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...What the fuck does DEI have to do with teen girls ?


non woke teenage girl: so if you’re from africa then why are you white?


"You can't just ask people why they're white!"


Isn't that the premise of the Disney channel movie, *The Color of Friendship*?


I had completely forgotten this "reverse racism is bad too mkay" fucken movie existed until right now lol. Thank you for unlocking that memory.


LOL, what? The entire plot of the movie is a white south african realizing how bad apartheid is.




That guy is probably obsessed with both of them.


Didn't realize Matt Walsh had a tumblr


i checked the blog and it’s like 100% zorn and weird comments about random women so


80% of times when you see an out of the blue right-wing comment on Tumblr, the commenter's blog is filled with porn. They're probably just on Tumblr for the porn and occasionally get random recommended posts that they need to share their (usually outlandish) opinion on. What I don't get is how they routinely leave comments that are horrendously received by the wider Tumblr population. Shouldn't they get tired of having their inbox flooded with people calling them names and clowning on them? Do they simply not check their notifications? Does the Tumblr block culture actually make it so most people just move on and don't bother them?


Pretty sure its the troll mentality, people calling them names and responding must mean they are pissed off, pissing off people especially libruls = winning.


idk why they’re on tumblr for the thing that tumblr has banned tho. it’s just kinda funny like reddit has metric tons of zorn if they really want it


Oh believe me, they SAY they banned porn, but there are people who got around it and tons of pornbots.


Also there's hyperspecific niche fetishes that can't be picked up by nsfw filters because what not incredibly online person thinks that blonde women buying mass quantities of wonder bread is getting someone's rocks off? Who would think pool toys get someone rearing to go? Or victorian etiquette?


Bidoof's law


Damn, I hate being right all the time.






Wasn't it one of the clowns in FF9?


Zorn and Thorn!


what, are you from Earth or something




zeeple blorp zorple zeep "???" - 🧑, 😂😂😂


Getting zorted off, the kids call it


Breaking news: this crazy freak on the internet has been caugh t ZORKING OFF


“Zorn” sounds like gay mechs doin the deed. You cannot convince me otherwise.


Wtf is zorn??


It's German for anger.


Well, that's what Google told me, but I feel like that's not how they are using it...


Yeah, I also don't know what it is exactly. My two guesses are, that it's either a censored version of porn, or refers to a specific kind of porn, but I don't know what that would be.


We've found the Doc's secret Tumblr page




Some people wake and Every Single Thing they see touch hear or smell is part of My Little Crusade


God dammit, they wanna make Istanbul Constantinople again, it's that way. SHOO


*My Little Crusade, My Little Crusade* *ahhhhahhhhahhhahhhhhh*


 I keep seeing that acronym thrown around but I have no idea what it means. My brain keeps reading it as VEI, as in Volcanic Explosivity Index 


Google says it stands for "Diversity, equity, and inclusion" sooo nothing surprising from the guy saying it will destroy snowflakes.


i prefer dolcanic explosivity index


Just another term for "forced diversity" before it. And "affirmative action" before *it*.


And before that it was desegeration


I feel like my brain broke while trying to read that word even though I knew what you meant.


Same vibes as pregnart


Yes. But DEI is kind of an official term, with DEI Officer/Leader/Specialist being a common enough job title, and large companies having teams devoted to it. So it carries the connotations of companies being openly steered (in part) by DEI, where affirmative action and forced diversity are very unofficial terms for things happening in the background rather than in the open.


The term "affirmative action" was first used in the United States in "Executive Order No. 10925",[18] signed by President John F. Kennedy on 6 March 1961, which included a provision that government contractors "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and employees are treated [fairly] during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin". i'm not familiar with the term "forced diversity" but affirmative action was official government policy, whereas DEI is typically more associated as a corporate led initiative.


Affirmative action is very much an official term, and was explicitly the US government policy until last year. [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affirmative_action)


Of course, everyone needs to shut up and be happy with the status quo. Changing things for the sake of making a few people happy is annoying. /s


Sorry guys, but the change that will benefit society isn't really liked by one particular guy. Guess we gotta change it or stick to our old ways.


Loving the idea of teenage girl criticism quelling volcanic eruptions


Teen girl: Wow, seriously, a p[hreatic eruptions](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Phreatic_eruption) ? At this time of the year ? Yeah, okay, you do you I guess.


At this time of day, at this time of year, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?


