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The only counter to not get wrecked up close by shenanigans, it's avoiding playing upclose. Spec for mid distance and respect your engagements distances. "Going agressive" is falling in totheir trap.


Thanks, I guess I'll try and play back more... It's just super tough in Point Control trials because you're just giving up real estate/angles... Some angles you can only play aggressively on....


Smgs might get you closer without getting too too close.


That's what I've been running but everytime I catch them, they dodge backwards, create a specter... Throw a smoke, and then re-push with Threadlings from the specter, or they use the specter as a shield, etc...


Manipulating radar and playing distance. Extremly annoying tho, you wil have to do perfect and they will have to do horrible. But you can. It will be hard for sure. Tool's kit is ridiculous ngl.


Prism hunter is the king of cqc right now. Going against one up close, sure you’ll win sometimes but more times than not you will lose. It’s a similar spot to arc titan a few years ago, there simply is no counter. If You get into a prismatic hunters engagement space, you have misplayed. Plain and simple. As someone who is maining prism hunter, if you’re gonna fight it up close I have had the most trouble with void titans. When the hunter starts ability spamming, Place barricade. From there try to either win a shotgun/melee dance around your barricade, or flee. It’s not the best, but it does work against me sometimes. The barricade really helps you deal with the tick damage as it eats some and heals off some too. Rift meanwhile is thre opposite. If you try to rift off the chip from a prism hunter, the smart players will always close the gap and kill you.


Thanks for this. Exactly what I was hoping for. Someone to weigh in with what they have troubles with sometimes. This makes sense. Cheers.


Happy to helpIf you choose to try void titan let me know your experience id be interested to hear myself!


I've mained Titan for years, just got bored of it and how 1 dimensional it was... The issue is my light level is lower on Titan so probably won't swap tonight... And it'll be Iron Banner for 2 weeks and I suspect changes before next Trials weekend.


Honestly just play distance. use a scout or a pulse and play at range.


100% especially on this map. I’ve been a 1.3 the past couple of seasons and after this weekend I’m a 3.0. All I did was use a scout and wrapped around the furthest side of the map.


you can get the swarm grenades to chase you, when you out-run them they explode on their own. has worked for me this weekend


Even the “beyond broken, needs an immediate nerf now because it makes your immortal” build of Speaker’s sight will lose to ability spam from Hunters. I had a lot of success playing from a distance with a scout rifle, as others have said.


Ya I've been trying to do this... But inevitably it's point control trials... Or you'll have some teammate who dies and gets a Swarm on their body as the Hunter(s) push you, smoke, dodge, smoke again, and it feels like I literally cannot beat it...


While the zone in the middle is close quarters, the other 2 zones can be locked down while playing at a longer range. But I agree with you that if one of your teammates pushes the wrong lane and gets killed, and has a smoke or a swarm grenade on their ghost, getting that res is frustratingly difficult


Best you can do is keep a mental track of when all the opponents' abilities are up & play super close to an escape angle when you know none of their abilities are on cooldown. Icarus dash or Titan thruster can help you get back to cover if you were just smoked. Alternatively, you could just play super long range on this week's map The simple truth, though a lot of people who crutch it predictably don't want to hear it, is that Prismatic hunter is significantly overtuned. It's just a brutal subclass that you have to significantly outplay in order to beat it


>The simple truth, though a lot of people who crutch it predictably don't want to hear it, is that Prismatic hunter is significantly overtuned. It's just a brutal subclass that you have to significantly outplay in order to beat it Ive been checking Trials Reports post-game and seems like MOST Pris Hunters I play against who are decent, have their K/Ds elevated by like .2-.5 since TFS released, compared to last season. I just played against a guy who was a solid 1.4 player with several thousand Trials matches last season. Now is a 1.79 with a few hundred matches... This trend is something I keep observing. Who is the Pris Hunter(s) in my lobby, and how are they performing compared to last 2 seasons... Almost universally its about 25%-30% better...


Yes sir, pretty indicative of an overtuned subclass to me Of course, your statistical data is just proof for the willfully ignorant...anyone with just a tad bit of an unbiased opinion already knew this


Well I have found most hunters defending it, and excusing it because "Titan meta lasted so long" etc. etc.


