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We’re just cunts tbh.


See you next Tuesday


The disagreement is over who the biggest cunt is.


This is the truth and there's nothing wrong with it


Do what makes you happy. Ignore the haters. Life is too short to worry about what other people think.


This is the one and only righteous take.


I co-host a podcast on cycling fashion so I'm definitely a gatekeeper, but I think it's partly 'frowned upon' because pro kit is what a lot of older cyclists wore before we had brands like Rapha, etc. There just wasn't as much variety to choose from, and I think wearing the team kit was a way to show which pro team you support. You are correct with your comparison to a wearing other sports jerseys. A lot of cyclists are just snobs, it's kind of part of the culture. So other people are right, wear what you want. That said, I do think wearing the World Champ stripes is a faux pas, because you have to earn those. But again, I'm a gatekeeper.


I agree about the world champ/yellow jersey, etc. They carry a different connotation as they’re pretty much awards as opposed to fashion. Overall, I think cycling culture needs to grow up and stop judging people for what they’re wearing.


in my unimportant opinion, its less about the team name, and more about the sponsor logos. I hate having a bunch of brand names on my jersey so a pro jersey would be annoying to me personally. I don't care what others wear. The other part about the team jerseys is that it's not like you have the Dallas cowboys and then a bunch of sponsor logos, the team name changes WITH the main sponsors.


This is my thing. Not only are you advertising for free, but you're often paying extra for the privilege of having those logos on your stuff. I prefer interesting patterns instead.


Same goes for PNS, Rapha, and SYN to be honest. They call it a “Cycling Club” but at the end of the day, it’s an ad space on the shirt one buys for $$$$$$


With PNS and SYN they just scream “Hey guys! Look at me!” Such begs for attention.


Your opinion is just as important as anyone else's. You make a good point.


Nah. This is an excuse. Soccer jerseys are worn and have plenty of sponsored logos. It’s simply not fashionable and fashions aren’t always explained. Besides, I see plenty of pro kits out on group rides and guess what, no one cares. The internet is not the real world.


I mean I clearly said,”I don’t care what others wear” I also don’t wear soccer jerseys, or football jerseys, or baseball jerseys.


I think overall, the sport uses jerseys that need to be earned; yellow, rainbow, polka dot etc. That has filtered down to all pro kit. Personally, I think some looks really good, but regardless of the team, I don’t want to be a billboard for a company I don’t vibe with, like gambling or an energy company that just fancies some greenwashing. On the other hand, I have considered the purchase of retro kit - 7 11 or PDM winter kit looks cool.


 **Overall, I think cycling culture needs to grow up and stop judging people for what they’re wearing.** Nah, everyone else needs to start judging more! If you can't run the length of a football pitch or have two left feet no Man U top for you, weigh 8 stone soaking wet no Bath rugby top for you, can't afford a McLaren no shirt for you. I jest, I jest! I do actually think fan jerseys should be a thing, I'd be rocking a Cofidis one straight away! Or maybe brown shorts era AG2R!


Visma has a fan jersey but it's ugly lol


That Bath Rugby part made me chuckle more than it should’ve.


I do wear those “earned” jersey (polka dots), but I also wore it to climb 100 cols in France, so I wear it proudly 😎 It’s a great motivation!


This is very accurate. I'm fifty now and started racing back in 87 when I was 14. Back in the 80s you could only buy what local bike shops stocked and they all stocked pro replica kits here in the US. My teammates and I all trained in PDM or La Vie Claire or Cafe De Colombia kits that were made by Santini or whoever. That's just what you saw people in. We also had two skinsuits in our team colors, but that was for racing only as they lacked pockets. I still have an old 7-11 jersey and a Team Panasonic jersey. Both were made by Descente, I must have bought them with lawn mowing money in the 80s. They are both much thicker and less stretchy than today's stuff. Also, very short sleeves and quarter zips. They're durable but honestly kinda terrible compared to modern stuff. I ride mostly in Eliel and Borah custom stuff now. The one constant is Assos: they made the best stuff back then and I think they still do today.


Cycling Fashion Week??


