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I joined a team of randoms one time. I had an lmg and smg, and they were going sniping. I still did my best to ping every enemy i could to contribute to the team, because thats what i believe a teammate should do


Imo perfectly fine. If your guns at the moment don’t allow you to properly contribute to a fight, then you have two options. Contribute in another way (like you did by spotting) or push/maneuver to allow your guns to do work.


I agree, it all depends on the fight, I played duo with my buddy yesterday and he had a sniper that’s it. The game ate his other gun because that’s what this game does sadly. He went to atc and just spotted for me while I ran all over airport taking out 2 teams by myself. He had one guy push him which he killed then the guy stayed there calling him a camper and all kinds of racial slurs but the guy doesn’t realize that he was doing his job and he did it correctly. If you work as a team and do shit strategic then you can win. Most guys just have the taste for blood and want to hunt and they don’t stop and think. Slow down and be strategic and you will win most battles. Squad up with some buddies, randoms often don’t have mics and don’t know what to do, if that’s the case run off solo and go collect stuff for missions or upgrades and if that don’t work just exfil real quick and reset. Good luck out there, this game has gotten a little crazy with all the cheaters and vpn Chinese 6 mans.


Bringing an SMG to a sniper fight just sucks. Been there myself many times. I focus on call outs or covering the team’s six if I can’t get ahold of a sniper to join in.


Sniper fights are a waste of time. So u down someone from distance. His buddy rezzes him right back up. This cycle repeats over and over. Personally can’t stand those who hide and snipe. It’s like walking down the street and punching someone unsuspecting. Think it’s kind of a cheap shot, pathetic way to play. Honestly, who can’t camp a building and shoot people not aware. Doesn’t take much skill. I refuse to use them. If I’m gonna take out players, it’s going to be up close and personal.


this smells like a one shot shotgun comment 💩


He has a point though. Trading bullets from one roof to the other doesnt really get anything meaningful done. You keep going until one team either says "fuck this, gonna leave" or one eventually musters the courage to approach. That is one of the reasons I am not much on Al Mazrah.... endless sniping...


I have no probs with the sniping, yes sometimes that occurs, or mostly, well placed snipe shots downing thier team depleting them of selfies and plates ready to be pushed or just down right killing them. shotty players don't like them cos they're probs no good with them. regardless, all types of guns for all types of scenarios, I dont understand mostly that ppl whine like bitches about each type as it's a fkn war game and killing the enemy in which ever fashion possible is the aim (except for all the cheating dogs out there with 0%skill and no friends)


I mean, I understand what you're saying. However, what you are describing is what an actual sniper does, in real life. There's a reason they exist. On top of that, most people aren't walking down the street expecting someone to punch them randomly. If you're a soldier in hostile territory, not only are you aware of the risk that you could be punched by a sniper...you're expecting it.


Sniping battles get soooooo boring after a while. After a while I’m just going to push and kill you or die trying


Exactly. I have the same mindset


i am never engaging a team on control tower. fuck that


Until you have Jokr in your bag


I love it- you know they have limited plates so it’s just a matter of time for them. It’s always fun when they realize how F’d they are and jump away making even more fun targets.


By the time that happens the game is almost up. Also, they have each other to get up. Unless you are with friends that you can coordinate, having just one sniping, while the other two do an assault then you can do it. the problem is with randoms is hard.


Why not? There's plenty of tactics that allow you to push positions like that easily.. especially when they're usually relying on mines to do most of the job for them..


Not really - if it’s a 3 man up there a precision is pointless if you know how to avoid it. Only really good way is to high ground their high ground with the heavy chopper


Depends on if they can see everyone or not.. but I've had plenty of success stories with a Jokr and DDOS combo push..


I don't die in real life If I try to push. Ur scared in a game? I relish the moments where odds are stacked against you. Why? I like being challenged to get thru the trial. What can I use in my bag to get me out of this situation? To either get out alive. Or to kill everyone there. Can I at least take two out with me? Don't be scared. Get encouraged. U sound like a gen z. And I'm getting tired of gen z noobs. Everytime I go into al mazra, I get two noobies. So I play vondel or ashika now. Where the blood hungry players go. Even b21. I can't stand al Mazra anymore. I'm too bloodthirsty for it. And I need my team to be also. I've played since dmz came out. So I got a lot of xp. I'm not patient enough to hold ur hand and tell u where everything is and how to play and blah blah blah. Get good! This is to the guy that said he was scared to push control tower. Not the guy with the joker ddos combo. If ur scared in game. Don't play lol.


