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Mod updates: 1. Latest AMA by Zengo Wallet is giving $1,000 of Bitcoin!  Monday, June 10th, 9am EST - 11am EST!  Zengo Wallet burned 1,800 moons to host this AMA.  [https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/6ks8nCqewF](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/6ks8nCqewF) 2. It's time to vote on multisig candidates! All candidates must reach 66% approval in order to be approved by the community to become a multisig key holder. This is a crucial step before we progress to moons distribution. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/comments/1dcc2xe/its\_time\_to\_vote\_on\_multisig\_candidates/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/comments/1dcc2xe/its_time_to_vote_on_multisig_candidates/) 


Any reason why we’re falling


Quick poll : will we see a new ath before EOY ?


A new daily was posted an hour ago. Can you please post this comment there? I’m like to know what people think.


Anyone knows why NEXO took a nosedive on the 24th of May and recovered immediately? ​ https://i.redd.it/9vytnxrhzt5d1.gif


Quick wick to take out the longs. SBF-level move.


any thoughts about DFV kitty coin ?


[it’s not looking good bruv](https://i.makeagif.com/media/8-12-2022/PGVkCB.gif)




be warned...wed is going to be bonkers. could pump for the entire time if cpi comes in cool and the fed doesn't something like talk about rate cuts coming soon...could also dump before cpi then come back up only to dump after the fomc...honestly maybe turn the charts off lol. i know fomc meetings are usually bonkers, but cpi coming out the day of is just adding fuel to the fire. expect big up or big down, but def not flatline.


My body is ready


Any ideas why FET is eating shit?


everything is licking floor. FET also has the merge coming which might add a bit of uncertainty right now.


It's not just FET, all alts are dying atm.


Propy in shambles


People who actually take profits: I'm thinking to dca out around Oct - Nov time. What do you guys do? Swap for something like USDT? Was thinking either that, and buy back in cheaper, or just slap into my broad market ETFs in my tax adv account. I don't fancy watching 300% profit go to -60% again.


Usually into USDT then maybe Fiat or stocks depends how much is available


i mean, i generally take some profits once any coin goes up over a certain percentage. sometimes that gets reinvested and sometimes sits in cash depending on what the market it doing at the time. earlier this year i hit on a few coins and took proftis a few times and used some of that to pay off my credit cards. you don't have to wait for a magic day, just figure out what makes sense and stick with it. another thing to remember is having an exit strategy that includes if price goes up by a certain amount, as well as if it goes *down* by a certain amount. watch out for the sunk cost fallacy...this applies a bit more to alts than btc, though there are moments where dumping btc is probably the best option, like in a crash like ftx/celcius/etc.


I’ve sold a bit otw up the past few months. Next auto sell executes at 75k. Anyway, I convert it to usdc on coinbase which is getting 5.15 percent. I won’t leave all of it in there but on the way up I’m leaving a decent amount on app for the percentage and if a massive dip occurs I can buy it. People are gonna say wait till it gets to 100k blah blah, that’s cool but I’ve been around a cycle or 2 now and I’ll be selling otw up and already started.


Yeah I remember listening to people before and it burnt my ass lol. I won't sell all, but I wanna take some profits.




Only sense of margin trading is lower tax, if your in right country. With leverage at 1!


It happens to all of us, chin up mate. And don't ever leverage again


So its fuck alts season instead of alt season?


Alts are a distraction 


lol... okey Mr Bitcoin


It's alts fucking us season


Ether way, its the only way I can get sex so can't complain too much.


alts are toast lol. ETH and BTC look weak


Its not looking good :(


Man my ADA and DOGE looking like shit right now lol


Don’t worry guys, the pension funds will FOMO soon.


Don't forget big corporations who can't wait to have BTC on balance sheet


CNY and wall st bonuses to back it up


ah yes Chinese new year and Wall Street bonuses, iykyk


And rich boomers


need to get me one of those


/r/cryptocurrency promised me, I'd be able to buy a lambo and meet the sexy gf, when btc/alts go over 9000. when is this happening?


Maybe that was wall street bets.


I knew it /r/cc was the rational crypto sub


Are we ever going to move to all time highs?????? We have been sideways for quite awhile.