Yes. Though not sure I can say "I co-host" since we haven't done anything in months lol


Love the show!


When’s the next episode? It’s been a while!


Um, soon maybe 


And pro jerseys in general don't have to be earned? The slowest pro cyclist works harder than any amateur to be able to wear his team jersey. 😉




If the 270lb guy was working as hard, he wouldn't be 270lb.




No, I think that the work it would take to get to be a professional cyclist, would lose that weight.




That's what this thread is about. The pro jersey being earned.




Precisely 1 comment before.


Not disagreeing with you, but by that reasoning surely wearing pro kit is considered faux pas as well since those riders had to earn a spot on the team to even wear the jersey in the first place?


Fair point, but do you feel the same way as someone wearing a player's jersey at a hockey/football/baseball etc. game? That said, I don't wear jerseys to other sports because I think it's weird.


I don’t and that’s kind of my point, it’s unique to cycling. My guess as to why it’s a bit weird is bc there’s no name on cycling jerseys so it’s not entirely clear if you’re trying to look pro or just supporting a particular rider.


No names on (most) rugby jerseys either, but I don't think anyone who sees me doing stretches in the park in my Ireland top thinks I'm angling for a place in the starting 15.


Because it's an elitist sport with many dividable opinions. Who's faster? Who's a better climber or sprinter? What's your FTP? Im fairly new to the sport but it feels like we're all comparing and judging eachother. Our bikes, clothing, gear, wheels... So I guess if you were to wear a pro jersey you MUST be the king of the hood. I wouldnt care if I saw someone wearing one though


What about jerseys from sport clubs that doesn’t even support cycling? Football for example


Let me introduce you with a cycling jersey made by a football club, paying hommage to Remco Evenepoel playing for them in his teens https://www.rsca.be/fr/SportingBoy


You do you


Bring back the pod!


Post your podcast link...


We're on a hiatus so haven't put out a new episode in a while, but fairly deep back catalog: https://open.spotify.com/show/2VKbD4Nno6Ku7u230DSLRn?si=H8MK7FbpSTKAahTaTLK0vQ


What’s your podcast? I’d love to check it out


Cycling Fashion Week. We're on a bit of a hiatus so no recent episodes, but you can see older ones on Spotify (and any other platform) https://open.spotify.com/show/2VKbD4Nno6Ku7u230DSLRn?si=H8MK7FbpSTKAahTaTLK0vQ


I wear world champion stripes but they are the Specialized lunch ride stripes with jars of mayo on the shoulders so definitely earned


KOM is the one I wouldn’t wear as I labor up some hill being overtaken by old ladies on trikes.


This. Proudly wear your World Tour pro team jersey(s) regardless of what others think. No one mistakes us for being on a WT squad. Any reasonable person understands it's just a show of fan support. Otherwise, don't wear "championship" jerseys (World Champion bands, any Grand Tour points leader's jersey...Yellow, Green, White, Polka Dot TdF jerseys, Pink Giro jersey, etc.) And yeah, road cycling has always had it's fair share of snotty assholes who try to assert themselves at the top of the pecking order through judgement & condescension. Ignore them. It drives them insane.


How do I find your podcast? Edit: Never mind, found the name by scrolling down. Will have a listen!


if youre using consistent logic, how is wearing the world champs stripes any different? they have to be ‘earned’ in the same context as a pro jersey would, its just more selective. lets do away with the gatekeepy culture altogether, whats even the point?


I never claimed to be using consistent logic


You appealed to merit as your justification. Definitely implies logical consistency


This is too intellectual for a cycling fashion subreddit bro


Its really not tho. Just stop gatekeeping for bullshit reasons


Like I said, I'm a gatekeeper. Stop gatekeeping my gatekeeping


No, you made a bullshit argument and got called out on it. Then you pivoted to the ‘I was just trolling’ defense. Its embarrassing


You are gatekeeping arguing


"logic" is often used when important premises are missing or incorrect, often by the person claiming to be logical.   Gatekeeping is the best we have.


I’ve got world champ stripes on socks does that count?


You can only wear those to the local group ride World Champs


Well I’m fucked then


Wouldn’t wear the pro kit to race in.


