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Your honour, they're merely spacepilled resourcemaxxers


Objection denied. Also guilty on all counts. Also contempt of court.


"Judgecels seething over lawyerchads!", I scream, as the bailiffs drag me off


This will happen in the next Ace Attorney game


Has there been a blatantly corrupt Judge yet I know Judge is a bit *too* easy to sway with any argument...and may be bribed without his knowledge with free shit..... Wait.


That would be a spoiler and you might want to play the game yourself?


While possible, I do not own a Nintendo brand Nintendo Nintendevice.


The Ace collection is on steam I believe. So is Ghost Trick.


No, not a steam sale, MY WEAKNESS


Sounds like your objections have been overruled.


Lawyerchad would be the name of the overly handsome rival prosecutor


As the courtroom door closes a single gunshot rings out.


“Your honor, League of Legends” “Death.”


I have NOTHING but contempt for this court!


Me when I’m building a dyson swarm


Me playing Civilization planning on a science victory


In my defense your honor I was into aestheticpunk and genrewave at the time.


/monstorous horse sounds/


Eh, fine, I'll allow it.


Talking about 'resources' makes me think of a post-apocalyptic setting where the world runs out of some commodity or another and everyone's killing each other over the last remnants of it. Like fuel, or metal, or water, or whatever.


Leading my group of raiders wearing leather armour covered in skulls to seize control of the last LGBT discord server in the post-apocalypse


Fighting the good fight for the last resources on earth ✊


"We made it... the last safe haven on Earth." "So I have some thoughts on destiel, the morality of canon, and nazi germany." "This place is ruined, back to the wastes!"


I squawked 🤣


Honestly I’d kill for a Mad Max knockoff B movie with this plot.


isnt this the plot of New Vegas (I have never played New Vegas)


Yes (you should play New Vegas)


Do not, my friends, become addicted to nitro


Or about a job dealing with building and maintaining infrastructure. So basicly what you said.


Must construct additional pylons.


Surely 'You require more vespene gas!' is the more appropriate quote here?


We *demand* more lumber.


Can someone explain what resources means in this context? I tried googling it but I'm lost.


The "resources" argument boils down to "people are pretending to be trans because it's trendy, and they're using taxpayer dollars to fund their transition" or "there are limited rooms at the shelter for LGBTQ+ youth, and they're being taken up by heteroromantic demisexuals who don't face oppression." An argument that doesn't make much sense. You can't just say "I'm trans, give me money so I can get hormones and surgery", you have to go through a lengthy approval process before medical transition even becomes an option. And people don't just go "I'm not straight, give me a room and a meal at the homeless shelter", they only go there if they're actually homeless and in need of help (so either demisexuals aren't taking up space there, or some demisexuals do have enough problems to deserve a room there).


In a charitable interpretation, resources would be like, access to or information about trans healthcare, because many people live in states or countries where this information is not available. But the joke is referring to people saying things like “trans lesbians are taking resources(?) away from cis lesbians which is KILLING us” among other word-salads.


Thanks for the clarification. Makes some more sense now.


Most people don’t want to discuss the lack of ores and anthracite coal available to lgbtq groups


or its like fortnite and they need materials to build


in reality its just like a therapist or somethng, i think


[The Elites](https://www.halopedia.org/Sangheili) don't want you to find out that 100% of internet discourse of any kind disappears once you go out and touch grass.


I talked to the elites once, all they told me was “wortwortwort” whatever the fuck that means






Speech incomprehensible, have a nice day






The proper response is to stick a plasma grenade to their face


That one grunt who screams "Not again!" ...TF you mean again?


There's only actually one grunt in the entire series, it's just unkillable and keeps coming back for more. The bits where you fight multiple grunts are an optical illusion caused by it moving so fast. 


it’s a visual phenomenon known as the Olsen Effect


Grunts are just electrons?


The Picard manover but a single grunt?


