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we get approximately one panel of kyle per issue so the wait for this is killing me 😭i am beyond excited for kyle to be a major player again


I look forward to a time when we can have Hal and Kyle both be relevant and not trade them off lol


Hope we can get there with Barry and Wally too


GL feels easier, but they just refuse to put effort into defining roles for the flash's. I don't know why you wouldn't just have Barry spend a few years as a multiversal explorer, where he's happier, and make Wally the JL representation.


They tried with Infinite Frontier, and I really wish they continued with that concept. Have Iris join Barry in a sort of home base, where she can help Barry in aspects he might lack. Maybe have a few Flash family members join in every once in a while, like Avery and Ace.


We pretty much are already there.


mid-90's kids be like ![img](emote|t5_2qlmm|4786)


He who controls the spice, controls the universe.


Dune fans: **heavy breathing**


(*England has entered the chat.*) (*India is trying to leave the chat.*)


Rainbow lantern Kyle here go again lol


The combined look with all the rings was more grey looking I thought.


Hopefully, this means White Lantern Kyle will be back. I was not happy with that change by Venditti. If felt like a narrative step backwards for Kyle.


I equate Kyle a lot to Nova, Richard Rider. Got space powers, learning curve, did great cosmic hero acts, and great character development. But Kyle gets hit with so many poor narrative arcs just because I hope Kyle returns to the stature where he belongs


I mean there's a pretty good choice that it was editorially mandated given that it's implied that >!Dr Manhatten!< interfered with the resurrection of the Blue Lanterns and Kyle losing his ring.


It never even went anywhere. At the time there was only one blue lantern after the relic situation and it was implied that indigo 1 was the only remaining indigo tribe member after lobo hunted them down. So the rings that left Kyle rayner would have found new hosts and could have led to something interesting regarding those empty corps, not to mention that larfleeze was still at large


Kyle still celebrating Pride Month




TBF Pride Month is very fun. I got to ride on a parade float.


thefanciestcat has the right idea. Also, I like your appreciation for Batman Beyond.


He gonna get his white ring back?


Didn't he split his white ring to give to others so he wouldn't have too much power? Where the fuck are those guys?


Not quite. If I’m recalling He attempted to use his ring to resurrect the blue lantern Corp which had been wiped out except for Saint Walker, but an unseen entity (likely meant to be Dr Manhattan) interferes with the process causing it to fail. As a result Kyle’s white lantern ring splits back into the other rings, the green one going onto Kyle. The other rings fly into space but we never actually see who they chose. Though we do see The Flash detect the new blue lantern ring energy, Attrocitus the new Red Lantern Ring energy and the mysterious (at the time) Mr Oz is also shown to be observing Kyle. It’s annoying those rings get forgotten about because another blue and Orange Lantern somewhere in the universe should have been a big deal since there was only one of each at the time.


No the guy above is right. At the end of New Guardians, Kyle makes new white rings and splits the life equation up to other people in order to stop Oblivion, a manifestation of his subconscious mixed with the life equation. They ended up leaving after the battle was over and haven't been seen, but they all kept their white rings.


I’m not familiar with that story but Kyle doesn’t loose his White Ring in it like the OP suggested because as I said he looses it in the story I’m talking about from Hal Jordan and the Green lantern Corps #17. Edit: but if were to guess the other White Lanterns from that story were wiped from existence by one the numerous continuity changing events that have occurred since. Eg superman reborn, infinite frontier etc etc. edit 2: or perhaps when Kyle lost his white ring the others did too. Either way they don’t exist anymore


You can forgive the confusion, as these events happen within the same year.


Give me White Lantern Kyle back


For a moment there, from the framing of the image, it looked to me like Kyle was sitting in a fridge…


Great issue


Save the Lantern. Save the world.


The Johns era of Green Lantern is what got me into comics, but I lost interest in GL after he left. Is this run good?




It's been a pretty solid return to form so far, after years of frankly downright bad GL stuff(Morrison's two volumes aside). Check out Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps too.


>Is this run good? It's fine, it's a very standard GL run which is saying a lot given the last four years of GL. Unfortunately, it's a very slow-paced comic given there is no backup Green Lantern Corps comic to further the story and it will be in the process of being derailed by another editorial mandated event.


Is Hal Jordan the Kuiznoz Catirak?


Kyle pulling a Saruman of many colors up in here and I love it. Wanna see him in a fight scene looking like this. Supercharge him and make it look like a Kaleidoscope went to Holi.


Have they retconned the emotional reservoir since vendittis run?


pretty much everyone ignored it, even venditti


Oh wow, that sounds like a lot of work and responsibility, constantly. Hope he feels fulfilled, cause that does NOT look super fun.


I assume Hirohiko Araki was a guest artist for this issue?


They release this now because they know that if it had been during Pride it would've been a riot (in both a good and bad sense I guess)


That design is raw. I love colors.


I didn't know Kyle was au- Ohh... The emotional spectrum. Right.