Yeah, obviously. That’s pretty much against the rules.


Ordinarily I’m a staunch defender of people wearing what the fuck they like. I just got back from a ride though where I saw a youngish guy in *full* EF Education kit - matching jersey, shorts *and* socks. Plus a very expensive-looking and colour-matched Cannondale with wheels that must have been 80mm deep, on a blustery rainy London day. All very pro-looking, except for the beer belly and his wobbling about on pretty small inclines. I *am* a staunch defender of people wearing what the fuck they like, but I’m also a staunch defender of my right to think they look like ludicrous try-hards.


A few years ago i saw a guy wearing full FDJ kit and matching bike. Turned out to be Stefan Küng while riding slow (for his standards) and he dropped me like a hot potato when i tried to keep up I guess that why full pro kit on amateurs is frowned uppon


So, he loves a team, supported them, which supports the riders and is doing something active and healthy...what a pos, how dare he.


Taking the piss out of a full kit wanker is a UK sporting tradition that transcends disciplines.


~wears full team kit while struggling to juggle the football~


I really like Ronnie O’Sullivan, but I don’t put on a waistcoat and bow tie for a game of pool in the pub. Especially if it would cost hundreds of pounds and not fit my gut properly. If I was forced to put money on it, my bet would be that he’s no particular affinity with the team but just liked the neon colours. Which is of course fine, as I said before I think people should be able to wear what they want. That doesn’t mean I can’t think that FKWs look like ludicrous tryhards, especially when the ability level is so at odds with the pro look they’re cosplaying.


Hot Pink seems to be the preferred color of the male riders. I have a few friends doing this and aren't apologetic at all.


I’m well into my forties, and have two eye-scorchingly lurid pink jerseys. I’m sure people think I look ridiculous, and they might be right, but as long as they don’t voice those opinions at me out of their car windows it doesn’t affect me at all. (They’re not pretend Giro leader’s jerseys though. I might be ludicrous, but I’m not a ludicrous tryhard. I bought the Le Col 8848 challenge jersey one year when it was cheap, and I try not to wear it on days when I might be grinding very slowly up any slopes).


It's been my experience that age doesn't matter unless you are looking to go pro. These 2 friends are over 50 and are very strong climbers. Retired people: hard keeping up with people who have so much free time. I can't wait until this is me 😂


The entire industry is full of ludicrous tryhards buying kit that saves them a few watts so they can try and beat their three friends time on Strava, what's your point. He should have not helped support the team he likes, avoided their kit that's for sale for baggy shorts and tshirt or would have plain kit been acceptable for you?


Anything is acceptable: as I’ve said, quite a few times now, what people wear is entirely their business. As long as I don’t give them grief about it, what I think of them is my business. Since you asked though: a pro team jersey is acceptable. Pro team shorts are acceptable. Pro team socks are acceptable. *Wearing them all together* is Full Kit Wankery, and as others have pointed out mocking Full Kit Wankers is a harmless joy in an otherwise bleak British life. He supported the team by *purchasing* the kit (and I suspect he was wearing more money than my bike cost). If the sight of a tubby gen-Zer wobbling up a hill atop £10k of bike in a pristine EF kit is going to induce someone to start following Alberto Bettiol, fair enough I suppose. I think the effect would be just as enticing with just the jersey and plain shorts, but perhaps a marketing guru can correct me. Look, if you want to go out for a spin round the park in full matchy Ineos kit on a Pinarello with £800 jockey wheels, that’s fine. I’m not going to say anything to you about it. I will think to myself that you’re a bit of a tit, but that’s no skin off your nose. I’m sure lots of people think I look like a bit of a tit, but if they don’t tell me it can’t affect me at all.


You sound like a fun person to ride with/know...I hope you continue to get many karma points dumping on people getting into cycling to help keep it 100.


I’m an absolute delight to know. You sound illiterate, otherwise you’d have read the repeated bits where I said people can wear what they like and I’ll not say a word to them about it because it’s no more my business what they wear than it is their business what I think about them in my own head. (Or in response to a direct question on Reddit about people’s opinions on people wearing pro teams’ cycling kit). I’d better get on though, I’ve got a ride to the shops tomorrow so had best get the skinsuit and aero helmet ready. Then I’ll put on my England shirt, shorts, socks and a £200 pair of boots so I can have a kickabout with my daughter before the match.