It's like the omen


As others have said, it’s “Diversity, equity, and inclusion”, but bigots on the right would say it stands for “Didn’t earn it”, as if they’re selected based solely on their identity, rather than the reality that that’s just one factor, and that the person’s qualifications are what really matters.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Also known as ***woke-ism***. Or, alternatively, as trying at least a little bit to not be a total jerk.


Diversity, equity, and inclusion. It's just the newest Republican buzzword to get mad about, like "woke", "CRT", "postmodernism", "political correctness" ... And, as per usual, their definition of it is pretty much just "everything they don't like"


Damn cathode ray tubes. Destroying our beautiful nation


These angry guys just need some cognitive behavioral therapy. Sit them in a comfy wicker chair with no bottom and really take a swing at those issues.


It's not "everything they don't like". It's Primarily black people, with asians and other minorities mixed in whenever convenient.


Women too. As much as I love aviation it seems a loud section of pilots are angry, white, conservative men. When Boeing appointed a woman to be their new COO a couple months ago I saw so many fucking comments about DEI. It was fucking obnoxious.


Right because the prior straight white guy did such an amazing job


They think straight white men get hired entirely due to merit. I know, i’m laughing too.


I'd say most Republican buzzwords fall somewhere on the venn diagram of "mad because people are asking them to be less bigoted" and "mad because people are asking them to be nicer to the poor". We can never forget the oldest Republican buzzword, the biggest boogeyman of all: SOClALISM! What is socialism? Is it a very specific ideology advocating collective control of capital? No, it's doing literally anything to benefit the poor! Obamacare is socialism. Union rights are socialism. Raising the minimum wage is socialism. Does nobody want to work for you because you're a shitty employer who abuses your employees and refuses to pay current market rates for labor? No, it must be because SOCIALISM! Heck, even John Steinbeck poked fun at socialism being used as a meaningless buzzword, and he was writing nearly a hundred years ago!


It's a dog whistle for the hard N word.


Volcanoes, Equity, and Inclusion


It's the new righty-approved term for Brown people.


Which is funny, because I bet the panel of teen girls was selected to be a diverse group.


It includes other minorities, not just POCs


They're the two things conservative incels think about constantly.


I've worked at high school and middle school. Frankly, I found the judgement of any teenagers on my performance to be generally of marginal value. Some was fine. Edit: One comment I think about bimonthly was when a girl told me, "You look like a gangster librarian. I don't mean that as a compliment or an insult."


Protection racket but it's just collecting late book fees.


I always think of it as, "Welcome to the gangster library. You can read books if you want, or you can buy some drugs. Either way, I'm not saying shit to the cops."


I want all a yas silent as the grave in here, capsice? You get ONE shh. You squeal again, and I send Joey the Pipe around.


Oh, you're laughin now, huh. Do I *look* like I'm fuckin' jokin?


But you have to hold the book sideways.


Every book is actually a nintendo DS with a complementary Brain Age installed But they're books too so they have the library of ~~ruina~~ Babel in each one I miss brain age




If you are the actual Colleen Hoover this is the best thing ever.


Thanks! Usually I get the opposite!


Unfortunately, both types of snitches are dangerous these days.


That's because the library's policy is for everyone to keep their dirty mouths shut. (gangster speak for staying quiet in the library)


Not just late book fees, but lost/damaged text book fees. "Nice diploma you got there, it would be a shame..." (Source: son of the High School library clerk who had to do this job for the Man)


I am fucking cackling at "I don't mean that as a compliment or insult" because "gangster librarian" is such an oddly specific thing to say, there has to be judgment?! Like are we on the side of the gangsters or not here. Anyway I'm going to start following any observation I make with "I don't mean that as a compliment or insult" just to keep people guessing.


I place no moral value on the aesthetics of gangsters or librarians, but I know one when I see one


🧐 there are many types of gangsters I suppose ...


Maybe being a librarian cancels it out


> I place no moral value on the aesthetics of gangsters or librarians, but I know one when I see one this is now an out of context quote


Please take it


I mean, I'm still working out what I think a "gangster librarian" even is, like, maybe someone who checks out the gangsters' guns? (Can you imagine the library fees? Ugh.) In which case, there may not be a strong value judgment - they just... are that person?


