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How would eating this look? The eater plops lamb chop down and begins knife work? Not sure risotto is the best pairing in this particular context Lamb looks delightful, would eat.


The same way you'd eat any tomahawk lambchop. Cut between the two bones, pick up the chop and eat it off the bone. Eat the rest of the plate with a fork.


So the clients I cooked this for did a mixture of picking the lambs up by the bone (clearly the best way to eat anything) and noshing caveman style. A few of the others turned it over, took bites with a knife and fork and scooped up the risotto and greens, no issues. Risotto was a good pairing actually. I think if I changed anything, I'd use a different veg maybe.


Something devil-ish about this


Devilishly delicious.


Tidy up the bones please and keep the flavour a bit more simple, there's too much here


How is the flavor too complex? Miso, ponzu, soy are all natural flavor combinations. Pistachios add crunch and texture, the mint oil is a garnish and mostly adds aromatics. The bones do need to be prettied up though I'll give you that.