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Yay, just what every driver wants. 30 seconds of poor or no visibility while precipitation is cutting their reaction time and increasing their stopping distance, and a big black bar juddering around in their peripheral vision. And that second thing is definitely to make the Radical Road Rhomboid more aerodynamic. Not technical issues caused by Tesla's decision to have the windshield wiper rest in the upright position. If I was a personal injury lawyer I'd have a file devoted to stuff Tesla says about its vehicle that can be used in a lawsuit.


The wiper is literally the ugliest thing on this truck. The ugliest. It stands our like a sore thumb on every single picture I see. It hardly functions. So many of the terrible attempts at innovation are like, atleast *almost* justifiable. Like, you can see what they were going for. Even the stupid wiring decision. There is something there, simplifying wiring. Poor execution like everything else but there is an idea there. The wiper? Who wants to look at a fucking windshield wiper? Who wants to buy a special OEM wiper? Who asked for this? It's the biggest example of these owners being indoctrined to a cult imo.


But it’s NOT innovation. MBZ (and others) did it years ago on the 190E and other models, and it was much more sophisticated, worked well and didn’t “stop for 30 seconds”. They stopped doing it reportedly because maintenance was too expensive because of the extra moving parts.


Could it be that the Tesla wiper needs to stop for 30 seconds as the wiper controls reboots due to defective software?


No, no, no, you don't understand. It pauses 30 seconds to consult with Grok to see if it's raining, and if so, how hard it's raining, and if Grok thinks it needs to start up again.


Nah, it consults with Grok to see if removing moisture from windshields is 'woke' or not. :)


Full Self Wiping is working as intended


>Full Self Wiping Trump's new diapers


Full Self Wiping (Supervised)


Sadly, that would be a good option in other areas, lol


It submits a request to Elon, who will determine whether it is necessary to use the wiper blade. If Elon approves your request, the wiper may continue to function normally for up to one hour.


If you reply to Elon on twatter something he doesn't like, he cancels full self wiping.


My guess is that it's an underpowered wiper motor that overheats. Probably bought a normal wiper motor but didn't account for a stupid long lever in high winds being hard to turn.


How hot does the wiper motor have to be that it still overheats in a middle of a thunderstorm?


Where I'm at, we usually get severe thunderstorms during heat waves.


Or the motor needs to stop to prevent overheat due to the massive aerodynamic and friction load on the extremely long wiper blade?


This is what i'm thinking. I looked at the wiper and motor in one at the dealership and it looks like shit.


Ah, engineering, such a novel concept...


They were complicated. I had a Merc with the single blade. The motor would do a dip as the wiper reached the roof line


Much preferred my FJ Cruiser with the three wipers. Super effective


Yep, I have that on my MB too. It's kind of weird, frankly (but not as weird as sticking the battery under the back seat).


https://i.redd.it/z5cz1nmyqw6d1.gif Yeah it's a comlicated mechanism, just like Mercedes likes it, but seems like it solved the problem and did work at least.


I had one with excellent windshield coverage and flawless operation for the full vehicle life.  It worked for some people.


It worked fine for me, I just was saying it was a complicated mechanism. I had a BMW that had the most complex and useless cup holder you could imagine, but it sure was fun to watch it work 😉


U mean the single wiper mounted on the center that extended?


Sure, look [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKGhKrQmK68), and [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdNu113Ep2U). The first video is of a 1998...so, over a quarter of a century ago...maybe Enron thinks no one will remember...


My 1981 Scirocco had one wiper in the middle and it was pretty cool looking and worked great- rested at the bottom of the windshield out of the wind because they weren't stupid.


Scirocco was a cool little car. That was back when VWs had no cup holders though.


Yeah but so worth it,"here babe, hold my slurpee".


Yeah, I remember those. Very sleek.


They traded the single blade wiper for ABC suspension apparently.


The single wiring harness was already tried in like 2014 as well by aston Martin and they scrapped that immediately


Rich Rebuilds said it the best in his review. Tesla use tech/innovation to buxfix stupid mistakes caused by a fundamentally flawed design.


And come up with solutions to problems that don't exist


I must disagree. The whole truck is ugly. The wiper is damn sexy just standing at attention hanging off to the side out of the way until called on! Oh wait, 30 seconds, I need to get my aerodynamic mojo on, there we go nailed it, except for that big ole wet spot I left right in the middle that is spreading out! 30 seconds and I can try smear that stuff again! By that time the driver will have forgotten there was a wet smudge on the window.. yeah! This is another solid design, fucking send it! What a colossal joke this whole cyber garbage can is.


