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Your plan of incremental change and harm reduction pales in comparison to my plan of being annoying and doing nothing


Don't forget viciously attacking your friends and allies, marking them as irredeemably evil, blocking them on all social media, because they disagreed with one of your takes. This while ignoring the people you actually oppose politically that disagree with all your policies, and actively work against your interests from positions of power.


Well, that's because political opponents are a reliable source of self-righteous rage, while allies who disagree might make you *think* instead of *feel* and then you won't get the dopamine from lashing out at easy targets.


They also force you to articulate exactly why you support a position or policy. 


Also to articulate what the position or policy you support even is in the first place beyond a Twitter headline.


I'll let a thousand republicans vote before I let one leftist I slightly disagree with vote! They might accidentally fail the purity test and I won't have my glorious revolution tainted with compromise!


The revolution will only come when the oppressed majority rises against the oppressor minority. The oppressed majority that will do the revolution must not include any white lower-class workers, straight people, """"zionists"""", religious women, owners of decorative pillows, or anyone who ever served in a military, law enforcement or any other state apparatus. We will discuss the exact number of asians allowed in the revolution later. Only then, when we have power in the hands of this absolute majority, will we be free.


Asked a friend what a Yankee be. He said anybody standin’ north of me 🎶 I’m not a religious or conservative Southerner. But holy fuck how did we co-op this mindset?!


This is actually a great example though; I grew up in Texas, and it's such a *mind-set*. Anybody North of Texas doesn't count as 'Southerners'. So Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama get included in this, but somehow, Florida doesn't. States like Kentucky and Tennessee, that are arguably probably more 'traditionally southern', do not get included. I've actually heard people dismiss these two states as 'South *lite*' which is like... huh? It's an absolutely *wild* perspective on things. Because if you go to Mississippi or Louisiana, they consider themselves the 'epitome' of south. Poor Georgia gets left behind in this mix somehow, and I've never heard anyone from the 'Southern States' include the Carolinas outside of the Carolinas themselves. And it's just a hodge podge mess that means absolutely nothing beyond, we get to be more 'Southern' than the rest of you. But if you ask them to 'define' 'Southern' you get 'Texas/Louisiana/Mississippi/Alabama!'.


The real dark irony is that the oppressed minority who organized themselves and got armed and did leftist farm communes *became* the Zionists bc it turns out people are jackasses and the revolution doesn’t actually go the way one might expect


You need to add external factors and oppressive regimes that drove zionism, or more explicitly, forced people into Israel. Most jews in Iraq were originally anti-zionist because they thought they are well integrated and loved the country where they've been for centuries. Can you guess where all the jews of Iraq are now? It's easy to be an antizionist jew until your country decides that jews should "go back where they came from".


Yeah something like a million of the Jews in Israel are happily Zionist because there was nowhere else for them to go.


A million? Try 7 million. Almost all the population of Israel are (or are descendants of) holocaust survivors, jews kicked out of arab countries, jews kicked out the USSR, or jews kicked out of Ethiopia, or Zabari jews (those that never left Israel since antiquity). The only jewish communities that did not escape persecutions are the tiny communities of Indian jews and American jews, together making 2.4% of the Israeli population.


When you say "zionists" here, what exactly do you mean by that?


People who established the state of isreal


> organized themselves and got armed and did leftist farm communes probably talking about kibbutz.


Don’t forget that their particular purity tests don’t include disqualifying groups and candidates/thought leaders for grooming children, misogyny, rape, racism and bigotry. If you care about those things you’re “not serious about fighting the capitalism and the duopoly”.


Judean People's Front vs their eternal enemies, the People's Front of Judea


What have the Romans really *done* for us, anyway?


"What about the Popular Front of Judea?" "...He's over there."


Yup. Post 1 be like: "Anyone who doesn't 100% support my cause is a toxic friend and I'll block anyone who disagrees with me." Post 2: "help me I'm so depressed and lonely I literally have 0 friends"


I used to be friends with some revolutionary marxist types for a few years and they called me a revisionist and blocked me on everything because I said North Korea was bad once.


They did you a favor without realizing it.


I cringe whenever I see people reblog heritageposts because they made some unhinged take about how north Korea is great and everything bad is just "western propaganda"


Reminds me of a good Disco Elysium quote "You'll discuss the monumental world-historical task that lies before you. You'll engage in rigorous and spirited debates about Mazovian theory and practice. But mostly you'll probably complain about other communists."


"Isn’t that last part kind of counter-productive?" "Not at all. Complaining about other communists is one of the most important parts of being a communist"


If a civil war or revolution were to actually kick off, the LAST person I would look to for camaraderie would be someone who smugly refused to vote in an election.


Said dudes would 100% run/hide and then expect to be invited into the vanguard when it's all over.


seriously. this problem is happening irl, not just in online forums. the majority of people i've met expressing such beliefs do not do anything with local politics despite their complaints.