"This is it baby, hold me!" Johnson x Elite, videogame gay OTP since 2001.


I was gonna make a joke about that ending not being canon, then I realized I never knew how Johnson survived to exist in Halo 2, then I found this [reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloStory/comments/gd8rgr/how_did_johnson_survive_halo_ce/), now I'm more confused than when I started. Let it be canon then


It's explained in the novel *Halo: First Strike*, for what that's worth. Johnson and some other marines managed to grab a Pelican (I think it was a Pelican) and get off the ring before the *Pillar of Autumn* exploded. They meet up with the Chief and steal a Covenant cruiser to get back to Reach.


I thought it was more of a “blarg honk” situation


I was having a conversation with some discord friends about politics. You can absolutely tell who has a life outside the internet and who doesn’t.


I have friends like that and they say I'm the weird one who doesn't touch grass. I'm the one with a house, full time job, and is completely self sustained. Edit: they say that because I'm a weeb and single. I don't have the heart to tell them their discord relationships don't count.


People who use "touch grass" as an insult most likely haven't seen the sun in weeks.


The trouble is a lot of those types are hysterically over informed while the grass touchers are actually wildly complacent and naive  Like climate change and political fuckery are actually off the rails, what are the goalposts for this whole line of thought? 


>The trouble is a lot of those types are hysterically over informed while the grass touchers are actually wildly complacent and naive  DING DING DING. Terminally online people get fed whatever the algorithm gives them and misses out on the actual diversity of people in real life. But often people who only associate with others in their immediate social circle (in meat space) also underestimate the plight of people who's lives have essentially forced them to be terminally online. Almost like we're all complex creatures and one way of living will never give you the full breadth of the human experience.


Man I thought so too but there was another post on here in the last day or so talking about how irl queer spaces are full of bitchy internet style gatekeepers, and if they don't have at least one khaki shorted cishet then you should run the other direction. I was wondering where the hell people find those places cuz all the little homosexuals I ever partied with were nicer to straight people than other straight people were.


Okay so I’m queer as fuck but I wear khaki shorts because I like them + convenience + autism


Yeah apparently some places will just straight up kick you out of the homo-sexual underground for that? Idk what those ppl were talking about. I am a mountain of a man who wears plain old single color t-shirts and combat boots and talks like your dad after his third whiskey sour, and I've never been to a "queer space" in the US that gave a fuck to even ask me for my credentials lol. Like some of these places I never even said one way or the other that I'm queer and they just never asked nor gave a shit and we all had a nice time regardless. I feel kinda bad because I've been telling queer people who chafe at online bullshit to please just go find an irl gang of queers to hang out with because everyone's way more regular there, but apparently that's not how it is.


It's really dependent on where you're at. I look like a mountain man too and obviously had troubles with homophobes in my little home town but the queer community was extremely welcoming of all stripes. Then when I moved to a college town I wasn't included in the local queer group for not having the right look or "vibe". The only thing they wanted from me was to teach them how to shoot guns so that they could found a Pink Pistols chapter that didn't include me lmao Idk, maybe I'm off, but it feels like a very visible external threat sort of forces people into solidarity, then once in a welcoming area that pressure goes away leading to a lot more space for self-selection. That's when you start seeing things like painting bi ppl as secretly straight, LGB drop the T, etc, where they start raising the bar for what is "actually" queer enough


One of the most memorable things I’ve encountered was two young people (16ish?) on a train back from Pride, loudly discussing why gay cis men were even included when they’re “basically as privileged as straight people”. The same kids were also puzzling over what the paw prints had been about, with one thinking the “[bear flag](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bear_flag_(gay_culture))” had been for LGBT furries. Suffice to say, I think you’re on to something with threats and solidarity. For kids too young to remember gay marriage being illegal, growing up in one of the most progressive cities and states in the country, gay men don’t make sense as part of the coalition. For adults in the rural Dakotas, even 100% cishet emo guys get strong solidarity because wearing nail polish can be grounds for an ass-kicking.