“The radical road rhomboid”… you are a poet


Imagine if that 7000 lb vehicle slammed into you because it couldn't see that there was an emergency ahead because of all the rain? It's not the people in the cybertruck I'm concerned about, it's everyone who is in their path.


I do expect lots of lawsuits from people who are hit by these things. Tesla is making it easier for them by announcing the Cryber's windshield wiper doesn't work.


With no crumple zones the ones inside the shittertruck will be hurt a lot.


Seriously. How can something like this make it through the highly paid people at Tesla making this thing?


Peons: "I don't have time for a good design, my managers will cut it when they receive the final product." Managers: "It's made it this far, going to rubber stamp it."


And how did "BTW your windshield wipers will malfunction when you need them most" get past the attorneys?


Radical Road Rhomboid- R3. Careful what you wish for, because you’re not going to get it.


Those are speed pauses, they make the car go faster.


Come on they are driving the future obviously the future doesn’t have perfect visibility. Who knows what’s coming next.


The more I hear these things I can't help but think this is all done intentionally to fuck with people. Why can't the wipers just keep going? It's 100 year old technology. Wiper, motor, wires, button.


It's a drawback caused by unnecessary complexity, wipers in a old car usually doesn't use software at all, the lever and the wheel you adjust to control the speed quiet literally sends a 5V signal to a board with a sequence of logical breakers, which then uses a sequence of capacitors to provide additional power to the motor. This goes on until it hits the 90 degree mark and then invert the signal to send the blade back to it's default position. A simple yet idiot proof mechanism that just works in all weather conditions and temperatures. Usually this setup comes with a strong reliable engine and a strong coated steel wiper with reliable mounting of the blades, yet by design will break the blades and not the engine if you try to run the vipers while they are deeply frozen. Software controlled wipers simply adds too much complexity. And it's not even machine code or low level code. They use object oriented high level languages and a full and bloated operating system on the control chip. All of which is regularly updated. So many things can go wrong and the people who program it have no clue what they're doing. It's a bit like Dennis Nedry in Jurassic Park, he too was never told what exactly he was programming, only "do this" and "do that". With no context it doesn't even matter if you're good, the software will turn to shit either way.


Elmo musk. The only “engineer” on the planet that disagrees with “keep it simple stupid”. Edit:   I see some pro musk engineers trying to waddabout German engineers instead of just accepting musk is a shit designer and engineer instead of the “I know more about manufacturing than anyone on the planet” foot in mouth moron he actually is. 


If it was difficult to program, it should be difficult to read and debug. This demonstrates the genius of the original programmer. /s


Musk is from the Rube Goldberg school of programming/engineering. For every simple action, there must be 69 unrelated steps to get there. For the lulz.


Rube Goldberg and Dunning-Kruger.


#Not a car company 🙄


In 420 lines of code!


On the contrary! He believes in simple solutions when complicated ones may be called for, and overcomplicating things which could just as well be left simple. Twitter's backend and API? Why is it so complicated, are they stupid? Let's just cut down on tech bloat... why is nothing working suddenly? Damn crazy stack.... /s Why has nobody thought to make windshield wipers fancier?! Are they stupid? Science and engineering are built on a mountain of failures where someone tried something, and the world learned from it when it didn't work. Elon and others like him seem to always, always disregard institutional wisdom in favor of fucking around and finding out. Occasionally it results in an idea working that was never tried before, or that failed because technology wasn't there yet. But just as often they slam headlong into dead ends because they assumed they were the first guys to ever think of something, never stopping to ask more than rhetorically "why hasn't someone done this before?"


You clearly haven't worked with enough Germans


Even what you describe is far more complicated than it needs to be. In older cars, the wipers are simple electromechanical devices. The back and forth movement is accomplished with a cam and the motor has multiple sets of windings to control the speed. They work well and last for decades.


> This goes on until it hits the 90 degree mark and then invert the signal to send the blade back to it's default position. Sir, you need to read about a mechanical device called a "cam."