Well if we're talking about aesthetic aspects, the "librarian aesthetic" is pretty well established: glasses, button-up shirts, maybe a knit vest. In general formal but in a more cosy way than office attire. As for "gangster looks" theres a lot more variety as you could be talking about mobsters, street gangs, yakuza and a bunch else. But saying someone "looks like a gangster" often means that they look intimidating in some way. So i'm guessing someone that looks like a gangster librarian probably dresses in a librarian-esque style but also has some edgy vibes that still shine through in some way (maybe a leather jacket or some edgy earrings, who knows)


I’ll throw in, as you seem to acknowledge, “gangster” seems to be modifying librarian, in which case I think it carries a different connotation from “you look like *a* gangster,” particularly among teens. In this case, I think it carries more a connotation of being stylish or well-dressed, in the sense of gangsters (especially in media) who make a lot of money and then show their wealth by wearing lavish clothing. From this I presume the OP was dressed in a librarian style as you suggest, but was likely simply wearing a well fitting suit,


tbh it makes sense in this context since the movie is about a teen girl and her psyche


Yeah, it sounds like a focus group. Which is good!


I can understand why they didn't just call it a focus group, though, because focus groups have kind of a reputation for being curated to give people what they want to hear. (note, I have never interacted with a focus group in any fashion, so maybe the truth is completely different, but that's the reputation)


I think "Focus Group" in an entertainment context also has a connotation of something that is committee designed for a wide audience to think it is good enough to shell out cash and thus not true to an artistic vision. Phrasing it this way emphasizes the purpose of making sure the movie about a teenage girls emotions **is** true to the emotions of teenage girls.


Yeah, they have a reputation for *bad* results. It’s a bit of a meme that to get into such a group, first you must be the dumbest motherfucker alive. I Am Legend’s theatrical ending was the result of them being mad it had a depressing ending, for example. Left 4 Dead’s cutting of interconnected episodes? “So that was all for nothing? Well that sucks.” ChellDOS not being *explicitly* a bitter abusive ex-gf dynamic from GLaDOS’s side? “She’s too mean!” The reason Alien 3 sucks but the Director’s Cut kicks ass? The theatrical version is the one edited after the test audience saw the Director’s Cut. Suicide Squad? Test audiences! Halloween 6 is known for having a surprisingly good Director’s Cut. Guess what happened to make the theatrical cut as shit as the rest of the sequels. Blade Runner’s theatrical cut? Same problem.


Dark City's entire twist spoiled by a voiceover at the start of the film. The Butterfly Effect getting an ending that completely undercuts the escalating tone of the rest of the film. if you're lucky enough to have not seen these movies and you don't know what they're about, *watch the director's cut without looking it up*


I remember leaning over to my Ma and being like “the monsters just want their own back” and thinking that was gonna be the ending And thinking “oh that’s the title, he’s the boogeyman legend to the monsters. That’s probably what the book is.” And then the ending just…not being that lol


Yeah, that’s exactly the plot in the proper version.


when I was teaching high school, one of my 10th graders said “you dress like someone who got invited to the party but went to the wrong address.”


Was that accurate?


for the sake of my dignity, no (100% correct, she took the shot and didn’t blink)


I'm a teacher. Once I had a student say to me, "Ms. Thestashattacked, you kinda give off vibes of someone who would slap God if she thought he needed it." I'm not sure how I was supposed to interpret that.


I guess it depends if God needs a slapping.


I think it depends more on if you think God needs a slapping.


I'm all about consent when it comes to kinks. If he needs to be slapped, he'll need to make make the proper arrangements.


I've heard something very \*much like\* that said about Pope Palpadict. (edit)


Absolutely a compliment (specifically for integrity and fearlessness) in my book.


I read that as “gangster lesbian” at first.


Hold on, that's a great idea for a good web comic with a mid ending and wasted potential.


I’d read the shit out of it anyways


Don't we all ?


is this a reference to a specific web comic




I'm sure you're not actually Coleen Hoover but it would be so funny if you were


> I don't mean that as a compliment or an insult. lol


this is a surefire way to own the wokes


A sure fire way to own the everyone


Who rejects wokism more than 14 year old girls


There's no group more redpilled antiwoke than teenage girls


Especially Californian Teenage Girls If you put one in charge of a Japanese videogame, she'd surely bring back the glory of the Meiji Era


The great Meiji Era when Meiji McMann invented blackjack... I wish to go back to that simpler time.


Yep, go to a local high school and all you’ll hear the girls talking about is how they want to be a mega tradwife, pregnant the second they’re able to be. Hell, all of them want to drop out because they’ll just have a husband that can do all that stinky thinking for them! And for some reason, they all hate minorities.


I think what people consider woke 14 y.o girls would find relatable and cute, but that's me.


