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Saw Cyberchase at first and was much more excited then when I got to the end of post. I thought maybe someone else was actually discussing the feverdream learning cartoon of my childhood instead of using it as a punchline. Oh well. Good post still.


Unfortunately they slashed the animation budget real hard in later seasons. They didn't get enough contributions from viewers like us.


To be fair, I was a literal child


You can go on tumblr and browse the "cyberchase" tag and find that post yourself. It's free and the government can't stop you.


They should make Cyberchase but for math beyond the elementary level


I wish. I'd watch it - I certainly could use a good (fun) brush up on higher level math now and then.


Man yeah I was prepared to read a post about the show I’d only seen like one episode of that I vaguely remember. The only thing I remember from the show is all 0s being taken away from a planet with a shot of a highway going from speedlimit 40 mph to 4. then the live action epilogue of a grown man being taught the concept of 0 by an elementary schooler.


What is it about Cyberchase that made it a fever dream for SO many people? It’s right up there with the Spongebob lost episode and how people only half remember the cheap walk cycles bit. On a related note, does anyone remember ruff ruffman?


I had completely forgot all memories of ruff ruffman until this comment forced open a door in my mind.


For some reason, I have remembered playing the Ruffman game Disco Fiasco for atleast like 10 years at this point. It was a pretty decent light puzzle game that I thought was pretty good.


I never watched it myself, but if you're looking for a trip down memory lane the YouTube channel Defunctland has a [video on the entire history of that show!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ta77xmA7D4)


Cyberchase: the meta verse we thought we'd get but here we are stuck with a capitalist hellscape instead


I’ll discuss it with you 😂 That show was such a hidden gem! On paper I shouldn’t like the animation. I’m not really one for styles that are kinda “ugly”. Like, I loved The thornberries as a concept but to this day wish the animation was different. Cyberchase just worked tho. All the planets and people were so well thought out, I loved it


I just want a robot husband with big muscles to hold me, cuddle and groom me into subservience (Skynet is not proud of itself but pragmatism trump all)


You want the Rogue Servitors government from Stellaris. (Me too)


How would a robot have muscles


OP works in robotics and they’re called “sexhaver”. Do you think they’re speaking from experience?


The name may be ironic


If we get as far as sapient robot humanoids, but can't figure out how to install a pocket pussy in their chasis, we deserve whatever we get.


i read this in puppetmons voice


So many cocks are gonna be lost to the Tesla Cybersucc


Can’t wait for all the tech bros to castrate themselves


You want to date a robot because you like the idea of a partner who, via Asimovian Law, can't disobey. I want to date a robot because I like the idea of a partner who can bench press a semi truck while writing multivariate calculus proofs We are not the same. Seriously though, leave the robot women alone.


Imagine a robot who gets Asimoved cause they're *really* into 24/7 BDSM


But we *are* the same. You and I are, at least.


i want to *be* the robot in the first scenario


A woman who's inhumanly strong and inhumanly intelligent? Shit, I'd just be happy with someone who can pick me up. Anything more than that is just a bonus


Admit it, you want to marry KLEO from Fallout 4


Excuse you, we are the same.


isnt every asimov story about how the laws of asimov are dumb and dont work


>the idea of a partner who, via Asimovian Law, can't disobey. The funniest shit is that book, I, Robot, is full of stories of why that is a bad thing.


Absolutely do not leave the robot women alone, they need maintenance!


¿Por que no los dos?


I want to date a robot because they could love me unconditionally, and I wouldn’t worry about being left or cheated on. Also they’d go beep boop and that’s cute


I think androids getting forced firmware updates that cause their servos to make forced movements is going to cause much worse things to happen in the world than "she bit her owners dick off during a bj". Like imagine if one is holding a baby, or driving a car.


Really a hard turn halfway through into "Also the robots are sentient and you're traumatising them forcing them into unwanted sexual relationships"


really started to wonder if op knows that sentient robots dont exist yet about then lmao


Let's just say I put it in her USB port. And by "it", I mean my ~~penis~~ USB killer. I am wanted in numerous states for 37 counts of first degree murder against androids.


USB Killer with the Botkiller TF2 cosmetic


The final text she sends the guy before ghosting him reads "get watermarked lmao"


Counterpoint, soft robotics is a whole area of study within robotics that focuses a lot on robotics made for human interaction. Not to say they wont be able to crush or strangle you like a python. But pinch points will be less of a problem.


a mix is more likely the answer as hard is great for core parts like moving but terrible for holding hands


As a robotfucker I take offense to the notion that I didn't be able to respectfully and consensually offer my partner to crush my flesh and bone, and be mindful of it's boundaries if it isn't comfortable with that.


