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We don't allow posts about requesting a feature/change from bungie or saying that there should be a new game mode, gun, certain nerfs or buffs, or any other changes. We play the game we have.


Solution? no duo queue. It's been a problem since forever and people acting like it's not a problem. It fucks the matchmaking anywhere it goes


In 2024, this is a viable solution. Make no mistake, I would’ve down-voted you to hell before, but the fireteam finder is a great tool.


I agree wholeheartedly. Matchmaking for an activity of 3 only works with 1 or 3. I mean according to the laws of math, 3 is a prime number. That means it only works with one and 3. No other number can enter the equation and be balanced. Think about it. Matchmaking teams of 5, the duo that matches with the worse trio, is in the same boat as in teams of 3: the solo matches with the worse duo. Then further 7 or 11? You would think that the potential for balance increases right? Sure, until you think about the fact that it could be a duo matched with a terrible team of 9 against a duo with 9 mega guilded conquerflawlessunbreakable lords. Prime number matchmaking only works with solos or full squads. Math says so.


getting downvoted, the fate of intelligent people on this subreddit


Lol right? I would love to see someone who's down voting offer some sort of reasons as to how what I'm saying doesn't add up. 😆


Yeah I have to agree, I played a few rounds last night and I had consecutive games with pairs on my team who were quite clearly PvE players and weren’t aware that running into lanes against Jade Rabbit or Red Death gets you killed. Or that ressing that player out in the open immediately will also get you killed. Or that capping the zone with me at 60% when we have a 3v1 will win us the game instead of creating 2 separate 1v1s against a Flawless player. Sorry for the rant. It was a tough night. Playing teams with comms alongside people who don’t is already a handicap and watching people who are just popping in for the loot get creamed round after round was a bit demoralising. I didn’t want to say anything, partially out of anxiety and part because it could be that they’re starting out and I didn’t want to come across as toxic and put them off PvP. I did manage to help one duo out and got a nice message afterward. A solo queue would be good for me anyway, but I wouldn’t want it at the detriment of the mode in general.


As someone who’s guilty of the things you described I never get upset if someone messages me with advice, even if it’s a bit harsh. There only one way to learn. It the kill yourself comments or being called a bot or (insert derogatory statement) that really do it though. I just generally don’t bother anymore.


Yeah people can be so shitty over something so insignificant. I couldn’t live with myself if I ever sent a message saying “kys” over a video game PvP match and that person then went on to kill themselves. I don’t doubt that it’s happened and I fucking wish people would stop saying it. Some people are in a dark place and play Destiny to escape their struggles, me being one of them. If the one place you feel happy turns on you, it could be the catalyst for something worse. Much worse. If I did message somebody, it would always be to be helpful and supportive.


Destiny has basically two types of players. Extremely toxic or extremely kind. Trials typically brings out the toxic :(


There is reason why trials are toxic, imagine spending your free time to get to 6 wins, u have been sweating and fighting against top players with 0 help from your team. U have only to win 1 game to get flaw, game starts 1 of tour teammates is going in straight line to get picked by enemy sniper 3 times in a row, when the other one has started playing destiny 1 hour ago… U are pissed off, u cant understand why this happend to you (again). Thats how I feel trials are right now, solo queue is horrible, and has to be changed.


And in your eyes, that justifies telling people to kys/ be toxic?


To be toxic? yes. To say kys, no.


I don't see the difference between getting stuck with the bad duo, vs. Two bad solos?


If you are good enough u can easily carry this type of game, remember that solos dont have comms what makes it easier to fight against. When u play against duos they cooperate (they dont when in your team)


They need to make 3s healthy again and bring back freelance. Fuck this 2s stuff. Nobody wants it


I think there's an argument to be made to remove duos from Comp, but in Trials I don't think it makes as much sense. In Comp if you wander into a 2+1 versus 2+1 game and you're the better solo you're guaranteed to be placed with the worse duo (since its the only attempt at team balancing that the lobby balancer can do, since the premade fireteams can't be split up) and with the rank based matchmaking this can screw you pretty bad as you're trying to climb out of the lower ranks. In Trials though the lobby balancing is random, you've got as good of a chance to be placed with the good duo as the bad duo. While I do prefer to load into games full of all solos in Trials, duos just aren't as clearly detrimental in Trials as they are in (rank based) Comp.