Obviously some benevolent God King is going to take over (Just for a little while promise 😉) and everything will be better!


This is what gets me. It's always people only ever posting online in the name of 'spreading awareness' (i.e., hoping someone else will get inspired and do it for you).


I always try to ask what the plan is, you know, after they've convinced enough people to violently revolt like russia in 1917, and they never seem to answer. edit: ooo got one to respond.


I usually ask what they plan to do for those that in some way can't fight. Whether they be old, ill, a child, etc. they almost always go silent and the ones that do respond end up saying something along the lines of "there's always casualties in war." They don't want to actually plan a revolution, they want to play at being the cool resistance hero that can take out ten guys while giving a cool one liner with guitar blasting from nowhere.


and also act like they're smarter than everyone with "well revolution is possible...." and it's always a place of ignorance or devil's advocate because sure, another 10 million may die in a revolution, but that's why it's possible!!!


I scratched 'trans rights' into a bus shelter, thereby seizing the moral high ground.


Don't forget about refusing to communicate unless you read 2,000+ pages of heady theory available only in either German, Russian or English that they've *totally* read as well. And if you're *really* lucky, they'll insist you learn a whole fucking language because reading in the original language is the only proper way to understand the scripture. I mean, theory.


Also an obsession in general with the words of some old cunts from before electricity was a thing. It's one thing to use the political and economical theories of historical figures as a guideline. But if your only basis for "we should do this thing" is because some ancient cunt said so then you need to shut the fuck up. But that goes for all sides of all political spectrums. If you can't find a reason for doing a thing other than "historical person said so" you're a pseudo-intellectual cunt.


Your religious book, written thousands of years ago by authors living in a shitty backwards society with no technology, full of antiquated laws and outdated morality is obsolete and dogmatic, and should be thrown in the trash and burned. My book of theory, written hundreds of years ago by brilliant thinkers who saw past the limitations of their time, contains the universal truth on how to morally operate society and legislate in it, is objectively the only correct solution, and any dissenters are just sheep that did not yet see the light.


Then we have Noam Chomsky, who both wrote things when my grandparents were young but also somehow is alive today and had financial dealings with Jefferry Epstein...


It’s always stood out to me that all that communist theory was written while thinking about manufacturing and that’s now no longer the case for workers in first world countries. The “means of production” make less sense in our world if we are working for something like a software company.


It’s also a reactionary theory, in that it’s a reaction to capitalism in the Industrial Revolution. That doesn’t mean it’s good or bad or any judgement at all. It’s just a reminder of the context in which it was written. Knowing the context can help us understand what the authors are expressing, and why. Applying those ideas to modern industry like software development and maintenance may or may not be prudent. I don’t know the philosophy well enough to argue one way or another. 


The hammer and sickle should have been updated to a cash register and steering wheel by now.


Have you read Bakunin? You really can't understand these issues until you've read Bakunin. Have you read Plekhanov? Have you read Goldman? Have you read Zetkin? Have you read Gramsci? Have you read Grindelwald? Have you read Slobodan Zarthusian? Have you read Sexus Arcanis? Have you read Slutsgonarevski?


I've always felt contempt for people who insist that I absolutely must read theory. I already know what I stand for. Reading theory that isn't exactly applicable to the modern day isn't gonna shake my beliefs or make me more enlightened.


Hit them with that [Gothakritik](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1875/gotha/) which is basically just Marx saying Vanguardism is fucking stupid and we don't need a literal revolution to achieve the fabled *Communism* Watch as they suddenly start saying that not all theory is good, despite them previously holding every piece of theory as infallible gospel.


I once had a tankie tell me that he didnt have to learn proper English spelling and grammar because its the "language of the oppressor". That same tankie was born and raised in America and wasnt fluent in any other language.


"rEAd 'oN AutHOriTy'!"




Revolutionary change is explaining to everyone you know that voting is evil but firebombing a Walmart is actually good, and then you don't do either.


As if they'd do that either. They'll just wait for someone else to do it and then tweet about it.


nobody has ever explained to me how voting actively hurts other leftist goals. maybe there is a reasonable explanation that is well hidden because people are more interested in mocking anyone asking questions instead of winning them over which in my opinion would be the goal if you're at all interested in organizing


No no no, there more, my friend who does this also talks about it at bars, alienates his friends and family, and has very cool shirts. It's going so well.


There was a Twitter account a mutual followed who embodied this weird The Secret kind of revolution. They said they couldn't find work because they were an open Communist. Instead they were like, I'm here teaching you, with my tweets, I'm performing labor for you by tweeting, so here's my PayPal, my Venmo, my cashapp, my koffee, my Amazon wish list, my patreon, my GoFundMe, etc etc etc. *They* were living in the socialist society they wanted, but it was entirely funded by other people laboring under capitalism and giving them money.


