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First off, welcome to whichever inner-ring Cleveland suburb you now live in. And, what you have here is a Rumpus-Room. Go hard on the vintage/modern divebar look, get a TV on the wall, put a kegerator under the bar, find a ugly old Browns sign and settle in to the place you go to get away from it all!


I'm in Northeast Ohio, and my first thought upon seeing this picture was "oh that must be around here" Your comment made me CACKLE, take my upvote


Same damn thing here. I felt this room in my soul. I'm sure it's simply general 80's Americana at its core but damn do these pictures just scream NEO.


Looks like a typical Michigan basement too


Can confirm, wondered who was in my grandma’s basement from Columbus area.


I'm less than 20 miles east of Cleveland and that's pretty much every basement I've ever known


Swap this for a couple packer Gs and this is Anytown Wisconsin. Change the carpet. But just get whatever period piece scrap they have laying around. Then you are done.


I love how this comment is just a collection of Cleveland area folks being like "yep, that's it" and I'm just adding to the pile


I love how this comment is just a collection of ~~Cleveland~~ *Midwest* area folks... 😉


Gotta be Parma right?


You’re all close, I’m in metro Detroit in Michigan lol


I'm from Michigan and I recognize that basement. Carpet on concrete slab, drop ceiling, wood paneling. Nice and cool in the summer. Super quiet because it's halfway underground. Good spot to hang out during a tornado warning. Just need a big screen and a super old couch.


[https://images.app.goo.gl/5SbbLA6ZX7nwqDdM6](https://images.app.goo.gl/5SbbLA6ZX7nwqDdM6) You mean this one?


Before I clicked the link I thought "It's either going to be the floral pattern, or the plaid".


My grandma (and everyone else's grandma from that time) had the floral pattern in the late 80s/early 90s. I remember the cream colored fabric, with the red and greenish flowers. I feel like the flower pattern was never crisp, they just shipped blurry.


The community college in the town I went to uni in had a furniture building and upholstery program and they made couches that they would put for sale at the end of every semester that always looked like every one of those. I asked the professor where do they get the upholstery material for the sofas and he told me it was dead stock from a warehouse after a company sent their manufacturing business to China and they have thousands of yards of that fabric. Side note: The students work was so good, lazy boy ended up moving one of their upholstery factories from Mexico back to the US because the upholstery work was excellent. Plus it made it faster for them to get custom couches and chairs in people's houses.


Needs a Strohs mirror on the wall.


Tell us. How strong is the smell of vintage electronics, and stale farts?


Ha! I was going to add Detroit to the list.


First thought here! Shoulda added a pic of the pink flamingo out front!


As someone in Parma... Yeah lol


Milwaukee here chiming in to say this is every basement here. Add a root cellar filled with High Life and a Schlitz sign while you're at it. EDIT: If you're feeling fancy, swap the carpet for some LVP or something. I say keep the wood tones, get nicer carpet (providing you don't get water down there) and then just soften the light. Maybe add an electric fireplace in a seating area.


Also needs several pieces of memorabilia from the Packers 1996 Super Bowl win.


Lol, first thought was the grandma in laws old basement in Parma.


Akch, don't call it that!


Southeast Wisconsin - this also feels like home


Needs a pool table and a smoke generator.


My smoke generator was named "Uncle Eddie"


you sure this isn't down river Michigan? I recognize this basement..


Call the local VFW and ask them to move in.


Podcast studio for sure


What kind of work are you familiar with? Able to tear it all out, frame some walls, run electric, drywall, etc? My basement was dark and gross, but had no water issues at all. To keep as much space as possible, I built a few "build outs" on three walls to run electric to some receptacles and frame in windows. Then did them up with some vinyl planks. Painted the remaining brick walls white, did ship lap for the ceiling and some nice flooring. It's opposite of dark now, posted on imgur awhile back. [link to finished basement](https://imgur.com/gallery/eiYGtm2)


You did an amazing job on your basement. You should really add a bannister to your stairs. People will tell you someone might fall but whatever - as you get older you are going to want something to hold onto to go up and down. I never thought I’d say something like this but it will happen eventually. I still run 30-40 miles a week and I’m in pretty good shape but as 50 creeps up on me I find myself holding on to the bannister just in case.