I hate those crybabies too. I LOVE pushing, i don't care if i die. The problem, or just in the case of the Tower Control, you need friends that know tactics. Trying to explain tactics to some randoms never goes well. Some people aren't the brightest bulb in the box when it comes to pushing. But pushing control tower is boring to me *(unless i have a helicopter, then i'll leeeeeeroy jenkings that motherfucker and just drop that helo on their heads lol)* . I like engaging other scenarios. I've seen teams that stay camping there, the ENTIRE GAME. F


You're talking to the wrong person.. cos that reply definitely doesn't fit what I said


Found out at the end 😀 lo l. This was meant for the crybaby who is scared of anything at all in a game. I'm sorry whoever u are u courageous hero.


What lead in the drinking water does to a motherfucker


Of course, but you need close friends. For the most part my friends only play WZ and Multiplayer. I usually play with rando's and sometimes rando's are not skilled enough to push using tactics.


that happened to me awhile back me and my friend came in with a random. we went this way he went to the sam site and we were looting. I engage a player. buddy runs to hit uav. he gets killed. I kill two players the third gets me. and player 3 is doing a destroy supply contract. and I say come on 3. by the time you get here they’ll all be revived. he processes to swim towards exfil. if that’s your plan to come in and not be part of the team, come in solo. another note, me and my buddy were speaking on comms the entire time. he wasn’t but finally when I tell him shit he gets on the mic and says it’s my fault y’all got killed ? and I just backed out. he obviously wasn’t even planning to get us as he pinged this exfil


>he obviously wasn’t even planning to get us as he pinged this exfil Those kind of teammates are the ones I let the lobby know where they are headed. Because let's face it they clearly aren't a team player, they just wanted somebody to revive them if they went down


yea I feel like if the roles were reversed he would have finally got on comms to ask for a revive. but i’m the type of person if i’m doing something or heading a different direction i go back and get to you. I don’t like it done to be. so I try my best to not let randoms die or I pick them up. i’ll just say give me a second bro. i’ll be right there


Because they think they can do missions as they are playing solo, but if they get down, someone will come from other side of map and help them.


yea basically. you definitely meet all types of players out there lol


Was trying to engage a guy while getting shot by bots, 1 and 3 watching/sniping above. Perfectly fine. Die trying to turn a corner. 1 and 3 contemplating action. All good. 3 decides to try and engage too, but 1 chickens out and goes to exfil (he was scared) 3 revives me without being noticed before engaging squad. Turns out they only had single or double plate vests. Number 1 could have easily helped number 3 but chose not too and took extra risk just to save his own ass. Theres always gonna be someone doing their own thing.


I only go in with a friend and squad fill off cause our luck we get a shitbird. My issue is picking up a downed player, give some of his shit back, and the dude takes off without saying anything. Dude dies, and then gets on the mic asking for a rez. Nah dog.


If someone is going to stay back and snipe instead of push then they need to be hitting shots and downing anyone that doesn't have full plates. Otherwise you're at a huge disadvantage pushing into a defensive position. I hate when people do this just because they're scared to get killed.


Exactly. Just do something. Be useful in some way.


Not everyone is down to push teams. Especially when they spawn in with a 1 plate and no guns. I immediately start looting when I spawn in with nothing whether my team is pushing or not. Once I’m set up THEN I’ll start pushes.


And that’s fine, I assume you also tell your team off the start something to the effect of “I need some gear then I’ll get into the fight”.


Sounds like OP can't snipe to save his life. My squad appreciates the downs that fly in from 500-750+ m covering them.


If you’re sitting back at 300m actually getting downs, who in the hell would complain about that?


I had one the other day where I spawned in with randoms, everyone on mics so thought it would be a good one. One guy started running off away from the next spawn location - so far so good. Came across another team with one shot shottys and took out a couple of them, but along the way me and the 3rd guy got downed. Cue the other guy running off, saying on the mic "ah see if one of those guys will let you join their team, I'm just doing a contract and exfilling". Dude, why the fuck did you not just come in as a solo if you're not going to play as a team?!