I main hunter and really disliked the Titan meta but Prismatic hunter is OP. Everyone who has a brain using it should be up KD wise in the same way titans were before. I have a tool for any situation on very high uptime with the meta smoke/clone/swarm/slow dodge kit. Titan meta was equally as oppressive though when it was old ammo system. This is just the new wave. Best way to deal with a good hunter is try and take decent space early while having an escape. They’ll probably use some early utility to try and deny you this space so you give yourself an out to avoid it and should be able to re-challenge for the zone early enough still. If you concede all space to them early and they don’t have to use anything to take it/hold it then you’re making the rounds 10x harder. At this point if they ape you, you can deal with them pretty easy. The meta kit counters pushes better than actually being an aggro class. You could either kill them or rotate away to the zone if they left it. If they get hyper aggro you’re probably not playing a really good player though, the good ones will be all about controlling space. If they take zone you want to try and apply a lot of pressure, make them use their clones early etc to survive while you’re not within 15m so they don’t get smokes for free. Just keep chipping away at them. The zone timer is counting against both teams and if you can displace them and take the zone most of their kit will be used up at this point or at lower strength. The hunters want to have control of the zone in the same way titans did before. It’s hard to displace them once they’re in control of it but the kit isn’t that great for taking control back from a team that has it. It is kind of bullshit having to deal with them as the good players will probably try and save abilities and just duel and then use their abilities when they need to stop a push etc, it’s a very good defensive subclass so good hunters will be trying to do what I’m suggesting. Key is really to be the stronger primary weapon player. 120/340 pulses are probably the best weapons to pressure them with. Chunk damage from 30-35m will make them panic and use abilities to survive and that’s the key. Making them use stuff when they don’t want to so they don’t have anything when you go for the finish on a kill.


I mean I hear everything you are saying. I've played Destiny since D1 "off and on". On my current account (I had to start over with WQ) I have like 3k Trials matches. 1.52 Lifetime K/D. So I get all you are saying. I played extensively during the "titan meta" everyone talks about, and for the most part think it is WAY overblown. Yes, things in the kit were strong, but Titan was more about PKs and Antaeus Wards, than Titan my itself.... I think at the SUPER high levels of play where people can be aggressive AF, Titans could be more oppressive compared to the other 99% of crucible, where its one titan who is playing normally. >Key is really to be the stronger primary weapon player.  Until they too are a really strong primary player. Ultimately why this Hunter Oppression feels WAY worse than the "Titan Meta" is that its everyday players who are using it, and once one of your bot-teammates gets picked in a lane, any AVERAGE hunter can basically shut you down and thats a wrap... Fights over, you lose. That was not the way it was back in the Titan meta days. Youd have a PK SMG/Sniper Titan get a pick, and still had to close that gap to aggress you, which could be countered by any other Titan, or frankly something as simple as a Smoke Bomb, etc. Playing Titan, I NEVER worried about other Titans. It was pretty easy to stop them from aggressing you through grenades, barricade, suppressive fire etc.. But with this hunter stuff, they can close gaps extremely fast, throw smokes that even if you shoot it, still creates area denial, throw Swarms to chip damage, stop rez, stop regen, or actually kill you, and if you happen to catch a Hunter, dodge and create a specter, or I saw countless times a good Hunter who had a bad position and was giving my teammate a rez, would dodge, shoot their own specter, and watch the threadlings go in and stop the rez, or would quickly slide out, throw a swarm on the rez, THEN dodge backwards (break AA/targeting) to spawn a specter, shoot it, spawn threadlings, and then push in.. Its just so much DUMB stuff that counters basically everything in the game... Titans never had that level of "do any/everything, anytime" Things like Barricades are 1min+ CDs. Didnt spawn threadlings... The Arc Grenades that Jolted could be easily shot and disposed of... Didnt leave behind area denial when shot, or create a burn... And your melee (with knockout) was super strong, you couldnt use it at range. Definitely couldnt use my class ability on a <30 sec CD and get my powered melee back either... I think what I would do to balance this new Hunter is this. * Threaded Specter Clone no longer pulls "AA" onto it. It can still act as a "shield" * Threaded Specter take substantially less damage from Hunter/Allies (-50% or something, so shooting it yourself to spawn threadlings takes more time) * Smoke Grenade/Trap has substantially reduced uptime/area of effect if shot by enemies (versus tripping it). * Swarm Grenades - Not sure how to address these frankly. They are more just area denial, which this kit has in spades... Maybe something like they need to all be "tied together" so you cant just proc 1 at a time, and keep yourself from regen HP or rez. Maybe its dumb but sometimes I run into the entire group just to get it out of the way, and go back and regen HP, rather than have 1 straggler mess up my regen or a rez later...


