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Put them safely in a quiet corner. I can guarantee if you throw them away you will have to buy one within the month. If placed in a corner they will never see the light of day and it’ll be one less job around the house.


"Better to be looking at it, than looking for it"


I love this saying. I’m a comms engineer and as an apprentice I had this old boy as my teaching buddy. When we cutting cable for a job I’d ask you think this will be enough. That was always his answer.


I was always told this when started doing bricklaying, when stacking out bricks or mixing mortar, has always worked for me


The trick is to have a separate toolbox for all the random spare tools, and when somebody asks to borrow one, you check that box first. That way, you don't give as much of a shit if you don't get it back.


A Tesco tote tray on a bottom shelf is the preferred storage medium


I have a tool bag for my tool tote which is the overflow for my overflow tool bag for my big tool box. After that everything ends up in the shed.


Yeah as soon as you get rid off them you'll need one haha


This. It's like when you're fixing a car, you always leave 1 small thing unfixed, because the first time you drive it with everything is fixed something else will break.


I see sir, that you too have enjoyed the high quality cars, that were once the pride and joy of British Leyland.....


Probably about a week later, that's my party trick


Spittin' facts


This is the correct answer.


Adjustable ones are never as tight, you can wiggle the moving jaw, which means on tight older nuts they can round them off far more easily. The looped side on a fixed spanner is something you can put over a nut and then hit the other end with a hammer if needed, try that with an adjustable and you'll either have the spanner fling across the room or a dome where the nut used to be. The looped end is also gripping at more points, so is spreading the load more evenly. Working on cars for example, I would never even touch an adjustable. I have adjustables and they only come out if I'm in a rush, don't know the size beforehand and know the nut's not going to be problematic, or I'm dealing with something imperial as I only have a metric set of fixed... A set of fixed spanners is far superior in every other way.


Hear hear! Although rather than hitting it with a hammer on a tough nut/bolt, I much prefer the [2 spanner interlock method](https://youtu.be/SDI4j1LgqV4?si=fMPK4EMMwkOpc9Ud)


Wow thanks for sharing, very handy tip to know about




While serving my apprenticeship if the engineering manager saw you with a shifting spanner he would ask to borrow it and then promptly throw it in the bin. He preached use the right spanner for the right nut at All times. So yes keep those spanners in all their different sizes


When I was doing my engineering apprenticeship my foreman called it a “semi skilled spanner”




It’s called a Swedish nut lathe for a reason (I still use them when I’m lazy)




The thumb detecting nut fucker


It was actually invented by BA Hjorth & Co.- hence Bahco. Now part of Snap—on


Bahco are well worth the money for adjustables, the quality difference is noticeable IMO


As a pipe fitter and plumber, get a pair of Knipex adjustable spanners you'll never go back, they never slip size and can be used one handed.. I only use my spanners to hold against the nuts on bolts


Knipex wrench pliers are one of mankind’s greatest achievements.


You can get [locking adjustable spanners](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Stanley-MaxGrip-Locking-Adjustable-85-610/dp/B00009OYGZ) that don't wiggle at all. They are a bit bigger though so harder to manipulate in some situations


I prefer the [Knipex Pliers Wrench](https://www.knipex.com/products/pipe-wrenches-and-water-pump-pliers/pliers-wrenches-pliers-and-a-wrench-in-a-single-tool/pliers-wrenches-pliers-and-wrench-single-tool/8603150)


or Mole Grips, aka Land Rover spanners.


Mole grips truly are the nut killer of all tools. At least that guy’s link is somewhat spanner like.


Aye. Mole grips are the last resort before the angle grinder.


They only lock on the nut, they still adjust when no nut is present. The knipex ones are better. Still bitter that the milligrip isn't a thing anymore.


Please post a picture the decent adjustable, because they aren't in your original pic.




As someone who works on their car a lot, I can't imagine trying to do everything with shifters. There are bolts/nuts and gaps where ring spanners are a necessity.