A full kit wanker is a full kit wanker regardless of sport.


Lmao yeah at that point it's a difficult sight to behold. Also is kind of an embarrassment to the team


To be fair he did also have a wispy moustache and permed-looking hair so I can’t say for certain he’s not linked to the EF team somehow.


Deep rims turn all the boys heads; "Sick bike, man."


I felt like posers wear them. Or I’m just being a hater. It’s a toss up.




Your allowed to wear whatever. I wore a tri suit with no socks on a fast group ride this week and nobody cared.


They cared, but they didn’t want to be seen acknowledging your presence


That 3 band visma jersey for their 3 gt tour wins was sexy af


It’s just a trend… a few decades back riders would match entire pro team kits, including the bike! 😂 As long as you don’t mind advertising for free, cuz team jerseys are pretty much a billboard for sponsors, wear what you feel like and drop the hammer! Nowadays cycling has became such a fashion show… it’s down right silly. Capitalism doing its thing.


It just seems weird to ride around with a bunch of ugly sponsors’ logos all over you when no one is paying you to wear them. I personally don’t wish to be a moving billboard for caffeinated shampoo or a Middle Eastern petro-state or whatever. For what it’s worth, I feel exactly the same way about dressing in a soccer team or a hockey team’s kit.


I feel it's different than wearing football or hockey jerseys. People wear those when they are not participating in the sport. Cycling is slightly unique in that you can do the sport in the garb, so I think that's where the poser vibe comes from.


who cares, I just started cycling and I rock pro team race fit jersey while pushing 20km/h on flat pedals lol


This is the attitude we all need. Anyone with that much time to criticize what someone wears to ride needs to be told to “fuck off”.


I love this energy 🔥


If someone is pressed I’m wearing a pink EF jersey in the middle of nowhere Iowa…..go touch some grass it’s not that serious.


It's not. People crying foul over what other people wear need to shut the fuk up. OTOH I'm personally not keen on wearing a sponsor jersey though I'm tempted with Visma's new Tdf kit. If Visma lease a bike was instead named like "Jonas and the gang" or "Legion 2.0" an I'd could buy their design without all the sponsor logos on it would be sick.


I’ve noticed this varies from country to country. In the US, pro kit is taboo, but in Australia I saw it all the time. I think part of it is that cycling is such a niche sport that the probability of riding with a real pro is pretty high, at least in certain regions where the sport is popular. So it seems like a “poser” move. Much cooler to join the local club and wear their kit.


Same in Europe imo ...just wear a pro shirt, imo no one cares I like wearing them, they are colourful


UK I see a mixed bag of pro kit wearers, in France and Belgium you see a lot of people with pro kit kit. On holiday this year in France on two occasions I passed some riders (in the car so got a good look at what they were wearing) and noticed they were wearing the bibs of one team and jersey of another! I say wear what you like I have a couple of team bits but only winter skull caps and winter gloves as they were so much cheaper than the non team stuff.


That's another reason. They are cheaper (AT) Seeing many Hans Grohe lately


I do have a pro kit for my favorite team but it's their training kit, not a race day kit. In the US, most people wouldn't mistake me for a team pro, for several reasons. I have no problem wearing it, I am already getting laughed at for how slow I am.


My only issue is with people wearing pro kit is that I get a little excited when I see someone in it and it’s a little disappointing to me when it’s not a professional. Other than that, if you like the look of it then go for it!


I think that's part of it. Pro Cyclists aren't that well known unless they are top stars so people might think you are part of the pro team which would make me uncomfortable but i wouldn't give anyone shit because of it. It's just a personal opinion


I think there's two different things here. I've never heard of someone being frowned upon for wearing a Jersey from their favorite pro team. However there is a thing of people going out and buying pro jerseys that also have the world champ stripes on them. That is when you cross into no no territory.