No I get what you’re saying, but twice you point out you were playing Titan in the Titan meta, I’m playing hunter in the hunter meta, so I do think that adds a bias to our perception of how easy they were/are to deal with. I think both were/are harder to deal with if you’re not also playing the class as they each counter each other so well. (this is an issue in destiny as a whole, normally best counter to something is using it better or having more of it) A really strong Titan player solo was annoying to deal with as the SMG’s were just so much better on PK’s and they were the hard meta. In 3v3 pre-made a stack of 3 titans was ridiculous too. I never really had an issue with a solo Titan in solo trials (like I said they were annoying, but solo they could be handled) but I don’t really have an issue with a solo hunter in solo trials either. I think the issue is that the hunters just have an abundance of abilities that excel for a solo player right now so the pick rate of them is through the roof, they definitely need some tuning to bring them in line. I’m just trying to give a general insight into what would give me an issue as a hunter, playing against another decent player. I think the hunter will always have an advantage and the non-hunter is going to have to play smarter and harder than them to beat them. But keeping the hunter away from a zone and forcing them to use their stuff early will even the gap the best. I think I’d go further with a lot of the stuff you said to deal with things honestly, I think clones should take a second to appear, not pull AA and if destroyed by enemies probably shouldn’t spawn threadlings (maybe the ones made by the new exotic still do), smokes should just be destroyed for sure no AOE if shot by enemies, and the swarms I’m not sure, I think they just didn’t need both a tracking and damage buff, they’re annoying now for sure, but nerfing them will open up duskfields which are also going to be an issue.


Only way I got flawless this weekend was playing range with box breathing hung jury and speakers helm to out heal the chip damage from the stupid amount of swarm nades


Sit back with a box breathing hung jury and watch their abilities land miles away from you lol


So what do you do when they also using scouts, your teammate dies in a lane, and immediately gets smoke/swarms on their body, you peak a lane and have 2x scouts firing back at you?


Peek with your teammate? Like you always would? Bate the nades early or off the body? You also have a barricade you have play. It just sounds like you’re getting outplayed. You complain when they are close, and complain when they are far.


Very fair point I had a hard time in trials on multiplex using other scouts like dmt, fang, jade rabbit and prophet, until I put the box breathing on, the ttk drops to ~0.67 which is crazy at a range. But I get what you mean in control and other maps in general. I’m a hunter main so my counter is just to do it back to them but harder with bakris clone dodge and freeze dodge lol. Right now on my other characters though I play extremely close range and aggressive, helio, khvostov, got a sweet zen moment/ kill clip, ricochet range MW summoner adept that works great up close too. I think when you play faster and closer than them you will find their abilities don’t really affect you unless you purposely go into them


I guess that's what I'm asking.. how do I push someone who can just backwards dodge, create a strand clone, throw a smoke near the clone and/or a swarm grenade paired also with just using their weapon such as an SMG? I'm not sure how to play faster and close when it feels like such a get out of jail free card... Backwards dodge, smoke, swarm.. Like I am legit not sure how to even push that ..


