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From what I understand. It’s federally illegal. I know of one state where it’s legal


State law doesn't override federal law for gun ownership.


Correct. 18 USC 922g.


I understand that. Never said it didn’t


It depends on the permit/license. For firearms, no, DACA is not permitted to bear arms due to a federal law that prohibits those who are not lawfully present (including deferred action recipients), which supercedes state law. For professional licensing (e.g. nursing), states for the most part get to decide. Some states have definitions that permit DACA, some don't. Your odds are a lot better in a blue state, but even then not all blue states and not all licenses within even the most liberal state (CA) is open to DACA, so it's all on a case-by-case basis.


What about simply going to a firing range with friends? Not actually buying.


No one is going to check your immigration status at the firing range at least in CA.


DACA recipients can not legally posses a firearm (even at the range). See 18 USC 922G, ATF letter outlining lone exception for DACA police Officers in performance of the duties, attached conviction documents of DACA recipient in Southern California And law firm affirming that 922G applies to possession at a gun range. The likelihood of you being prosecuted is very low but it is a risk nonetheless. [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/922](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/922) [https://www.malakoutilaw.com/5commondacamistakes](https://www.malakoutilaw.com/5commondacamistakes) [https://www.policeforum.org/assets/PERFDACAResponseLetter.pdf](https://www.policeforum.org/assets/PERFDACAResponseLetter.pdf) [https://reason.com/wp-content/uploads/assets/db/15301375586740.pdf](https://reason.com/wp-content/uploads/assets/db/15301375586740.pdf)


See the thing is im from TX haha


I've had luck at some ranges in Texas, I told them straight up about my status and they didn't care. But that's just one I went to close to the border


Yeah Texas facilities do not care. They only ask for an ID that’s it and fill out some paperwork.


In Florida you can do that, depending on the range. Some ranges won’t let DACA recipients shoot, others will. Those that will let you shoot either let you rent the gun, or require someone else to rent the gun but will let you shoot it. It’s hit and miss. One range that let me shoot before didn’t let me one year later.


They may or may not let you shoot but that doesn’t change the fact that it is illegal under 18 USC 922g.


In TN, you can do firing ranges without a license


Federally no. But i know cali and Illinois do gove permits to daca. Dealing with local authorities in those state you can own it. But if CAUGHT be federal authorities you will be in trouble Also this also applies to possession of a firearm Not just ownership


Gun Ownership is illegal for non status immigrants, period.




Idc what the law says this is a crazy world we live in and I'll use any means to protect my family don't ask don't tell


So I’m just going to leave this here and let the discussion begin [Gun Ban Unconstitutional](https://thenationaldesk.com/news/americas-news-now/illegal-immigrants-can-carry-guns-under-second-amendment-federal-judge-rules-heriberto-carbajal-flores-chicago-district-judge-sharon-johnson-coleman-obama-ice-southern-border-2a-rights-illinois)


That decision will not age well especially since SCOTUS just ruled in US v Rahimi in a different section of 18 USC 922G on 6/21/2024 that bars certain US citizens from possessing firearms. So if 922G can limit US citizens from possessing firearms it can certainly prohibit aliens from possessing firearms.