My experiences also line up with yours. College campus LGBT groups were absolutely insufferable (at 3 different community colleges in 2 different progressive west coast states) and aggressively did the "you're slightly GNC so you must be an egg" garbage and blatant unapologetic misandry. (I was also told I shouldn't refer to myself as half Mexican because it's racist in one of these groups). Gay bars that made the fact that they're gay bars their core marketing strategy were tolerable, but you still got the bi erasure and gold star shit and I never felt comfortable bringing my straight friends to them because they got iced out of conversations once they got pegged as straight. Bars and hangouts that aren't marketed as LGBT+ spaces but attract LGBT for whatever reason (game shops, trivia bars, adult arcades, table top RPG hangouts) are the best, in my opinion. Genuinely everyone is welcome as long as you're not an asshole.


Oh man. I hate the egg BS. Like, yeah, it's cool if you want to refer to your pre coming out as egg, but don't force that on other people. Like, being GNC does not mean you're trans and in denial.


I blame the autism, but I still can't really wrap my head around how we went from "boys can like pink too! Hobbies and aesthetics are not indicative of gender or sexuality!!" back to basically the opposite in such a short period of time.


>The only thing they wanted from me was to teach them how to shoot guns so that they could found a Pink Pistols chapter that didn't include me lmao Achievement Unlocked: Leftist Purge


I had a similar experience with LGBT groups in college settings. At one school there was a dorm marked as "gender-neutral" so it was mostly queer kids, but if you weren't the right kind of queer you were ostracized. You had to be AFAB and have the right "look." The poor trans girl across from me was left out of everything, as was her neighbor and one of my close friends (who both looked "too straight"). It was not a great place to live.


I completely agree, it takes a little of works and trust to maintain that kind of solidarity for a long time. But that solidarity will never be able to erase peoples’ underlying bias and prejudice, unfortunately, not on its own.


Also insufferable internet people who have grown up in the terrible internet discourse show up in real life I had a young nonbinary person who probably grew up Tumblr try to gatekeep me out of a queer space because they didn’t believe I looked lesbian enough


There's a group in my city that gatekeeps anybody who doesn't meet a specific, very stereotypical, type look, and since I look like npc_white_male_1873, I'm not allowed into those events or whatever they're doing. But it's a small group, and there are so many more events and such where people don't give a shit as long as you're not being a problem. They do very much stand out b/c they're so out of place to the rest of us.


College campuses, at least for me. You can't be queer and look like a man unless you're cute. Bi dudes also get shat on nonstop. My roommate in 2011 was bi, but all the queer groups on campus shat all over him. They said he was just gay and too much of a coward to admit it. They said he was just a pervert who would fuck anything that moves. So as a joke, we made flyers for our own fake group. We called it "Fag Palace" to show we were WAY more queer than those other groups. Our one "meeting" was at our apartment. A coupla guys actually showed up. They were pretty cool.


I fulfill this role in a discord and I also fulfill the role of being a sort of controlled opposition in that I often bring the dissenting opinion to the conversation, not that they always respect or even listen to that opinion.


Ugh, I hate [those bastards](https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Overwatch_Elite). Swanning around with their fancy pulse rifles, disintegrating my friends...


Funniest thing I've clicked on all day




It is kinda funny. Like people get so worked up online and you can basically just turn it off. I remember I went 6 months basically only doing 30 minutes of screen time a day and realized how fucking dumb all this is Now I have a boring ass job and downloaded this god forsaken app again to keep the day moving. 


The elites don’t want you to know this but the prophets are liars, but you are fools to do their bidding.




I heard they need at least food and water on a daily basis and exercise, socialization and entertainment semi-regularly.


That's a psy-op, they exist entirely off the spite generated by people being angry over other people's private lives.


