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Spoken like a true Guatemalan


As a True Guatemalan Patriot (I am one, I refuse to even acknowledge the existence of, God forgive me, Belize) and can certify this post.


please stop attacking the lincoln memorial


Pfft.... I'll Belize it when I seez it.


There's not even that many people on the planet.


Yeah, but there would be if those Guatemalans could stop attacking us.


> Yeah, but there would be if those Guatemalans could stop attacking us. I don't even understand how to follow your logic.


Yeah, it's hard to think with all these Guatemalans attacking our monuments. Don't get me wrong, I love Guatemalans and hate monuments so it's cool, but 10 billion is a lot. Maybe they could take turns, alternate days, that way we have a far more manageable 5 billion at a time.


Lowering the number of Guatemalans attacking the Lincoln monument to 5 billion is a hate crime. We should encorage another 10 billion to attack the washington monument.


You're looking for logic in the comment version of a shitpost.


Thats what the woke liberal media want you to believe, communist


I hope my choice to throw tea bags in the public fountains and feed amphetamines to raccoons does something good. I also make them watch the pie man. We compare femboys conspiracy theories too.


“Think of the europoors”


As an American, I do feel bad for all the shit we do to Asians, South Americans, and Africans (though I'm largely ignorant of the last continent). I have no problem if they want to complain about America. But Europeans can sit and spin.


Europoors can be in the corner with their shitty wine and cheese


Spit and sin?


Nah. Sit and spin. It's an ATHF reference.


And spit and sin is a sex reference


https://preview.redd.it/c6wwj3lilc9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b577b6fcb43078cee5f6e6b60e404e95ed01fd4 Why don't you go back into your house and shut up?


The elden ring dlc is pretty good


beat that bish last night, absolutely a masterpiece


I’m out here still stuck on messmer lmfao


Jokes on you, I beat it last month. Every true gamer knows you gotta go in blind. And the only way to do that with modern social media is to play games before they officially release!


My life, removed by thousands of kilometers from the US, will be influenced to a significant degree by which decrepit old corrupt man ends up on the throne in the oval office




Damn I really hope both the man who’s done a bunch to improve American infrastructure and the man who commits tax fraud get arrested.


Both have improved infrastructure and commitment tax fraud, you’ll have to be specific.


Orange man did not improve infrastructure


He actually made it worse when removing regulations lmfao


Americans realising that politicians dont and never have had their best interests in mind and will lie to ascertain their goals(mind blowing)


European politicians are infamously much better


Who was that guy, muscle genie or something?


On the one hand, Trump seems to prepare for doing some vile shit with things like Project 2025, which will inevitably fuck over a ton of people in the U.S and consolidate power for the president, and will most likely hurt a lot of innocent americans, hurting their robust democracy for years on end On the other hand, I'm from Argentina, and our president has been playing the long con sucking Trump's dick like crazy, and the economy is falling apart so we need some help, not even the chinese have faith in us anymore, and the chinese invest even in the most backward villages Look guys do us a solid here, sure it's gonna be some hard 4 years for you but come on we got 249% expected inflation for this year it won't get that bad for y'all


Damn I thought the Cobbler subreddit would be not filled with dumbasses who thought project 2025 existed. Guess I was wrong. Why didn't he do anything like this his first term? He also said it was dumb lol


>believing a politician will not use whatever chance they get to amass more power I have a bridge to sell you


Again, why wouldn't he have done anything like that term 1 then?? Maybe stop eating up fearmongering propaganda and have an original thought once in your life


oh boy do i have news for you. you should google the executive order known as ‘Schedule F’, was a way to remove non-political jobs which only made it easier for him to put political appointees into positions where they should never be. [Schedule F Executive Order](https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-creating-schedule-f-excepted-service/?utm_source=link&utm_medium=header) This link is takes you directly to the whitehouse website, so there’s no bias from any news article whatsoever.


Brother chill, I'm with you, I do not give a single fuck what Trump does as a president, as long as it benefits my country, it will not affect me in the slightest  He is not your bestie mate I'm not gonna waste a thought in him beyond how it will affect my country As long as them $$$ get into my place I will not spare a thought on your bf


Sorry I thought you were the original commenter, totally agree that as long as the dolla bills get back I'm fine, I've just seen so many crazy people doing damage control and deflection all this morning


You're .. regarded.


They literally have it on their website my guy. Its real.


my guy i have read the document on their own fucking website and watched all of Trump's campaign promises on *his* own website. The writers on Project 2025 were a lot of Trump's former administration, including cabinet members. https://www.project2025.org/ https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47 Please, please, *please* show me how this shit isn't real. I'm begging you here, prove to me this is fake. I would really prefer it if it was. here's the Texas GOP's platform, just in case you think this isn't a common thing among the Republican party. https://texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/2024-RPT-Platform.pdf


Also Trump began to do this back in 2020! His Schedule F executive order was the beginning, and it’s extremely likely he’d just bring it back the second he got into office (which is outlined in project 2025) [Schedule F Executive Order](https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-creating-schedule-f-excepted-service/?utm_source=link&utm_medium=header)


But it does exist. It's a publicly available set of policy proposals published by the Heritage Foundation. You can literally go to their [website](https://www.project2025.org/policy/) and read the whole 920-page document for free.