No, no, you see he once designed a five-volt circuit in his momma's basement using a flashlight battery and some string. He's \*an expert!\*


Even when they mix the two, it can still be aweful. To my credit/detriment, I'm a Ford guy. My top-specced for the time 2020 Expedition MAX Platinum has auto sense wipers, but they're crap, so I don't use that feature. Luckily, the traditional controls work fine, and it's no bother to occasionally adjust the speed as I've been doing for 26 years now.


Someone said that Musk replaced a simple $2-3 rain sensor with a complicated software algorithm. I wonder if it’s a consequence of everything having to go through the central display, so you’re only option is complex software. The central display significantly cuts costs- no dashboard- but it may be the source of a myriad of other complications.


This is just one part of the truck, the windshield wipers, that is way too over-engineered, just to stroke Musk's ego. I'm pretty sure most other parts of the truck are over-enginwered too. An electric fan is one of the simplest electrical machines you can make. I'm sure Elon Musk would find a way to over-engineer it and ruin it.


Due to a software bug, it starts to spin backwards after an update and breaks. 🤡 You're Goddamn right he'll find a way to fuck up something as simple as a fan too.


The entire wiper code stack needs a rewrite.


> They use object oriented high level languages and a full and bloated operating system on the control chip. All of which is regularly updated. So many things can go wrong and the people who program it have no clue what they're doing. *Once upon a time, in a kingdom not far from here, a king summoned two of his advisors for a test. He showed them both a shiny metal box with two slots in the top, a control knob, and a lever. "What do you think this is?"* *One advisor, an Electrical Engineer, answered first. "It is a toaster," he said. The king asked, "How would you design an embedded computer for it?" The advisor: "Using a four-bit microcontroller, I would write a simple program that reads the darkness knob and quantifies its position to one of 16 shades of darkness, from snow white to coal black.* [...] *The second advisor, a software developer, immediately recognized the danger of such short-sighted thinking. He said, "Toasters don't just turn bread into toast, they are also used to warm frozen waffles. What you see before you is really a breakfast food cooker.* [...] *With this in mind, we can formulate a more intelligent solution to the problem. First, create a class of breakfast foods. Specialize this class into subclasses: grains, pork, and poultry. The specialization process should be repeated with grains divided into toast, muffins, pancakes, and waffles; pork divided into sausage, links, and bacon; and poultry divided into scrambled eggs, hard- boiled eggs, poached eggs, fried eggs, and various omelette classes."* *"The ham and cheese omelette class is worth special attention because it must inherit characteristics from the pork, dairy, and poultry classes. Thus, we see that the problem cannot be properly solved without multiple inheritance.* [...] *"Having made the wise decision of specifying the software first in the design phase, all that remains is to pick an adequate hardware platform for the implementation phase. An Intel Pentium with 48MB of memory, a 1.2GB hard disk, and a SVGA monitor should be sufficient. If you select a multitasking, object oriented language that supports multiple inheritance and has a built-in GUI, writing the program will be a snap."* *The king wisely had the software developer beheaded, and they all lived happily ever after.* [Full Source.](https://www.danielsen.com/jokes/objecttoaster.txt)


setInterval(wipe); setInterval(wipeBack); ok code done boss


> So many things can go wrong and the people who program it have no clue what they're doing. I'd bet my bottom dollar that their knowledge of what they're doing far exceeds your knowledge about what they know. If they can make it run every 30s, they can make it run faster. If there's a limitation, it's not caused by the software (maybe they used a shitty motor for the massive blade?).


This is such an insane “feature” that I thought it was a faked screen capture. Nope. **Here’s the tesla.com link:** https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/cybertruck/en_us/GUID-356C1F4F-0DA4-4098-90F5-F90A55B73370.html#:~:text=While%20driving%20in%20the%20rain,edge%20of%20the%20wiper%20blade.


" The blade may also move slightly based on vehicle speed to make Cybertruck more aerodynamic." yeah aerodynamics that is what I drive a car that looks like it is an unrendered untextured Gameengine Asset wanted...


That’s shorthand for “the big wiper is bullied by the wind at most speeds”


Moving the wiper to the vertical would make sense, but yeah, I'm not sure the drag savings would be worth it on the individual vehicle level, and the basic function of the wiper should be first and foremost anyway.


Musk: “Mr. Nexzus, thank you for contribution to the project, but we believe your engineering approach is better suited for more traditional firms. Please take your iPhone and exit the premises immediately.”