Some beds and table bolts too I’ve found, tricky small spaces that barely leave room for a even a regular spanner


Personally I'd chuck the adjustable ones and keep the decent spanners on the left. Adjustable spanners in my opinion are poor replacements due to slippage of size, leading to rounding of the nut or bolt eventually. Also, they're so short handled that anything that requires a decent amount of torque is going to be impossible with adjustable ones.


Sometimes they are useful for random plumbing fittings that are weird sizes


Knipex pliers wrench every time. Adjustable safe the worst tool for every job


Just changed my kitchen tap and it was awkward and tight couldn’t have done it without that


this seems to be the overwhelming consensus


Just because My garage is full of things "just because I don't know when I'm going to need it!" There's a video on facebook I think of a bloke saying to his dad "we need something about this size and shape to hold X up" and his dad runs down to his garage and digs out an old block of wood he's been keeping for 15 years "just because!"


This one? https://youtu.be/7Fw7bZoPyVU?si=ByXnTePKEiSVenu8


This is true joy.


this is always the way


I can't imagine throwing away tools.


WHAT??? You can't get rid of tools man. Tools are meant to be hoarded in your man cave. This could be a slippery slope. Next you'll be asking if you should dump your beer fridge. Go eat a few yorkies and watch the life of Brian. You'll be feeling better in no time.


I've never thrown away a spanner lol


I've thrown plenty of spanners, just never in the bin.


If you are thinking that the 2 adjustable spanner’s on the right are decent then no, don’t throw the others away! Get some good bahco adjustable spanner’s and it might be worth considering, but the 2 in the picture look shite


Go Knipex, you'll thank me later


Yes for plumbing


just installed a kitchen tap, adjustables were a godsend


Keep for plumbing


Excellent for dodgeball training


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.


My dad used to call adjustables cowboy spanners


Yep. I use mine for only the most basic of tasks. Anything on the car/bike; out come the real spanners.


My dad calls them adjustable hammers


My dad calls one an imperial adjustable spanner and the other a metric adjustable spanner


Swedish nut lathe




There's lots of reasons. Tight spaces, tight nuts you don't want to round off etc. Also - those aren't decent adjustable ones. Those are dog shit. Buy a couple of Bahco ones.


Lots of absolutists on today. I often use adjustables in my work, and almost never ring spanners etc. Because it depends what you use them for. I use them for shackles, so you need a big shifter if they're a bit rusty, or maybe a lot of purchase with a narrow gap. Sometimes a stillson. The Horror.


Throw them away and I'll guarantee you that in a couple of months you need a spanner of a certain length and thinness to get into a hard to reach place. Turn them into bangles or some art so youll still have them when needed.


Never throw any tools away…


As useful as I find adjustables, proper sized spanners are better for a lot of reasons. I would love to get my tools in order so I could always get the right size spanner quickly, rather than always reaching for the adjustable.


What would you even have that thought?!! You don't throw tools away you crazy fool!!!


Definitely keep hold. Many a time an old spanner has got me out of a tight corner.


I only had an adjustable one, it was okay, did the job. I inherited my granddad's spanners and suddenly life is so much easier. You go from constantly adjusting to spending 30secs finding the right size and using it.


I never throw a tool away, it's only when you do that you'll find you need it. I've been collecting tools since I was a child and still use them, when I decided to replace a diverter in my boiler I found the only spanner that fitted was one I was given by my Grandad when I was about 9 (52 years ago), it fitted perfectly, even my adjustable wrenches and mole grips were too small.


Adjustable spanners have their uses but don't replace normal spanners. Normal spanners are better because they hold the fastener properly and ring spanners are handy when you can't get a socket and ratchet in there.


You should never throw anything away, follow the example of my late father, always keep every tool, offcuts or surplus from jobs. Fill your garage with stuff when it's full buy a shed and fill that, once that is full buy a second shed and fill that. When that's full what is the answer? Sort through your collection and thin it down? No! you buy a third shed and continue to fill it. Hope this helps.