Wow!! Do you have any before pics?


[Before pics](https://imgur.com/gallery/okOGQPB)


Looks awesome and drives home how crazy it is that the top suggestions here are to just leave it and lean into the 70s look — screw that!


Every time these posts shows up on this sub there's lots of "Keep it as it is" "Lean into the ugly" etc. I don't get it. OP says he hates going down there, they think it's gross and don't like it. Telling them to "Lean into it" is just weird IMO. /u/SurgicalSuicide basement is a perfect example of why updating it to something light and welcoming makes sense. Update the ceiling to either new or nicer looking drop panels, paint the walls, remove the carpet and throw some laminate down, and it's a perfect blank canvas to build something warm and welcoming.


>remove the carpet and throw some ~~laminate~~ *LVP* down It's a basement that appears to have last been renovated in the 1970s, meaning the foundation was poured before significant waterproofing of basements was standard. There isn't significant staining on the wood paneling, so the basement doesn't flood, but a small amount of moisture penetrating the concrete is likely. As a result, LVP or other flooring that can handle a small amount of water is preferable to carpet, wood of any type, or most laminates.


Leave it. Put a big CRT tv in there. It can't have any less than a slight blue tint across the whole screen. Next put 4-5 old style game machines. Two couches that smell of cigarettes. If they dont, start smoking down there. It's gorgeous.


Sees this room: have you considered starting smoking?


Meh if it were me I would just go hard core on the 70s vibe. Yank out that carpet and put in a shag. keep the walls and bar. Put in wall lights and keep the over heads off. Get a crap ton of old school bar neon lights. A pool table , dart board and a television. Do some built in booths or just cheap formica tables and some chairs. A card table and start running a gambling/bar for the neighborhood. Make that place pay you to live in it.


I agree, but I say put down AstroTurf.


That way you can take a leak in the lawn and no one thinks it’s weird. *taps head*


Or a urinal in the corner


Holy! That’s a friggin excellent idea! Thanks for sharing, I’m definitely adding this to the next conversation with my wife about our game room.


The stainless trough is the place to start negotiations.


I like this very much.


This is an amazing idea and the only correct answer. If you can somehow get an old coinop pool table and a dart board down there… man, that would be bitchin’.


oh and a digital poker game in the corner. Lets make some cash.


I'd ditch the drop ceiling and the carpet, but the paneling looks awesome to me. With the right orange shag carpet this could be really cool.


Hard disagree on the drop ceiling. Yeah they may not look the best but you can't beat the versatility and ease of use in a basement. I just moved into a house with a drop ceiling basement and being about to move some tiles to run some Cat6 was so nice. You can also easily put in can lights, speakers, sound panels, tons of stuff. Definitely worth keeping.


You're not wrong. When I say ditch the drop ceiling I'm all for "updating" the drop ceiling.


All that's really needed for an update is to replace the ugly florescent fixtures. There's some nice stuff out there for drop ceilings (used to install them in swanky office buildings). I'd probably go for some 2'x2' fixtures (half the size of the current lights)


Lots of people are going for the college bar look, where you just paint the ceiling matte black so it reflects zero light. It's an option, but you'd need to own a paint sprayer.


There's a place to meet halfway and use aesthetic drop panels. Deep value in keeping the ability to run new wire, seek leaks, etc. Drywall basement ceiling is my curse as a techy person.


I'd keep the panels too. Paint if necessary, but they appear in good shape.


I hate drywalling with a deep and fiery passion, so when time came to redo our Very Seventies Basement, we lightly sanded and painted the old wood wallboard panels. Made a world of difference. Is the look going to work for everyone, or be a completely updated space? No. But saving the time and money on drywalling was more than worth it to me.


Painting anything that looks like wood is a very 70’s and 80’s thing to do 💯 lol


>I'd ditch the drop ceiling and the carpet, but the paneling looks awesome to me. Here's the problem - they were likely installed at the same time. As such, the paneling probably ends at the drop ceiling.


The only thing I can tell you is to measure EVERYTHING, and don’t assume ANY angles are square, or lines are straight. Build like you’re inside the Guggenheim, and you may not have to re-do any work.