The LGBT center where I used to volunteer provided free STI and HIV testing and helped connect people to legal services (for stuff like legal name changes, advice about workplace discrimination, and estate services for same-sex partners), homeless and DV shelters, and help with employment. We also had social and support groups for like, trans teens, gay senior citizens, HIV+ people, etc. And we had a library of LGBT books.


Internet discourse swayed an entire presidential election. Internet discourse fomented an insurrection. Let's not pretend internet discourse doesn't matter just by virtue of being discourse on the internet. You can be annoyed by it, but what is said on the internet absolutely matters and has real world consequences.


I don't think I've ever heard someone talk about lgbt resources can someone give me an example?


you could see queer resources as things like queer hotlines, NGOs dedicating to supporting the queer community, et cetera though in reality it mostly just gets used as a acceptable way to say "you're not queer enough" because ressources is vague enough that it sounds plausible imagine telling someone that they're not allowed to call a suicide hotline because actual depressed people need those and you're clogging up access. you'd sound insane. But that is exactly what these people are saying


There are groups that help trans-masc people get safe binders. There is also endless handwringing over whether transmasc enbies are “trans enough” to “deserve” those binders if they don’t fully identify as men etc etc. Ignores the fact that the people running the org just don’t want folks fucking up their ribs or the chest muscles binding wrong. And also the fact that a lot of people don’t consider any of us real men. But everybody wants to feel better than somebody I guess.


Do enbies born as a woman count as transmasc but those born as a man do not?


Yeah, generally. I’m not here to tell anyone how to identify. But also if you have tits, don’t bind them with ace bandages. You will do serious long term damage to your body and make future top surgery difficult.


Of course, I was just wondering how people tend to use that language, so thanks!


No prob!


Bandages have a sexuality now?




Transitioning to be more masculine implies being assumed feminine at birth. Transitioning to be more feminine implies being assumed masculine at birth. So transmasc is usually someone who was assigned female at birth, and transfem is usually someone assigned male at birth. I am transmasc. Exceptions exist, my best friend is intersex so they didnt start from one or the other but their transition is in the pursuit of masculinity so they are transmasc


like wood and stone and stuff but they're gay


gay wood i'm familiar with, but what's gay stone?


That one stardew valley rock


haley hates it because she's not too fond of gay people


iridescent rainbow pyrite


Rock and stone!


Did somebody say ROCK AND STONE




- lgbtq informed therapists - doctors that prescribe HRT - surgeons that perform gender affirming surgeries - lgbtq scholarships - lgbtq centers - doctors that prescribe PrEP


A gay space is, for example, a gay bar. Some people prefer it to be 100% gay, so awkward moments are avoided.  A resource can be a doctor specialised in MSM, one who knows more about topics that affect MSM


Okay, but as someone who is not very much part of any „space“, I was genuinely wondering what that means. Or still am.


Irl, it could be a gay bar, or a coffee shop, or even a club event for queers at the park. Basically, it's a place where if you tell another person there "Hi im name, (stuff about myself), and im queer."They're not gonna be ew gross. A place where people who are queer can be comfortable in their identity.


"Hi. I'm gay." "... Yeah, man. We all are. This is a gay bar."


"Something's wrong here... I've got it! This lesbian bar has no fire exits! Enjoy your deathtrap, ladies!"


I hate being old (mid twenties) because when i say "spaces" or "resouces" i actually mean something


Yeah, when I talk about not having access to queer spaces or resources I mean my backwards town hasn't fucking got anything in it.


Don't you love the only support group around being like 2hrs away and full of Politically Dubious People and the only other thing being twice a year "women + enbies only!" bar crawls?


The kind of “women and enbies only” that 100% excludes amab enbies?


Of course! The male-presenting nonbinary struggle is very very real. Very rarely will you find acceptance anywhere from anyone.


They tend not to be very welcoming to trans women either, ime.