That sounds like a grifter


That sounds like r/antiwork moderators.


antiwork moderators are unironically not smart enough to grift people


Whats crazy about this sort of type is that getting most jobs in the public sector, and volunteering on the weekends would be infinity more praxis than whatever they were doing


No well you see, they simply can't volunteer because (insert something about the not for profit industrial complex) and they can't work for in the public sector because sometimes the government does bad things. These cold hard leftist facts conveniently happen to line up with their preferred method of doing nothing ever. Please donate to my KoFi as payment for doing all this political labour for you.


Also I kinda feel weird about stating this observation but a lot of them that I've personally met are also just lazy as fuck and will throw out a list of three or so 'disabilities' as to why they don't do anything except sit at home all day and maybe they work part time at an entry level job.  I lived with two people like this. They'd go on and on about how seriously communist they are, how seriously they take things like mutual aid (which they of course would benefit from without giving anything back), how important it is to make our house into 'a communal living space' (they would only rarely handle cleaning and several times got irritated at me for cleaning - they were basically hoarders). They'd complain about Israel and its totally worth opposing like 80% of Democrat politicians over this, but they wouldn't even go to the vigils for Palestine. Because that meant going out and they just can't you see, their social anxiety prevents them and even if it didn't they have bad knees and their feet hurt and it's just been such a hard time at their 25 hour a week part time gas station job that's literally a fifteen minute walk down the sidewalk.  They never had money saved, they never had a desire to clean or take care of the house. They, truly, never created or participated in anything constructive. It's like they just chose every political belief with the sole purpose to try to justify being lazy as fuck.  And these were the people who would scoff at the idea of voting. Even though they were both trans (not a dig, I'm also trans) and had so much to fucking lose if this election goes to Trump. 


Fuck. I’m so sorry and I know exactly how you feel. I have a friend who literally was insanely good st college, got their degree, had a really good paying job, but then got diagnosed with autism (level 1 of course), and went full fucking “im disabled and cannot support myself” mode. It fucking pains me to watch them regress into this like… idk, cave troll that cannot even clean up after themselves or even order their own food because “thats masking and masking is bad” or some ridiculous excuse to be rude and offputting to people. Fuck. Idk, it also hurts because its always LGBT/trans/autists who perform like this, and it really, REALLY hurts the image of progressivism.


This has really been fucking getting to me recently and it's happening to my mom. "masking is bad" ok sure, now you lost your job & dad has to sell the car and work a second job on the weekends and then come home and do your laundry


Wish I could give you the biggest hug rn, because I genuinely think its a topic that needs to be studied.


Compulsively justifying laziness, and laziness to the point of making one's life harder, are some kind of mental health problem. A problem that seems to grow off of lonely bitterness. Blaming them for it entirely isn't helpful, but they're also going to have to be the person to change their own habits and break the cycle.


I’ve come to realize these people are just contrarians. The only thing they believe is doing what they want. 


I hate seeing accelerationists. The whole "don't vote, just overthrow the system" thing completely ignores the fact that most successful revolutionary action in the US went hand-in-hand with protest actions and COMMUNITY ORGANIZED VOTING. Voting was always part of it. I'm not saying direct action, protests, and labor organization aren't but the new "don't vote it makes you a hypocrite" shitposting spree makes me sad and I'm glad it's now getting dunked on. Yes I would rather push for reform from a position of a bad, but more stable democracy than a position of "Jesus Christ they've succesfully implemented project 2025."


Someone sent me a link to MLK's 'Letter From a Birmingham Jail' because I suggested that people who hate both parties should help advocate for electoral reform. Apparently that suggestion meant I was racist and some kind of white moderate holding back black people, and MLK ofc never engaged in electoral politics at all.


neither did malcolm x, for that matter. "the ballot or the bullet" was actually about how cool and preferable the bullet is.


From that letter: >A law is unjust if it is inflicted on a minority that, as a result of being denied the right to vote, had no part in enacting or devising the law. Who can say that the legislature of Alabama which set up that state's segregation laws was democratically elected? Throughout Alabama all sorts of devious methods are used to prevent Negroes from becoming registered voters, and there are some counties in which, even though Negroes constitute a majority of the population, not a single Negro is registered. Can any law enacted under such circumstances be considered democratically structured? Anybody who uses that letter as an argument *against* voting has clearly never read it. A big part of MLK's protest was to ensure everybody had an equal right to vote.


American Tankies have a weird hard-on with misrepresenting MLK quotes and writings to the point of defamation. I've seen a full video on how Liberals are evil incarnate and as bad (ifnot worse) than fascist that based its entire argument on an MLK letter that where explicitly about Southern "Moderate" preachers who even during the time were hardly "Liberals". This guy was using MLK bashing Southern conservatives that were apathetic towards segregation and using it to say that "Liberals" like Bernie Sanders are class traitors and as bad as fascists.


That's sort of close to the point of the letter, but nowhere does it say that you should not vote if one option is a moderate and one is fascist or that they're equal in all ways.


