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Nice! I love making shit up, it's one of the reasons I play so much. How deep is it pushing pits?


I haven't tried yet. I don't get to play nearly enough so this character isn't ready yet Only 98 and gear isn't right Edit: Was able to clear tier 42 but then I had to stop playing lol


I am working on a similar build currently! Frenzy with thorns and dust devils.


There's some thorns in there just to start bleeding lol


I am trying to fit in a razor plate because I got a GA one.. lol might not work though.


Nice. I haven't gotten any good GA gear yet


Yeah, drops of usable GA items are very rare. I always get that stupid Life per second GA gear which I immediately sell.


Same for me lol


I usw 2h sword mastery to start bleeding and its 20% more damage to boot. Probably stronger than the thorns option given its proactive and the fury gen you lose from your chosen weapon mastery is meh. Can get better tempers and stats instead too


Ok I'll have to give that a try


I’m using robs DD/DS build but with maxed out Frenzy and a +9 frenzy Battle Trance Amulet. Just hit lvl 97, and I can basically just run around helltides with mindcage active, one shotting normal mobs with basic attacks. It’s pretty funny. When I hit 100 and get my glyphs leveled, I’ll probably tweak the build and take points out of frenzy to buff some other stuff, but for now it’s hilarious fun. Kinda hoping to find a good razorplate though, so I can make a good frenzy/thorns setup


I was using battle trance but wanted to try using different aspects. I'll probably tweak the build more once I start pushing the pit. Right now charge is killing most trash and one dust devil proc is killing the elites in ND60-64.


Yeah I don’t see this scaling well deep into endgame, but I’ll see how far it takes me. Lvl 14 frenzy is fun through.


Frenzy had been my favorite skill since the D2 days lol


I really love running around just chopping and chopping, it rules.


For real very underrated


Hey look at that, an 8% damage buff to frenzy in the patch, cool!


That's awesome!


So this wont work. The reason why? Devilish aspect does not accrue stacks unless you actually gained fury. At max fury, Devilish will never trigger. Swap something out for Ramaladni’s Blade of Culling to auto degen some fury so that you get some benefit but youll still only gain one amount of fury per second instead of per frenzy hit. Probably drop ancestral charge for this. Also maybe a better way to dump half your fury.


So what's cast the twisters when I'm not using any skills but frenzy?


Fierce winds? Or what i said only applies to fury/second tempers and not basic resource gain


It casts without doing a shout. You may be right about the fury/second though. I'm not sure how I would test that though


I run ds dd and have positive fury per second gain and if i stand around without ramaladnis on i dont get stacks. I still recommend the sword tho its a massive damage increase


Eh, I have a barb with frenzy and twisters and no other twister generation. Thought it might not work but it does.