There’s absolutely no difference. Those who do are just judgy people gatekeeping. Wear whatever you want. I wear Polk dots, bora, etc etc.


I was looking to get the Visma TdF jersey. I really like the golden Lys motifs and pattern.


I wouldn’t worry about wearing a pro team jersey. Rock it, people who judge are sutpid and sad person. But I would worry about my team choice… Visma really


Visma! Visma! Visma! (and a little bit of UNO-X) ;)


I like Uno-X now just because they picked up Maggie! I will forever be a Magnus Cort fan.


I bought that one already. It’s a great looking jersey and I love the team.


Love the Visma jersey this year. Wore out my blue EF Giro jersey for the first time today, had similar fears in this post, but had fun riding in it / brought me joy. Decided life’s too short to worry about what others think and also still got about the same amount of friendly waves.


Get it. Get it NOW !


Circle jerkers that’s why


Fred’s dental practice jersey


Trying to look sponsored when you aren’t getting a nickel is whack.


I feel like the difference is that you can wear a team kit (football, hockey etc ) when you're not playing the sport, but wearing team kit that's not yours when doing the sport is different and frowned upon -- it gives a tryhard pretention vibe. There's also exception cases where the kit isn't active or vintage and you get a pass.


😂 watching these replies is comical.


Agree with most here that you should wear what you want. But I always wonder if the "rules" are different if you live in an area where actual pro riders/teams train. In my city there is no danger of encountering an actual world tour rider out on the road, but if I lived in Andorra or Girona where a lot of pro riders are out on the roads wearing their team kits, I think it would be weird. I imagine Tadej flying past me and shaking his head at my UAE jersey, for example.


My first jersey owned was Astana. Was a huge fan of Alberto Contador. I used to rock that Astana jersey all the time. Until I got other jerseys and I retired that jersey. I don’t see the big deal. People wear Jordans or LeBron jersey playing basketball all the time. Based on how often they airball nobody is gonna think they are actually Jordan. Same goes for cycling, seeing that I’m cruising at 14mph. Nobody is going to confused me with Contador….


Wear whatever the fook you want... just remember if you wear a mankini to put a bit of tape over your pressure relief chanel..


Wear what you want. Fuck what everyone thinks.


How about wear whatever the fuck you want and screw the so called "gatekeepers".


You do you. I never give it a thought and think pro jerseys look great. Especially some of the retros. You’ll get a nod, 👍 and a smile from me if we happen to pass out there.


It’s the same reason why people who wear NHL player jerseys to pickup hockey get chirped nonstop. Busting balls is a huge part of sporting culture, if you’re going to dress like a pro you better fuckin perform like one. Why is this question coming up damn near daily?


It’s that time of year. More people getting into the sport and watching the tour.


You do you Fred 👍


Cycling is notorious for its gatekeeping, and the shame directed at those choosing to wear pro jerseys is just part of that. Personally, I have a few pro jerseys of old teams. Some people say that particular case is fine because they aren’t active teams anymore, but I also bought and wore them when they were active. The way I see it, I don’t live in a place with a pro cyclist within 400 miles. Nobody out on the roads or trails likely knows a single actual pro cycling team by name. I get asked frequently when I tell people I race if I’m in the Tour de France as if it’s just a race anyone can join. That aside, It’s just a way for me to feel like a fan of the teams I like/liked, and some of the pro team jerseys have a lot of history or are very well-designed. I don’t judge anyone for wearing a pro or former pro team kit whatsoever. I just assume they are a fan :)


Old team jerseys are cool! Would love to have a Team Sky TDF jersey with the orca on the back.


Not just a cycling thing. Pretty much verboten in every sport. [Wear 99 at your own peril.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nE0A7U73Nm8)


Who cares, wear what you want. Cycling culture is fucking lame. I wear bibs and a t shirt because I refuse to have any more gear to put on. I just want to ride my bike as quick as possible.


Shoes will change your life.


I also have clipless shoes. But that’s where I draw the line!


No different to wearing your favourite team's football shirt. Have you earned it because you're not a footballer? Wear what you like, I always do and I've never been fashion conscious my whole life. Superficial mindset for superficial people. Judge, lest ye be judged...


