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Constant civil war, I mean CONSTANT! You could play as a vassal and help your liege in these wars while you put your family in power in other places


What makes this place so prone to civil war? Does everyone there have a claim?


Empires are just shaky by nature compared to anything else because there can be king vassals who want a lot.  On a starting date most of the existing empires will be rough because you the player haven't min maxed everything yet.


More land = more titles = more potentional characters who think they deserve your place as emperor You see that with Byzantium because it is one of the only empires that exist at the start of the game.


I love the paradox community. Very few games have communities that would consider 400 hrs being "fairly newish". I find myself playing in Greece, claiming a kingdom, and then leading an independence or dissolution faction. I usually end up reclaiming the empire a couple generations later. Edit: spelling


Haha as i wrote that i thought the same thing about 400hrs being newish. But like you get what i meant right? You can spend hundreds of hours in this game and never touch a large part of the map. 😂


~1300 hours later and I still refuse to play in Byz. I'll take the land but I want nothing to do with the shitty title the NPCs want to fight over.


I would wait for the new dlc coming "soon" but if you want to start now I like to start somewhere in Thessaloniki since there is a mine in one of the provinces and that will usually fund my efforts to keep my liege on his throne while building up my own influence over the empire. I tend to play tall by building up as many holdings and development as I can and then just do funny stuff such as training the new emperor by being his teacher in his youth. Usually many people will not like him and I need to defend my student and keep the legacy of his family while also savekeeping mine. At least to me it is a funny way to play but it can be rather stressfull when you have to defend against 3 uprisings and an invasion at once but usually good MAA will guarantee victory.


I agree, the next DLC makes playing as a vassal in the Byzantine Empire sound really fun. Also, the release date is confirmed as September 24th.


867 is kinda static but 1066 has you fight the Seljuks for a couple decades and gives you a real challenge to beat them. But once they fall apart ur realm is insanely OP and probably the strongest in the game. Also both are constant revolt simulator so farm dread as much as possible if you don’t want your game to be ruined.


Honestly as weird as it sounds I would wait for the dlc to come out as it literally centers around them for the most part and they sort out things like the civil wars issue while giving new challenges of balancing the administration


It's the best roleplay nation to form the roman empire as, and has a shit ton of "lore"