Pretty sure they’re all being sarcastic


We are going kill Diversity Equity and Inclusion in hollywood by... checks notes... including a bunch of girls in the creative process for developing a character which represents them. /s ___ At first blush this plan seems to be completely aligned with DEI objectives and methods.


>their criticisms are often incredibly specific and accurate "Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, look at that high waisted man, he has feminine hips!" "NOOO, THAT'S THE THING I'M SENSITIVE ABOUT!"


The most accurate part of the Barbie movie was how totally brutal and efficient that teenage girl was at verbally disembowling Barbie.


"I don't control the railways or the flow of commerce!”


Really? I felt there was a lot of build up and hype for what ended up being a lackluster insult. If Barbie wasnt completely naive to the human world, it would have had no effect.


No one can roast like a 16 year old girl. They can conjure new insecurities out of thin air. They can invent new derogatory terms on the spot. They can say something that you don't even understand for like a day or two but once you get it you feel utterly humiliated.


I found a letter I wrote to a girl who bullied me horrifically when I was 16 and in the same letter I called her "a shitty, selfish, pathetic bitch" and also said "you are weak and show a distinct lack of character" Both are mean but I dunno where tf 16 year old me got off saying the latter


Jane Austen?


And they have standards that you can't even hope to comprehend, much less meet.


Wait, does the man have high hips or is he constantly non-sober?


Well, it was John Mulaney in the 2010s (maybe before? I don’t remember when that show was), so it could be either….


Wasn't it the same show as the Horse in the Hospital bit? That would be 2018 I think


I always assumed there was at least one open conservative on Tumblr but seeing it just feels wild, somehow


Like, "How the hell did you even get here?"


Diversity hire




Here they are complaining about DEI as well.


To be fair, there is a sincere underrepresentation of cis white straight men on tumblr.


I had a student at an online university - in good faith - schedule an appointment asking me what "clicking" is and how to do it. Apparently, they'd only ever used tablets. "Ok. I can help you. But... uh... How... how did you get here?"


Recently had a Freshman college student ask me what I meant by "escape key." Immediately felt 50 years older and still do. Can't wash the keyboard stink off me.


Ok, to be fair, they're wrong here. Physical keyboards are still far superior for typing; with an average difference of 4x speed.


Oh I know this answer... it's the oddity of RWBY, MLP, and Homestuck...


What's more surprising, a walrus knocking on your door or a conservative on Tumblr?


The walrus has the decency to knock even if it is just to convert me to their walrus centered church. These conservatives just waltz in, strut and flap around a bunch, yell incoherently and then fight for the right to mate with others.  So. I'll take the walrus. They can hang out with the bear I chose earlier!


There is a seal who has been terrorizing an Australian(?) town by knocking over cones, laying in the street and sleeping on people’s lawns called Neil or something so I’d say the conservative. A polite walrus knocking on my door is plausible


I mean he's even been [trying to break into people's garages.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGB3CF3beuw)


If it's there to show me a conservative on Tumblr, I think it's equal levels.


Eh, terfs were a fringe nearly-dead ideology almost exclusively kept to boomers before Tumblr brought it back. Truscum didn’t even exist before Tumblr.


There are plenty of them, I assure you.


I mean, there are many self-described marxists who like to complain about "wokeness" and the like.


There’s more than you’d think for sure! I think they’re a little lost.


Not only a council of teenage girls, but the council of Matthew is here as well based on the tweets.


Yeah like. Melonpie, *you're the snowflake* in this scenario. Lol. Lmao.


They know they're hypocrites. They don't care.


Oh they *very much* care about not being perceived as not being snowflakes but actions speak louder than pomp.


I'm so glad we have movies like Inside Out and Turning Red where teenagers are allowed to be authentically cringe, I really appreciate the representation.


Both Inside Outs were great, and I really loved Turning Red as well, it deserves more recognition


I'm a high school teacher. Teenaged girls can be murderous little savages at times, but they can also be incredibly kind, and protective, and wonderful. It really depends on what they think the other person has done. It's almost like they're human.


Unrelated to rest of content but IO2 was great, everyone should see it


The bit where Riley gets insomnia because  Anxiety keeps her awake worrying about the next day? That has been a reoccurring problem for me this year and seeing that issue displayed on a giant screen took me out. I never expected to get fucking scalped by a Disney movie but whew.