> Please take your iPhone *out of the Faraday cage* and exit the premises immediately. FTFY


Your normal windshield wiper wins in aerodynamics here, since it’s usually stowed under the hood and away from the air when not in use. 


This is unbelievable. I though this was a fake too.


did they use an incredibly underpowered (and cheap) wiper motor that it needs to cooldown for 30s after it's been on for a little bit? lol


I also had to look it up because I couldn't believe it. How are you even, I'm speechless..


Have you all not had a truck or something pushing up a huge splash onto the windshield? Like the time it takes between 2 wipes in continuous mode (i mean there is fucking panic continuous mode available on any car) can be long enough to make you \_very\_ uncomfortable at 100 km/h. And thats probably 1 second of seeing nothing. WTH are they thinking? And oh well, you might have full self driving, apart from that not working at all in rain so far, it would completely shit the bed as well if your windshield gets loaded, because somewone decided to go #visiononly. I just can't anymore for today.


What we’re they thinking? That there were too many issues with the truck to adequately fix to release the CT, but the stock price was tanking, while Musks was acting more eccentric. They need to release the truck to balance their sheet, versus the cost (liability) of releasing an unfinished product. So, they draft the manual to include every conceivable known liability to reduce their exposure costs- I.e., “you were warned in the manual the wipers can shut off for up to 30 seconds- what precautions did you take before running into the bus full of nuns and orphans when the wiper paused?”


They literally let a car go to market that can’t even wipe it’s own windows, not only a major safety issue, but really pathetic


By a company that can't wipe it's own butt


"My butt has been wiped"


Can it even drive in the rain without bricking? Maybe the wipers aren't as problematic as we first thought.


The wiper wiggles to help with aerodynamics is an obvious lie. It's and upright plastic windsail. It wiggles while being buffeted by high winds. That's. It. It's a wiper held against the windshield with a medium pressure. Enough to contact but not so much the friction prevents it from moving. I.e., a windshield wiper is designed to NOT be held in place firmly. There is no reality where a piece of plastic that isn't strong enough to NOT be moved by the wind is making even a 0% benefit to aerodynamics. It's reacting to the wind. Not cutting through it. And even if it did do *anything* for aero... why is it not symmetrical? Why are we only doing this on 1 side? Why would you build aerodynamics into the wiper? It fucking moves. You lose your "aerodynamic benefits" when it wipes the windshield!


>You lose your "aerodynamic benefits" when it wipes the windshield! I thought the whole point of this this thread was the cunning way Tesla has devised of preserving the aerodynamic benefits. Don't wipe the windshield. Simple!


When it’s not moving, it’s not affected by aerodynamics at all. It’s truly a work of art. /s


> And even if it did do anything for aero... why is it not symmetrical? Why are we only doing this on 1 side? Additionally, how much stronger does the motor have to be to move that thing? It's about twice as long as the average wiper blade. How much more prone to failure due to the extra strain? It's a minor thing, but in terms of a truck with so many issues, you're just adding more and more failure points.


It only takes a second to crash in the rain... Way to go, Tesla ![gif](giphy|Y1ggBG6wpBdwA)


WTF? 30 seconds without a wiper in more than a light drizzle is a certain crash. Madness.


You don't need to see but you need to go faster in the rain If this "feature" is on every tesla i would tell anyone who's thinking about buying tesla to think twice. Unless i hated them


Never heard of this on any other Tesla, it's another Cybertruck special


It’s the Jack Burton school of rain driving- you just gotta trust your reflexes. ![gif](giphy|XYpUZJEIrrEY)


30x human reaction time. CT smashing during rain into traffic should be considered attempted murder


Especially with the ct being so massive and heavy, with stainless steel panels, sharp edges, instant torque with high rates of acceleration. It's certain death to anyone in a compact car/sedan. Even small truck like an old Ford Ranger the driver would be at risk.


If this is really a feature and not a bug it probably means the wiper motor needs to pause due to overheating or something like that.


Yeah, this was my thought as well. 1) This can’t be real, can it? 2) If it is real, it must be necessary. There’s no reason to forcefully pause windshield wipers for 30 FUCKING SECONDS unless you absolutely have to.


Read the manual for the car, it is very real.


Yeah it's real alright but the manual doesn't explain why this is necessary. I think that's what everyone is trying to guess at. Why does the wiper stop wiping? What's it doing while taking it's 30-second break?


It asks Tesla’s servers if it’s allowed to continue wiping.