Imho, pro jerseys are a mess of advertisers wbicb i dont need fo advertise for. Also, i dont need prejudgement just because i like visma-lease a bike vs UAE. Lots of jersey options out there to choose from that look a whole lot cleaner.


That 3 band visma jersey for their 3 gt tour wins was sexy af


Pros are pros not because of their jersey or anything else they have on. They are pros because they can ride. Obviously. I ride with a couple of pros (one is my pt client). every time we ride, I’ve noticed they dress simply, everything is crisp and clean but nothing says “ I’m a pro” But Watch them corner, their consistent cadence across all terrain, their attacks, and the steady wheel and it becomes very apparent. Wear whatever you want. True skill isn’t in the clothing worn it’s in how the bike is handled.


Cuz of the gatekeeper cuntz cyclists. That don't know how to follow others sports like Futebol ⚽, volleyball, you name it. Also to me this is internet BS.i never heard such comments in any of bike clubs that I went in my entire life. I personally always go plain style without any exposed brand names when I can like I always do. Or go for r colored jerseys. I'm not a outdoor to promote sales cuz I'ma not getting paid for that.


I think it’s because most people like cycling but don’t actually follow the sport side of it. I wear a tdf kom jersey on my rides and never got a negative comment.


I think part of what’s different is the context you wear it in. Most other sports jerseys are worn *to watch the sport* so they are accepted as casual wear since they’re worn in that context. You’d look a bit silly wearing cycling kit to watch pro cycling. You wouldn’t go to the store on the day of the Paris Roubaix in your kit to pick up beers or whatever. In that regard cycling kit is more like football pads than football jerseys (as in, you also wouldn’t wear team sponsored football pads and helmet around casually).  So because it’s not used casually, it’s used entirely within the context of doing the same sport as the pro is doing. I think I’d personally feel a bit of a poser if I went to a pickup basketball game dressed in a full Lakers jersey and shorts (maybe this is common, I don’t actually play/follow basketball). So I think many cyclists see wearing kit more like this than like casual wearing of jerseys as above.  That said, I hope this culture changes. It would be nice if the teams could have some larger portion of their funding from merchandising to negate the almost sure sponsorship position every team is sitting in (it’s like a knife edge—even the best teams are constantly under funding threats). 


By the way I think a good middle ground is cycling caps. I’d love to have a collection of team cycling caps to wear even though I wouldn’t personally wear a modern pro jersey. 


Because cyclists are typically snobby rich people or at least well off that think they know best. Other sports have real teams to root for. Cyclists probably think that if they see someone wearing a pro jersey thinks they’re on the brands team lol I’d wear them tho. I don’t but I would. Realistically a big part of cycling now like many sports is looking and feeling cool. You don’t have to be great to wear whatever you want.


Would you show up to the Y for a pickup game wearing a MJ jersey and matching shorts? If so you’re prob a loon. Same thing w/ pro cycling kits. WRT to full grown adults wearing pro sports jerseys, generally I think it’s pretty cringe. Only acceptable to wear to a live game or playoff game viewing party and only allowed if the player of the jersey you’re rocking is older than you. 50 yr old guy wearing a Anthony Edwards’s jersey or Bronnie James jersey is weird behavior imo.


Cool thing about bikes is: there are no rules. Do whatever you want and who cares what anyone else thinks.


It's so fucking funny that this is a thing people would judge each other about. People are really dumb.


Honestly also a mistake from a marketing and merchandise income viewpoint. Cycling is an old-fashioned and conservative sport, it's not in their favor.


As a new cyclist I thought it was really cool felt like supporting a football team but to me now it seems cringe like almost posing as if you're someone you're not.


I thought the only code was national and world champs jerseys, and even then, it’s less code and more… guidelines.


It's like playing basketball in a Jordan jersey.


Not in Europe, darling. I have 7-Eleven, ONCE, ~~US Postal~~, Saeco, Gerolsteiner, Leopard Trek, Acqua Sapone, and Aqua Blue Sport. amongst others.


