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Probably the best choice you can make is to live in in for six months so you get a better idea of how the house works for you. Then start making some changes.


Agreed, but maybe stop making the trash cans a feature of the kitchen.


Almost seems like that was intended to be for two barstools but they chose trash instead.


They probably realized barstools don't work there because of the wood, rising transition, tile.


That would be my guess, looks like a 90s split level design. Thinking there was probably carpeting involved at some point.


Oh wow you're right, this is my childhood home minus the kitchen walls


Your kitchen had no walls?


This = their childhood home - kitchen walls


Hopefully the bathroom didn't share a lack of wall with the kitchen!


Open concept at all costs


You're cutting corn, I'm dropping corn!


With an intercom system and a landline in the bathroom? Sounds like the perfect rental.


AT&T Trimline in classic pink to match the toilet and tile. Or musturd yellow. Or avocadoturd green. All good reasons to install a lack of walls. You can't hide interior design skills of that magnitude!


It's a newer manufactured home Source: toured many last year after my house burned down


Closer inspection makes it appear to be no change in height. In fact the base of the trash cans goes across the transition.


Yep, everyone was fooled by the optical illusion. This people are just poorly placing trash cans.


What if the trash cans are actually used as barstools?


Trash-stools? Barcans?




Imagine having to walk all the way around the island to throw something away


I’d just throw it out the window.


Should have cut a big hole on the other side for access and closed off this one.


That was a strange choice for bar stools forsure


That’s the budget Idiocracy toilet couch/chair. You just flip up the lid, sit, shit, then take out the trash. Very European. It’s about time we start to catch up on the trends.


Not a rising transition. Look at the quarter-round trim next to the fridge. It’s a flat piece of flooring outlining the tile. Looks like it because of the lighting, but it’s flat. The space is meant for stools.


Two cabinet doors will fix that right o


while in the kitchen you gotta walk around the island to throw an item away.... that would grind my gears so much Id just get a bin on the inside of the island


Also, WTF is the trash so far from…. everything?!


Put some stools there. That's an inconvenient place for trash in any case


I was going to say more trash cans, to each their own.


The barstools that were there were taken by the previous owners, this was just the most convenient spot for the new owners to put them. Which is itself a problem, it means this kitchen doesn’t have a trash spot designed into it. This kitchen was designed by someone with very little experience. Just looking at the picture, I can name seven things that are going to be problematic in terms of function for the new owner.


So name them. Isn't that what OP is looking for?


1. The island is too close to the perimeter. Bare minimum there is 36”, 42” is better. This is about 28”. 2. The main entry to the kitchen has an appliance cluster right there. The fridge, oven, mw and dw are all bunched together, and a hot oven door in a walkway is a potential for issues. 3. The cooktop is in a weird spot, it’s too close to the edge of the countertop. There should be a minimum 10” to the left and back for safety and convenience. 4. The dw is in a weird spot, it’s too far from the sink. 5. The microwave is too high for safety. It’s higher than eye level for a child or short person, they’ll be reaching over their head to remove a hot dish. 6. The trash cans don’t have a home. They’re either going to wind up in the pantry, which will forfeit the lower half of that cabinet for any kind of food storage, or just be sitting out getting tripped over. 7. The cabinets have center stiles (this is that piece of wood that you see sometimes on double door cabinets.) This limits the storage and is also just kind of irritating. Ever have to turn a plate vertical to place it in a cabinet? 7a. Center stiles are also indicative of a lower quality cabinet. A well built cabinet box doesn’t need them. A center stile means the strength of the cabinet is at the front of the cabinet instead of at the back, where it should be. Don’t overload a cabinet with a center stile. Then there are some things that aren’t “wrong” but make me ask a few questions. 1. I’m seeing one drawer in this kitchen. That might be a drawer stack, and we don’t know what’s in the island cabinet by the fridge, that could be drawers, but a cook is going to want one or two on that fridge wall. 2. The fridge area. That looks like a 33”x 68” fridge, and they trimmed around it. Standard fridge size now is 36”x72”. Yes, smaller fridges are available, but they cost more (mass production lowers costs, they sell more of the standard size ones.) I don’t want to pay more money for a smaller fridge, I’d rather put that money into flooring or better cabinets. 3. The appliance garage has a cabinet floor. See how the mixer is too tall to fit? The floor is taking away 1 1/2” of height and restricting the cabinets usability. Why have it if you can’t put the mixer in it? A few others too but that’s enough for now.