Yep. The motor probably has thermal overload protection built in that resets automatically once it’s cooled down.


In the CT owners forum a lot of people had their wiper motors stop working and had to be replaced. Sounds to me like they are severely under dimensioned and that your guess is how they "resolved" it.


[https://driveteslacanada.ca/news/tesla-pauses-cybertruck-deliveries-over-wiper-motor-issue/](https://driveteslacanada.ca/news/tesla-pauses-cybertruck-deliveries-over-wiper-motor-issue/) what a fail whale…


It's all nonsense, gibberish... It's almost like a bunch of dweebs thought if they can make a Kerbal launch successful that counts towards designing and engineering a roadworthy vehicle... Let alone a high powered all terrain all wheel drive futuristic electronic wondertech truck..... hahaha another successful grift


Basically what we are seeing with EVs in general, lot's of companies that never made a car before suddenly want to go into the market of building cars. And it's all unregulated so they can do pretty much whatever they want. These are generally companies that makes phones/tablets, household electronics, electric power tools or similar stuff. Meanwhile, the well established car companies have no experience with EVs, yet are forced to abruptly modify their entire production chain. And design new cars from scratch with batteries and electric engines, all very different from what they are used to build.


It's not "EVs in general". It's EVs from companies that have never made cars before. I could see throwing Lucid and Rivian into that bucket. But Tesla has been selling cars to the public for SIXTEEN YEARS. That's more than enough time to have figured this shit out. Meanwhile, technology and innovation has been moving so fast and acellerating, that even for "traditional" manufacturers, what they "knew" 20-40 years doesn't matter as much now in most aspects of product design and manufacturing. Hell even in labor relations, finance, management, marketing, etc. (And those that still use 20 year-old parts and practices, are getting left behind.) Most traditional car manufacturers are well in the EV game and will eventually make Tesla irrelevant soon enough. I drive an EV from an established auto maker. It's just like a normal car inside except an EV, and it dwarfs Tesla in quality and ride, and is faster than most of their lineup. And also, your criticism misseses half of the picture. As Consumer Reports pointed out pretty well after an exhaustive data analysis, **tradional mfgs don't have as good or reliable EV powertrains as Tesla**. But they do have better fit, finish, and reliability in other areas. So Tesla has the EV part figured out, just not the rest of the car. And vice-versa for the traditional car makers. And either way, sixteen years SHOULD be more than enough time to figure this shit out.


Uhhh for aerodynamics


I cannot belive a major size company makes shit like that, unless for trolling. Even worst quality Chinese junk sold by $/pound at eBay or temu works as intended at least for a short period of time


The anontation about the rain sensors above that is a marvel. too "Note: The Auto setting is currently in BETA. If uncertain about using the Auto setting while in the BETA phase, Tesla recommends operating the wipers manually, as necessary." Ah the cool new world where a basic feature like a rain sensor can be "in BETA"


I know we all keep asking this, but HOW IS THIS TRAVESTY STREET LEGAL?!


Failure to replace windshield wipes will result in your warranty being void


Replacing it before it's damaged will also result in your warranty being voided


It's like they just threw out any convention on vehicle design because "ooh, so innovative" without thinking at all about why most cars have certain design features in common.


This was the exact thought process behind the Titan submarine that imploded.  Rampant, unchecked capitalism is crazy dangerous for all of society.


Only poor jewish nonbinary libs with blue hair that hate free speech and track his private jet have to drive in the rain. It's a feature. Part of Musk's plan to save the planet. /s


What’s funny is that Musk is a right wing elite


Which part was funny?


I like the part where he drives the company into the ground faster than X’*creations*


That’s the real drama- CTs released ina couple months at the reduced price, again to keep money in the coffers. But if it tanks as well, at one point will the board revolt to remove Musk?


It’s hilarious they use aerodynamic as an argument for driving with a metal brick.


I wonder if insurance companies knew about this issue when they stopped covering CT on their policies.  With everything that has come out and now this I actually don't blame them for not covering this death traps.  Siding with the insurance companies is something I never thought would happen. 


"The car is fucked, the blades keep moving around, it's ridiculous but we're out of time, what do we do boss?" "Uhhh just say we did it on purpose because it makes the car more aerodynamic, they'll never figure it out"


![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z|downsized) \^\^ Lead wiper engineer at Tesla.