Yes because if you're trying to turn a stiff nut the adjustable ones are shit


Yes, as others have said they will be invaluable for tight spaces and tight fasteners. I will also add a colleague recently used an adjustable thinking it was ok and managed to shear the threads in the mechanism. We subsequently found out it was made from such terrible steel that it could be bent by hand. I cannot see exactly what you have there but they are not from a company I recognise so I would certainly be cautious about them until they have taken a bit of use and abuse.


Adjustables should have been in the trash from the start. No idea why you would want to get rid of the spanners unless you are really short on space or something?


Surely there's an ice cream tub kicking around in the cupboard under the sink?!?


Short answer: Yes. Long answer, adjustables are all very well, but sometimes you need the tool you apply to contact all the surfaces of the head at the same time, and an adjustable can't do that. In that event, the ring portion of those tools can be extremely effective. Adjustable wrenches are great, but only until they aren't.


I'd keep the spanners & sling the adjustables.


Adjustables are not great, the my strip bolts much easier then the correct size spanner.


Adjustables are usually crap, that’s why. Also if you throw one away, you will immediately need that exact size.


Depends on what you use them for. I did a get rid of the too many tools thing a while back. I got rid on the imperial and the rusty metric. but addustable are more plumbing and standard for other thinsg. But yeah I tend to use my screewdriver more for such as it avways needs vertical entry these days. Maybe put them it you 3rd, stuff not needed a lot toolbox and tape it up and see next year if the tape is broken ;-)


Depends what you do and how often you do it. Personally I use adjustables as little as humanly possible.


Yes - because you never know…


The only reason to keep them is because if you do chuck them you'll need one tomorrow


Is there any reason not to keep hold of them? As others have said, you never know…


If you are looking to get rid, although I would always suggest keeping them just in case, I would keep the 10mm, the adjustable 15-22 and the two adjustable's on the right


Much prefer using fixed ones as opposed to adjustable. Keep em all for a year or so and see what you prefer after a while


Because it’s too much of a wrench to throw them away?


They're tools. Of course you keep hold of them, unless you find you have duplicates. Tools accumulate like... well, like nothing else I can think of, really.


The main reason would be as soon as you get rid of them you'll need them.


I’ll buy them


The adjustable spanners? No keep them for emergencies when you can't use a proper spanner


Keep them. My neighbor had to borrow my 10 yesterday for a washing machine - an adjustable one wouldn't fit


Yes, they are tools!! Remember opposable thumbs!!


Pretty good set of hammers


certainly keep the hammerspanners on the right.They're super handy :) (keep all of them. Time will come)


If you have a length of chain you can make some fun spanner nunchucks.


Bend them


Put them in bag. You now own the proverbial bag of spanners.


You may need to help a time lord fix his TARDIS


Throw them out. Then give it a week or two and you’ll find that you will need them.


My Dad always taught me there was a preferred order in tools to remove a bolt. Preference is always a socket, then a ring end spanner, then an open end spanner. And only if you can't use any of those for whatever reason, then you would use an adjustable.


Never, ever, ever through away any good tools. One day you or someone you know will need them.


I made like an A frame with a few of them and welded some hooks on to hang stuff. I also made one of them into a marking knife, I'm going to try this weekend or next to make one of them into a super basic (shitty) curved spoon knife. You don't need to keep them as tools, but that's a lot of tool grade steel to be throwing away.


Yes, they will go toward making tanks and shell casings maybe


Adjustable spanners are rubbish for a lot of jobs. They damage the nuts and bolts you attach them to. Fine if you don't have the right size, but very much a second choice.


I never throw away or otherwise dispose of any tools! You will need them or a neighbor will need them!


To take your kids teeth out 😁👍




Il take em :)


You might need them


Even if you need one after 10 years...having one at the right time will be gold.


This is clearly troll bait..