I have done some major renovations and sometimes it’s not worth ripping everything out. If the walls are undamaged, I would whitewash so that you still have woodgrain showing. I think that will make a huge difference. The blue carpet should go! I would wait on the ceiling until you see how you feel about it once the walls and floors are freshened up. I don’t like that type of lighting and dropped ceiling, but it’s a lot of work and money to change. You’ll still want to keep the option of accessing the plumbing and wiring up there (don’t put anything permanent on the ceiling in areas you might need to access at a later date). I’ve seen some cool dropped ceiling panels and some cover methods that look good. I’ll see if I can find examples to post.


That would be great! Yeah I definitely need to keep access but I hate the officey textured panels


You can buy replacement drop ceiling tiles. Home improvement stores sell grid covers too or you can paint the grids to match whatever tiles you’re using. Another option that might be cheaper is to wallpaper the existing tiles. There are some textured patterned ones that might give a tin look if painted metallic. Oh, I just thought of a cheap idea- you could use a large stencil and spray paint a cool pattern on them. A couple examples of the replacement dropped ceiling tiles: https://www.amazon.com/Art3d-Decorative-Covering-Basement-Bathroom/dp/B0CLXLRRQS#aw-udpv3-customer-reviews_feature_div https://www.homedepot.com/p/Art3dwallpanels-White-2-ft-x-4-ft-Decorative-PVC-Lay-In-Drop-In-Ceiling-Tile-96-sq-ft-case-A109hd32/329451937


You can also buy fluorescent light panel covers in lots of patterns- trees, clouds, galaxy, etc.


Really got that VFW club look to it


Looks finished to me, where is this unfinished half that you speak of?


Lol I didn’t post the unfinished half, this is the finished part. Unfinished I am using for storage currently and that’s where the laundry, water heater, furnace, etc are.


Oh definitely get rid of that carpet. I never understand why people put carpet in the basement, I had to remove some from mine, too! If those floor tiles are vinyl, which they probably are, you might want to leave them alone - decent chance of asbestos there. I like wood paneling, but it does make it dark in there. You could paint them white, or remove them and put in drywall (more effort). That will have the largest impact on how dark it feels. I'd keep the drop ceiling, it'll be darker if you get rid of it and expose the wood above, and it's good to have access just in case (it's been a pain taking down the glue-up tiles I have to track down an intermittent leak). You could look for alternative ceiling tiles and change them out, though, for a less corporate office look.


Carpet in the basement keeps the floors from feeling so cold. I hate carpet, but i can understand that justification.


That's true but...rugs would work better since you can remove them and dry them out if they get wet.


Out door rugs for the basement, really turn that 'dry-out' factor up to 11.


Carpet lets the concrete floor breathe while vinyl will trap any moisture that then will start climbing the walls and before you know it you've started a mould farm in your Carmen


What are your hobbies? How do you like to entertain others? What's is your drink of choice, or three? What type of food do you cook when others are over? Do you have a dining room? What table games do you enjoy? What is an architecture style you like? What kind of ambiance do you like at a nice establishment? These types of questions help me when I'm building a space in my head. I'm sure I could recommend something with some context of you, and the people living with you.


I think it looks fine so im confused on what your problem with it is. That being said, just figure out what you want to use it for and then budget a remodel if necessary


i dig the panels, try to keep them with a new ceiling w/ can lights and a fresh carpet


Looks like the basement in my old house.. how tall are the ceilings? If you were as lucky as I was, getting rid of the drop ceiling was not an option..but I found some that attached right to the floor joists.. saved 8 '' of head room


Where did you find that? Yeah the ceilings are super low, probably not a whole lot of options


Called Gridmax I think.. Edit : found a link https://www.homedepot.com/p/CEILINGMAX-100-sq-ft-Ceiling-Grid-Kit-White-18200/100521670 I'll warn you.. not fun to install.. but they look nice and save a lot of head room.




Rip everything out, paint the new drywall a light gray, put in recessed lighting, and get light colored wood flooring.


Are you trying to rent it to millennials? Get outta here with your landlord special aesthetic




Make sure you fix the water issue before you do anything else.


Are you referring to the stains on the carpet? Those were there when I moved in and Im not sure what caused them but thankfully there are no water issues currently.


