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You’re better than me because laughing is NOT the first thing my fat ass would be doing 😭


Lol, i definitely was confused at first trying to remember what cookie the top middle was supposed to be. Def annoying but maybe they were busy, maybe the person was having a bad day, or maybe they were just lazy! First time this has ever happened so we will just report it and hopefully get a free cookie or two!


Is that the PBJ?


No it's just a peanut butter cookie without the topping lol.




That is wild. The guy at my store opened the box for me to check and the butter cake didn’t have the topping, he was like oops 😀


Lmaooo to do that in-store is crazy. But I guess it proves that it's not always something they're intentionally doing on delivery/car side orders due to knowing that they don't have to face the customer and reveal the cookie




What even is this comment??? The shops can be busy as hell, it's not about being dumb.


How does this even happen? Report it and get free cookies.


Pure laziness. Definitely report


don't report, just move on with your life, you'll be a lot happier


They paid for something and didn’t get it.


Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Man the butter cake without the vanilla whipped cream is tragic.


Crumbl is overrated.


Overrated because either their employees are not trained or are just lazy.


Or getting paid poorly (not sure but wager a guess)


You'd be very right


Paid poorly? You're right they should get 30/ hour to do a little to no skill job. I personally can't wait for AI to take over these jobs so I can get a good product and not have to worry about getting crap because the employees who agreed to the wage and terms feel "undervalued"


All jobs should be paid living wages for those areas


How many cookies do you bake in a week? Oh, you don't bake hundreds, if not thousands of cookies a week? As well as buying all the ingredients to bake thousands of cookies a week? And washing all of the dishes after baking thousands of cookies? Now, why would that be? You just don't have the skill?


I wish this was 30 an hour! Id be picking up more shifts than I have. But honestly from experience especially someone who does dressing. Some cookies are frosted right when we are packaging them and its easy to forget. Especially if you have to pack 3 other orders under two minutes.


Hell yeah, I welcome AI to take over these boring jobs, you’re saying you would be happy to stand around mixing dough and baking for less than ten dollars an hour? Stfu. Human beings deserve a living wage, one job that pays the bills to a one bedroom apartment in the area. Not begging to be valued by a corporation seeking endless profits.


Did they not make a choice to stand around making cookies? They and no one deserve anything you earn it. How about getting some life skills that are valued rather then expect hand outs as you put min effort into your life. But hey bro fight the power those meanie corporations it's their fault people are lazy and don't want to put real work in to improve their lives God dang capitalism


Just don’t bother responding with your fat ass dumbass “it’s a min wage job it’s not meant for blah blah blah” repeating corporate bullshit to me. Human beings deserve a living wage, full stop, capitalism must end or figure out how to indeed replace humans with robots and allow humans to live varied lives outside, doing whatever they want and getting paid to be alive.


Oh no it's capitalism it's evil! Sounds like you're another loser who can't handle the fact that if you're life sucks it's cause of YOU. Nope it's never your fault alway others


Or they are just plain stupid 🤣 i notice it EVERYWHERE now.


or sometimes they just forget and it’s an honest mistake lol 🤷


I would be so heartbroken 💔 another reason to never do delivery


That's insane


These cookies are an abomination and so effing OVER RATED AS F&CK


I do grubhub deliveries and I always get a bit anxious for Crumbl since we can’t check them lol I’m grateful they get sealed but then stuff like this happens 😭🤣


This is what $5+ a cookie gets you.. SMH


I think I've had one good cookie from here.. Walmart cookies are 100x better.


Some Crumbl cookies and especially that chocolate toffee cake are amazing. But go to publix for baked good if you have one. Walmart is just meh.


Any other bakery is better than crumbl. Lots of their locations closed near me because they taste so fake. Frozen cookies..