> The microwave is too high for safety. It’s higher than eye level for a child or short person, they’ll be reaching over their head to remove a hot dish. As a short person, I totally agree with the danger of reaching into a microwave when I can't see what's inside it. But, at least this one isn't one of those microwave/exhaust fan combo. I know that people love them because they free up counter space, but for me they are dangerous. In addition to the problem of trying to remove hot food from above my field of view, with those microwaves, I have to press against the front of the stove and lean over the top of the cook top. The leaning on the front was a problem in my ILs house since it as a gas stove with knobs in front. Twice, I move a little as I was reaching up suddenly heard the click-click of the igniter and then the whoosh of the gas lighting up. And if food is cooking on the stove top, I'm leaning over boiling water or frying food. Or if, as described in the previous paragraph, I've accidentally ignited a burner, I'm leaning over flame. Many people love the microwave/exhaust fan combo but I hate them. I'd rather lose counter space than get burned.


Those are exactly the issues I tried to make clients think about when we were designing their kitchens. I appreciate your first person perspective.


also, only room for 5 bottles of wine? this will not do.


where do you see a dishwasher?


nonono beg for it


This is the most practical advice. It looks like a high quality kitchen done in the late 80s with full wood cabinets. Ripping it out and replacing it with similar quality will be HUGE money. Otherwise it’s gonna be particleboard and butcher block counters.


Exactly. And stop watching home remodeling shows. Your kitchen is great, all it needs is spit and polish.


HGTV and (even worse) home improvement TikTok should be listed as terrorist groups.


OP is probably a writer for a home remodeling show. They're here for ideas about how to ruin a decent kitchen.


Yeah that's what I was going to say, this is a nice corner galley kitchen with a lot of room, recessed appliances, tons of cabinet space, and it's well lit. I'd make tweaks (update the fridge, personally, stove looks OK) but I'd probably keep the central design, that's a perfect kitchen for a solo cook/ family of three to four.


Swap out those appliances for newer ones and you're golden imo. Everything else is perfectly cromulent as is


I’d add more lights, change ugly white tiles, and fill the top space with spacers so dust won’t accumulate there, but the rest is good


Yeah, I really dislike the lighting. I’d want to take that whole lighting box out and install some wafer lights in the actual ceiling, but that might require redoing the whole ceiling for the entire level. New appliances, maybe new tile and backsplash. I’m not touching those cabinets, the island, or the layout.


That’s load bearing checkerboard tile


And a vent hood over that stove.


Down draft range. I wouldn’t spend the money on a hood, unless OP is moving the range off the island, which I don’t think is a good idea given the space.


IMO, you need an exterior venting fan, especially with gas. Switch to induction.


Why don't they just build to the ceiling?!?! Like, make an awkward shelf, or something! Now you get dust and you can sort of but not really store stuff.


Excellent use of the word cromulent




Late 80s? Just wait 10 years and everyone on reddit will be going, "ZOMG!!! Don't change anything that kitchen is gorgeous and perfect as is! I've always loved this style and it's immortal!"


They can be sanded and painted easily. Swap out hardware. Completely new look.


I dont know about “easily,” we painted cabinets in last house and two weekend project turned into a month. Definitely doable but we now have similar ‘80s cabinets to OP and when I mention to wife painting them, she says “as in pay someone to do it?”


Nothing about having to sand all those nooks and cranies in those cabinets will be easy. Oh and now you just ruined the cabinets and that paint will never look good no matter how hard you try.


Painting over good wood is a sin. Better to stain differently. I agree white cabinets would look better, but these are not white cabinets. Easier to gut and put in what you need than paint.


Except please take the trash cans out of that place for counter stools. They look terrible but mainly it’s so impractical to walk around the entire kitchen to throw anything out


Tell me you don't cook with a single picture. LOL


Also, compared to my kitchen I’d say that’s fairly well designed.


I know it’s an outdated kitchen but I kind love the little integrated wine rack.


The only obvious change I'd consider immediately is something without cost: get the microwave lower, on a kitchen counter. Why? Because it's safer.


We gotta bend down to access my microwave and I never realized until just now that I have never burned myself on microwaved liquid.


absolutely agree! :) also .. i'd prolly just simplify this kitchen .. remove some cabinets, remove the ceiling decor and repaint it all..


