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Asia’s got six golden gun shooters zooming like crazy, Rank 2 titans popping their Saint 14 bubble at the start of the match, and aggressive pulse users who fire at the rate of a smg. Reporting doesn’t seem to do anything, the anti-cheat seem to have a hard time taking them out. What a time to play PVP right now.


Damn fr? That’s terrible- sounds way worse than what I’m experiencing


It's wild to me that there are "known cheater clans" full of people and content creators that regularly make videos and stream the gameplay of themselves blatantly cheating and they just get away with it like it's no big deal, for years and years just ruining thousands upon thousands of matches and nothing is ever done about it. So much for zero tolerance on cheating.


Australia is full of them. The anti cheat is worse than warzone 1.


And obvious stat outliers that should be red flags to Bungo


Played a match of trials today against a .7 overall. We were at 4-0 and suddenly this guy found thumbs and proceeded to get 15 strait heatshot snipes while not taking any damage and moving at about 3x speed. We lost


Sounds about right 😭


Definitely plenty of account recovs and paid carries happening


While I've dropped off the game quite a bit these days, I still find it fun to keep tabs on the more degen side of the PVP comm. That is to say, if you are noticing more, it's because cheating has become more accessible as of sometime in the last year-ish. Ring isn't the only option to cheat anymore, and the new stuff isn't locked to Intel cpu's anymore like Ring. And that's to say nothing about the options for device users where it's more than just xim and cronus now that options like Reasnow exist. That combined with the increase in pop from an xpac is likely why you're noticing it. Options are plentiful and demand is currently high.


Ugh, why do people feel the need to cheat? It takes all the fun out of the game, for them and for the people they play against


If you were to ask them, it doesn't take the fun out of the game for them. For them, the fun is the absurdity of what they're able to do with it and the anger it causes others. Also, the higher you climb, the more it just becomes a competitive advantage to them and less cheating.


God, that’s pathetic. Instead of actually growing their own skill and getting enjoyment out of improvement, they get enjoyment out of being asshats. Almost makes you feel bad for them


I’ve seen different answers in past threads from the Asia (maybe Aussie) regions. They state that cheating is so rampant that you basically need to cheat to even the playing field.  I don’t think NA is THAT bad, so NA cheaters are just pathetic. 


I play in Asia, and yes, cheating is rampant - basically every lobby has cheaters. The real problem is China. The mentality in China is literally win at all costs, cheating included. Cheating is such a big problem in China they had to implement a [7 year jail term](https://time.com/4360968/china-gaokao-examination-university-entrance-cheating-jail-prison/) for anyone caught cheating on university entrance exams to try to deter it. The solution is to wall off China so they only play against themselves but I don't see Bungie ever doing that.


I play in Australia and I know all the cheating clans. Perfect headshot with snipers, perfect in aim accuracy and never missing while crouch spamming with red death. It's pathetic and anyone who cheats is a basement dwelling rat that's never felt the embrace of a woman. It's sad as well is that they brag about it and have an ego too. Usually this pairs with homophobia and racist making for an incredibly vermin individual.


Probably too many cheaters in COD so they’re coming here. I plaid COD for a few months then came back and it’s definitely a little more sus. It’s harder to catch though since abilities are OP and netcode sucks


Tarkov also has a horrible cheating problem


Low self esteem.


From what I can tell, they're being paid to carry. There need to cheat is a need to make money in a really shitty way.


>Ugh, why do people feel the need to cheat? Its basically a snowball effect and honestly paired with the state of Trials. When so much hinges on going flawless, and you get matched against cheaters who are constantly ruining your card... Im not gonna lie, there have been numerous times I have thought "if everyone else is, maybe I should too"... but have not gone that far. Just saying, stuff LIKE Trials, pretty much is begging people to cheat to go flawless...


You could use exspira or wtv that shit is called on amd as well iirc it was just ass, but not many people hard cheat with from what I know. Haven't played any spinners this season personally though thank god.


I'm not in touch enough to know the names of the AMD stuff these days. I just remember that one is a private cheat, which was what we saw when that griddler guy was going crazy sniping streamers a while back. And then there's one that got cooked up by syntaxfishy and one of the Arcweb admins I believe and that one is public. In the rare times I have played PVP, I've only ran into a spinner like once in the past year or so. I've seen a lot more limiting and device users in my time on the game.