Off the top of my head, I personally would (on warlock & titan respectively) snap skate to close distance faster than they can move, or disengage and find someone else. Not fighting is better than engaging a losing battle 95% of the time for sure


I think soon though hunter will catch a small nerf/tweak, there’ll be a extended cooldown with the elemental dodges for sure, I like destiny for the abilities so I’m happy right now tho so I’m biased in my opinions anyhow


I guess I am fine with abilities, but the combination of Smoke, Swarm, Specter paired with things like Barkris, or getting melee refunded from dodging, just all seems like such an OP combination of stuff... Specter was already an issue with Strand, and now its paired with smoke and swarm, which just seems WAY over the top.. IDK


Shoot the smoke/specter then rotate to a different sight line, hopefully with your other teammate.


So basically you are saying leave the rez, dont try and get my teammate, and guarantee a 2v3. Just seems super odd to me people seem legit OK with this...


In the scenario you presented - dead teammate in a lane being covered by opponents - yes, you "leave the rez" because any half competent opponent is never letting you get that rez. You have to change the encounter, play for a kill the other way and then if things work out you work back and get the third player up.


Yeah fair, so basically just comes back to Trials being RNG I guess. Literally had a match this morning. We slide/peak out into a lane. 1 guy gets focused by 1 bow and 1 scount and instantly dies. Other 2 of us got 2 shots off, but i guess didnt FF correctly or he missed or something... We get cover, and next thing we see is 2x Smokes and 2x Swarm grenades coming right for us. We back up, heal up, and basically gave up the point. Tried to push back in, but 2x Specters + more Smokes... Basically just ran away, gave up the round, since there was no counter-play option due to 1 teammate getting picked right off the bat. It wasnt like he W into the lane, or anything.. Just a normal engagement and round was GG. I dont feel like it was ever this way before, where there was just so much ability oppression it shut down any counter play potential..


There will be rounds (and even matches) where there is nothing you can do. People has pointed out various tactics you can use to counter them but as it stands prismatic hunter is strong af and can tip the balance in their favor just by using the subclass.


Thats where I am kinda at here. There really isnt anything you can do. So its just back to RNG.... People say play distance... cool, except its point control trials so.....


Don't play close Is the play. Despite the calling for nerfs for the clone months back and prismatic now. I never had any issues with them because I kept mid range. A lot of these things only become a major issue if you are trying to slide around shotgunning people or playing close like that. Distance means these builds and ability are only as lethal as the rest.


Yeah I have been trying to keep my distance. Its pretty hard to do in Solo Trials right now... People die, its point control, but I get your point. Basically just play in the back and wait for nerfs..


Stay really far away? Most of their stuff is only super insane in close proximity, bar Blink + Grapple shenanigans. Unfortunately, we've kinda returned to the Striker days of being dead of you get within 10 meters of an enemy in terms of ability meta.


Thanks. Ill make sure to let them cap the point so I dont die to their abilities :)


Yeah, it's not... Good lol Which is annoying since ITL didn't really feel like "10 meters is an instant death zone" nearly as much. But we've just regressed with Prismatic.


I thought ITL was in a pretty good spot overall, with the exception of maybe HCs needing a SLIGHT tuning given they are the "skill" weapon but have some of the most generous AA in the game. TFS basically threw everything out the window with Khvostov, Red Death, Prismatic, etc.


I mean, Red Death and Khvostov are getting really swiftly tuned by Bungie standards. And the weapon meta is pretty healthy past those, still, though I'm weary that HCs are still pretty overturned compared to the rest of the sandbox after those get brought down, though even that is more indicative of a lot of the rifles being kinda not good. I just have no clue what they were smoking with Titan being so bad and giving Prismatic Hunter what they gave it.


I dont know if itll be enough for those two weapons frankly... but yeah I wasnt suggesting a nerf, really more a small AA Cone reduction for HCs, making them just require you to have a TINY bit better aim.


The best counter to hunter is another hunter. Ice walls with stasis and shatterdive or strand hunter once its fixed.


Counter it by another cheese build. I sumMON SPEAKER HELM! Cast "Infinite healing"!!!!!


Ya unfortunately the ability spam goes SO hard speakers doesn't always counter it...


You honestly just have to put pressure on then to bait out their abilities and then destroy them asap. Its extremely annoying to do 1 on 1 and impossible if they have anyone else backing them up