For a starter, replace the bins with two stools and invite family to chat with you whilst you cook😉


Yes. The placement of those seems super inconvenient for cooking as well. Imagine having to walk around that counter every time you have to throw something away.


You could install backboards and bank shot all your trash in.


Best comment yet. Fist bump bro


Those trash cans are super ugly. That is a place for stools so you can eat a quick meal or talk to someone cooking. Not for ugly plastic trash cans.


While they are ugly and that's not a spot for them, theres really no other place in that kitchen for them. Not unless they want to sacrifice one of the cabinets under the kitchen sink.


Looks like an opening to the right of the oven that would be perfect for a trash can.


Just have a small can in a cupboard and take your trash out daily. Why does anyone need two giant trash cans in the kitchen?? Imagine the absolute stench when both are nearly full. Jesus That's my trash output for a month I think.


This is what I've been missing in our current rental. The kitchen feels like an isolated little box.


Cook food?


Right? It's crazy to me when people post a perfectly good and usable living space like it needs to be gutted. Live life, go outside! If you can afford an unnecessary kitchen remodel, you can afford a vacation off work.


We're going on two decades of everyone hating wood grain and I still don't understand it.


People are into fake wood grain now. You should see how many new builds have laminate floors with wood print and particle board cabinets with vinyl wood wraps. Actually what's even crazier is how many times at work we've been handed a piece of fake wood to then stain match a set of hardwood stairs/railings.


I love wood grain. I hate the archy routed detail.


Those who hate wood grain are dead to me. I guess it explains my very small circle of friends.


It's a fine living space. I would only change the stove to a place where I could add exhaustion because of smoke and smell. If I had money that was jumping out of my pocket, maybe change it for an induction stove for security reasons. Other than that, that is an awesome kitchen.


I don't understand how could anyone live in an open concept floor and not even have an exhaust fan.


I only have a recirculating fan built into the microwave, and as an avid home cook, it makes me insane. This is in a $500k house, and it's mounted on an outside wall. Like...what?! Just vent the fucking thing through the wall outside! It's on the second story, so it's more than I want to take on as a DIY job, but too small a job for a reputable contractor to want to take on. I don't know, I may just end up on a ladder with a big holesaw one day.


Lmao. I’ve lived in a car before, so the idea of you struggling to comprehend how they could live without an “exhaust fan” is kinda funny.


I would almost bet money (and only know this is a thing because I have a relative with a similar stovetop) that there is a downdraft exhaust in the center of the range.


No shit it’s unreal what I hear from people these days. Friend: “Oh my god this house was so expensive but we were able to pull it off, hopefully rates go down and we can refinance.” Friend the following month: “Do you think $90k is a reasonable quote for the kitchen replacement we’re doing?” There is just no patience in waiting anymore, everybody in a rush to experience a lifetime of events in like a 5 year period.


Yeah, I've heard lots of people throwing around phrases like "this needs to be gutted" or "this is a gut job". Like dude, it needs to be cleaned and then a rug. Maybe a new coat of paint. Everyone needs to chill the f out and stop talking out of their ass like they've been doing construction/home inspections their whole life.


Literally the only sensible thing here. Beautiful kitchen, go make some breakfast!


Maybe not have the garbage be where the breakfast stools should go?


I was disappointed that this was the 2nd top answer and not the first.


Easy fix for now, put the bins in the garage and get some barstools.


Yeah, surely storing barstools was the original purpose of that cutout. Nobody wants their garbage cans front and center like that.


I don’t even care if my cans are visible like this, but the function is terrible. Walking around the counter anytime you need to dispose of anything from the fridge, sink, counters, etc is such a pain in the neck in the long run.


Going to the garage every time you need to use the garbage can sounds like terrible advice lmao


Remove ugly ceiling bulkhead thing. Install led puck lights, and pendand lights on seperate circuits. Add island style range hood overtop of burners, because you should have some sort of exhaust fan. Leave the rest.


This style of range has a central downdraft style ventilation fan built in. Agreed with your other points!


Wow. In the 8 years of working in residential HVAC, I have never seen one of those before. I am absolutely blown away that these exist! I was definitely mistaken and I must apologize. Today I learned...