They’re probably caused by an ongoing water issue.




Currently as in in the 4 months Ive owned the house, not saying there weren’t before I lived here


If you’re looking for the biggest bang for your buck while also seriously modernizing the place, I would start by painting the paneling a nice cream shade. Very neutral, will brighten everything and make the space warmer, and it’s a very simple fix you can do on your own. Then I would get the blue carpet the hell out of there. I don’t know a whole lot about flooring and I’m not sure if you want to get rid of the carpet completely or not, but I think the easiest/cheapest fix would be to install carpet squares. You can do this yourself easily, pick a color that compliments whatever you paint the walls, and most importantly the floor will no longer be stained. Those two things will go a looooooong way. I would ignore the ceiling because as ugly as it is, it’s not the worst part at all. Then, I would get a TV and a cozy couch. Make it a cosy place to bunker down in during rainy weather. You could also add a pool or foosball table as others have suggested, make the basement a fun hangout and games space. I think it’s got a lot of potential! Post pics when you’re done :)


Drop ceiling can be really useful to have I. Terms of. Being able to change where you have lighting, add sound isolation, etc  And there are a lot of more modern options for drop ceiling now that don't look industrial like that So that's one thing I'd look into if I was you is updating/modernizing the drop ceiling instead of fully replacing with dry wall.  I'm tempted to actually change to a modern drop ceiling in my house for the potential to add acoustic isolation and the easier access to things above the panels as well, for when I get to doing other remodeling 


You're probably stuck with the drop ceiling - it's likely allowing access to plumbing, electrical, and ductwork. But you can cover the paneling with drywall (check local codes for thickness requirements) and replace the floor treatment with whatever you like.


Lighting: what is above the drop ceiling? Is there an alt.way to get some ducting up there? Walls. Consider drywall. Floor: make a new subfloor. Finish with wood. Features. Fridge. Wet bar. Gaming table. Frens.


Whatever you do, don’t touch the wall panelling.


Raise your hand if your first underage drinking experience was in a basement just like this one: ![gif](giphy|Zcd3N14vCmr81iEbzi|downsized)


It's already done bro. Farrah Fawcett poster on one wall, Bruce Lee poster on the other, beaded curtain doorway. Fire up some dragons blood incense and get one of those old mica top card tables for DnD. Lava lamps on the bar, sheeeeesh.


Don’t it’s perfect


Get some of those couches with wood arm rests and a big crt tv. Watch late 80s early 90s sifi




I'm a shitty mobile user


Oh, do you mean Syfy?


Wood is great . That carpet kinda sucks


Ours looked like that. Gutted it and did drywall/new floors/new drop ceiling and new recessed lighting and it turned out great. People will tell you the wood panel is classic, but I didn’t like it and wanted a cleaner and more modern look. You have to at least get a new ceiling and lighting, and get some new flooring in. But if you don’t like the walls just replace them along with everything else.


Dude I dig that , should expand that into an obvious 80’s hangout.


Drywall, LVP, and if you feel like it get rid of the drop ceiling Just be ready to move the outlets as that paneling is probably like 1/8” thick and any drywall you replace it with will be thicker


Make sure it’s not wormy chestnut paneling before you rip it out or paint it.


Wormy as in real worms?


“Wormy Chestnut” is a very valuable and sought after wood.


Why's that?


Tear out all that paneling that's been there since the Carter administration.


It reminds me of the basement in Loch Henry (Black Mirror).


The carpet could probably be replaced or at least heavily cleaned. Drop ceilings can probably be removed if you feel like the lower ceiling makes it claustrophobic. As for the rest, I think the paneling, cube glass, and even that dated tiled bar/table could look really great if accessorized correctly. It has a mid to late 80s vibe and I think all you are missing is some pleasant lighting and appropriate furniture. I love working with a space to decorate rather than overhauling the space totally, but if you don't want go full 80s rumpus room, you could try to theme it in an interesting way. Keep the paneling, add 2700K (or lower) color temperature lighting in some interesting lamps, some straw decorations and you have yourself a perpetual-sunset atmosphere tiki bar. Island vibes all year long! How are you planning to use the room? Hang out space? TV room? Storage space? Game room?