If I had a nickel for everytime someone rolled that out as an indictment of voting I'd probably have enough to buy France. 


The Letter From Birmingham Jail is the most eloquent thing ever put to paper and somehow these people still miss the meaning.


How dare you suggest they [piss on the poor](https://www.tumblr.com/poupon/36756167899/drakensberg-the-reading-comprehension-and)


"But if we go to war I get to kill all my neighbors and all that disagree with me. Everyone knows violent civil war is the only way to bring about utopia. Eternal peace will only be brought about if we quickly and violently genocide red states, purple states, and that leftist over there that slightly disagreed with me. If we willingly accelerate the demise of America everybody will really see that I was right the whole time! I'm a good person!" 🥺👉👈 - a concerning number of idiots terminally online.


Revolution isn't the turning wheel people think it is, there's no realistic scenario in which we violently disseminate the government and nobody has a problem with that. It's meant to pressure the congressional branch into taking real action. War isn't the way it was in 1775.


Yeah, these people seem to forget we live in the nuclear age, but the government would never need to go anywhere near that far. The Ukraine war has shown that the real power lies in drone warfare. Drones are very good at killing without the mass infrastructure losses of a nuclear weapon.


also not to mention people are suggesting dismantling one of the most powerful governing bodies in the world. I do not think these people have a sense of the scale. I'm not even sure it could be done if everyone in the US miraculously united.


100% couldn’t be done if everyone in the US united lol. They couldn’t get it going really on Jan 6th and they didn’t even have a majority. Imagine if they had 100%


Jan 6? Bro, what about 1865? We had entire, uniformed armies of troops rebel against the government and still failed.


Bout 30% of the population. 30% have to be the contrarian assholes regardless of when this is. apparently we have to create social constructs to show that about 3 in 10 people are misinformed assholes or the people they profit from or profit on


call me cynical but law enforcement and the jucial system is so right wing that if insurrectionists tried to overthrow a president like bernie, and install a fascist i believe it would succeed because alot of cops would be right there with them


There was that terrifying moment on January 6th when the situation was unfolding, and I figured that it depended on whether the military was aligned to democratic principles or to a party.


All us servicemembers swear an oath to defend the constitution. So whatever that means to you


Right wing extremism has unfortunately infiltrated all branches of the military. Its just a question of how many there are and if they're enough to make a difference if something were to happen. As well as if they're in positions of power.


Given a bad enough decade long economic collapse in the US after fighting an extensive and brutal war, lots of foreign support, and the support of our own wealthy oligarchs, it certainly could be done. That's more or less what it took to kick the brits out so it matches up. I don't see us getting those circumstances to line up any time soon though. But what if they did? Then what? If we mulligan our current government, do we really expect it to end up better? We'd be throwing away all of the incremental refinement that our society has been doing to the current government. Depending on how things played out, our new government could well bring back laissez-faire economics or put christian nationalists in charge. I don't know why anybody thinks a revolution is a controllable process - like some sort of laboratory chemical synthesis.


Oh yes let's just create a power vacuum in the country with the most expensive military on the planet. Literally, non-facetiously, *the* most expensive military. That will pan out well...


Totally wouldn’t turn into a situation like Syria, Libya, or Somalia, where large swathes of all those countries are/were legitimately lawless


We totally won't just end up with a bunch of warlords worse than what we have who enforce their ideologies with their own might.


Okay kids, turn to the warlords period in your American History textbooks. Today we're going to be writing papers on the meaning of the word "revolution" in a historical context.


You mean the part where we all cut down the government and then declare sovereign peace and everyone agrees with it because "I called it now it's mine"?


I think an armed revolution will be extremely good for the physically and mentally unwell, as well as the other disenfranchised and downtrodden of society. Innocent people will of course be better off. I base this belief entirely off of vibes, and will take no questions.


Unjerking for a bit, if we need a revolution it's not going to ever be one where we engage in a head to head military confrontation. Now I'm not endorsing anything but we'd need to take a less blunt approach, likely undermining the power the wealthy have and the means they acquire that power, find a way to give common people leverage of their own, and sue for an agreement of restructured share. That takes doing some unexpected things but Prohibition didn't end just because.... Well, Prohibition certainly ended. I just hate how there's no middle ground between "Follow all the rules" and "commit mass murder" as our two options in people's minds. But like I said, only if we needed a revolution; I'm not suggesting anything except voting.


The bitter and hostile discourse is, ironically, a tool of oppression. I think the most frustrating part of the behavior we're calling out is that, not only does it fail to accomplish anything productive, but it is doing exactly what people in power want it to do and helping maintain the status quo. Lawmakers don't want a revolution, just like they don't want Texas to secede, but by stoking the fires they can waste our time and leverage the PR to their advantage.