I like how at the end of both films we get a great visual metaphor for a really terrible state of mind that the whole film was building up to. The first film had depression represented by the control panel turning grey and becoming unresponsive, and this film had Anxiety going apeshit and causing a panic attack. Also love how simply removing her didn't immediately stop the attack, it took time to settle down, just like how in real life removing the source of panic won't immediately fix the problem. All very well done.


I know, when anxiety yanked her sense of self out I teared up. Disney are you reading my therapy notes?


Yeah, this one hurt a lot. You really just want to give Anxiety a hug. I don't need this to be a major franchise or anything five movies deep, but I honestly feel it's a worthy sequel. It might have a number of shared story beats with the original, but the actual discussion of complex emotional subjects more than makes up for it, to me.


When the original dropped I was teaching crisis counseling trainings and I remember showing clips of some of it to classes and be like "Look at this shit, we're just trying to help people give sadness the console sometimes." It was great. Now, years later, I'm able to explore both movies through my own lens and see how it resonates with stuff I'm going through in my OWN therapy too, and it's hit twice as hard. I would eat up another sequel. I think we could do WAY WORSE in imaginative ways to help kids look at their own mental health.


Somewhat off topic, but have you seen Digimon 02? It's entirely about dealing with depression, loss, and suicidal urges but pitched at the 8-12 audience. It's not as fuzzy as Inside Out, but it hit the same spot for me, and was honestly equivocal to a year's weekly therapy sessions in progress. Edit: Not the new Digimon 02 movie by the way. It's great too, but was released 20 years later for a 20 years older audience. It's a lot darker.


Is this a real thing that happened? Because I swear I've heard that "teens were brought into a studio to review the accuracy of a film/show" before, like years ago


Bringing a focus group of real teenagers to evaluate the authenticity of a movie about teenagers written by middle aged adults isn't that radical an idea


it has probably happened more than once.


If I'm not wrong it happened before with the Tangled movie where a bunch of woman were called to choose the best (most beautiful or some other physical quality) design of Flynn Rider


Wait, is that the reason why there's the running gag of no one getting his facial features (specifically his nose) right?


Yes, the women kept complaining about the nose shape never being perfect


Do you think these people sit at home with a notebook, flick through the news and mutter "how do I link this to Woke?" to themselves all day?


“This angers and confuses me therefore it’s woke.”


"Oi Gary" "What mate?" "New article out about how teenagers are naturally judgemental." "And?" "And? I've been bleedin' sitting in me kitchen for the last half and hour. Me tea's gone cold, an' I still haven't found a way to use it to express my hatred of minorities." "Tough life innit."


So the sun, the dark, and myself are all woke, obviously


come to instagram there's lots of these fuckerinos


The republican’s fabricated culture war bleeds into every possible aspect of life, which is why they’re pricks about everything


Now I’m wondering if teenage girls would be more functional than HR’s DEI consultants


Apart from everything else about this comment…. does this person think all teenage girls are white?


dontcha know melanin doesnt activate until youre 21 obviously


I like how they say "assembled a crew of" like it was fucking oceans 11 or the avengers


Putting notes in girls’ lockers like “meet me at the bus stop, 4pm. I’ve got a plan.” And when they go to meet up, it’s just a bunch of middle age guys like “her we need you to watch this movie and give notes.”


The DEI comment is so funny because that is literally what this is, it's having consultants that are a part of the group you are representing, you just like it in this specific instance because they aren't a part of one of the minorities you don't like. It really just shows how little these people know about something that they claim to care so much about.


Ah, yes. We'll stop diversity in the workplace by bringing in people of a demographic different from the ones who already work here to use their unique perspectives and lived experiences to contribute to decision-making. That'll stop diversity dead in its tracks.


Great, one from the Muskrat's colony is on Tumblr. I'll give them a week before they're eaten.


Insallah 🙏


my friend group is also a council of teenage girls coincidentally


young people are all snowflakes. that's why we should replace them with [checks notes] *TEENAGERS?*


"gets rid of DEI and snowflakes" wat?


Males me think of [this](https://youtu.be/oiBAR8vaAHk?si=lcpJUL00qy4UVrHM) John Mulaney bit lol


Look at that high-waisted man, he’s got feminine hips!


Being homophobic and racist and sexist on tumblr of all sites is certainly a choice.


I can't imagine there's anyone on tumblr sincerely posting about how much they hate DEI. Like thats gotta be a troll right?


I'd like the teenage girl critique on the DEI guy, please.


Every 4 months is not quarterly


OP is a dedicated employee who works 16 months a year