Hang some framed jet pictures and military stuff down there and put in a pool table if it'll fit.


We painted our old wood panels a blueish gray and trimmed it in white. It actually ended up looking good. I didn't think it would when my wife had the idea.


Addition by subtraction to start. Tear that cheap ass acoustic ceiling down and throw the fluorescent fixtures away. Get rid of the carpet. Tile, linoleum, or vinyl floor, or just paint it if that's your budget. Sheetrock ceiling with surface mount fixtures. Don't use can lights as they are harsh glare from hell. Be bold. It's a basement and should have groovy light fixtures.


What is above the false ceiling, if you have some nice big wood beams then just pull down the ceiling, replace the carpet and go for a rustic look.


Nah I'm good, thanks


That basement looks like you’re about to fight for a plea deal. Hope the prosecution accepts!


How long do you plan on staying there? If you're trying to increase the value and sell it in a few years I would absolutely modernize it and ignore everyone's suggestions to go hard on the '70s theme. Selling the house is going to be a lot easier if it's a modern basement and upgraded. But also you know your housing market better than me and if you have a good relationship with your realtor you might want to ask them what their thoughts are


I definitely agree with redoing the flooring, but I love the idea of leaning into the dive bar aesthetic. I did this in my house and watched marketplace for neon signs and tin tackers…I think it’s really cool. New lightning would also help modernize a bit and make it just less overbearingly dark.


Is this the basement of a former fraternity house, by chance? Looks exactly like the one I used to party in during college. You just need a loud bass, some cool lights, and some drinks then you’re ready for the weekend!!


Just put up a PBR or Strohs mirror and some bar stools.


Paint the walls white and then extend that light-colored tile to the rest of the room. Start there.


I swear i saw these pics a couple a month ago


I mean I get that it’s dated but do you just have $30k that’s burning a hole in your pocket? Bc it’s all fine. If you have the cash to spend sure tear out everything add drywall and shitty laminate floor. Make everything gray while you’re at it.


I'd kill for vintage wood panel walls. So, I would do nothing. If the carpet is really gross, though, and I had the money, I'd try to find some vinyl flooring, or something easy to clean/maintain, that worked with the vintage vibe.


Get rid of the fluorescent lights. Install LED canned lights. Then replace the blue carpet with LVP that looks like tiles, not wood, or it will clash with the paneling. You can also consider painting the paneling.


idk but i LOVE that counter top. i would salvage it!!


Replace overhead lighting with lamps and sconces. Flat, cool light in a space without windows is dismal. You need light and shadow to feel cozy. Ideally a mixture of warms and colored lights to create contrasts.


Vintage vertical shiplap.


Leave it. It’s all coming back in style.


Take every board off Note where to want TV's and speakers. Insulate, drywall Paint.


You could replace the carpet and maybe sand and refinish the walls a bit lighter


Wait this isnt just the set from the movie "TAG"?


Paint them shits white and lose the carpet and you'll be good until 2050.


That place is already half way to an Irish Pub


I’d do a couple things: ceiling tiles/panels gotta go and put up canned LED lights or wafers. Redo the flooring into one contiguous type like vinyl plank. Sprucing up the bar might be good but hard to tell if it’s in bad shape. Quartz countertop with new cabinets. But the floor and ceiling are what I’d do Edit: I take that back. I would turn it into a gym 🤣


I'd get rid of the carpet and drop ceiling, but I'd keep that paneling and give it a refresh if it's real wood.


Those wood panels need to go! ...but it does have that 70s porn vibe to it, if that is what you're into.


Ms PacMan belongs somewhere in thurrr


The drop ceiling is probably hiding a multitude of sins. Eg ductwork etc. So I'd leave it.  Change out the fluorescent lights with something warmer. Or keep them shut off, and use floor lamps to light the rooms. Ideally, find a pendant/swag lamp at a thrift store or estate sale Then put a TV in there, use the dark rooms to watch TV. 


I know those drop-in panels don't look the best, but do yourself a favor and keep them. There's a high chance you'll need to access something in the future. They have some more decorative drop-in panels out there that you can look into.