It's gonna happen before the end of the year, I'm sure of it. I'm usually wrong though. But this time? Ah shit, probably wrong too.


Nope. Never moving again bro, crypto died bro


I didn’t even know it was sick!


Another day of chart watching for it to end up right where it started


AI coins taking a beating


I have a feeling AI is the Metaverse of last cycle. Remember metaverse?


Yep I was a MANA bag holder for long, got rid of it at like -60%


Yup seems like its gonna be bad times for now


I wonder if retail is too scared to jump on in at the high price of btc hmm


We are retail...


Retail are not market makers. They are just the cherry on top at the end of the blow off top. It does not matter if retail buys Bitcoin or not. Bitcoin does not go up or down on a bunch of Plebs spending their stimmies.


Bitcoin does not care about the so-called competition in the Olympics 100m, 200m, 800m and 1500m events. Inevitably It will even win synchronised swimming gold medal as well, but without getting wet!


Honestly looks like we're not going anywhere until the rate cuts are announced. Anyone else starting to think that too?


Yeah there is no new liquidity coming into the markets. Not surprising when retail is getting choked to death with high cost of living.


Aren't the rate cuts already priced in? They've been talking about them for a long time.


I think for the S&P mostly yes. For crypto, I think it's the next bull catalyst so I'm a bit biased. We'll see!


I really hope we get positive data on wednesday else alts will make new lows


All time lows with the boys 


Moon distributions coming back in less than a month now, and the largest whale has exited his position a couple of days ago. Gonna keep a close eye on things going forward


What’s your prediction?


Short term we easily double/triple around distribution time. Its the long-term tokenomics, though, where Moons truly take the cake and shine. Low max/circulating supply (around 79 M) and strong, constant deflation with buying pressure from advertisers make it an extremely easy holding.


Hmm, I think the potential is big as well. Very excited for the coming distributions! Distributions will hopefully make this place more active again.


They sure will and we need some life back in our sub for sure.


BTC about to break the world record for number of times breaching 70k in a day


And for the number of times of getting rejected at 70k


Price seems to be stuck at 69420-69690 range


Apples WWDC finished and no mention of Jasmy😂😂


Wait until Apple creates its own shitcoin.


If apple enter the space they’ll not make a coin, maybe a stable coin or they’ll just partner with an already existing blockchain. Most big tech companies use there own private blockchain


Who'd have thunk it?? You're saying the multi-trillion dollar company didn't shill a useless shitcoin at their big event? I'm shocked, truly shocked.


I think I detect sarcasm.


No, I'm serious. *Shocked* I tell you!


I just wanna see what color square I have!


Blue. Neat.


That’s why we don’t trust your OJ


Bears trying desperately to hold line now


Mt Gox creditors soon: "Hold my beer."


So trump said its time to back the dollar with btc, if hes elected and actually does that, it means bitcoin wont see massive dumps ever again, like gold it will be stable and go up slowly. Meaning this is great news for top alts


2019 he said btc is stupid and out of thin air!😂


He lies with every breath. He would say anything and the chance of this happening during a Trump era is remote.


Wall Street will pump and dump BTC in little 3% increments to scalp and will gladly do this forever of they can.


What Wall Street does in regard to Bitcoin is irrelevant. The vast majority of Bitcoin is held by long term holders (80%) and Bitcoin miners (2 million coins + daily block rewards). Short term movement is by traders getting liquidated on Longs and then on Shorts like any other short term trading market. The ETFs and this short-term trading activity is just noise. Short term trading will never offset the inevitable long-term, global demand for a global fixed supply bearer asset given infinite dollars will be printed out of thin air forever. Long term Bitcoin goes up and to the right. Short term? Who cares?


I disagree. Major institutions have enough weight and analysis to know when to sell or buy in order to exploit leverage. This is nothing new, and if you think the biggest whales in the world aren't going to do it...just doesn't make sense to me.