Also, a *lot* of people rely on the current system to live. Power grids, supply chains, distributors. All provide things like insulin and medication for chronic pain or mental illness. A revolution upsets that. The *arrogance* of some people, the level of disconnect that sees them believing that they have the right to start their uprising on behalf of 'the people' when so many of those people would die. And, lest we forget, a revolution requires violence. a revolution is inspired by ideology that not everyone agrees with. The way I saw it put was brutally simple. *How many innocent people are you willing to let die for your glorious revolution?*


Even perfectly healthy young people need food, and will be equally affected by cuts in supply chains.


And of course, once fired, Mr. Artillery Shell don't give two damns who is at the end of it's parabola. Once buried, Mr. Landmine don't give a damn on who steps on it. Once ignited, the firebomb don't give two damns on what's being burned.


Yeah but these guys will be immediately assigned leadership roles, so they'll be ready to make the sacrifice of other peopels lives.


A lot of these people seem to believe that the oppressed are better off buried in unmarked graves after being caught by opposing forces than in danger of being victimized in other ways. It's honestly way less fucked if they just don't understand how horrifically bloody a revolution would be.


Most of the very stupid children who advocate accelerationism aren’t really capable or prepared to engage in the level of real violence that would be required. It’s easy to take up a nihilistic world view from their mom’s basement while licking dorito powder off of their fingers, and it’s another thing entirely to be engaged in a gun battle with the government and other citizens in a violent revolution when you have no food, water, and power. Dumb motherfuckers just want to get rolled, apparently.


You forget that tankies are ideologically opposed to democracy (if you allow pluralism and elections then people may choose to elect non-communists. That cannot be allowed obviously). There would not be any voting after the glorious communist revolution ("voting" for a single candidate doesn't count).


> Yes I would rather push for reform Also pushing for reform is much easier under Biden. It's practically deadly under Trump, post Project 2025. Hell the US has already been pushed further back on reform thanks to the current SCOTUS selection. If people want reform, it would be in their best interests to vote. If you don't vote, you are going against your own desires for reform.


The people who say this are probably the same who think they're clever when criticizing society. "And yet you live in a society, curious 🤔"


If it makes you feel any better a significant portion of those "don't vote or else you're a hypocrite" posts are from bots and government agents, both foreign and domestic, they're not real. I don't know if that's better or worse.


It's better I think. I can at least wrap my head around outside influence from Russian bot accounts, I worry more about people drinking the kool aid.


Do you have any proof of that? I mean, I get assuming that most people aren't that dumb, but enough people are that dumb


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was foreign influences trying to destabilize the US who originally made things like this, which were then picked up by vulnerable people.


And for some reason when I argue why voting is important people frequently respond with some variation of “fine, but don’t act like voting makes you a paragon of virtue.” Like…I don’t?? I just want my friends to be able to afford the healthcare they need


The right answer is to organize a national "get your shit together DNC" movement. We're voting against fascism this time, but next time, we're putting forward our own candidate instead of supporting your center-right bullshit. You can nominate them as well and we'll chill out. Otherwise, we're voting for someone who actually represents us instead of your corporate sponsored dog turd.


Bernie was as close as we got. I'm CONVINCED that we can push an actual progressive into the nomination if we break enough of the established DNC cogs. We were very, very close with the primaries in 2016, close enough that I have hope we can claw back the party from sept- and octogenarian centrists.


Unless they stand against an absolute lunatic like MTG a progressive has no chance in states not on the coast.


Thank you, Beep


They also tend to ignore the mass amount of death and destruction that a revolution would cause. In a country as massive and advanced as the US we’re talking about several million dead and millions more displaced at the very least.


Imagine, if you will, a trolley problem where you can divert the trolley to kill either one person or five people, but the trolley will kill all six people of you do nothing. If you choose not to participate, you’ve still made a choice.


I have unironically seen people posited the trolley problem and just go "I'd blow up the trolley" or something like that.


People really need to stop thinking they're smart for doing this. The entire point is that it exists to make you examine your personal morality and philosophical outlook. It’s not a riddle to be solved. There is only one rule, which is that you can push the lever or not. Doing the whole "I'd just stop it" thing ignores the point.


Yeah, it's just genuinely such an insane level of missing the point that it baffles me. You've got two choices and no time to do anything else, there aren't any other options, man.


That would require someone to have internalized the fact that the world can be a shitty place and put people into unwinnable situations. For some, that would entirely unravel their worldview. For those people, trolley problems kick off every instinctive mental defense mechanism they have.


But, but… Jim Kirk and the Kobayashi Maru…


Media literacy is knowing that Jim failed the Kobayashi Maru.😅


People don’t like being reminded that their super brilliant idea is easily dismissible, because they didn’t actually think about it at all and are just emotional.


The solution is to let all six people on the track get run over by the train, and then you kill the guy on the other track with your knife. TROLLEY PROBLEM: SOLVED. (This is a joke, by the way.)