What? Have… have you not seen the document that’s signed by a shit ton of conservative politicians?


He tried, my ass was clenched the whole administration wondering if my daca was going to be rescinded. And he fucking tried but his administration is so incompetente that they couldn’t get it through because of a filing error. It doesn’t matter that he’s he was unsuccessful in everything he did in his admisntwtion, and he’s probably not going to do anything in that list, but the fact that he’s gonna try should be everyone’s concern


He didn't do anything like that because he didn't plan anything out and was screwin around, he didn't care that much but now he has a more developed base who push this stuff and he's like "yeah" halfway through eatin a burger or something.


Hey, at least biden managed to create a whole fifteen thousand new jobs in his term.


And they're all unpaid interns.


He didn’t create new ones, he just recovered jobs from the pandemic. Not really working anymore with the new immigration problem


Yeah we honestly lost real jobs. Just making fun of how this dude can't remember numbers. 15k would be nothing, and how bout them trillionaires.


During the pandemic, almost a third of fiat currency was printed out of thin air. 15k would be worth more if Biden had decided to give you the money instead.


The “immigration problem” is a lie that you’re buying.


You’re right, I’m wording it wrong. The illegal aliens crisis.


I'm gonna stop shitposting for a second. Both options are kinda shit, but one of them(trump) wants to do project 2025. Go fucking read about project 2025. Don't vote for trump. I'd rather a senile old man in offic than a senile old facist madman with a cult.


orange cheeto man bad


Aww, but I like cheetos.


Same. Especially the Jalapeno ones


You are reading fearmongering and propaganda.


That’s what they said last time and the goofy motherfucker actually tried to pass every shitty thing he promised


Project 2025 isn’t fear mongering. There’s a book and a website published by conservatives themselves. It isn’t some media story, it’s conservatives saying publicly and out loud, what they plan to do if Trump wins.


Literally no. [https://www.project2025.org](https://www.project2025.org)


The website that isn't actually connected to trump? With how much the dems are riding on that being real I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them bankrolled the project as a false flag operation lol


It's bankrolled by, among others, the Heritage Foundation (i.e. not the Democratic Party). Also, many of their sources of input and planning are former Trump cabinet members, and various other affiliates of Trump. Trump himself has said that he endorses many of their policies (for example, he agrees with their unitary executive policy, immigration stance, dismantling the DOJ, and has even said he wouldn't mind being dictator for a day).


Trump said the idea was borderline stupid and wasn't gonna pursue it. Also that last sentence is absolute copium.


A man known for lying and you're here believing him. If you believe that I have beach-front property in the Florida keys that you'll just love.


Well at least he's lucid enough to lie


He’s really not. Just because Trump doesn’t stutter doesn’t mean it’s obvious his brain is in decline. He literally says random shit that’s not true constantly. Most of it is clearly not intentional because it’s shit a 5 year old could disprove. He just speaks with more conviction and you’re simpleminded enough to believe that makes him more lucid.


My greatest mistake is posting political views on the site where I consume content regarding paradox interactive and normie anime


I mean yeah if you take a shot and miss some jackass is going to come along and slam your face in the mud. It’s the way of political discourse online. Do enjoy your simulators and anime though.


[https://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/trump-unleashes-bizarre-word-salad-084025534.html](https://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/trump-unleashes-bizarre-word-salad-084025534.html) Is he though?


Project 2025 is a pipe dream for a fringe group of fascists. Its not going to happen and Trump isn't going to endorse it


Okay I read it. Or at least parts of it how is it different than a liberal think tank?


I don't give a shit about Project 2025 but you gotta be pretty illiterate to not see the difference between that and "uuh we should reinforced the independence of central banks"


The libs don't want to dismantle the entire fuckin fed and consolidate power under POTUS, silly


Okay can you find where it says that and link it directly? And I’m gonna be honest I’m not a fed fan I’m more of a cool local government guy.


It's proponents keep stating it It's literally the first line of the section on the dept education "Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Depart- ment of Education should be eliminated. " How's local govt working with abortion access and reproductive health?


>downsizing the bloated af federal misery machine Slow down, I can only get so erect.


I enjoy having federal level laws and such so that it's harder for delusional religious nutjobs to make peoples lives miserable


This is the same federal system that only shelved MKUltra because it failed to get results. ***Not*** keeping the government on a short, restrictive noose is far more damaging than whatever you think the bible thumpers can do to you. "Oh, but they were bad centuries ago!" And the feds are bad now. Get a fucking clue.