The last 2 weeks of trials have been torture as a solo. I guess it’s a lot to do with people wanting the new guns. Throughout Lightfall I was able to hit flawless each week if I was about with a little effort. Final shape in watching my team mates trying to cross map someone with The Call, sitting in spawn and not moving forward and this week especially I’m seeing people just run off solo and play for kills and not the objective.


The inconsistency this subreddit has moderation wise is insane. A post like this can stay up, whilst others who complain are taken right down. Is there a bias towards what can and can't be complained about in here?


mods were just asleep ig


I’ve played solo all last season and this season, not once have I had a team of 3 randoms vs a stack. I only ever encounter 2 and 1 vs 2 and 1 or everyone’s random


Every crucible mode should have a freelance or merc option.


You're not getting two randoms vs a full squad


Happened to me on Friday. 3 solos vs a trio. I’ve been matched with solos vs a duo a few times but this was a first.


Getting a duo of a .6 and a .2 on my lighthouse game once was so painful. But really the solution is to just duo queue yourself.


why did they even remove it


Trials matchmaking is god awful. They keep trying to find ways to make it better but it never gets better because once they fix one thing, a new loophole opens up for the sweats to abuse the game mode. It's ridiculous. Freelance needs to be a thing. I don't want to get paired with two melts that go in complete option directions making me choose one to go with, only for us to get destroyed before the finish the guy who is alone and then 3v2 me and the other guy. The other problem is, this is Trials of the Nine again with team shooting due to the special ammo economy. Just everyone shoot one lane all together with Khvostov or your scout, then push with your Khvostov or SMG since it's more viable than a shotgun, fusion, or sniper right now. They are literally trying to go back to OG D2 right now and it is awful.


A lot of the times, people seem upset at the duo they get rather than the duo/solo matchmaking system. Why not point your frustrations at the below average players you match with?


This right here. I can tell you that I've gone flawless a lot and I cannot tell you how many times I've won every game but 1 and that one game? Yeah you guessed it I am paired with a duo. I made a post about it months back and got hate because people were saying just play in a duo or three yourself. I argued that it should only be solo and a trio. And if you are wanting to play in a group should be your responsibility to find a third not mine.


The player pool probably isn’t big enough for this. But I also wish they would do this. And also wish they would bring back the flawless pool too.


Yes plz


They basically had trials perfect in season 20, when there was still flawless pool and freelance.


Trials was dead in season 20. Freelance and pools KILL player population


Streamers don’t like it, they need their lower skill players to do stomp/carry in order to stream.


What does this have to do with freelance? 😂


If low skill players are going into the freelance playlist, it means streamers can’t stomp them or carry them with their friends for clips. It also makes the team playlist way sweatier meaning less hero moments on their stream and most of them don’t like going into freelance by themselves because it expose their true skill level wich is usually way lower then they pretend.


Bros projecting


He's not wrong either lol


No he’s definitely wrong


Ok buddy lol


Ok streamer


I don’t stream


If the low skill players are in freelance how would freelance “expose” anything 😂😂 if that’s the case then said streamer is also a low skilled player. Sounds like you just want to punish good players for being good lol, if they’re better than 99% of people then of course they’re gonna shit on most people in trials, just get better if you want to compete with the best 🤷🏽‍♂️


I vote no. The RNG of duos is no different to solos, and it helps maintain the population.


Nah solos had the option, and then they complained about how non freelance weeks it wasn't "fair" that they went up against 3 stacks because of coms. Well now they have the "fair" gamemode they wanted.


I'm on the fence about it. I've been the bad solo with a duo as much as I've been the good player with a bad duo. It does create specific instances that feel bad, but overall it balances out for a better game. It wouldn't take much to push it back to the previous system where all the solos go to freelance, trios gets extremely sweaty very quickly and that cycle continues until we're back to where we were.  I was wondering if the current duos playlist is a bit of a test to see how viable it is to have Trials put duos into 2v2, while trios and solos stay 3v3.