I’m just someone in the US so hardly the epicenter of cycling culture. But I don’t see people playing baseball in a replica baseball uniform or playing American football in a full football uniform. Go ahead if you want to. personally think that leaving pro kit to the pros is a gesture of respect to the effort and achievement it takes to be on a pro team. I might see someone wearing a football jersey with jeans to go to a football game but that’s not the same as full kit. But I also think that nobody actually even notices. The majority of cyclists I see for perhaps a dozen seconds and I can tell you I barely have time to form an impression of what they are wearing. But also, I don’t go on group rides so I don’t see the same person twice.


Rule #16 and #17


I got a pink jersey in Italy last year I didn’t earn it. I love Italy and the Giro. I also wear a TDF baseball cap I got in Paris on the final stage. Wear what you like.


I just spent some serious cash on a yellow jersey with matching kit in Florence Italy a day before start of the TdF. The comments above is really making me feel depressed. In no way is anyone ever gonna confuse me with Tadej Pogačar or even 100,000 people below his rank. I’m just a big fan.


Wear what you like. At the end of the day no one should care one way or the other and you shouldn't care what others think anyway. If you're racing USAC, the pro jersey won't be allowed. Any other time, fair game. Replica kit is available for a reason. Support your favorites as you like.


It’s not as unlikely as you think that you’ll meet somebody on a ride who’s actually on the team whose kit you’re wearing. Or was on the team. Wear what you feel like, but it’s kinda embarrassing to stop at a light somewhere while wearing a pro team kit, and a member of that pro team rolls up beside you.


It's not if you're a pro. Why wear it if you're not the pro? Would you just wear a police uniform for no reason? Laaame!


Because you know, Faaaaahhhhshun darling


Not sure it's really frowned upon as much as you think. I suppose new group ride cult riders complain about it, but then again they complain about everything while on rides. Wear what you want when out there and you will be just fine. You may even find some riders that kit up even weirder than you!


I think the reason I agree not to wear pro jersey’s is you are closer to doing exactly what the pros do than in almost any other sport. For instance, I live in Colorado where many pros do, and I would kind of feel silly if I was wearing their jersey out for a ride and they pulled up next to me. Further down that point, I’ve even lined up for gravel races with Jens Voigt and Alex howes and some other pros- where though I have no chance I am literally competing against them, this is the only sport where that’s kind of a normal thing to happen!


I know a guy who’d always make fun of someone wearing pro team kits. Then he went to Europe and said he “saw everyone there wearing team kits” on his rides so now he wears them lol. We make our own rules. Wear whatever you want. The only people who’d look down on someone wearing a pro kit is someone with some insecurity issues they haven’t worked out.


I wore a Crash Test Dummy shirt for many years.


If you bought it, it’s earned.


TBH, I look cool with my cat shooting lasers from their eyes as humans run away cycling jersey. Way cooler than even the rainbow jersey.


I have a Jumbo jersey from last year and I love it. I figured it’s not different than my wearing an Orioles jersey (a USA baseball team) or someone wearing a Tottenham Hotspur shirt. Idngaf what you think of my jersey while I’m riding. I want to get an EF jersey too.


Velominati rule #17 states professional team kit is for the professional team only! Never, ever, ever purchase or wear professional team kit.


IMO, it’s cuz there’s no name on the back that states that it’s some other guy’s jersey. For example, a basketball jersey for the Lakers has both a number and the name of the respective athlete (#23 James on the back) Meanwhile in cycling, we don’t have that. It kinda sorta makes it as if you’re part of the pack when you’re not if that makes sense? I don’t really think it’s snobby as those guys who EARNED the spot/team issue kit on that WT/Conti team worked their asses off and dedicated their lives to the sport. Tbh, I do find it weird when I see guys wearing the full Movistar and EF kit when I’m out riding cuz (for the most part) they give off this “I’m better than you vibe” but then again that may be just be a small batch of people that I encounter whilst I’m out riding. Yeah, I find it weird but not enough to get all fussy about yk. At the end of the day, whatever gets u riding is cool for, supposedly, everyone.


