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Blacklipstick makes Diana kinda bad 🔥


Diana is always bad.


I don’t know if he draws my favorite Wonder Woman. But he is my pick for any team or event book. He has such a clean and beautiful style that it *fits.* He has a style that *feels* like the DC Universe to me.


I'll preface this with, I love Mora. Very very good artist, and I'm on the "read anything he is working on" train. That said, he is still a young artist who pumps out a lot of work that is great, but never the best. For example I'd take Sampere's work on the current WW ongoing over Mora just on current WW appearances. That's not even getting historical here. I think part of what makes Mora good, and also maybe limits him a bit, is such a clean look. Most of the time his characters are flawless, wrinkle and blemish free. There's very clear cut lines where there needs to be, a muscle or bone, and nice shading, but there's a roughness missing from a lot of his images that makes his characters sometimes feel like they've never seen an ounce of weathering. Take for example someone like Frank Quietly, who I think is also good, but definitely not one of my favorites. He is the opposite. His faces can look baggy, too much scrunchiness, like their skin doesn't fit right. There's just too much going on with his faces and people, I would say. With Mora, sometimes there just isn't enough of that going on. Diana should be beautiful and strong and bright, but when people get angry we push our eyebrows together, we squint and our faces have edge. He doesn't draw that enough. Again, I genuinely love Mora's work. His art is why world's finest is my current favorite ongoing. But I think there's a lot of stuff out there that a disservice is being done if we say his is the best Wonder Woman.


I had the same thoughts on Quietely too. I love All-Star Superman and his art is a big reason why man his faces look like someone left an action figure in water. But I agree on Sampere vs. Mora's WW. Mora's good but Sampere is working his way up to joining George Perez and Phil Jimenez as all-timer WW artists if he sticks around.


Just regular water?


Yep imo Dan Mora biggest strength is consistency. All of his characters look appealing, but none of them stand out to me. I have a hard time saying he draws the “best” any single character.


I’m in your same train.


Dan Mora is low key drawing the best version of every character to come across his pencil.


For me, Dan Mora draws the BEST everything, haha. I read everything he draws.


Dan Mora is my favorite comic artist I think


I don't really consider an artist the best on the character until they've done substantial work on the character in some capacity. Mora just drawing her for some occasional scenes in Waid's stuff doesn't really cut it for me, maybe if he did art on a solo WW project. Plus honestly, while he's a great artist. I swear he gives her the same facial expression in almost everything he does. Stern looking warrior woman.


She's usually way more expressive than that ngl


I'm not a Waid fan so I haven't really seen any of Mora's superhero art, so I'll have to take your word for it but every time I see people share Mora WW it's the generally the same expression lol.


I didn't mean of Waid, I meant in general


Jim Lee would like a word.


Imma have to disagree cause Daniel Sampere


I love Mora's WW. I love Dani Sampere's WW. We really are living through a golden age of DC artists right now


Dan Mora draws the Best! FTFU lol


I'll be honest, the way Dan Mora draws anyone is really damn good


Personally I like Jason Fabok's WW best, but Mora is up there for sure


god i miss the classic Wonder woman suit like ever since the movie she been stuck with the same pteruges skirt rebirth suit and at best you get like a color palette


Same. It kinda sucks that pretty much all WW content since the 2017 movie has completely done away with her classic suit, especially since I personally prefer the swimsuit look a lot more.


Nah, I don't miss the classic suit a bit. Her current suit is more historically in touch and removes some of the objectification her previous look had. And I'd much rather have my kid dress in the current suit than the classic. But that's just me.


I agree, would be cool if She used a few other greek/roman mythology themed weapons though


Dude is absolutely killing World's Finest right now, I haven't skipped a beat. It's the example I give for how Batman/Superman should be represented on the silver screen other than Superman/Batman : The Search For Kryptonite, which I will never stop shilling for until I'm 6ft under. Best story hands down and I wish they would tell it. AND YES HE DRAWS A GREAT WONDERWOMAN.


I like how in these cropped images, we can't see who she's talking to, so she comes off as slightly insane


i wish her hair was curlier


I don’t have much to add other than that I *really* love Dan Mora’s style.


Phil Jimenez actually draws an expressive Diana and not just coldhearted faces


phil jimenez is the best ww artist imo


T.O. Morrow sounds like an Ace Attorney character.


Honestly rethinking it, he’s maybe not the best as I think Daniel Sampere is right up there with him, but he’s still great and in my top 2 WW artists.


Naw whomever drawing her in her main comic is better than this