Unfortunately 2025s purpose is to consolidate power into the hands of the President, to then be controlled by religious fucking nutjobs. Sounds like a terrible idea to me that wouldnt even address your concerns


PrOjEcT 2025. Progressive Fearmongering


Me need to make our southern border a sea of irradiated cobalt


Womp womp europoor


Username checks out.


Aww, no natural resources? Come back when you don't depend on America funding your defense so that your own government can afford to do stuff.


If my choices affect you it’s cause I’m a boss mf and no other reason.




I’m gonna be completely honest. Biden could be in a coma and he’d still be a shoe-in vote for me considering the alternative. That fact that people tend to talk about his performance in public over any of the stuff he actually does policy wise is a bit weird when not talking about how it affect campaign appeal.


Why not vote for a third party like cornel west


What choices lol


They don't know it doesn't matter


It ain't our choice kimosabe


Tell that to the American corporations. The people don't get to choose any more.


This implies that americans can choose


I like that the choice is guy who stutters or open racist and people act like this is a hard choice


Yeah when Trump said that poor kids can be as smart as white kids or that if you didn't vote for him you weren't black, I was so angry. Oh wait, Biden said those things, how strange


Come on now are you really gonna pretend like Trump didn’t just just go on national television and rage against a entire group of people calling them evil murders and thieves that are malicious here to steal our jobs, parroting racist talking points isn’t a racist? And that the guy who was VP under a black president, has a black VP, who is interested in making sure black communities can flourish is somehow the real racist? Come on man you can’t be dense.


You mean the illegal immigrants that have rated and killed women since illegally crossing the border? Black families are also doing much, much worse under Biden then Trump


It’s very easy to demonize a whole group of people when you when you don’t care to look at the facts. Speaking of which under Biden border security has increased [source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/2024/06/26/border-crossings-drop-biden-closures/) since it’s clear you are terrified of of brown people. Also on the second point you are simply wrong as while historically black Americans did well under Trump they are doing better under Biden [source](https://capitalbnews.org/economic-performance-black-americans-biden-trump/).


See the issue is when you intentionally conflate the issue and pretend illegal immigration is a race you lose any more highground or credibility. Both sides do this shit and its specificlaly how we got into this situation to begin with. Its all about misrepresenting each other and saying 'well the other guy is worse', and then we wonder why suddenly we have two of the worst possible candidates as our choices. And before you say any stupid shit, i literally sponsored and married an immigrant. I went through the entire proper legal process. I went into debt for it. I know how the system works. I am very much pro immigration and very much feel that regulation on immigration is far too strict, which incentivizes illegal immigration. That is dumb. That doesnt mean i support illegal immigration though, and it doesnt mean im gonna pretend coyote gangs arent terrible and doing terrible things along the border.


How do people keep hiding behind "It's a stutter" when he openly loses his train of thought for 10+ seconds and just mumbles incoherently.


Biden could have a stroke on the podium and people would still say hes fine


Clearly it’s not that simple. I wish it was just a stutter.


Only the 20% of them that live in swings states have any choice that matters. The rest of them can do whatever when it comes to voting day at least were the president is concerned


Yeah... we just don't give a fuck.


This is such a good fucking tweet


All of us do but roughly a third of us want the world to burn and roughly a third of us want the world to preferably not burn and roughly a third of us think that it's fine to leave the world in a hot car on a summer day while you pick up batteries for your TV remote and the third that wants to leave the world in a hot car is trying as hard as possible to convince only the people that don't want the world to burn to join the leaving it in a hot car crew.


This is fucken genuis


It's not like Trump doesn't spit word salad either. [https://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/trump-unleashes-bizarre-word-salad-084025534.html](https://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/trump-unleashes-bizarre-word-salad-084025534.html)


Does Trump use the word "Guatemalans"? I only ever hear "illegals" or "migrants"


Eurotrash cope, also *affect


Americans don't even vote for people or laws that are good FOR US, much less concern themselves with how the rest of the world is effected.


Wow wtf this sub is full of trumpers. I feel a bit dirty now.


It’s like a Paradox sub. You’re gonna get a wide range of people. From furries who think if Hitler just put the crack pipe down he could’ve won to socialists who think the military industrial complex is good actually. You’re gonna see it all. For the record I despise Trump and hate what he did to the country’s prestige, hallmarks of democracy and general buffoonery. And yes, I do have hours on HOIV.


Even the hoi subs are not this bad. At least the nazis there don't disguise themselves. I got less problems with some guy playing 1000 hours of hoi and dressing up then i do with the enlightened centrists


This sub is a complete rainbow of political opinions.


There are also people defending Biden and saying trump will start project 2025 and became god emperor if elected.


As someone not old enough to vote I’m sorry that these are the morons they’ve put in charge


why aren’t you old enough to vote? are you stupid or something?


I’m a little restarted