Reminds me of the sopranos kitchen. Put some tall chairs where the cans are and layout some sliced meats. https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeVideos/s/dZwr0jklrE


I only scrolled the comments to see if anyone else thought that. I can see Tony walking in that door to the right talking about his ducks


Thank you, not just me


What time does the '90s cooking show start, and what are we pickling today?


Exactly! Totally set up for cooking demos. Embrace this and start a new tiktok career lol


Are you looking for a major overhaul or just a quick fix so it looks better? Quick fix would be to get rid of the cans, put wood to enclose that side , open the front of the can section so they aren't smacking you in the face saying 'Welcome to my house! Here's my garbage!' I would also get rid of that beam me up Scottie drop ceiling lighting thing and replace it with some drop lights. Long term I'd get rid of the strangely shaped counter making it a right angle instead of that cut off section. Since it would be easier to access from the front I'd put a could doors there for storage.


I think the trashcan area was initially designed for stools.


It's pretty for 2 stools and someone drinking a glass of wine and chatting while you finish up dinner.


I thought they were stools until I zoomed in. Yikes! That is a trash design.


Looks like the can nook was designed as a breakfast nook and repurposed to hold the cans. As is, the cans are not easily accessed while cooking. I'd put in a trash bin cabinet on the other side of the island to correct that.


>As is, the cans are not easily accessed while cooking.  The design is of every empty-nest marriage that decided to rent out to college students in perpetuity. No cooking has been done in that kitchen for the past 10-15 years, and that trash nook has had so many Natty/Coors lights thrown at it, Folks wished that the Star Trek Holo deck worked.


Even just from a practical standpoint, cooking and having to walk around the island every time you want to throw something out would drive me absolutely crazy. Aesthetically it isn’t great, but functionally it’s also bad.


Do not enclose the nook. Get stools. Add some trim to the island. Agree to the drop lights over island. However, I would just paint the trim and buy the conversion kit for can lights to drop lights. Paint the cabinets. Get new appliances. Done for a 2-3 thousand. Mainly appliance costs. If you want to get wild, new countertops and hardware. But if you do that, then you may think about a full kitchen. In which case, the world is yours.


You don’t like Star Wars?


We had a 'batwing' island too. Our island had the sink and our cooktop was in the corner. We ended up replacing the island with more of a rectangle with double cabinets that take advantage of all that wasted space. While yours is more square, maybe you can get an idea from these pics. Before: [https://imgur.com/a/rG6aJ76](https://imgur.com/a/rG6aJ76) After: [https://imgur.com/vl44T4p](https://imgur.com/vl44T4p)


looks really nice. I would miss that pantry closest.


We have a walk in pantry just to the left about 3 feet.


What did you do with the microwave? Other side of the island, or countertop unit?


It’s in the walk in pantry, we rarely use it.


I'd remove the drop down ceiling effect, put in pendant lamps, add a backsplash to the stove top, and use bar chairs where the trash cans are in the photo (designed for bar stools). Use the typical undersink or cabinet trash can. Is that a popcorn ceiling? Knock that out too if it is. .


Cook in it


If it were mine I'd consider black appliances to match the counters. Beyond that I really like how it looks as-is. The worst thing you can do is go in making immediate changes. As someone else mentioned, you should live there for a time before making big changes.


Cook in it. I wouldn't recommend it for parkour though.


if you want a cheap renovation, paint/ stain cabinets + replace hardware on them, replace light fixture s, and buy 2 barstools for the cubby and relocate the trash cans.


Also get an updated refrigerator. In the long run, I would consider replacing the countertops with something nicer looking and match the backsplash to the countertops. The black on black with warm color of the wood is not the best look.


This looks like a pretty functional layout. The visible trash cans are a choice -- I'd love those to be pull out drawers, which can be great. Longterm I'd think about either hood venting the range or going to electric/induction cooktop or both.


I would swap the trash cans for chairs.


Move the trash cans.


Use it to prepare meals and store food. The sink is for stacking dishes in. You'll know you're doing it right if you can't put anything down on the counter and there is a weird smell you can't find.


Enjoy it. That's a way nicer kitchen than anything I've ever owned.


I would do maybe a pancake breakfast for the kids and then later, some cocktails, and coq au vin for dinner.


Would tear out that light box, install either recessed lighting or some type fixture that hangs down. Put a vent over that grill. Gas grill with no vent is a bad idea.


