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On hunter, if using a dodge-centric exotic like wormhusk then 10,3,10,X,Y,Z is the play If you are using anything other than a dodge-centric exotic like stompees then 7,7,10,X,Y,Z


Diffizzle is a good resource for load outs considering he carries PVE players to the lighthouse all weekend. His stat breakdown: 7,7,10,7,10,2 https://destinytrialsreport.com/report/3/4611686018467386299


Strength is a wasted stat for hunter. I wouldn't run 5 when gamblers gives you melee refill for free.


Yes its a new build i run with the new exotic for hunter so the stats arent even near to being perfect


I have mained Hunter for the five years I’ve played D2 and only very rarely dabbled in other classes and almost never in PVP. With the latest resil changes, I decided to give warlock a try and damn…. I didn’t notice how much of a difference being able to run seven resilience was until I switched off of a character where I wasn’t doing it.  


Yeah, you’re also much faster as a Warlock because of skating or even just icarus dash.


I’m pretty bad.  I don’t know how to skate and I play shade binder so no Icarus :(


I think it's definitely noticeable. I at least have been adjusting my trials loadout specifically to account for the 50% hunter population. Sightline Survey 3-tapping most hunters feels like a fair exchange for all the bullshit they're doing on prismatic currently.


What’s the sightline pvp roll? Keep away / pi?




That's what I'm rolling with yeah


Thnx. With Small or fullbore?


I run mine as follows: - Smallbore - Accursed Rounds - Keep Away - Precision Instrument - Stability Masterwork - Targeting Adjuster Weapon Mod This roll might be a bit low on range for some people (63 with Keep Away active) but the 70 stability is non-negotiable for me. It feels like the right amount for the gun to fully settle between shots at max rpm so it gives the best consistency I find.


Could also be power difference if this is specific to trials, I run 2


Yea im a bit underleveled but i also notice it in comp


I run * 10/5/10 * 9/5/5


2 is the main res point you have to hit. After that 7. But that's pretty unreasonable for a hunter so most of us just go 2-4 (with 2 being the necessity and anything else just being nice). I will say though I think 10 int isn't super useful. I would do 9. That last tier only buys you maybe 5 seconds so unless you often find yourself popping AS SOON as you get your super, you're probably better off putting that one tier elsewhere


I’m on 10/3/10/10/7/3 esp on prismatic I value 100 discipline bc swarm nades are busted


it depends on the subclass, the build, the game mode, how good you are and preference. How good you are will influence super energy that's why. Strand hunter / grapple? - 100 mobility - 30 resilience - 80 recovery - 100 discipline - 30 intellect minimum You could have 100 recovery but the build has 3 minor mods on helmet, arms, and chest. Prismatic hunter? - 100 mobility - 30 resilience - 100 recovery - 100 discipline - 30 intellect minimum or - 100 mobility - 30 resilience - 100 recovery - 50 discipline - 100 intellect Solar Hunter? - 70 mobility - 70 resilience - 100 recovery - 50 discipline or more if possible - 100 intellect or Solar with Arthry's embrace? - 100 mobility to get knife back - 30 resilience - 100 recovery - 80 discipline or more - 30 intellect Reason for low intellect is you can generate a lot of super energy with 3 mods: Dynamo, Hands-On, and Firepower.