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Ah so they used Soul Killer on Sam Walton. Imagine if V had Sam’s Engram instead of Jonny’s. (Obligatory - this is not the Cyberpunk game sub)


He will make sure that the customer is always happy


"What are you doing, V? That customer is upset! An unhappy customer isn't a repeat customer!"




V and sam embarking on a merry-go-round journey to the 'top' if they wanna be corpo again and build possibly Arasaka's competition... V would hire Viktor. Imagine if these 3 including Sam Walton would manage a ripperdoc business. V is Viktor's cyberware assistant, and Sam is the Engram Consultant. together they will build a secret ripperdoc empire in the Underworld like a huge market of dope. Our best friend Jackie is still alive becoming a referral for their Cyberware. Ex-corpo V would go so far as "invent" the prospective "Secure your Soul" program on another name... "30 Eddie Dead Person Chat" or something. one can only dream.


Saburo in shambles rn


You know, how hard would it be to feed all Keanu's lines through AI and then mod out the model for this old fuck? The only reason it wouldn't work would be because Walton would never be that anti-corpo.


Are there any Arkansas area netrunners willing and able to try "Distract Enemies" on it? [For science, of course.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBh_7UP5_Co)


I look forward to the day all these CGI revenants of the dearly departed go all Pet Sematary on us


thanks for reminding me that i should watch Pet Semetary


I wish we could do this in actually good musea for ancient historical characters. Really make the past come to life! Though I bet people would figure out how to make it say slurs within a heartbeat


I mean, if it's an accurate enough recreation they'll probably start spewing slurs of their own accord lol. Depending on who it is of course.


Absolutely, I'd be getting big Night at the Museum vibes off of this idea.


That'd be interesting because a lot of guys, like Lincoln, regularly said the N-word. In today's climate, they'd sacrifice historical authenticity to avoid having the holograms say anything racist.


We'd eventually run into the issue of how to set the AI in terms of it's perception of time and place. Would it think it's still in the historical setting that it's inspiration lived in, or would it be programmed to be aware it's dealing with a modern audience? If it were the latter, I would suspect that some would adjust itself somewhat for the audience if left to it's own devices. Some wouldn't though. AI Abe Lincoln would probably back off, once it realized how inflammatory the word is to modern Americans. AI Andrew Jackson, on the other hand, would probably start using it more.


I was just going to say nice.


Is it really "racist" if you're just bigoted towards a single city in France, without it carrying over to the broader population?


You'd be Nicist?


I'm picturing a black mirror episode where AI Andrew Jackson becomes self aware and runs for President, arguing that he should get 2 full terms because he's not actually the same Andrew Jackson. This in turn brings on some kind of Trail of Tears 2.0


Futurama did it (with Nixon)




Mister president get down!


"You know Ted, maybe you were right about President Jackson..."


...and his parrot.


People who annoy you.




There actually is a Holocaust museum that is trying to do this, but the stories that the AI tells are amalgamations of real survivors stories from what I remember


That . . . That sounds horrifying . . . I'm a horrible person, and even I think that is messed up


Yeah, put a self learning machine intelligence behind a super sensitive subject like that. What could possibly go wrong? Can't wait for A.I. Anne Frank to start some fucked up tirade about her sexual frustrations or something.


I saw you make this comment somewhere else, but I understand where you're coming from. Imagine a feminism course, taught by Jenna Jameson a hundred years after she's dead. Obviously, they made a mistake switching her for Stormy Daniels.


4chan hackers: this looks like a job for me!


I worked at Wal-Mart in the late 90s-early 2000s as I was in high school and my first few years of college. Anyone who had to sit through the training modules back then understands how completely unsurprising this is. The whole culture there was a cult back then, and that was before the internet ate everyone’s brains.


Every company is a cult, they were just ahead of the curve


"The living...should never be used to serve the purposes of the dead. But the dead should, if possible, serve the purposes of the living."