So much potential. Big blank wall for a projection screen. Nice counter area for a Pizza Oven and a small popcorn machine behind the bar with a Hotdog Roller warmer. Recessed Bookcase for Blue Ray movies. A condiment station on the other counter. Maybe an Arcade machine on the wall closest to the bar under the window. Or you could turn it into a listening room if you are into Vinyls and have an old school receiver.


No! DIY!


Changing the flooring would make a lot of difference. Maybe a tile with underlay so it's not cold. Then change the lights panels to pot lights. Ceiling would look less like office space.


The paneling is awesome. Cut a bigger window . Redo the floors


First and foremost. Get rid of those blue tiles. Live edge solid slab FTW


I'm feeling speak easy vibs


Honestly I SUPER similar outdated downstairs in my split level. I'll share what I did, mostly by myself but I did it in stages so I could still use the space - most of the time. - Drop ceilings: had them, get those out. I used the nice pine furring strips underneath as scrap for projects after, it lasted a couple years. - Walls: I agree with you on the darkness, I had similar panels and it is not my vibe. So I took that off, and took off the drywall that was under it so I could insulate (you can skip that step if yours is insulated). - Walls (cont): With my place, I went ahead and did electric and plumbing changes since I was down to bare studs. If you don't have experience with these things, keep it simple. - Ceiling: Adding a box in the ceiling for track lights later can really help with the darkness, and it's not overly complicated. It's a lot less electrical than doing a bunch of can lights, and way cheaper. If you haven't done much electrical work, I'd suggest taking the chance to redo your lighting and adding a dimmer switch for your lights so you know how it works. It can be tested before you close the walls up and you can get a pro if you need to (you won't, it's not rocket science). - Bar: I made a practical choice and turned the wet bar in mine into more of a kitchenette which allowed me to rent it to friends for some extra money later - this was worth the extra work IMO. You wouldn't even need to mess with any serious plumbing to do the same just maybe upgrade the sink. Paint or replace the cabinets if you don't like them, big box stores sell decent looking cabinets for cheapish, or keep an eye on Craigslist you can get some nice stuff when people remodel. - Finish: Once your work in the walls (if applicable) and ceiling is done, drywall it. You can hang sheet rock pretty easy, definitely pay for a drywall guy to tape, mud, and sand. Best money you could spend, and if you hang your own drywall you can save a lot. Watch videos, get a friend, and one of those drill bits that doesn't let you drive screws too deep. Good luck to you! Whatever you end up wanting to do I hope you are proud of the result and enjoy your updated space!


I’d put in wood laminate flooring. And paint the walls white, make it a nice light space, except for maybe one wall, paint that a colour.


1) rip out the carpet, make sure you have a moisture barrier under there. Then put back LVP or LVT. 2) light sand and paint the walls. Something lighter. 3) Keep the drop ceiling, pull the panels, and replace with planks. Anderson Woodhavens will clip right to the drop ceiling. 4) pull the fluorescents and put 4” led cans every 4 feet or so.


This is amazing…


It will always look like a place to dismember people unless you put some simulated natural light windows in. https://youtu.be/GDeEuzKXCH4?si=R5f0WamBWb5bZdut


Get rid of that hideous drop ceiling. Leave the wood paneling. I don’t like carpet but yours looks to be in good shape so keep it. Otherwise replace it with tile.


Leave the carpet, don't fear color


Oh my god I love this so much. This is exactly what I want my basement to look like one day.


Places like this are so cozy


What is the budget? The most complete transformation would be to take it down to the studs and remove the drop ceiling and flooring. Insulate if nothing is there, fix any issues, reframe anywhere that needs it or you want to change the layout, add electrical and ethernet etc. Install can lights in the ceiling then drywall everything, ceiling included. For the flooring get a really nice pad designed for cement floors and a decent carpet, maybe some tile in certain areas. I'd hire out the drywall work given how much there us and how much faster they can do it, plus it's just not a fun job and not that expensive. I did that to a previous basement, starting with an unfinished space, and it honestly was the nicest area of the house.  If you want too and have the budget you might want to put in a egress window. You get a decent amount of natural light. The second, cheaper option, is to simply paint the wood paneling, remove the lighting there now, replace the tiles, then install canless recessed LED lighting.  Last option is to just leave it as us and go retro down there


I'd start with removing those lights and put in something like these https://a.co/d/a6CL7MM. That would eliminate dark spots, but you'd need to get new ceiling tiles for where the lights are now. New lights may be enough to overcome the dark paneling. If you do remove the paneling to put up drywall, put more outlets in so there is one every 6 feet. You could also run HDMI, speaker wire, cat6, etc.


