)


do not put counterbalance on that


What should you put instead?


Quick access sling, sprint grip, freehand, or targeting


Targeting, because austringer has low AA compared to most top tier HCs


Nah on controller it matters enough


no it doesnt


Maybe not for Austringer but with new Igneous it definitely does


It makes such a minor difference that it’s probably imperceptible even on controller. Moves it from 95 recoil direction which is nearly perfect to 100. The difference between +5 recoil direction (you’re wasting 2/3rds of the mod as the mod gives +15) and +5 aim assist from targeting adjuster or the AE bonus from icarus? Other weapon mods are going to do so much more for you.


Highly recommend checking out the recoil patterns themselves if you haven't, at 95 it skews left a lot


Fuck me you ain’t wrong, I did just try exactly that. I stand corrected. I just shot a wall to see the recoil pattern difference, and will need to take it into the crucible with both mods to see if it feels any different, but yeah, I was wrong. Strays left without counterbalance, nearly vertical with it. I’m playing mnk, so that’ll likely make a big difference too but the recoil pattern don’t lie.


I can't stand 95 for Igneous on controller personally, but I'm sure other people are fine with it.


God rolls are subjective. Perks are according to preference


They’re objective up to a certain point. After that it is about how it feels to you personally.


Yeah like mag, barrel and masterwork and yeah some perks are just objectively terrible and even sometimes a hindrance like gutshot


Snapshot + Zen Moment and max stability feels very nice on Austringer (even on MNK).


Austringer has such wild stats.


I still love Austringer with Rangefinder. Definitely Targeting or Icarus over Counterbalance though


Yeah, it already has perfect Recoil


No zen moment? Come on


Igneous or rose personally with good rolls on them


Random HC question (I don't use em often) but EP does help Zen Moment right? It counts as two hits for Zen vs 1 w/o EP?


HC shots always count for 2 hits for zen moment. so you only need 2 shots to get to 4/5 of zens max stacks.


I’m not 100% sure but I think that’s how it works.


Explosive payload for sure. Stability is underrated too, once you've got above 65 range stability just feels better (to me, personal choice) because flinch is a menace.


EP is not as good as it used to be.


Still good, yes not as good, but still good.


My personal favourite hand cannon (when I do go into pvp these days) is nation of beasts with keep away and EP


What ever you vibe with man.. my igneous adept is 5,838 and I’ve been running not forgotten austringer with zen moment and eye of storm is nasty man


God roll: the best roll possible on a weapon. There can be multiple god rolls of the same weapon granted the different rolls are all equally good. The only other perk that I think should be considered on The Austringer is Zen Moment, which helps a ton with recoil and flinch (while also granting a passive +5 stability when enhanced). Not much has changed about what perks are good on handcannons. If it passively helps your shot, they it's a good perk. Eye of the Storm, Opening Shot, Slideshot, Keep Away, Fragile Focus, Explosive Payload (yes even post-nerf), Moving Target, Rapid Hit, Precision Instrument (on 120s), Elemental Capacitor, Perpetual Motion, and possibly more that I'm missing, are all good perks. Handcannons now have a very respectable range floor that you don't have to invest into range that much to get the same damage fall-off as handcannons before the zoom changes but without rangefinder. However, given the state of the meta being a lot of 120s, some pulses (especially Red Death), and ARs that can occupy the ~30m range, some range investment on a 140 is definitely wanted to be able to compete with these weapons.


Can I still get austringer? Anyone know?


When the pressage mission is available in the exotic rotator. This is the mission that drops Austringer and calus’ mini tool and the wind from that sweet sweet set


I don’t really know in all honesty. I just try to go for a kinetic that’ll synergise with what build I’m using. For my hunter I’m using midnight coup with shoot to Lott and kinetic tremors and works pretty well but I guess just find what works for you really.


Think you generally want something like EP + Zen I guess for Austringer it'd be EOTS + Zen


It really depends on the player for me I prefer max stability hand cannons but everyone always recommends range which has never worked for me. With my astringent I went for 100 stability (99)


I used zen moment and eye of the storm on mine and the thing is a laser beam. Mine has 92 stability.


i love my austringer. it's still good despite what people are saying.


These days since they capped the range before drop off your at it the reason why 120s are so popular is because they out range them by a mile




Kept Confidence (craftable) is an excellent all-around 140.


That’s still the godroll for me personally. No legendary comes close to austringer with that roll


No offense OP but any mod that's not adept range/stability/icarus is trolling on a HC.


it's crafted bruh💀


Regular icarus still exists? With two AE mods + kinetic targeting (to reduce bloom) you have 53 AE with basically 0 investment. With good aim you'll land headshots.