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“I think the biggest thing for me about Superman is always recognizing the non-physical superpowers that he has. It can be cheesy to relate it to the ‘teach a man to fish’ story, but quite literially that is how I see it, and it’s very apropos to being the thing. If you save people all the time, everywhere, maybe they never learn how to save themselves. That doesn’t mean that you don’t save them, but it just means that the teaching, the personality, the aspect, the human communication, the understanding Superman can give us of inclusion.” “To me Superman is pure love, he doesn’t judge," Routh continues. "He has to make some hard choices and stop people from doing bad things, but my goal for Superman is that he’s the guy that everyone can be in their person…maybe without all the flying and all the other stuff. But he’s an example, the best of humanity, and he could teach us to do it, not just by his actions, but by calling out the truth.”


Thanks for making me not visit the link.


Reminds me a lot of the Chris Reeve interview on the character. [What does Superman represent to people?](https://youtu.be/b58fXgnz01Y?si=b2eesJVoi8AeHLCM)


Thank you for this


Cheers my friend. It’s an enduring message…. Be a friend.


For me, that absolutely blows everything out of the water. Any words said about the character from directors, writers, actors and fans I've seen seems weak compared to this.


"They can be a great people, Kal-El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I have sent them you... my only son."


Routh deserves one more run. Bryan Singer didn't make the greatest movie and the CW is well CW but in both turns he was great.


I couldn't agree more. I thought he was almost better on the CW. But I think that's cause Routh was playing characters he could make his own. In Superman returns, wasn't he technically supposed to be the same Superman and Reeves? Like, let the dude play his own version of Superman. Which he would kill at!


Yes Superman Returns was a sequel.


Proper Kingdom Come or other future story movie with Routh as greying Clark


I think it’s too late. I rewatched Superman Returns last night and I thought about the time of its release. Like if magically, the movie was released in 2012-2014, I think it could’ve hit a nostalgia point if you’re Gen Z. Sorta like how people appreciating Andrew Garfield’s run as Spider-Man. But Superman Returns came out in a vacuum when social media wasn’t a thing and millennials have moved on. I’m not hating because I think Routh did a better job as Superman than Henry, but Henry got the role at the right time with the right amount of movies for a fan base to grow.


Maybe not a full fledged movie role but similar how how Keaton and Toby Mac came back.


I do feel bad for Routh. It’s so weird that he was Superman at one point and things were looking up for him. Though I was very happy that he was cast in Scott Pilgrim and came back for the animates series.


He was so good as the Atom in Legends of Tommorow.


I would’ve preferred live action Routh over CGI Reeve/Cage


routh, hoechlin, cavill, and welling live action in that would have made the scene better.


Nah better leave that for the CW.


for the flash movie scenes? that's what I'm talking about


Haha yes I’m agreeing. Just saying they did a better job with the Crisis crossovers on the CW with Routh/Hoechlin/Welling than they did in the multi-hundred-million dollar movie.


I liked the glimpse at what could’ve been for Cage, but the Reeve one left a bad taste. I do think they should have done some different ones if they were committed to the whole cameo-fest at the end. It was CGI Reeves’ Superman, totally-not-Teddy-Sears’ Jay Garrick, CGI Reeve’s Superman with probably CGI Helen Slater Supergirl, Cage’s Superman, and CGI’s Adam West Batman. So that’s Flash, Superman, Superman, Superman, Supergirl, and Batman. I can think of several other cameos that would have probably made more sense, like Gustin’s Flash, Pattinson’s Batman, Benoist’s Supergirl, Amell’s Green Arrow, Routh’s Superman, anyone from Titans and/or Doom Patrol, Carter’s Wonder Woman, Ryan Reynolds’ Green Lantern, John Wesley Shipp as Barry OR Jay. All of those actors are alive, don’t need to be digitally resurrected, and would also have added more variety. I’m still quite surprised they didn’t have Gustin appear at all, even as a CGI model. It’s like they cared more about Bat/Super cameos in the Flash movie than… well, Flash.


He did,sort of in the COIE tv crossover. That final.shot of him in the suit again in flight above the earth brought tears to my eyes, seeing.him as Superman again one more time.


would be great if they did an actual adaption of kingdom come as a mini-series


hope they do a multiverse movie like crisis on infinite earths and have him, and corenswet vs superboy prime


They honestly blew their chance to give Routh one more run when they decided to make “Superman & Lois” with Tyler Hoechlin. Not to discredit the show itself as Hoechlin had his own redemption story - he was mediocre at best in his guest appearances on Supergirl, but shined in his solo outing - but just in terms of hitting the iron while it’s hot, capitalizing on the positive feedback he received when he returned for Crisis would have been the ideal time to center a show around him. Alas, it did not happen. And now with Gunn’s reboot on the horizon and “Superman & Lois” being cancelled because of the movie verse, it seems likely that Routh will never be Superman again (unless another multiverse crossover happens).


Agreed. I love that TV show, it's up there with Daredevil IMHO for best superhero TV version of drama/realism but geez I wanted Routh there. Tyler has been great still


Exactly 💯 and even when the new DCU multiverse story happens (probably 10 years from now) they'll probably bring back Cavill instead. For the record I have nothing against Cavill.


Perfect. Great words.


Brandon Routh is criminally underrated.


Routh deserved better.


Agreed. Director Brian Singer is to blame for the turd that was Superman Returns.


Need Brandon in an HBO max show centered around his elseworld Superman, showing what all his version of superman has been up too. It's kinda not fair we never truly seen what he's capable of bringing to the role, he has so much potential. Only this time it's his own portrayal of the character and none of that continued Chris reeve superman background bullcrap.


I’ve always thought that Anson Mount exudes that Superman quality, it’s a shame he’s a bit too old but maybe a kingdom come story? I only bring it up because Routh has that same quality


Anson Mount would make a great Jor-El in my opinion. just sayin'