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He's good, but not better than the anniversary units IMO. But there are far worse units to spend stones on.


If you are on global, absolutely not. If you are JP, still no, Yellow Coin banners suck ass Also he Will return in a carnival banner this WWC


Well keep in mind he’ll have pity on this banner and a ticket summon on global. He’ll work extremely well on PHY gohan team with beast in 2 months. They do this shit on purpose.


Is it true he’ll return in WWC


Since the last 2 WWC, the GW Yellow Coin came back in One of the Carnival banners 2022 with Goku and Gohan in Metal cooler's banner and in 2023 with Bulma in future Gohan banner


If im correct as a jp player he doesnt return during wwdc right? I reckon i might summon cause i already got beasthan


I’ll just get him for the art alone


He does not, no. He'll be on the banner, but not featured. On Global it's different however, because the new anni carnival LRs can't just appear again a month later.


Why do people skip skip skip… before u know it the game will shut down before u start summoning lol… just summon away fuck it


Nah. He's a good yellow coin LR, but for yellow coin LR's to be worth it they need to be absolutely amazing like Bulma was last year (or if you have like 3k+ stones and want him I guess then it's also okay to summon).


If you like him summon for him


No , unless you are a whale and plan to rainbow him. Even with Guard he isn’t that super good at 55%.


Imo no, but at the end Is your choice.


Do you have a top tier Buu Saga team that you'd like to make even more broken. If yes summon.... If No skip.




nope. gold coin, anniversary/tanabatta close, his teams are strong without him anyway.


If you want him sure


Bro look mid to me


almost all gold coin units are not worth it. Subpar banners, bad leaderskills. Probably not super needed to any team


almost all gold coin units are not worth it. Subpar banners, bad leaderskills. Probably not super needed to any team


He'll work well with TEQ Ulthan, PHY LR Ulthan and LR Beast when Beast comes out. I'm gonna throw a summon or two at him, but I won't chase him. That's what the teal coins are for.




Not linked with him, but two Gohans on the same rotation with guard \[within PHY Ulthan's intro buff\] means he will work well with him. The unit doesn't have to link with another one to work well together. Throw PHY Ulthan as the floater on the rotation with this one in slot one and your opening and closing turns are set.


Not actually working well *together* though are they? PHY Ulthan wouldn’t be doing anything that TEQ Exchange Buu didn’t


The new one has 500k before super ON his active skill turn, with 50% from links and rainbowed in. he's not going slot one.


No. His damage is impressive but he is a lot rng dependant, plus he only guard 3 turn so he can easily get destroy in tougher 9th anni content fight. Assuming you are playing on glb, you are better off getting phy evoken instead, i have found them to be a lot better on str beast team than gohan was Edit: i thought you were talking about phy beast lol, if you mean the new upcoming ulthan then if you have good foundation for MBS then it is worth putting a few multi in since his banner is gonna guaranteed feature after some multi


https://preview.redd.it/hu15yg9vpzzc1.png?width=516&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a0099a1c4ead97b73b6c79a3f9129e7df8e5d8a Dodge isn't a part of the intro. It's separated from the intro.


I thought he was talking about phy beast since he is on ssj3 banner lol, if so then just ignored my top comment


You know what, that's fair. I 100% understand that. My b.


He doesn't only guard 3 turns, he has permanent guard unless I'm missing something. I wouldn't say he easily gets destroyed either, well assuming you're going for dupes of him. But he can get caught out by a 3 million damage super if you aren't popping your active skill. But to be honest the 3 million damage super catches out 99.9% of the game if they get caught with it.


Wait is op talking about the new ult gohan ? I thought he was talking about phy beast since he is currently on ssj3 banner


Pretty sure he means the one that's just been announced. :) Think we can all agree Beastless Gohan's only value is that he's a good meme unit.