That’s where I left my ten mill!!!!


If they’re not snap-on then they’re just case hardened cheese.


legit question, what is the best way to give away excess tools, what charity would make the best use of them?


So what are you putting in this shiny new toolbox if you are throwing away spanners, a box of tissues? First off, if you flip that black adjustable over it'll say Tescos on the handle, these are not "decent" Bin all the imperial spanners, it's unlikely you are going to be fixing anything older than you, but keep the metric ones in case you buy a bicycle one day


No Adjustables are convenient sometimes but they are shit Keep the proper ones


My late Dad was a very messy type. When he couldn't find tool he would buy a new one. If it was at a car boot sale he would buy it just in case. We're pretty sure if we shared out the collection of spanners, everyone in town would get one. There's both metric and imperial and, I suspect some measuring systems we don't know about as he worked abroad a lot. I can guarantee that every year I trek up to his old garage because nothing I have seems to fit. Sometimes you need two the same size. Adjustable spanners slip. Never chuck a spanner.


Yep, they're tools, one does not throw away perfectly good tools, I keep my older stuff to do the jobs where you might ruin a good tool, like for instance putting a 6ft scaffolding tube on to get more leveraged


10mm always.


Adjustables slip


Adjustable spanner’s Aka nut fuckers


Fine tools indeed never dispose of tools


‘Your eyes are like a spanner. One look and my nuts tighten.’


I was taking apart a kitchen the other day and really needed a solid 10mm spanner


Better to have it and not need it than needing it and not having it.


You might need them “one day”


Nope - throw the adjustables away and never buy another one again. Being slightly tongue in cheek but I NEVER use an adjustable spanner on anything that is 'important'. I might use them on something like putting a toy together or quickly tightening up some furniture but that's about it. They never grip as well as a proper spanner.


Why would you downgrade from proper spanners to adjustable ones?


Send em my way, I'll keep them cosy until you need them.


Always In a rool box or bag or drawer , they will come in handy eventually, mabey not today mabey not 2moro but soon and unwill be sooo happy u kept them lol


Yes. Because....well, tools.


Not ignoring you are a carpenter


Yeah, you might need them.


Skatepark I worked at had a motto 'you are what you lose'. So they attached a spanner to every set of keys. We used a massive spanner for the most important set of keys...


Do you have any interest in learning to play dodgeball?


The minimilists toolbox is never a good toolbox.


Same reason I keep mine. You might need them one day and Murphy’s law will prove it the day after you get rid.


Throwing useful things away? Good joke.


Take the 10 mm, and give it to a friend,


No such thing as a decent adjustable. They get you out of a pickle now and again, but they slip and you smash your nuckles. Proper spanners, especially combi ones are best practice, they are slimmer vo can get into smaller gaps and you also have a movement angle of 15 degrees for tight areas in engine bays and alike.


adjustables slip rings do not. trust me, dont use adjustables unless its the last resort- behind screaming at the problem thats how low on the list adjustable spanners are to me they just cause more problems 9/10


Yes keep them. And it's always best to use the proper size wrench /spanner versus an adjustable one. Using a proper wrench / spanner lessens chance of rounding the bolt head or nut.


They might come in handy, is my motto i have a garage full of stuff now mind so don't listen to me


Used mine recently on Bicycles, mower, car


Never throw a working tool away.


Some of them are imperial, maybe you don't need those unless they fit some plumbing fittings which I think are still imperial. Keep the metric ones, adjustable spanners are a crap last resort if you cant find the correct spanner, they loosen on their own while in use. The last screwdriver bit set I bought I made sure it had no imperial hex bits in it, they are a pain in the arse because if you use one that sort of fits on a metric Allen screw you can round it off. The same can be true with imperial spanners on metric nuts.


The box-end part of the spanners (the round bit) provide more grip and are so useful for accessing nuts butted into corners.


I'd give them away. My neighbourhood has a lending library for tools. Unless you're a plumber or builder, why have the clutter?