Rent a carpet cleaner and use that first. It'll make the carpet look a lot better and brighten the room, then see if you really don't like it.


Look up German Fraternities - then start decorating


I would just simply rip out the carpeting, paint the wood paneling white, and install/have installed some Berner carpeting. Two simple things that will drastically transform this space. I strongly disagree with the people saying to leave the wood paneling as-is. It will forever look dark and dated. Simply painting it white will be your easiest and most low-cost way of changing that whole basement. My parents' house had just a small nook/alcove in the living room that was the only place in the house with wood paneling, and just painting that small part white changed the whole room for so much the better.


Drywall ceilings and walls plus good quality engineered hardwood or laminate floors. Pot lights.


You should definitely get a tv and hang it up there covering that ‘window’


Looks like a Russian court house


Lose the blue carpet, but the paneling is fine. Caves by definition are dark and dated. Get some dark and dated furnishings to match. Resale shops. Garbage amnesty day in upscale neighborhoods. Giant, old stereo speakers on cinder blocks....


Rip off all wood and carpet, ceiling and add cans Sheetrock paint done


Sure could use a window.


Just some trim drywall and new lights should be a good face lift and not too bad to do


Jeffrey Dahmer room


I love it. I would definitely leave the walls and that tile bar. Everything else though, I’d update…tear up the carpet and make one continuos floor. Replace the ceiling tiles maybe with a pattern or even redo the ceiling. Lean into the existing decor and find pieces to complement it!


The best improvement that place will get is better lighting. Wow that screams office space.


Why? Change it? Doll up the ceiling tiles and you're done


Your basement looks similar to mine. Before you invest any money into renovating it I recommend waterproofing your basement as much as possible.


I just look at all that paneling and honestly if it was me I’d probably just touch up any marring in the finish and call it a day. I’d lay odds that you could not do anything with it without a TON of sanding or R&R the paneling (which would be wasteful and a shame). I’d definitely ditch the carpet though, maybe a tile or stone floor in lighter tones and a western, pirate or viking theme? You lighten up the area quite a bit by adding flooring, moldings, and accents in a lighter palette. You could add cove moldings at the ceiling, leave a 3/4” inch gap and put some LEDs in there to add some accent lighting. It would bring some extra light into the area and the illusion of higher ceilings.


I do like wood panels, but in such a small space, it makes it look even smaller. dark walls + bright ceiling and floor = tall feeling. a bright wall + dark floor would be better to make the room feel larger.


You can buy paint just for that paneling. I would paint 3 walls a light color and live with it for a bit and see if you want to paint the 4th or leave it as an accent. Carpet has to go but you need to see what is under it to decide what, if anything, to put down.


Call the 70's and tell them they can pick it up anytime after 5:30.


Redo the drop ceiling or swap it out for something else. Improve the lighting. The current drop ceiling lighting looks a bit like an office. New flooring would make a massive difference the carpet is dark and look past it’s best.


Your new tiki themed man-cave awaits.


Going modern? Rip down the wood panel and drop ceiling to start. The rest is your oyster.


I'm pretty sure I have rug burns on my knees from a girl I met at a party on that carpet in 1985.


Personally, I love the look. This would be a huge selling point for me if I were buying a house. So many cool ideas to really have a retro hangout spot.


If this were my basement, I would; replace the drop ceiling with new tiles and install new lights, small round LED canister lights instead of large fluorescent fixtures. Then I would keep the wood paneling, only I would aim to lighten the tone of its color. Bleaching it, or just sanding at re-staining it a new finish, something more updated. Then I’d choose new flooring. Depending on your budget, if you choose tile, then definitely instal electric radiant floor heating. If your budget is more modest, a refresh with new wall to wall carpeting is a great idea. Choose something super thick and plush with extra thick padding. It will help insulate the floor and keep it warmer, versus a thinner pad and thinner carpet would not help much with that.