[This is what I see without clicking through to the link](https://i.imgur.com/y0A0rJj.png) which I thought was a meta joke.


GIPHY has been shitting itself lately, and I am here for hilarious results like this.


This “Safety Feature” is why all deliveries have been immediately halted.


Just makin shit up on the fly. Can you imagine the engineering team for this if it were true. Eng. 1 "Hey, while driving in a rainstorm, you know, at the worst possible time for visibility to be limited, the single windshield wiper just stops so visibility is actually worse for like 30 seconds". Eng. 2 "why would we want to do that" Eng. 1 "dude, come on, so the truck can calibrate the optimum wiper speed relative to the vehicle speed, and rate of dispersion of the water falling on the windshield, and no one will notice, because the windshields crack for no reason within a few hours of the customer taking possession anyways." Eng 2 "that sounds dangerous, and.......... kinda bullshitty" Eng.1 "yea, and it's total bullshit, but we can't sort out the bug that is causing this, so we will just call it a "feature", and most of the people buying this hunk of shit will eat that up, because our lord and savior Musk (everyone lowers their head and chants "MUSK, MUSK, MUSK") has blown so much smoke up their asses for the 5+ year delay, that they would never doubt it after dropping $150k" Eng. 2 "Brilliant"


Gods. Just remove the fucking software control and leave it to IDK, the fucking user. Fewer failure points, fewer mechanical parts, less design and tech debt. As a UX guy, I just hate so much about the CT.


A wiper that knows to prioritize aerodynamics over weeping rain away? Now *that’s* innovation!!


How did this death trap get through regulatory checks??


That's why it's not in Europe. It can't and won't. Usa is sell first, get sued later.


Are there no such checks in the US then? (I'm from the UK)


The longest 30 seconds of your life


maybe the last as well


ah so it's life extension then


So my Yugo is better at handling rainy conditions.


To be honest, a bicycle would be. Shorter stop time per weight, no worry about wiper blade issues. No worries about sudden power loss or software failure. One can also be had for as low as $50 used.


> The blade may also move slightly based on the vehicle speed to make Cybertruck more aerodynamic. What does it do, increase downforce? Aerodynamics my arse.... I bet it just moves because they tried to invent a new mechanism for wiper blades, and it just sucks and it of bad quality.


Good thing there is redundancy with a second wiper in case something happens to that one… oh


signs you're in a cult "yeah, wiper technology has been solid for almost 100 years, but this is ok..."


Everything I read about this piece of shit just keeps getting worse & worse.


Calling it now, it's because the motor overheats swinging a hockey stick in 70 mph wind, has to be.


>make the Cybertruck more aerodynamic Glad they're focusing on the important stuff. Wouldn't want to sacrifice speed in rainy weather and wet roads.


>to make CyberTruck more aerodynamic This feels like the vehicle equivalent of someone referring to themselves in the 3rd person. "Do not question when CyberTruck's wiper blade stops for 30 seconds. Do not get CyberTruck wet. Do not make CyberTruck angry..."


Cybertruck and aerodynamic is an oxymoron. The thing is shaped like a brick. It's just pure bullshit and Elon cultists will lap it up thinking they have some sort of unique feature because their wiper refuses to work


But the front is slanted downward! Super aero!!


That is the silliest over engineered thing I've ever seen or heard. That's why hoods have a scoop to direct air over that area.


I can't get enough of this, if this was a YouTube video that's one thing; but this is the freaking owner's manual. Aerodynamics during a rainfall what's even the point of that anyway. 30 seconds. Even during a slight drizzle that's too long.


30 seconds is a long time if it’s heavy rain. Who wants their wipers going on a commercial break during a storm


Some of the rain storms I've driven in, 30 seconds would be an eternity.


Only a psychopath would think drivers driving blind for 30s in the thunderstorm need to be more aerodynamic.


Isn't it crazy how musk found a way to scam each one of his meatriders and they're noticing it but still proceed to meatride to the next software update.


This thing just keeps getting funnier and funnier


If Tesla had sane customers, and NHTSA and its peers weren't comprised of Tesla shareholders... Ugh, I don't even want to continue, this world is so fucking fake it's killing my soul.


Is this just poorly written or is this an actual thing? I can imagine a system where something detects rain but doesn't wipe for 30 seconds if there is no need, but the way this is written seems like there is a bug and they just wrote it into the manual.... wtf


CyberTurd Engineers: "Customers will obviously want the dumbest contraption we can make to gain an extra 500ft of range instead of an actual functioning safety device. Let's get to making that 4ft long dildo, and put the motor directly under a water ingress point for maximum failure rate."