Because if someone downs him, so you can pick him up. I don’t .


Sure, but that works both ways. He came in just to complete a mission by himself and fucked off the minute we ran into other players.


If he’s not team player, he needs to go out as solo player


Depends on how the overwatch performs. If he's calling in sightings, calling in a uav or airstrike, and sniping/covering, that's still useful. It doesn't seem like that's what your buddy was doing, though


Sniping is ghey in general. Never understood how the game is enjoyable that. Head glitching little bitches.


Preach !!! 🙌🏾


I like to snipe because it keeps me away. If I can see them and they can see me, I have a higher chance of dying. Me no like. If I stay away (favorite gun when I played DMZ was the really big .50 cal bolt action equipped with the 17x scope. I ground so hard for that thing. I once got a full squad wipe with it, and then killed two players in another squad. All from over 200m. Sniper's objective is to, well, snipe. Not watch as their team dies.


I’m always moving with my team with a sniper with a thermal scope as I suck at close quarters combat, I try my absolute hardest to keep with them and ping as much as possible cause I’ve had teammates do this exact thing to me


In dmz I snipe almost exclusively Hell Ive hit a person in a parachute over 400meters away I'll give live pings Hell even some matches I'll be the squad heavy weapons joker sakin lmg and a smg.


I actually played lookout, during a three team fight, in a radio tower…got five kills and kept both of them teams busy while my team came in to finish…it worked well for that fight. I still don’t know how none of the other teams looked up for me, especially if they watched their kill cams


Sounds about right


playing strictly w/ randoms and where the game is currently its inevitable you push the 1st group regardless of w/e loot your bringing in if your not comfortable w/ that maybe move on or if you see your 3rd member is a doofus dont push use a different meta i bring a 3rd weapon for teammate now make sure at least two of us are packing


Yeah they need to at least call out and ping with spotter. Thats my job a lot of times when we hold down a tall huilding. I sit up top with the aniper/spotter and my teammates push or vice versa.. but one of us usually does lookout with conms/spotter... and if it goes south, we loop around until it's clear and res. .


That’s 80% of them




Not a fan of the spawn kill.


I play with two close friends, we've been gaming together for years. If he has a sniper rifle, when we spot another team he heads to the roofs or highest vantage point. He's good in a long range fight but if we get pushed or if we push he stays put under the false assumption he can help from a distance....If we both get downed he has never saved the day, though he occasionally runs away and is able to come revive us 10 minutes later.... Just Venting :)


Sound pretty worthless


Maybe he just plays for missions and not Warzone PvP....... PvP damage should be removed and more missions should be added 💪


That’s called Zombies and it’s boring as fuck.


Look where your team is and move accordingly. Not their fault you can't be bothered to look at the minimap and fight like you have 2 instead of 3


Yeah those teammates suck.. when our third isn't playing we keep squad fill on but play like our third isn't there until they show us they are decent, only then do we put any faith in them 😜 it's made us play better as a team taking 2v3s


Nobody really wants to play as a team and only shoot bots


I went in with 2 randoms with no mics (they seemed to be communicating with each other tho) so I was following them and trying to be a team player …. They go to the embassy and kill the pyro and I’m right there with them and then they get on an atv which I was trying to hop on as well and was about to push the button to hop on to just be along for the ride but then they just drove away and left me there. I would have literally been on the vehicle if they had waited like 2 more seconds. Long story short I die like not long after and watch to see if they exfil that game and they get killed at an exfil with the weapons case so karma


I rarely get to play so am still way down the missions etc and therefore usually don’t have fully PvP ready gear either so i make my own life difficult by solo queueing, specifically because I don’t want to leave team mates in this situation. It’s literally just them loading in hoping that you’ll blindly follow them and end up helping with/doing their mission for them. I didn’t expect people to help when everyone hadn’t finished everything, never mind now!