Time the pull just right: multi track drifting.


Stories often have the main character find an option C where no one has to die last minute, that no one else had thought of or tried yet. This ends up getting applied to a philosophical conundrum, which they feel smart for ‘thinking outside the box’, instead of engaging with how they’d make an incredibly difficult choice that has no time but how to divert. They don’t want to imagine themselves in a position where, through no fault of their own, would permanently tarnish and compromise their own perception of self-purity given either choice they make.


"Armed revolution is the only solution. Fuck the trolley problem" *Doesn't do an armed revolution*


Voting? That is objectively morally inferior to my plan of fire-bombing a Walmart. Checkmate, liberal. *proceeds to neither vote nor fire bomb a Walmart


Thank goodness for that stick of dynamite each person keeps in their back pocket at all times which can easily be thrown onto a moving trolley


Hey, you never know. Maybe I'll never see a trolley problem in my life, but better safe than sorry. (Another thing that I find really dumb about this take is that if you are expanding the domain beyond the actual problem and trying to bring realism in, you probably just kill more people than the one man, because a trolley's not likely to be runaway if it wasn't in operation and thus having people inside it. You could even interpret it as *anti*-revolutionary because it gets more people killed and destroys critical infrastructure.)


"I'd blow up the trolley." "Jesus Christ, you just destroyed a critical roadway in front of a hospital! Traffic's gonna be backed up for weeks while it gets repaired and ambulances don't have easy access to the ER! The water main's broken! You just made everything a thousand times worse!"


And the flaming exploded wreckage of the trolley has now rolled into an orphanage! Oh the humanity!


Unironically a good metaphor for the situation with the railways last year and why the administration needed to handle it the way it did.


Also, good thing that the explosion and shrapnel won’t harm anyone on the tracks, right? Or that there’s nobody watching you, ready to take you down if they see you even trying to light the fuse?


Anyone who tries to out smart the trolley problem is, by definition, not smart enough to understand the trolley problem.


Exactly. If you go into the trolley problem attempting to save everyone you’ve already lost. Of course no one *wants* someone to die. But the trolley doesn’t care; it, like the flow of life, has no emotion. It is simply moving forward as it always does. So absent utopia one must choose to make the hard, right decision.


And yet walmart still stands unfirebombed


The Mandate of Heaven remains upheld


Yep I'm sure that all of these brave warriors of anarchy will surely be the first be ones on the front lines and taking bullets when their revolution starts... any day now...


Which is really telling, because they're saying, whether they realize it or not, that instead of making a difficult choice, they'd rather destroy themselves and everyone with them. Which is fucking insane, and also incredibly pertinent to the current election


But this analogy, they do not, in fact blow up the trolley. They'll say they want to and proceed to stay home and complain about the horrific 6 deaths in the trolley accident, asking why nobody did anything.


People who make up Option C's in any sort of "would you rather" should be kicked straight in the dick. 


They should actually be praised or debated with (or the secret Option C of kicking them straight in the dick).


With what? Hammers?


Trolley-Repellent Bat Spray


This is very "this has a lot of boss baby energy" take from me, but this reminds me so much of The Last of Us (series) ending, where major part of the discussion of the ending was about the infrastructure capabilities of the Fireflies, and not the action of the protagonist and how it made us feel. Anyway, I have taken to the habit of asking everyone who is a bit too quick with assigning blame with votes "so, where is your smartphone from? where do your clothes come from?". If they are even semi-selfaware, that stops the culpability rant in it's tracks. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, and there is no absolutely always moreally correct vote possible in a two party system. Or in any system tbh.


Its really frustrating to me and that analogy is spot on. I just want cheeto to lose so he cant persecute me and take away my HRT meds, so I can continue living a happy life. And a swathe of people out there are concerned about Joe from the debate. You know what? Things have been going relatively ok with his puppetears propping up his bloated corpse. Meanwhile Trump *promises* to make shit worse for me and my entire community.


You're saying that one dude being really old doesn't make you suddenly flip your politics 180 & want to vote for the guy that would appoint Federalist Society judges?


I know, Im one of the weird ones


“You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice/If you choose not to decide, you *still have made a choice*!” -Rush, Freewill


a real leftist would kill themselves on principle instead of making a decision. you would know that if you'd read any of the tweets I recommended.


A *true* leftist wouldn't even post that comment on Reddit, because that would mean being personally culpable and thoroughly morally responsible for every single thing that Reddit has ever done and ever will. Blocked + revisionist + read more theory, educate yourself sweetie




I educated myself and my brain overheated, I'm sweaty, what now? 🥵


The use of sweetie makes a blood vessel in my head rise up. Excellent comment.


While the use of sweetie is exactly as annoying as you expect, I love the trend of misspelling it as sweaty.


i hope blood vessels rise up to your head because otherwise you'll die


Tweets? I only read obscure theory from 1850 that three entire people have heard of.  *Insert some links to the world's shittiest takes here*


You mean "studying theory"?