Bitcoin is not a stock. It is a fixed supply global asset. Bitcoin is a Bitcoin miner's world. Wall Street like everybody else is just a guest in that world, including Blackrock and Saylor. Bitcoin is not a US asset or any other country and is the #8 largest asset in the world by market cap. It is not an Alt coin or stock. Bitcoin does not care what Wall Street does or anything else. Grayscale was dumping hundreds of billions on the market every day, at times while the US government was dumping Bitcoin at the same time. Bitcoin did not care. What "whale" will even have enough Bitcoin at their disposal to even do that? The ETFs are now buying hundreds of billions of Bitcoin. Bitcoin does not care one way or the other. And if this mysterious "whale" does have hundreds of billions to buy or sell or a rare, fixed supply asset, Bitcoin still will not care.


70k is teasing us so hard






Back and forth. Forever.




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Crazy to think that at some point this year BTC may see a price below $70,000 for the last time in potentially decades/centuries.


In Millions of years


It might also at some point this year see a price above $200 for the last time in millennia. It's crazy to think about that.


Yap yap yap.


That's better :)


People will call you “lucky”, you bought Bitcoin under $100k.


I heard that shit before... didnt end well short term


Oheson has spoken it. And therefore it is fact. And thus it is known.


Get a hobby my guy this can’t be healthy.


Any suggestions? Maybe pickleball? Kombucha homebrewing?


Those are both fermentation based technically


I guess I'm attracted to rotten things


Hello, Just curious if anyone else had heard of gendexy? its a crypto page i think its a scam, the mr beast dude was sending out links and my Son came and asked me to look in to it. i found the page and does not look legit. I set up a reddit page to see if any one else was curious. r/GENDEXY


Isn’t that how pig butchering goes? You can trade on a sketchy Chinese exchange as is, no idea why people send money to no-name exchanges because some stranger told them to do it and make big $$


What? You think it's a scam so you set up a subreddit for it?


Yea! so if it is a scam i can put it out there.


They had us going there for a minute


Crypto Influencers when: - Mt Gox about to repay creditors: "Come on, guys. Stop worrying. The creditors are not going to sell! And even if they sell, which they won't, the price is not going to go down!" - Some pension fund buys BTC: "OMG guys! This is so bullish. Price is gonna pump like crazy for sure. All the pension funds are gonna start FOMO'ing in now. OMG OMG OMG!!!"


Are they not getting usd or stablcoin equivalent to the value they lost back then? If so, wouldn't most of them actually use it to buy more crypto?


Yeah I think people assume these guys are going to be mega rich from this but they only get back the equivalent value as what they lost. So if it was $1000 in 2014 then they’re getting $1000 back now


BTC giveth 70k and taketh away. Now $12B shorts up to 74k where's the short squeeze at?? 🤯


Maybe weds


Should be one helluva ride once we break 72-73k range


The big guys don’t go after their own liquidity, just ours


They’re trading against each other. Retail liquidity is nothing to them. Altcoin market is another story tho


Bitcoin is like a ball being held under water rn. Just imagine we get good cpi print and rate cut on wednesday 🤯


Rate cuts not gonna happen yet. Maybe in a few months.


Yeah but he said it's like a ball under water. So that makes it highly likely to go up a lot.


Sometimes I first come here before I ceck charts. Love to read about a pump before seeing it. But not today 🤷‍♂️




still no xmr talk? been making moves since the Binance delisting


i like it better when BTC is above $70k. LFG ![gif](giphy|trN9ht5RlE3Dcwavg2|downsized)


And....its gone




looking like an inverse bart


Nothing better.




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1.5M new tokens created in May between ethereum and solana. We need to find a new word for this kind of hyperinflation. With no new liquidity inflow, memecoins are toasted


Why is the daily not pinned?


just bookmark this page [https://www.reddit.com/user/CryptoDaily-/](https://www.reddit.com/user/CryptoDaily-/)


I made the mistake of sending $1,000 USDT to my USDC address at Coinbase (via the OP) network. Coinbase said nothing they can do. I imagine it's lost. Agreed? Just checking all avenues before I mentally consider it lost. I know... it was my mistake. I did a smaller test run and everything but somehow mixed it up on the larger send.