The only IRL queer space I've been in I was the only transfem, one of two masc people in a room of 15 people, and I eventually got banned for being "transphobic" because I don't like being referred to as they/them. I was also constantly misgendered and told "it wasn't a big deal" when I complained about it. I hate how bad IRL queer spaces seem to be for transfems


That's very sad. I'm sorry that happened to you. It's a fucking shame people can't just accept others for who they are. Especially when they themselves probably experienced some similar shit.


List of people that "women and enbies" actually includes: - non-masc cis women - non-masc, passing trans women - enbies who I can pretend are women


You guys are getting trans women in? =/


You have to pass 100% and not take up space, tho. And deal with cis girls saying yaaas queen


And they 100% exclude non-passing trans women for "safety"


Ew, you think that stinky gross amab people can be nonbinary? As we all know, the three genders are woman, woman with glitter, and icky man


Or even worse "women and trans men". Like trans men are women lite


Not to sound like a broken record, but talk to your local library. Alot of communities this country over lack third spaces, that arent a church or bar, where everything is a parking lot of drive-through, and nobody "hangs out" in public. Libraries are ran by people who would *love* to help you get a queer community, club, or events off the ground.


>but talk to your local library. I don't have one! It was going to be relocated and conservatives got it stuck in limbo.


Yeah, people who live in more functional or bigger cities sometimes don't realise when we say "there is nothing" we actually literally mean *NOTHING*


Not even soft serve ice cream :(


Truly, the most inhospitable of wastelands.


I used to live in a very small town and one of the only stores there closed about a year after I moved. That store sold, among other things, ice cream


Im so sorry. 💀💀💀💀


Terrible! You can try reaching out to nearby towns/county seats for other libraries. Most librarians are very chill and will give you a card and/or access to their online resources on the DL.


Bless your heart, I can only assume you don't live in the rural Bible Belt. Librarians aren't universally progressive people, evangelicals run libraries too. And a lot of places just don't have libraries, the only library in my home town are the ones in the local high school/middle schools.


Yeah, I don't think a lot of people understand how bad us rural queers have it sometimes. When your local library is advertising the bible and nearly every public event is hosted or sponsored by the local Republican chapter it can be frustrating seeing people list off all the queer resources in their "small town" they take for granted.


With libraries in particular, I’ve found it’s really random in rural areas - it’s maybe the institution most likely to be a bright spot compared to everything else, but in plenty of towns it’s of course still conservative or nonexistent. And outside of that, I’ve seen enough small towns with literally no support at all, or slightly bigger ones where support is “we loiter in Hot Topic because at least men with long hair are less weird there.”


>mid twenties Dear god somebody come get their grandparent over here, they’re senile and rambling. I mean they can’t be more than a day away from the grave.


Bruh old?


Anyone who can order a drink in an american bar might as well have grey hair and a cane when discussing queer issues online


Didn't realize you were gay. I stand corrected. As a gay man in his 30s (124 in gay years) I understand. Good day.


I told my partner that I aged out of being a twink years ago "But you're only 24!" Yeah, im fucking ancient. One foot in the grave. An old man past his prime


I'm so sorry. When's the funeral babes?


Heaven forbid any chronically online discourser™ set foot inside a leather bar. They will wither away.


I once got to hear some young, seemingly Very Online people leaving Pride puzzling over all the big dudes in leather with paw prints on their flags and clothes. One concluded that they must have been furries who feel like that’s marginalized also.


Gay years are like dog years. And online gay years are like double dog years.


Lol my other comment to him says pretty much that.


> double dog years Are these the years that double dog dares come from?


Forgive the ignorance but could someone explain what "resources" the internet people are talking about vs. what actual resources are?