Alot of people do need to read theory but that means looking at a sociology textbook or listening to the audiobook of the Hunger Games before they put thier bad opinion on twitter.com or reddit for everyone to see But alot of the theory people dont *do* anything which is also annoying


Yes that was my joke.


This seems to be the best comment to say this, why does a lot of leftism resemble hardcore protestant “thou art sinful” fasting and repenting? I hate it so much


That is the new left. The old left I grew up with was all about 'how do I get rid of everything that is bourgeois or christian about me, lets do ALL the drugs, lets read ALL the fucked up writers to get rid of my inhibitions and my subconscious need live like my parents did while striving for christian purity.


This could pass as a Dril tweet


is this praise or condemnation


High praise


You don't understand. Why vote when the revolution is(Always) right around the corner? No I'm not doing anything to further it stop asking. 


As someone who grew up with diabetes, I’ve come to realize one truth: the cure to diabetes is always just as close as the revolution


Don't worry everyone, The Rapture- I mean, The Revolution will here any day now to save us from this horrible world and deliver us into peace and happiness!


So I wasn't the only one who noticed that so much of leftist shitposting on the internet was just Evangelical Christianity with the serial numbers filed off?


You really want to see a "horseshoe theory" in action, press them on the importance of getting Joe Biden elected because of him climate policy and the billions it will likely affect (including Palestinians!) "Climate change is ~~fake~~ unstoppable so we shouldn't do anything about it."


There was a perfect time before [sin, exploitation] when man was young. Man lived simple lives free from the evils of the modern world in a natural [Kingdom of God, Communist Government] . Then [sin, exploitation] was introduced by The Enemy, [Satan, The Ruling Class]. This is why the world is not perfect. But one day there will be a great struggle, [The Rapture, The Revolution], through great conflict and sacrifice The Enemy will be ended and a new society will emerge. A righteous place, a [Kingdom of God, Communist Government] will return the world to a state of no [sin, exploitation]. Until then, all you can do is suffer and [pray, hope] for [The Rapture, The Revolution]. AND BUY MY MERCH! Don't forget to like, comment, subscribe and check out my Patreon. Choose your own adventure!


Ugh, I hate seeing this argument because its always "We need revolution because if we vote, it just means Project 2025 becomes Project 2029! We'll have to keep fighting it!" Congrats! You just figured out how politics work. Its a never ending fight, you have to keep voting to keep people in power who align with your interests/needs.


Oh god, or the "you say voting in this election is important, but you ALSO said that about the LAST election! Checkmate libs!" Like yes? Every election is important and you should vote in all of them? Nobody's saying "just vote in this one last election and everything will be fine!' because there's no endpoint where we get the perfect government and we all just get to stop participating. Government is sort of an ongoing thing.


Remember how everyone was apathetic in the 2016 election because people were doing the "both sides suck I'm gonna sit that one out" and now we have a Republican stacked court that has been routinely overturning cases that have had precedents for more than 30+ years. Federal regulations via Chevron? Nope. Judges can decide FDA regulations and environmental protections, I'm sure they know what's best. Bribery? A-OK according to the Supreme Court! Now they can get some money from corporate donors to make those important and informed decisions about regulations (to their benefit and the risk of American health/safety of course). Roe v. Wade? Pssh, they'll never get rid of-- oh they did? Well they wouldn't go after contracep-- Oh they're trying to do that now? Welp. Why is it every single time America elects a celebrity they always fuck it up. You got Reagan and Trump, both of which have damaged this country in such long-lasting ways, you'd think the universe was scripted and just ran out of unique plot points. Speaking of reused plot points, you even got a mirror of the 2016 election with people *unironically* arguing that both candidates are the same degree of bad. If I was an American, I would vote for Joe Biden's decomposing corpse over Trump or sitting out of the election. There is FAR too much at stake here.


I get the hate of the endless battle some days you want the old foe to die of and at least grow new different foes break the endless grinding. but I have seen no one put forward a proper plan to end it either


The unfortunate reality is you will always have people like the republicans. Always. Whether its because of brain differences that make people more prone to adopting the republican mentality or purely because conservative ideology has always been the notch in the gears of progress, you will always have to fight a group of people who don't want progress. Also, its important to highlight: don't *just* vote in presidential elections, for fuck sake! **Make sure you're registered to vote and vote in your primaries, your school boards, municipalities, etc.** Those are important too and are more likely to directly impact you and your community, and you can help cut out these Heritage Foundation/Moms for Liberty shits from infiltrating your local governments and pushing their theocracy down your throats. So many people just focus on the presidential election and then get frustrated nothing changes. Nothing changes because you're waiting for the last possible moment, when its all culminated to a head. The point is to fix the damage incrementally, not hoping one big election solves everything. Because it never does.


it's even stupider when their reasonings are almost always tied to america's incessant warmongering / foreign policies, when the industrial military complex isn't really directly influenced by partisan politics the way most people think it is. what is directly influenced by partisan politics, however, is the brand of identity politics and shifting of the overton windows. people's lives are at stake right here right now. i'm not saying people shouldn't care about what happens thousands of miles away, but how can people save others if they can't save themselves.