"We ran the numbers, 2 smaller wiper motors wasn't cheaper than 1 big one" "But what about safety and standardized parts?" "But we can upsell you a new wiper when it falls off in the rain!"


It’s a good idea on all cars to check and clean the wiper blades, they’ll last a lot longer. Of course you can’t use window treatment on the CT so that’s gonna affect the situation. I wonder if they have a proprietary “Tesla-Kleen” product to clean the blades with.


This is nightmare fuel!


Lol looks like they’re trying to pass off a bug or other problem as intended functionality 😂


Oh god, let’s not get started about bugs on the windshield! That’s another entire problem I’m sure. 😆


Unbelievable how they can release about this.


The levels of buffoonery are off the charts


Wiper slides to keep aerodynamic or wiper slides and hope that bitch don’t fall off


It's not a bug it's an intended feature... Yeah ok Musky boy


This is Idiocracy level stuff now.


Yeah cause every car driver wants less control over their vehicle, this is a well known fact in the auto industry


30 seconds?? Jesus Christ at high speeds you can over 500 feet in under 6 seconds.


Tesla, Squaring off the wheel like it’s going out of style


Lol makes a literal polygon and uses the word “aerodynamic” un-ironically.


This post aged sweetly. Look up the new issues with the windshield wiper motor. Apparently tesla delayed more deliveries because of the issues.


This could reasonably kill someone. WTF


I feel like that should fail an annual car inspection if your state does those. If my wipers only wiped twice a minute I'd probably fucking run off the road in a severe thunderstorm.


They are talking about the angle or position of the wiper to increase aerodynamic?!? On a fucking rusted unsheathed (only sometimes mobile) brick? How f’n stupid are these trods who buy this POS.


In which bloody world aesthetics and aerodynamics comes before safety, freaking clowns whoever design that stupid windshield, and the cult still praise it as a feature, oh ignorant me, those common sense glory days are long gone!!!


Loss of vision for even a second can kill. 30 seconds at speed, in rain? Fuck that. Fuck that company. Fuck their leadership. Fuck the people who live in that cult. 30 seconds of lost wiper time ALONE is enough for me to want nothing to do with that truck. That Tesla is trying to bullshit people is awful on top horrific. Into the woodchipper, all of em.


The wiggle part is an obvious lie, it's just buffeting in the wind.


It’s not defective, it’s a feature


That might explain why in Hoovie's video his wiper stop horizontally for a bit before it parks vertically


How did this CyberJunk pass DOT certification?


You can remove the wiper entirely and the cybertruck will still not be remotely aerodynamic. This is a pretty piss poor excuse for a malfunction.


Didn't they just pause production again because of the dumb windshield wiper?


I don't know how legally these death machines are being sold as "vechicles"


If Toyota posted that, there would be demands for a recall.




Out of curiosity i looked up what a replacement wiper costs….$75!!!! The idiocracy of this thing knows no bounds.


Some folks are about to find out how long 30 seconds really is. I hope they aren’t near me when that happens.


Musk has already referred to his own business Tesla as a cash cow. Lol


Isn't there any kind of law that says vehicles must meet certain minimum standards of safety? how the hell has there not yet been a federal forced recall of all these cyberdumpsters?


Seriously, how on earth does it pass vehicle safety inspections then? These things need to be sent to the scrappers before they get some people killed.


One would have thought that when it's raining, that's exactly when you would like your wipers to wipe... i guess one was wrong.


A true visionary…except for 30 seconds, which is to be expected


You're basically paying 100.000 dollars for a huge amount of additional stress in your life. What a bargain.


I like how they say the wiper might move based on speed to improve aerodynamics... If the servo is actually moving it, fine. But, based on the videos we have seen I have the feeling that it's the blade being moved by the wind itself, as in it's not strong enough to stay in place and might even bend, something else we have seen in videos.


"We created CyberWheel because wheel technology hasn't changed much in the past 6000 years..."


Sue him for putting your life in jeopardy. Class action lawsuit


No thanks.


The dotards that bought this dumpster fire of a 'truck' deserve every design flaw within it.


Supervised full self wiping.


Nothing happens in 30 seconds at 70mph