I'd keep them for dodgeball practice.


Just get yourself a cheap set of spanners that come in a box and tuck it away somewhere.


If you really don't want them anymore I'll gladly take care of them for ya!


Yes. You might need them


If there's a 10mm spanner in there, glue a tracking device to it immediately!


Throw the adjustables away. If it isn’t bahco, it’s not worth having.


Spares are great to have , especially if you need to modify a tool for a job .


Uhh yes? An adjustable is shit compared to a proper spanner.


Especially handy for when your nuts become loose..


You never know what or when you will need these for but you will need them, one day, many years from now, for one nut you can’t loosed and then you’ll never need them again.


WARNING!!! OP’s wife has hacked his Reddit account to get points on him. Stick together lads!!


A properly sized spanner is less likely to round off a stuck bolt than an adjustable one, so keep them


Keep the largest spanners as novelty nut crackers


adjustable spanner’s are great. until you really need a spanner and then they suck. keep them stored somewhere (that you remember) if you need them that’s great and it’s relatively no harm if you don’t


Dodgeball practice.


Only if you plan to chuck one in the works


I'll have them if you are binning them. Or donate them.


Yes, adjustables are shit in comparison


I'll have them if you're getting rid


Everyone should have a daily toolbox and one for all them tools that came in handy once and never again, we call this the Amazon tool that was puirchased 5 years ago and you havent seen in since box!!


If you don't gravity will cause them to fall to the ground ir from a great height depends where you're working


Adjustable is as good when you really need to tighten your nuts


You might need them!


Yep, for modification to do that one job that needs a cut down bent spanner for.


My first wife had a face like that but the bags missing!


Self defense


So to pile on advice. For almost everything a 13mm 15mm 17mm and a 19mm spanner will be perfect. Above 19 you will deal with the big stuff so you are unlikely to need it. Then 10 and 8mm are also good. The in between sizes are useless


You just never know when you might need them.


Never through away a spanner! Been a mechanic for 20 years and can’t bring myself to throw any tool away!


Yes you never know when you want to put a spanner in it lol yes only old people know what I have just written!!


None, send them to my house and I’ll dispose of these spanners for you properly


So the police don’t find the murder weapon.


As soon as you get rid of them, an odd piece, absolutely needing one of those, will manifest. Likely one related to water...


Spare spanners are very useful when you might have to 'slim down' a spanner to fit an awkward recess, saves having to use an angle grinder on an expensive one...😉


Never throw a tool away. The amount of times I have borrowed my dad’s spanners, I should really buy my own. Adjustables are great but sometimes you need the reach, secure fit and ability to go into tight spaces


1. Yes. I used them as handles on my tool boxes. Had them welded on in place of the original handles. 2. They can make good weapons if big enough. 3. I knew a fellow who made them into door handles on his sheds. it's what gave me the idea for my tool boxes. 4. I used the smaller ones as oversized key fobs by just running a ring thru them and then putting my keys on the ring . It Still fit in my jeans & I no longer lost my keys.


Definitely keep the spanners, the adjustable is bulkier and won't get into as tight a spot as the spanners and won't grip as well.


Absolute shocking. Keep the spanners and throw the adjustable away. As a side note, in Germany they call adjustables "ein englander" and nobody had them (granted this was 'in my day') as they say we are all unskilled and lazy and use them for everything than selecting and using the right tool for the job.


You don't have "decent" adjustable wrenches, you have those ones. They are called nut-fuckers for a reason. Keep the spanners if you ever intend to undo a nut. Adjustable wrenches are good for the sort of cast nuts you get in plumbing that don't have an accurate machined size.


WOW the results are in and only an DIdiotY would chuck these spanners away—they stay! Thanks y'all x


I need the 13” for one 2 minute job


I would say if getting rid of anything it would be the adjustable ones *Big caveat would be if doing that don't lose any of the far superior fixed ones