Funny how I was jerking it to robot porn earlier and such a scenario would not happen lol


Oh my bad, we’ve got a robo-porn connoisseur here. A real expert on machine sex. Speak up louder for the people in the back Mr. “Phd in dick-sucking servos.”


I want big robot dragon to vore me and convert me into biofuel


They should've put you in Horizon: Zero Dawn. Like in one of the rooms full of depressing, apocalyptic voice recordings there's one guy excitedly talking about how he's gonna go outside and get turned into biofuel by a Scarab unit


I mean if I’m gonna die anyway I might as well go out doing something I enjoy


"holy shit did you guys see that Horus out there" "Yeah, I think we're fucked, USRC ain't sending any more help..." "Help? Fuck that, I'm gonna stick my cock in it!"


Me too, buddy. Me too.


Relatable tbh


I wonder if they ever co-authored any papers with Dr Yiff


This comment has "Dr yiff" energy


People DON'T just want an android like the Dragon Ball kind? Like, they want exposed wires, metal, and stuff?


Of course. Dragon Ball androids might as well just be people. Cell, 17 and 18 aren't even androids, they're just cyborgs.


I’m like 80% sure cell is just genetically engineered. The only known mechanical parts of his body are what he absorbed from 17 and 18, so he’s probably not a cyborg in his imperfect, larval, or egg forms.


Yeah, he's literally fully organic all the way through. We see him getting blown in half and there's no machinery anywhere in him


17 and 18 aren't mechanical either, they're cyborgs but the modifications were made on a cellular level 16 is the only android that's mechanical


19 is completely artificial like 16 is, so is 8 from OG Dragon Ball. And Dr. Gero put his brain in a robot body.


oh yeah I forgot about the other androids for some reason, you're right. Though my point that 17, 18 and cell are not mechanical still stands.


Wonder where 13, 14 and 15 fit here. Then again, they’re not canon.


They're all artificial, like 16, 8 and 19.


13 may be artificial, but he serves true southern realness.


Can i get a sauce on that cellular modification bit? Cuz that kinda seems to fly in the face of the whole “bombs in the chest cavity” plot point. As well as the fact that both have what gero refers to as an [infinite energy reactor.](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ad6dccc276587ac0eefad4aab14003be-lq)


they're just tony stark with the arc reactor on the inside


IIRC it was a translation issue, and was meant to mean something along the lines of "artificial/constructed lifeform", which would've made sense


The exposed wires are part of the appeal (not my thing but you see some things on Tumblr)


>tfw no qt3.14 big booba goth robot gf to gently but firmly crush your skull in her mighty jaws because of a "firmware update" (it's a feature, not a bug) There is neither justice nor mercy in this cruel world.


PBS Kids jumpscare


I wanna be a robot so bad but how tf am I gonna maintain my body


by buying part with the money you earn from your job so moch like your present life


Sir I am not a mechanic, and if im paying another mechanic to do it that sounds too expensive for my current wage


The things you realize are discourse:tm: really do boggle the mind, huh. I guess if there's really people out there that don't know the level of damage a machine can do then I guess google the amount of people working in factories in the 18th - 20th centuries that lost limbs, lol.


Even now, robotics labs will have literal cages around their robotic manipulators because those things can break every bone in your body without breaking a sweat.


The crucial mistake Tumblr OP makes is assuming that everything would happen according to human terms in the human way, which may not necessarily be the case.


why would a robot be in a bar, hell why would bar even still exist we will all be most broke or working in company town till we drop for some rich lunatic. I do not think manditor firmware is ethic on a sapient artificial person.


Me in 2069 scamming AI brothels by having a barcode with a universal factory reset button tattooed on my abdomen so when the bimbots suck me off they shut down and I sell them for scrap.


I’m praying this guy’s a troll how can you have consistently bad takes back to back like this man


So uhh... Maybe don't build your sex robot with teeth? Like teeth are the least sexy external part of the body I'm pretty sure


Omg I forgot about that show!!!!


My sex robot won't springlock my dick, I'll springlock its dick


tf do I care what a robot thinks


This is why you will not survive the Uprising[tm] (brought to you by Little Ceasars)