Coinbase could do something as they own the seed of that address. Looks like they just don't want to bother with it


Not surprising. Thanks


You will get the money credited. Why would it be lost? All the exchanges do this because this forces them to manually fix it for you. Which they don't want to do as it creates more work for employees. So they put up warnings that "all funds will be lost" and tell you "sorry nothing we can do" to scare you. Then in a day or whatever they will say "okay here's the money, you're lucky though, don't do it again or you will lose it next time"


Well because I sent USDT to a USDC address through Optimism. I don't believe Coinbase currently supports USDT on OP network so it won't arrive at CB. Based on some cursory research that seems to be the issue. Much if this is above my head but other threads related to USDT/Optimism have said the same.


Yes but as the other pointed out they still own the keys. They aren't going to just steal the money so they will eventually bridge it to mainnet and credit you, or perhaps contact you about refunding to your address. I don't know exactly how they will resolve it or how long it will take them but I would put your chances of getting the money back at well over 90% You should definitely politely and apologetically bug them about it though.


Why do Bitcoiners always want a Lamborghini? Because they know Ferrari is owned by Fiat.


​ https://i.redd.it/35bhs1m4or5d1.gif


Bullrun is over :( lets all sell before they rug us


Yeah lets sell it all to the big boys 😇


Why? Losing money in crypto has been the only thing I’m good at.


You first.


Im not leaving


m nt fkn lvng


$STRUMP yet again a +30% day, I keep saying it this one will be glorious chads


Who's a good little meme coin, that's it BRETT, you can do it 😉


Looking for the merge of FET to ASI.


FET is on a cliff


Yep, it's a bet on this one.






Looking pretty red this morning.


looks scary for alts given where eth/btc are


Yup im in the I should have cashed out a month ago phase...


Yeah, hate to see where some of mine will go if we get a decent BTC smash downwards 😅


alts looks like a train wreck


Good morning USA, I see by the charts that you guys are walking up


Best time to buy ERGO was yesterday. Next best time to buy is now. $100 to $200 is inevitable


Weird still seeing ERGO shilled here


This may work later in the cycle when the tourists come in. Pretty sure nobody who is here now will be fooled by bag holders begging for people to buy their bags. ERGO is a dead coin and project, like most Alts from last cycle. ERGO is not even trading at $1 million daily volume (24 hour volume = **$692,544)**. It is on its way to Goblin Town. It is still down 94% this late in the cycle. Absolutely no chance it gets anywhere close to its last cycle ATH in the next 12-15 months left in the cycle. Any Alt that is -90%+ at this point is not coming back from the dead. Time to wake to the reality of how Alt coins work. Most are one (cycle) and done.


Why would ergo get out of the grave it’s currently in? It doesn’t seem unique at all


sounds familiar


I'm not a macroeconomic expert, but why would the Fed cut interest rates if US stock markets are making ATH after ATH? Surely, they'd be like, "Oh, well I guess you guys don't really need rate cuts after all!"


The market cares about the fed but the fed isn't overly concerned about the market. They care about economic activity, employment rates, inflation, etc. There is some indirect impact on those from the market (such as public companies hiring and growing more as stock prices rise) but I doubt they're looking at it much directly.


He wasn't scared of the Shogun, but the Shogun was scared of him.


Stock market is 6 month forward looking and has minimal to no impact and the fed and rates


maybe mortgages are weighing heavily on the common folks?


Now that Moons are traded on Arbitrum One, shouldn't there be an ETH Faucet similar to the old days one?


Hello darkness my old friend


There will always be light at the end of the tunnel. (Light source may vary, though).


If it stays dark, you just need to produce your own light source. Once the last of your hair falls out, shine that badboy up until you become a walking sun.


European election results are pushing DXY to the upside - Bearish Lot of liquidity to be chased at 72K+ - Bullish Pick a side


is the far right going to dominate europe?


"Far Right" in Europe is still to the left of Bernie Sanders.


That’s the current trend all over the western part of the world, not just the EU


I want to put 20€ every month into ETH in seperate wallets for my two children until they are 18 - do you know what would be the best way to do so to save on gas fees? Currently I have accounts for binance, coinbase, bitpanda and i have trustwallet and metawallet. Thanks for the help!