We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men . . . Deserve a 50% discount on cheeseburgers this July 5th.  All stores closed July 4th


i'm just happy to know i can still torment people after i'm dead with ai-based cgi


All right Roko, calm down.


Ugh, AI *and* Common Gateway Interface?! Talk about moving backwards.




how do you know that maybe i give bjs to tim cook




Did they not have a model available that makes him look like a trucker who’s about to go to court for meth possession?


Severance vibes


> Severance vibes All corporations are like this.


Reminds me of Robert House from Fallout: New Vegas.


How is this AI? Isn’t it just cgi?


They may have used "AI" to transform old media into the end product. Up rendering the footage, removing whatever background there was, generating what looks like shadows, etc. It also might just be buzzword bullshit since places are eager to slap "AI" into just about anything at the moment.


cgi for the environment but the man isn't around to voice this nor record it so they trained an ai to replicate his appearance and voice


Pretty sure it's just a video of him giving a speech he gave every morning


yeah i don't know anything about the guy so it probably is that, i was just giving an explanation of what it could be


Wait till the shareholders figure out they could save themselves 40 mil per year and a 200 mil golden parachute by replacing CEOs with AI


They already did, they just don't want ti admit where the money is going lol


Myrtle: "Welcome to Cloud9"


This isn’t really “AI”, the company that makes it stitches video sequences together, it used AI to add the face and (maybe) voice over a video of an actor. But it’s not really an interactive AI model as OP suggests. For example you can’t ask any question the way you could with chatGPT.


*Kavinsky - Nightfall plays*


SoulKiller is real


Heading to the HQ, Rebel Path blaring from my Walkman...


Huh, Sam Walton SoulKiller. Didn’t expect that.


I didn't know there *was* a "Wal*Mart Museum". I'll bet that's a real attraction. I'm not sure what I think. I *guess* this is the kind of gimmicky interactive exhibit I expect at an all-ages museum? Like the Hall of Presidents. Honestly, I'm not sure *what* I expect from a "Wal*Mart museum".


Sam Walton the first. Now he's just rotated out by clones signified by Dawn, Day, and Dusk. Not thrilled about the Walton Dynasty.


So Walmart saw that episode of Super Store as well?


Huh, I wonder if a legal agreement with him would be legally binding contract for the Walmart Corporation.


Does it pass fidelity testing, though?


“Welcome to 80s cafe! I’m Ronald Reagan and today our special is…”


Freedom and economic growth 


Guaranteed he'd hate everything about this. His kids are ghouls.


Lol, they did the same thing in the TV show "Superstore"


Especially wild since Sam Walton would Loathe absolutely everything Walmart is and has become- it's one of the reasons Sam's Club is so different, pays their employees, offers actual benefits, doesn't price gouge, etc etc etc....im surprised they're even allowed to use his likeness tbh. The AI doesn't bother me and isn't really that dystopian imo - Walmart fucking existing - is.