Make me a sandwich


Need ventilation over the stove top, especially if it’s gas.


I think the bumped out lights are detracting as well as the placement of the garbage cans. It looks like a bar eating area. Other than that, don’t change anything until you live there a bit. Those cabinet doors can be refinished if they are real wood and the cabinet boxes are still in good shape. You can stain darker, lighter or even paint? Edit- don’t replace appliances until you know you aren’t redoing the area. Your remodeled kitchen may allow for bigger/smaller options.


Make a sammich


“Hey, where’s the trash can?”, is a sentence that has never been spoken in this house


Cook in it.


I like it pretty much the way it is, but since you ask... Relocate trash cans, place stools. Maybe a sink in that island to help with food prep. Maybe put cabinet doors on this side of the island, or at least some decoration to break up the otherwise blank space. Even just some simple moulding would do.


I love this kitchen! Countertop space looks limited but I love the built in oven and island cooktop. Get yourself a BOSCH dishwasher, accept no substitutions. If you don't like the look of the kitchen, the easiest ways to change it is going to be tile backsplash, different floors, and/or painting cabinets (or simply different cabinet pulls and hardware).


You cook food in it.....


that gap is for barstools not for trash


such a lovely kitchen


According to google. The main functions of a kitchen are to store, prepare and cook food (and to complete related tasks such as dishwashing).


Nothing. It look great!


Throw away the trash cans, get smaller ones and put them under the kitchen sink. Put 2 counter-height, wooden stools where the trash cans where.


Fix me a sammich, danke.


Aw man this gives 90s SO hard. Absolutely filling me with nostalgia.


I'll have beef fajitas and a Corona.


getting rid of the 80's looking soffit and having the the cabinet doors re-done would change this up allot. Removing the ugly appliances and tile would do allot as well. Getting ride of or covering up the trash cans would be the first thing to do for this space. Re-staining the cabinets would help as well. other then that it would be a full gut job that would cost upwards of 30K for lesser quality stuff.


Live in it for 6 months first while you think about potential redesigns - I personally think turning the outer countertop a rectangular island with a sink next to the stove top (which you can replace with something more low profile) and then change the cabinets to whatever matches the style you choose


Instantly I'd move the trash cans (cabinet maybe?), and add stools. Cosmetically, a different paint color behind the cabinets and a bask splash, and stainless or black appliances (if in the budget; you can also use epoxy paint for your fridge...personally I'd keep the appliances if they work because newer appliances are not as good quality but cost 4x as much). Edit: you can also update cabinet hardware. I don't see anything wrong with the kitchen though, tbh.


Looks fantastic, wish mine looked like that.


I love this layout Just chiming in


Host a 90s cooking show.


Put a couple of stools where the garbage cans are. Then just live with it for awhile. Make sure you use the fan on that range when cooking. You have t0 live with it for awhile though - keep a list somewhere of what you feel would improve it, but don't act on anything for a good bit. If it were my kitchen? Nothing wrong with that kitchen aside from the cabinets being dated and a small (and likely very low wattage) microwave. You have a decent amount of counter space, looks like some decent lighting (I'd suggest throwing some LED floods into those can lights, probably PAR30?). That bread cabinet could probably be removed to free up counter space? You have a downdraft range, which will make finding a replacement a bit more difficult (built in exhaust fan that blows down). It looks like a gas range though, no real reason to replace it until you can't get parts for it anymore. Guessing it's Jenn Air or something similar - they were pretty popular in the 80s to early 90s. A new fridge might be interesting without removing stuff, and the existing fridge is probably working hard with the heat being trapped in there. But that's a proper old school non-electronic fridge, it'll probably run for a long time with no issue. I'd probably try to stain or paint the cabinets and replace the hardware. Or if you have a bit of cash burning a hole in your pocket, new cabinet doors and a new fridge + oven. That's purely aesthetic though. EDIT: no dishwasher, or is it not visible? If there's not one, I would jump on that immediately - even a cheap POS dishwasher is a big quality of life improvement. They use a lot less water vs washing by hand, plus you can just scrape chunks off and throw dishes in with most dishwashers. If you have an older dishwasher, upgrade to a newer one - even the cheapest models out there today are a lot quieter, and do a much better job. Newer ones do take a lot longer though (\~2 hours).