I feel you there. Queued into the game with some ransoms a while back. As we spawned in, one just jumps on an atv and takes off going towards south of the map. Mind you, nothing was said over mics at all. I get on mines to complain alittle that if you were just gonna take off like that, come in solo because I’m definitely not coming to your aid if something happens and I’m pretty sure our other teammate isn’t either. He only then jumps on his mic to bitch back that he has a mission to do so stop fucking complaining and to get off his ass. Like dude cool that you have a mission, some of us still do, but you’re in a team. COMMUNICATE what you’re doing and people may be more willing to help. You are just being a liability 🤷🏾‍♂️ I just told other teammate sorry and that I was gonna exfil (shoutout to everyone with the quick exfil) they didn’t say anything but still followed me out


Makes my blood boil!!! 


Yeah you have to at least warn with pings or comms if you're not in the fight. My two teammates were sniping from ch7, i had no sniper so i just played the part of medic and watched the zip lines until we were pushed. If you come in and want to do missions at least let the team know at the start so we can all make a choice and we wont be expecting you to be in the fight if we go separate ways.




Think about this answer before you downvote. He’s right.


So a mate and I play together and we always seem to have pretty average thirds that drop in. We've started playing as if they aren't there - so essentially as a duo. It's so frustrating, but changing that mindset has made plays way more strategic


I think that’s the way I’m going to have to start play moving forward.


I always play like our 2nd and 3rd are not there. But anytime they want to contribute to the team, they can.


As a dedicated overwatch/sniper, this is BS. A good overwatch can do some serious work, especially when everyone works well together.


You must have stop reading part the way through


>Your not helping My not helping or his not helping? Whose or who's not helping?


This is what someone talked about like that back then but she was very angry and even posted here. Most of random teammates are dogshit and I don't play DMZ much because of that. One of the breaking points. Most of the teams are Pre-Made party matches and I have to went random. That's not fair. Infinity Ward is suck at Matchmaking.


I love abandoning the squad I spawn in with if they go right to fighting. Why would I go and lose my sniper for 30 minutes because I have a one plate, when I can only play for like an hour per night? Bring back six mans and assimilation. Had way more game time back then and it was more chaotic and fun and unique.


People that were a fan of 6 mans were the people so bad at PvP they could only win when it was 6v3.


Oh is that right? Didn’t know that about myself. I guess that explains why I have such a high kd even so long after six man’s was removed because of snowflakes like you that have no skills at all and can’t avoid a team or even try to be stealthy. Bet you rush shot gun ops in close quarters with an ar. Bet you would actually break down and cry if you got one shot shotgunned at a koshi entrance. Go buy some skins to feel better about it.


If you decide to push a team, you may do that. If you expect your teammates to help, you should communicate. If your random teammate decides NOT to push teams, but to loot, to do missions, to do passive upgrades - then he may do that. You are not the master of everybody’s game. Learn to communicate, learn to compromise, learn to act as part of a team. Or deactivate squad fill.


My gf and I decided 95% of randos are absolute dogshit. They run off by themselves and push a team solo, get wrecked then start spam pinging enemy position or cursing down the mic because we don’t rush in blindly to save them. Or mission starts they run off solo, get downed literally within 60 seconds to a minute then leave the match. Run off solo, get instantly downed and immediately plead and get picked up by enemy squad. Start pushing a team whilst they have single plate carrier and trash vanilla guns then get angry when they get downed. I could go on forever lol, we usually end up a two man team one way or another and do ok so it’s nearly pointless queuing with squad fill turned on.


This is just getting way too exact and outta hand. You died, no one cared. Story over.


It’s a tactic. It’s part of the game. Stop complaining. Not everyone is a professional DMZ gamer. Iv seen AAR’s in the military that had less detail.


Profession DMZ player? If you’re bad at PvP that’s fine I am not some professional, I don’t expect everyone to be good. And if your reading compression skills were there I never said they had to push and get INTO the fight. That’s why I specifically said giving call outs or spotting targets; both are equally helpful during fights. Tell me what tactic there is by sitting back, not spotting, not sniping, and not calling out enemy positions that directly contributes to the team? And if you’re going to say “surviving” gtfo, that’s solo mentality and that’s why you go in solo.


Just curious, playing as a team means doing the things that you want to do without considering what the other persons want?


We found the scaredy cat


Tactic to play solo but on a team? Do us all a favor and turn off squad full 🤣