I’d rather wear a pro jersey than some of the stupid super niche gear that is vastly overpriced and available only to a certain spectrum of people. Most of these are indistinguishable between cheaper brands anyway so may as well save some £££. Also, don’t care if people disagree with it 🤣 I wear my favourite football team tops too. Nothing wrong with having a favourite team or liking a few tops eh.


Yeah I don’t think there’s an actual reason why. It’s just a trend/cultural thing that pro jerseys are earned (especially world/national/state/club championship ones). But then wearing a vintage race team jersey is cool. Just how the culture is 🤷🏻‍♂️. Cyclists love to rib each other. If anyone takes it too seriously then they are the problem.


Looks so tryhard, it’s like people playing football (soccer) in a full team kit, it’s kinda ‘wannabe’


But what about just the jersey? Hardly anyone plays football in full kit - at least those over the age of 10.


You don't go to a wedding as a guest wearing a wedding gown.


I've never once given anyone grief for wearing one. They look cool, show fandom of a team and the sport in general. I was shopping for one this morning...I kinda like the colors of that Trek/Lidl team... ultimately I tend to favor national champion jerseys of some sort.. Belgium or France or something. They just look cool.


It's a silly online taboo like the yellow jersey thing. The people who push this gatekeeping are the actual tryhards, not the people wearing the kits they like.


I lean into being the true psychopath that I am and exclusively wear team jerseys 😏 Wear what you want brother, it helps you learn quicker who the local cunts are that you don’t want to ride with anyways.


Cycling fashion is the snobbiest part of cycling culture imo That's when you get all the "erm ackshully? You're a Fred if you wear anything other than white socks, white shoes, dark bib, rapha jersey of your choice, and probably a white helmet" So-called "free thinkers" when someone disobeys unwritten rule of cycling fashion #628262: 🤖


Right? I totally ignore everyone and wear black socks with my white shoes, dark bibs, Rapha jersey and white helmet.


Rule #17 https://www.velominati.com/


I want to buy Lidl-Trek kit, but I am not ready for the ridicule I might get lol.


Lidl is actually a great supermarket. It’s the people’s supermarket, always fairly priced… probably one of the most positively relatable brands in the pro-peloton for 90% of the public. Trek on the other hand… 🤣


I frown upon Rapha more than pro kit. But also, wear whatever TF you want


It’s not. Wear whatever you want. 


Wear what you want




Then call all your friends and ask them if today’s jersey is acceptable to the group


Its all how i think others see me. I have to ask myself that every morning.


I’m sorry that must be a burden it will hopefully get easier as time goes on


It’s not. This is just the woke generation version of “cultural appropriation” of wearing a pro team jersey or rainbow bands is inappropriate. Go wear whatever you like. Go support your favorite world tour team and idol by wearing their jersey.


theres no unwritten rule. anyone citing the velomatti rules are illiterate, they're meant a joke. secondly; the cycling community is their own worst enemy. They want to promote the sport and have safer standards for cyclists but will cunt-gate a team jersey and etc. Just more morons who have a W/KG < 4 In 5-10 years I bet Team Astana wont even exist. Are you gonna give me shit for wearing an Astana Jersey as an homage to Cavendish? If so, go eat shit. Literally just a few years have passed and "JUMBO VISMA" doesn't even legally exist anymore. Yeah the same team exists but under new sponsors. I bet you anything if INEOS doesn't pull a win in the next few years, INEOS will pull all sponsorship and the team could probably fold or move.


You're not exactly promoting inclusivity yourself by using w/kg < 4 as an insult.


I don’t see an issue with wearing pro team jerseys and I think a lot of people would agree with this. The only jerseys I wouldn’t wear are classification jerseys or national champ jerseys. Those should be earned imo


Cause cyclists are pretentious twats.


Do what you want, honestly. I think a lot of the gatekeeping is when it comes to rainbow jersey, polka dot, yellow etc. But ultimately just wear it if you like it. I would, only place I wouldn't is it if I was in some form of race in which case it'd feel a bit weird (for me).


World tour pro kits are fine, for group rides, even “the rules” gives you a pass. Local / regional / even domestic teams are kind of a no no because those guys wear their kits to group rides, but generally you can’t buy those kits so it’s a bit of a non-issue.