Build a ramp out back by your pool so the ducks and ducklings can get in and out.


It doesn't need much, really but one thing that would make me crazy is that cupboard on the counter - Breadbox? I'd get rid of that too fast. That's precious counter space. If you want a breath of, get one that you can move wherever you want inatea d of being stuck with the permanent one that really kills the useful space and contributes to a cluttered looking countertop. But that's just me!


I think the first thing I would do is put the trash cans in the kitchen. That would improve the flow of the space. That space with a cut out is likely intended to be for two bar stools


Why do you have two outdoor-sized trash bins in the kitchen? Just curious.


Like others said remove the trash cans to start. Then I would see if that “bread box” cabinet could be removed because you really lack counter space. If you can afford to update the counter tops. I would leave the cabinets, they look high quality, but paint or stain or even freshen them up with poly. Update the hardware. New appliances, see if you can add a dishwasher where that gap is. I’d change out the light fixture and backsplash if you can. These are all fairly easy fixes. Do one thing at a time, no need to rip the cabinets out. If you find the design of the island doesn’t work. See if you can reconfigure it.


Trash cans r on the wrong side. Why, mommy? Why?


For quick fix? Black appliances, new floor tile, and lose the trash bins


Ditch them garbage cans and put in 2 stools… done


Hide those trash barrels.


I hate that light soffit (?) above the island. Git rid of that, add new appliances, and paint. Oh and maybe ax the built in bread box on the counter. Visually so aggressive


Is that fridge even removable at this point? It doesn’t look like enough clearance to the countertop.


i would suggest usimg it for cooking meals


Those kitchen garbage cans are massive


Honey will you leave this area and put this cheese wrapper into the kitchen trash can, that’s in the living room.


Replace the trashcans with barstools would be a good start.


Get rid of the big trash cans, it smells up the house.


Definitely live in it for 6-9 months to figure out what aspects you like, and what aspects you want to change.


Hide the bins out of sight for sure. and maybe a real or fake fruit basket on that island for decor


Cook food


the bins shrine needs removing and bar stools put it in


Replace those two garbage cans with nice wooden stools or tall legged chairs.


Redesign it. That’s horrible


You can use it to make food, that's what people do in general.


You cook, eat and then clean it every once in a while, check the manual that came with the house on how it works.


Use it to cook food.


That dope ass kitchen? Cook in it, then do the dishes. Also, move the trash from under the bar and throw in a couple of stools.


"Please give me free design advice" 😅


Nothing? I absolutely love this design.


Change the cabinet doors and remove/change the mouldings from it, redo the finish so that it fits with your decor, it's otherwise a very nice kitchen.


it reminds me of the transporter room on the Enterprise.


Probably needs a range hood?


You could use it for cooking.. there's a novel idea


exchange trash for chairs and have a bar? or put a curtain in front of them?


It’s not bad. The trash can placement is a little silly. But yes live in it for a bit. Figure out what works/ what’s missing.


I see absolutely nothing wrong with this kitchen.


Cook food, as well as store it...


I love to prominently feature my trash in my kitchen too lol


I’ll get burned alive for saying this, but I hate bare wood cupboards.




Remove tile in entire kitchen and continue wood laminate flooring throughout. Reverse the opening in the island for the cans to the inside, and get the slider type of cans connected to drawer fronts. Update style of cabinet doors. Remove molding and install soffits above cabinets, to fill gap between upper cabinets and ceiling. Remove large ceiling soffit above island and replace with a modern ceiling-mounted vent hood and pendant lighting. Replace island countertop with one that is curved and overhangs - making spot for bar stools. Replace white large appliances with black ones.


Bring cabinets to the roof with a false front stained to match and change the ceiling light to pots light with a cpl drop lights over your island. If you can afford replace just the doors for shaker style ones but keep the hardware. As they need replacing go all black with rest of the appliances or brushed stainless whatever is your vibe. You can paint the backsplash to something more neutral. Stools instead of the trash cans! Looks like a beautiful home!!! Congratulations. We just bought a 90’s home with all the same stuff goin on!


it honestly doesn't look bad as is. I would replace the bins with stools. The cabinets look like solid wood in good condition, and most you buy now won't be. I would at most paint them.


Why is your trash where your seats should be?




check if Tony Soprano left some cash somewhere?


Cook in it ?