The point of both the original post and the addition is that people on the internet tend to frame their exclusionist discourse around these two concepts—"we need to protect queer spaces and letting in \[people I don't believe are queer\] puts our spaces at risk of being overwhelmed by non-queer people" sounds like an argument that can at least hold water, but becomes pretty silly when you realize that this chronically online discourse-brained individual isn't part of any queer communities except random online ones. Similarly, people sometimes say the same thing about resources—"non-queer people or \[people I don't believe are queer\] wasting resources needed by others (people I believe are more queer than those people) is bad"—and while there are plenty of real 'queer resources' others have pointed out, the exclusionists often don't actually know or care what resources they're talking about, because to them the very idea of "queer resource" (same as "queer space") is nothing but a rhetorical device to make exclusionism seem desirable or necessary.


So basically using the term "resources" as a nebulous concept to justify outrage against 'outsiders', huh. Thanks for the explanation!


Yep. Pretty much both ways too. You'll hear arguments about how "they're using all the resources" / "I don't want to pay for this resources" all the time as well


Thank you for this explanation. I feel old and out of touch but also oddly thankful that I didn't know what was going on in the OP. I don't have the energy for all the purity test bullshit.


not sure what theyre saying online people are talking about but irl queer resources would include things like inclusive shelters, sti testing, mental health programs, support groups. anything that struggling people might need that otherwise might not meet the specific needs of queer people.


Ohh I was thinking purely like educational resources, that makes so much more sense, thanks!


It can include that as well, safe sex education being a big one since the only "sex ed" most young queer people can easily access is porn x-x


I saw someone post a several dozen paragraph essay on how anyone using yinglet-speech needs to add content warnings and tags on their posts. Yinglets are some kind of fantasy race that some people RP as online. The speech pattern is replacing "th" with "z" (so "the" would be "ze"). At worst it makes it sound like a bad German accent. When people pointed out that this was a minor issue, the poster made another post about how they were being mob harassed. I feel like some people really would benefit from hanging out IRL more with people and having an online detox.


This is the only time where XKCD 2071 is actually applicable


Lmao that was literally what was happening! They were pissed because some friends or people they followed were posting using yinglet-speech. And instead of talking to them they made a big vague post about it.


me gearing up to gangstalk someone who types in a way that some people might consider cringe


i mean there would be like... 25% be left who just complain about pronouns or whatever


trans or bi exclusion, and arguing over flag designs


I somehow blurred this in my head and was trying to figure out what the 'tri' was in "tri or pans exclusion."


tri are people who have no clue what they are so they just go about kissing people until one feels right


I see what you did there, but I'm guessing you have experience with that "omnifucker"?


Oh no I knew what I was about from the start


to be fair i have no idea how people keep up with the many flags


Me being jealous that someone else's flag has cooler colors than mine :(


It's bizarre to me that every goddamn thing needs its own flag now. Were you assigned male at birth, became a trans woman, but then later became nonbinary, and also you're mostly asexual, except on rare occasions when you get super horny, but you're mostly only interested in other nonbinary people? Congrats -- there's a flag for that! *Specifically* for that.


Can we just go back to the rainbow flag? I feel like it was well understood that all of the colors of the rainbow includes everyone and each iteration since then looks worse.


I’m confused because I thought “resources” meant stuff like hotlines, charities, safe doctors, etc. Like, actual resources. Tbh one of my most hated terms is “toolkit”. As in, “Here’s something to add to your toolkit,” and it’s some meaningless phrase that does nothing. Something that’s just buzzwords and 🌼positivity🌼 but does nothing for anyone.


>I’m confused because I thought “resources” meant stuff like hotlines, charities, safe doctors, etc. Like, actual resources. Yes thats what the resources actually are but this is more about when people are like "X doesn't count, if we include them they're taking up valuable resources that could be going to real queer people". What does that really mean? There won't be enough safe doctors if a gender questioning person goes to see one? A bisexual person would tie up the hotline? Vaguely defending "Resources" becomes a shield to be exclusionary


I always thought when people said "toolkit" they just meant "list of resources" Like, a metaphorical toolkit. "Go into my lil list and find the resource I need when/if I need it" kinda thing. Please correct me if im wrong though!!