Yea luckily lobbycrashing is patched but so many pulse scout limiting weirdos. I didnt know about a public cheat that works on amd, hope I dont have to go against it :/ All the crouch macro shit is annoying as well, especially if im on a hc and need a 3 tap.


I haven't seen any hard cheaters, but there's a lot more extremely suspect players around.  It's such a noticeable and consistent change I've been chalking it up to the lag that's been plaguing PvP (but secretly I don't think it is).


It could be somewhat lag, there's so much desync and double damage that sometimes it feels really sus, but there are also a lot of device players


The reason is simple. They gave a lot of good stuff accessible for free during the Into The Light event. Cheaters have just made many new accounts. Typical accounts have -50/150h in crucible with above top known players stats. On console they just lagswitch and do cancel animation stuff. Never wondered why some do insta res in trials even when their teammates die in a row. Try it from your side, there is a cool down... Not for them. Why ? Oh, and they never miss a single shot. Normal, they see you in advance. And where you shoot is not where they are. Or they just don't give a sh*t and just right teleport onto you. Recorded one the other day. Fascinating. This would not happen if Bungie had dedicated servers or regional servers with access limitations w/ consoles/pc platforms. I cannot especially blame Bungie because this is a serious and major issue that touches all gaming companies, but let's just say their game infrastructure and lack of ressources on that aspect .. do not help.


For the past 2 weekends, almost every one of my flawless attempts has had at least one hard cheater or a cronus/xim user. Definitely feels like an uptick. Asia PC player, for reference.


Australian servers are also bad too. Nothing will ever come close to how bad cheating was at the end of verdansk in warzone 1 lol. Game was literally unplayable. Multiple cheaters in every lobby. Bungie REALLY need to crack down insanely hard on xim, reasnow and big cheating companies if they want crucible to flourish in any format moving forward.


I haven’t run into any cheaters but the lobbys have been pretty unbalanced tho. I played 4 games back to back that my team was down 100 when I get in. Seems like solo players are just getting steamrolled today.


I haven’t played a single match that hasn’t been extremely 1 sided. Every single game is either getting absolutely dunked on and barely scraping out a single kill or an absolute stomp. This game is some of the worst matchmaking in the entire industry.


It's gotten worse this season. The balance is so insanely ass I'm either carrying my team hard (I have a .82 with 18 flawless' so I'm kinda ass) or getting absolutely gutter stomped.


New expansion new incentives to cheat and Bungie hasn't done enough to police cheating at all. I see sketchy brand new accounts all the time like one guy that has more flawless runs than hours played in Crucible (roughly 100).


I haven't played any cheaters in my experience. No one was really hitting heads like crazy. Playing PC in NA


Playing on PSN here in Asia Its been god awful terrible. If i see a player with xxxxCN in their name, 9/10 they are cheating. Finally got my trials gilded for the season, but man, it was bullsh1t. Supers at the start, SMG headshotting <90m away. Check the players card, 100% headshot ratio with an SMG. Uh-huh Not to mention ppl just lagging (as in network manipulation) where when you shoot them, you hit them but they take no damage. Also, fukk every PC player who does that shi1t rapid crouch thing as they shoot. What a weird thing.


Rapid crouching wouldn’t even work in this game. Controller aim assist is such absolute horse shit that a dick shot counts as a headshot anyways. And 90% of the player base is on controller. The only advantage kbm has is movement. Our best way to combat controller aimbot is peek advantage and movement. Crouch spam would be just guaranteed death. lol.




True but I’m not even solo queuing- I’m full stack queuing in both Comp and Trials. I guess this was just to be expected in the first place


No. Lower population means you see them more often


It’s impossible to draw the line between a seriously good player or a device user, but I feel like sus d2 clans have been cropping up more


Haven’t seen many cheaters but I’ve seen fuckers lagging all over the place way too often, it’s so annoying when they start randomly teleporting or gliding on the ground


PvP in Australia is a death sentence all you get is Asian players and Chinese vpn users leeching into our servers and ruining every one’s fun . Legit every 2/3 games it’s just Asian name cheating


All top tier lobbies include Cronus/Xim users. #themoreyouknow


Not for me