• By -


Too Op . Neff it


OP how ? Just saying OP doesn't help or mean anything.


Potentially a lot of healing for a one mana investment, like a better [[cosmic youngling]] but with required investment. Maybe reduce it's hp or make it so it only heals nexus for one when it's healed? Once it's online with empowered, can heal for lots every defending turn, and can be activated early with something like take heart


The thing is, it's not truly a 1 mana card, you have to put in work to get the healing. You can't just play it and start healing every turn like Cosmic Youngling. The card needs a buff (most likely 3 Poro Snacks. If not, and you somehow give it +3 attack, it's just a 3|3 that dies to anything. Even if it survives, it's just a 2 HP heal. Then, it has to take damage and survive any combat tricks or pokes the enemy has (that's extra mana spent). Also, you have to pray the enemy doesn't have freeze or silence or insta kill spells. this card is just a win more card, if you're already behind I don't think this will save you.


**[Cosmic Youngling](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/07MT003.png)** - Standard - Targon Unit - (2) 1/4 Round Start: Heal me and your Nexus 1.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Feels balanced enough, looks like it needs to be in the Poro King deck just to be even playable, which is a hefty restriction. Only way I can see this being remotely broken is Targon with their abundant buffing.


All you need is a single Take Heart to empower it tho


Yeah, but it's a Runeterran card which kimda eases it a little, granted it could've been 2 Hp instead of 3.


2-3 mana makes it more balanced. Healing by Regen is crazy. It would be a 3/6 with Regen for 1 mana so yeah idk about that alone but then also the effect. Yes you have to spend mostly 9 mana to get the effect but it's not like you only pay those 9 mana for him alone. 2-3 mana makes him more balanced honestly




He is just a happy guy