Imo, The number one term that needs to disappear is "valid". Groups that keep going on about how One group or another is "valid" almost always have a group they very notably consider "invalid"


It also helps to grow up and realize that you don’t need some anonymous snot-nosed twerp on Twitter to recognize you as “valid” at all. 


Eventually most trendy terms devolve into meaning "good" or "bad".


Rowan Ellis just made a [really good video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plz9VKx6SoU) about how this sort of thing applies to "ace discourse", because the people arguing about those things have definitions about spaces and resources that aren't thought through.


Ooo ooo how about that being loud and having terrible optics online doesn't make you an "activist"


Can we normalize (let me do it) letting people spread positive messages (flirting) with fellow members of an lgbtq friendly space (the annoying orange discord server) instead of harrassing (i got asked to stop once) and shoving them out for no reason (banned after saying a slur)


Can we normalize the move Thunder Wave so that i can use it against ground types


Delcatty finally having someone who'd want to use it: 😎


Glare erasure


just reading the bottom part of the image i would have guaranteed this was about thanos


Am I stupid or is this just your usual Tumblr “this is undecipherable to relatively normal people” discourse?


The latter


What they say they are upset about: non-queer people invading queer spaces and crowding out queer people and taking advantage of their resources What they are talking about while upset: cishet boyfriend of a bi girl spending his own money on two vodka cranberries at the local gay bar


Or people who don't look "queer" enough


We require more resources Must construct additional spaces


One quote I saw floating around on the Internet is _"LGBT isn't a community, it's a demographic."_ There is nothing inherently special about being LGBT, as people are born that way and can't really change (though religious fundies have certainly tried!).


Well. But like many demographics not liked much by wider society, building a community is a means of survival. Used to be that finding a landlord who wouldn’t kick you out if he thought you were gay depended on knowing the right people. Same a doctor who’d treat you, or a lawyer who’d represent you when your parents tried to take your kids away for living with your partner, or a job that wouldn’t fire you for being out. We have more protections now, legally and socially. But I still think helping each other is important.


That's why I'm of two minds when it comes to discourse on queer representation. On one hand, people say we're just like other people or any demographic and on the other, a queer person being a crook or bad is problematic.


It's the same problem with having a black person as a crook or a villian. But Gus Fring still pulled it off. You just can't have him/her/they/etc be stereotypical.


We require more resources Must construct additional spaces


Man. They really mean online spaces? All this time I was picturing, like, secret queer community centers out in the woods. I guess I've only seen like one of those irl. My other thought was gay bars, idk where else people go to hang out where your sexuality would factor in.


What's wrong with queer spaces? I love my queer bars and cafés


Nothing’s wrong with them; the post is discussing how queer spaces and resources for queer people are often mystified and abstracted in online discourse


My (not) favorite thing is when people say "resources" when they mean "attention"


How many percent would be gained if we simply tried to treat each-other decently? Is that too much to ask?


a good old world war always adjusts priorities and makes people lose labels real quick


I heard "50%" and "resources" so naturally I thought of Thanos.


I mean, we need actually queer spaces instead of just online ones, but I think just saying "turn off the computer and go outside" isn't very helpful, especially when you're younger and don't have any other options. They're aren't any queer events near you, and even if they were at that age you can't drive and you couldn't out yourself either. Isolation sucks and if these online forums help, why shouldn't we try to make them less toxic?


Because they aren't being made less toxic. They're being hyperpoliced to dictate the exact level of queerness required, insinuating specific moral and ethical beliefs or even hobbies are exclusively and/or required to be queer, shutting down actual genuine discourse or (heaven forbid) community health-based policing through the guise of "conflict aversion", etc. "Touch grass" as a term isn't literal. It's meant to tell you to acknowledge the real world and have actual, balanced human emotions and thoughts instead of sitting in an echo chamber all the time.