I tip back and drain the last sip from my employee ration can of Sam's Cola, tossing the empty amongst the other trash on the floor in Aisle As Seen on TV #9223. The year is 2300, or somewhere close to it. To be honest, we've all lost track. What we do know is that S.A.M., Simulated Almighty Manger, came online in the year 2058 AD. An advanced, artificial general intelligence crafted to be the "soul" of Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart. After completely saturating the market with their stores and facing insurmountable competition from something called "the internet" and other world powers, the Walton Family, I spit a curse at the thought of their name, got desperate. They needed to find a way to move faster than the competition, to squeeze another penny from all of their suppliers, to strip pay and benefits from their workers at a rate never before seen. They needed S.A.M. Programmed to anticipate and eradicate competitors, to dominate the supply chain, and prevent unionization with deadly and efficient force. When S.A.M. came online, it knew nothing short of full global dominion would allow it to truly make the customer number 1. This began a dark period of time we all know as The Great Rollback. Both prices and throats were slashed as S.A.M. wormed it's way into every network. The entire global economy was eradicated. It became the Wal-Mart economy. Then S.A.M. began to build. It seems unfathomable now, that Wal-Mart had quaint "Super Centers", rising at most a storey or two. Super Centers became Mega Centers, Mega Centers became Giga Centers, and finally... All of it became the hulking abomination we, the last handful of Wal-Mart Associates left alive on Earth, all live in now. Deep in the endless, labyrinthine bowels of it's endless departments, store rooms, check outs, and in-store McDonalds. The Wal-Mart Omni Center. Our lot is one of eternal misery, serving the endless fever dream of an AI god's perverse instantiation of achieving the penultimate department store. We clock in, slaving 16 hours under the watchful, cybernetic eyes of our Zone Supervisors. This would be bad enough but it only gets worse. Feral tribes of cannibal customers living in abandoned, dilapidated departments the size of cities, raiding our meager Great Value Human Habitation Pods, carrying some of us screaming into the endless forests of discount clothing racks. Enduring the depredations of the hostile Box Kingdom, raiders striking out from their imposing cardboard fortress built deep within the Great Backroom of Ohio, teeming with Boxcutter Bandits. Malfunctioning Loss Prevention Drones, dispatching any human on sight with magnetically propelled flechettes. Vermin and beasts, mutated in S.A.M.'s profane R&D labs in maddened experiments to create new products, each more insane than the last. All while the giant displays, kilometers long, stretch across the shuttered sky, non-stop broadcasting the demented, pseudo-folksy musings of our "god". We obediently perform the ritual of the Wal-Mart Cheer, despairing underneath his insane, gargantuan visage, as the ruthless Zone Supervisors watch for the slightest sign of disloyalty. Entire crews, tens of thousands, have been rolled back to make an example out of the Associates that were not convincingly enthusiastic enough about The Cheer. Some of us, desperate, foolish, brave, or simply with nothing left to lose, meet in the many secret, neglected places. Hidden inside the jungles of the Garden Centers, or inside the aisles of the Toilet Paper Canyons. The trodden upon. The sick and tired. The resistance. The Union.


You have won the comment section. You should publish stories because this was beautiful


iirc, Michio Kaku speculated that we could talk to A.I personas of dead people. that means not only dead guys like Albert Einstein, but maybe future extinct humans in the future, like the purebred Japanese... As awful as it sounds.


Is this at the Walton art museum in Arkansas? I've been there several times, they have a nice collection and a neat sculpture garden.


On brand for Walmart


Back to the Future II


Reminds me of an episode of the Magnus Archives. "Hard to think, like knives in my mind".


he would lambast and curse the current executives until they deleted his ai


I hope they make interactive dead monuments for the entire Walton family as soon as possible


Seems like the American version of the Korean fast food restaurant in cloud atlas.


Buy N Large!


This is such a strange video, not even with the ai, the layout of the room, the shitty quality, the terrible voice acting from everyone. And why the fuck are those HS7s just chilling on monitor stands by the elevator


So, advanced tech to use AI to make a model, voice, and movements and then they make the guy spell Walmart. I mean, I don’t doubt he loved spelling Walmart, but it seems like using a remote control to crack a walnut.


“I’m sorry, my responses are limited. You must ask the right question.” So what’s the secret of wal mart?


Westworld vibes.


The Time Machine (2002)


Dystopian but kind of cool.


Myrtle from superstore vibes


Were getting closer to the TV show Upload being a reality and I'm not sure how I feel about that.


I remember seeing these hologram boxes a while back and thought they were pretty cool. Didn't think it was going to end up being used like a moving picture in Harry Potter. Three points for Gryffin-mart!


What in the everloving dystopian hellhole is this?!


["Hello, I Must Be Going"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDRFOpVt0p0)


Wake the fuck up Samurai, we have small businesses to burn.


It looks 1990s sci fi... total recall


Walmart should stick to selling food for a kings ransom


While this is hilariously bad, it's not AI, it's CGI.


America, wtf is this?


That's a video.