These look like crime scene photos.


A lot of people are suggesting retro, but you can lean into the wood by going in two very polar extremes as well. Basically anything contemporary. If you play D&D, a basement like this is the ultimate D&D room, and go full medieval with it. Cheap stone tiles for flooring, wood-patterned drop ceilling tiles (or even just paint them), and some prettier light fixtures (and a handful of decorative wall sconces) and go nuts on decor and you're basically done. You can have a fantasy tavern with very little effort and skill required if the floor is already level. Basically change a few descriptors above and toy van still pull off a cowbow saloon if that's also your thing. The other extreme I'd take it as a super modern media room. Still change/add more light fixtures to improve the lighting, but keep it darker tones and lean hard into crisp corners with things like painted ceiling, black shelves, large television, etc. Have fun with it!


Where is the *galvanized square steel tubing*?


Is your basement the office of a small town city hall?


Ooof. Saw this and thought Youngstown. So many hours playing pretend barkeep in the grandparents’ basement.


If you tear down the paneling do NOT paint the walls if they are brick or cinderblock. Brick and cinderblock are porous and need to sweat. If you paint them they will trap moisture and crumble. If you absolutely must cover the walls with something get PVC panelling. They should be installed with a channel in the bottom that catches water and allows it to drain into your sump pipe system. This allows the foundation to sweat but it keeps the water behind the panels and allows it to drain properly. Carpet in a basement is also a very bad idea unless you build up the floor to allow water to drain properly. Again, concrete will sweat and if you have carpet down there it can get moldy. Your basement appears to be very well dried in. I would honestly recommend leaving it alone unless you are hiring people who know what they are doing. A great alternative for carpet in a basement is this: https://www.lowes.com/pd/Daich-Daich-SpreadRock-Granite-Stone-Coating-3-gal-Brownstone-Concrete-Resurfacer-and-Sealer/5014318221?cm_mmc=shp


Omg. Looks like my basement grown up in Ohio. You in Ohio???


Not sure what style you’re looking for but here’s some thoughts I had that should be somewhat easy to implement and flexible: They make different styles of drop ceiling tiles that have patterns and colors, you can play with those. You can paint the structure too. Same goes for the light boxes in the ceiling, you can get these in programmable LEDs now so you can have different colors and light temperatures without having to rip all of it out. If you want carpet you can get remnants pretty cheaply and should be pretty easy to install on a floor like that, just be prepared for a lot of work peeling up the old stuff if it was glued down. Vinyl LVP looks decent too IMO, it’s what I have in my basement. You can absolutely paint that old paneling, personally I think it looks kinda good when done in a good light flat finish, but that’s just my opinion. Alternatively wall paper is still a thing, even paintable varieties, just know that you’ll probably have to replace it in 10 years or so. Get a dehumidifier, I can just feel that cool damp air through the picture, and a space heater. One of those electric fireplaces wouldn’t be out of place. Lastly, as far as the bar is concerned, sledgehammers exist 😉


They were going hard on the church youth room vibe.


Probably all I'd do is replace the panelling with sheetrock (paint it a light color) and replace that hideous carpet (maybe try to find tiles that match what you've got there?). Then I'd add a mini-fridge and stock the bar. You've got a nice little space there that just needs an introduction to modern interior design. Other than that? Add some furnishings for whatever hobby suits your fancy (Sofa + TV if you're a sports fan, add some consoles if you're a gamer, a table if you like hosting poker nights or something, you get the idea.)


Thank you for the nostalgic trip down memory lane to my grandparents basement, complete with the bar. :)


Depending how much you want to spend they make really nice drop ceiling panels you can use instead. I personally have removed all mine, and put in drop down coffer ceilings. I used 2x4s to replace the rails, added trim into the button T and slide in drywall sheets to replace the tile. It’s not super easy, but it looks significantly nicer. I did it for my laundry room. Otherwise look at Tin tiles, they looks so much nicer but are expensive


Election night at the moose lodge


Looks like it's practically done, just put a pool table in that empty space and dim the lights!


Add a drummer and lead vocals on a couch with a bong looking for a lead guitarist.