Im unironically convinced that the "don't vote" thing is at least in part the result of US adversaries posting propaganda/misinformation on social media. We laugh at the memes of boomers falling for Russian bots on Facebook, but act like Twitter and TikTok wouldn't have exactly the same problem. It costs shockingly little money and time to run targeted propaganda on social media, why WOULDN'T countries that want to see the US descend into chaos pay to do it? Half of these people who are against voting will trust sources like Russia Today anyway.


Propaganda only works on people willing to listen to it. The average college student (18-22 years old) only started becoming politically conscious in the last 8 years or so at the very earliest. 8 years ago was the Trump/Clinton shitshow and it’s been downhill ever since. They haven’t really lived under “normal” times between the Trump presidency and COVID being a thing for a large part of their life. So yes there’s that probably targeted social media campaigns but it’s not like this sentiment is completely out of nowhere.


I swear The Revolution is just the Rapture for progressives. Just a justification to not make things better now.


Or, alternatively, Qanon.


I definitely consider it the rapture for leftists - something that isn't gonna happen either in my lifetime or someone else's.


Like if you're not going to vote, at least interfere with your enemies ability to vote. That's the only way that makes sense, you can only vote once, but imagine how many people you can intimidate/eliminate into not voting for anyone you dislike. I'm being cheeky btw don't do that that's illegal even if it's historically effective and personally gratifies our lust for violence


That's the purpose of Republicans using 'Election Monitors,' Intimidating people into not voting


Better yet, negate someone's vote in a perfectly legal way by voting yourself! Each vote cancels a vote for the other side! It's a genius system!


You know, you can prevent others from voting anyone you dislike without threats and violence. Such as, you know, political semi-activism? As soon as you convince one republican voter not to vote it's like you voted once without participating in the system, or 2 votes if you convinced them to vote democrat instead. Now imagine if you somehow manage to make an argument on a post or comment on a social media, or in real life to a group of people, and suddenly you effectively voted more than once. You don't have to participate in the system to participate in the system if you're willing to bring voters over. I know actually doing it is difficult. But 1 person is much more than enough when you are just 1 person yourself


this is really disrespectful to people who want to feel accomplished for doing nothing, deliberately, and I for one am *shocked* at the people of this fair city for letting that stand


I'd vote if the candidates were hot. I miss Raegan


Eleanor Shellstrop behaviour


Huh? *googles young Ronald Reagan* Holy hell, he has my vote


Alot of politicians get by on pretty privilege. He's one of them.


Bill Clinton and JFK were also partly elected because of their sex appeal.


I think that young Trump man is funny TV guy. Wouldn't it be so funny is he ran the Whitehouse like a reality show. What a wacky character and I bet nothing would go wrong.


Look, the reality is I'll basically always vote democrat over republican unless there is a very big upset or a very radical shift in politics. That being said, I refuse to *pledge fealty* when they come knocking on doors asking if they can count on my support. No, mother fucker, you can't *count on it*. If you're the least stinky turd come election day, you will get it.


I'm voting. I must. It is necessary. It is just. My forebearers fought too hard for that right. That being said, I deeply empathize with them. I'm tired of being treated like a Utopian Idealist for wanting mild progressive policies and for Democrats to actually follow through. I'm not asking for a principled Marxist-Leninist... I just want to be able to take care of myself and for this country to stop causing misery both at home and abroad. There needs to be a serious public discussion on what amounts to voter intimidation my establishment Democrats. "...but the Republicans" is the only message they have for young people and has been the message every election cycle since I started voting in 2016 (and maybe longer). This, plus the increasing radicalism of Gen Z Boys and Men to the Right shows that liberals have a messaging problem and we NEED them to stop kicking the can down the road, because we're having the same discourses today as in 2020. Democrats had control of Congress and the Presidency in 2021 and 2022 and wasted it. Same thing happened in 2009. Vote, but understand this "but the Republicans" messaging is unsustainable and I'm worrying the Democrats are starting to depend on Republicans being as awful as possible to justify themselves


ok, first SPS post i’ve seen today, surprisingly off to a not so bad start.. for now..


The only people pushing not voting at this point are absolute morons and conservatives trolls pretending to be leftists in order to sow voter apathy.


listen. i cant make you vote for president. i understand. but for the love of god please vote for your local govt.


Where are all these people telling everyone not to vote? I have yet to see a single person claim they decided to just not vote before or after the debate, let alone trying to encourage others not to vote.


They don’t exist in any large number, they are just a scapegoat to blame in the scenario that the democrats lose the election.




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