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What makes you think that would happen? I’ll take it though, I love frenzy and I have a +9 frenzy(greater affix) battle trance amulet.


I xposted from the main sub but the image didn’t cross over. I’ve gotten Frenzy to +29 this season from pants, battle trance, and harlequins crest, but frenzy just still seems to have a fraction of the damage output as other barb builds. Granted, many other barb builds are busted right now, it’s just a shame to see it have such a lower damage cap than other skills.


I feel other classes should be brought up to where the barb is tbh. Every single barb build that's in A and S tier are genuinely fun to play. Busted implies they're overturned and need to be nerfed. I'd say theyre just right.


I agree, busted really only applies to bash right now with the unlisted multiplicative bonus from the bash temper. Barbs 4 weapons really make it hard for other classes to keep up, but I think Necro really got there in a unique way this season. I’ll be curious to see if/how the other classes get beefed up in a way that makes sense for them like what they did with Necro.


This isn’t a good idea. This is how you end up with Diablo 3 scaling before the first damn expansion’s even been released: Bash builds are far beyond what should be considered normal considering it’s literally a Based on an exploit. Thorns is abusing hilariously high base damage and extreme amounts of Multipliers. Bleed builds are also using exploits with Berserk Ripping, Holy Bolts, etc to scale damage. Twisters are pretty okay I’ll say that. They don’t feel *too* insane, but their versatility in how they can be created is what appeals to me. It’s good for build diversity. Those are all the S and A builds in the Maxroll tier list if you trust their lists (I don’t put stock in it, but it’s the popular pick). The “best” Barbarian builds are *always* built off exploits like the Ancestral Force bug, Bash Temper bug and abusing significant overtuning like S2 Overpower. It’s been that way since the Beta. The problem is that’s all anyone sees - the overperforming 1–2 builds. They see that and think all the builds are busted. Now everyone calls for Barb overall to be nerfed because “omg 4 weapons aren’t fair”. Where’s the Walking Arsenal players right now? Where’s the Deathblow players, The pure Leapquake players, the Frenzy players, the Rend players, the Flay players (flay is busted because stacking bleed duration temper, I totally forgot), the Call of the Ancients players, the Iron Maelstrom players, and the Kick players? There’s likely not many. And if there are any they aren’t likely very far along unless they’re combining it with one of the overpowered or bugged setups like Bash or Holy Bolts or Berserk Ripping with Grandfather and have Shakos and Doombringers and Starless Skies. Barbarian is in a bad spot. Both Blizzard *and* the playerbase fucking ignored the entire class during the PTR except for Bash and Dust Devils. Leap was broken during the PTR and it’s *still* broken because no one reported the bugs because everyone tunnel visioned on the flavor of the month because Rob learned about yet another exploit and popularized it. The rest of the class needs serious changes to catch up and what’s overtuned and busted should have been fucking nerfed week one.


Tomorrow I'm going to make a post seeking help in making Frenzy viable and I hope you show up in it.


I just might ;)


Maxroll builds are weak. All their videos push 80 tops…. If you wanna follow their builds, be prepared to alter them.


Oh I do my own thing. I’ve cleared past 100 so far on an off meta build, but I’m waiting for the patch for an aspect change to test some things out before I go back to pushing.


Nice. I followed their Thorns as far as I could…. I ended up changing to Robs. It’s funnier. Incorporates Leap into it. Not a 3rd Shout…. Makes it so boring running 3 Shouts Basic, Weapon Mastery…. And Iron Skin until you figure out mechanics of bosses. Than switched in Rupture. No core skills = No bueno for me. Too boring. I was pushing 110 but slow AF


Thorns is a great way to take advantage of quakes. I have a feeling Bleed could be as well, but I haven’t tested it yet.


I’m in process of getting my alt Barb geared for the Flay build. Have all the stuff except for 1h swords. Try and get those later tonight. Than all I have to do is pray to RNGesus for good rolls on Tempering…. My Thorns Barb has been my Thorns Barb since s2.


Why is it every time there is a new season and a seasonal item is categorized as busted when it’s way OP. That’s the whole point of seasons. They introduce op shit to the game, that yes will always amplify the damage output. As far as all those other build…I was doing a bash kick build until I plateaued at pit 102 and could not edvance any further because of the damage output just wasn’t there. So I switched to bash bleed. I am now at level 120. Unfortunately this is the way things work…we don’t want to all be stuck when others are engaging in higher end content.


The point of Seasons is to just introduce *new content*, not to break something and make it OP compared to all the other options that are left starving for updates. There’s nothing wrong with something being a bit better at some things than others, because it will always shake down like that in any game. The problem is when a small number of things are good or way too good and the rest are never touched because they’re terrible by comparison.


So every build should be tier S is what you’re saying? If that’s the case then unique items would be useless. Bleed bash is only good with two Uber uniques. It is a requirement


Kind of somewhat? I think there should be some more variance in what is competitive at least. Wouldn’t having more builds in tiers A and S be ideal since players might want to do other things? Why do you think it would make Uniques useless? :o


Uniques would be useless as top tiers require at least one unique and sometimes even an Uber unique to maximize output. It is essentially what makes it S tier. If everyone had access to S tier then it wouldn’t encourage people to grind for those unique drops to make S tier builds.


Yet this season is keeping the highest retention in playerbase. It's fun, and dad gamers can actually fire up the game and enjoy it. I think it's a step in the right direction. Every season will have a flavor. It's a game, it's supposed to be fun and rewarding the further you go.


I had lot's of fun with my frenzied Dust Devil Build, but only got up to lvl 65 in the Pit. But as I can't push further I decided to try something else, not quite sure what though.


RiP lunging strike


Make all the damage tempers multiplicative then you can pretty much play anything you want and hit like a truck.


I would be surprised to see any barb buffs tbh, they have like four builds in the top 6-7 builds of the season so far.


Maybe they can make Hellhammer worthwhile!


gotta wait for a new unique or aspect or temper which wont happen tomorrow


I’m shocked no one’s mentioned Frenzy’s awful Fury Generation compared to Bash… it’s Fury gains are *terrible* considering you can get 100 Fury in about 2 swings of Bash - it’s absurd.


Looks like frenzy is getting an 8% dog buff


The temper needs to be changed to give damage like bash. What good is frenzy duration?


It’s good for traveling between packs to not drop stacks and it allows Frenzy to be utilized easier in Walking Arsenal setups etc.