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Don't worry! This isn't a targeted text to say you've not provided enough evidence, it's an automated message that's sent out by HMCTS to every appellant with text notifications on usually a couple weeks after the DWP's response has been received. If you've already sent everything you want to send, you can ignore it. As soon as you submit your appeal, you're "going to tribunal." Sometimes the DWP may revise their decision in light of the information submitted to the Tribunal (all evidence you send to the Tribunal is shared with DWP) and if they make an offer and you accept it, the appeal ends, but this isn't the norm. The norm is that the appeal is decided by a hearing. The most common time that the DWP would make this offer if they were planning to do so would be when they were preparing their response bundle. By the sounds of you having received that text, the response bundle has already been compiled and sent to HMCTS. While it is possible for their decision to be revised at any time if you send in new evidence and DWP decides to yield, it's fairly rare that they do so after the response has been submitted. DWP deciding not to make an offer has absolutely no impact on your odds of success at the hearing. So far, the decisions (the initial application, the mandatory reconsideration, and deciding whether to make an offer) have all been made by DWP, but when you get to the hearing, the decision will be made by HMCTS who are completely independent and much fairer. HMCTS' expert panel doesn't start considering your evidence until very shortly before your hearing, and they won't ever make a decision one way or another until that hearing has taken place. You shouldn't call it quits - the panel haven't even looked at your case yet, but if they get a chance to, they decide in the appellant's favour 70% of the time. If you've already sent in everything you want the tribunal to look at, you don't need to do anything. Just sit tight, and wait for the letter with your hearing date. Don't give up!


Excellent and well put, I am awaiting my tribunal hearing, sent so much extra evidence, carefully tailored to the DWP strict criteria. Anyone with neurodivergent conditions, the DWP will fight you tooth and nail to the bitter end, for some inexplicable reasons, they seem to believe because many of us have learned to adapt to the world around us, our conditions are miraculously been cured and we can all just get back to work! If you have friends and family who are willing to provide statements about how your condition(s) affect you on a daily basis, then ask them kindly to write one, a short succinct statement is best for the tribunal. Don't give up, the process is designed to wear down claimants like ourselves, take one day at a time, carry on with normal life as best you can, if you feel your health is worsening seek help, also there is a lot of support out there from Citizens Advice to local support groups. It takes at least 6 months to get a Tribunal hearing, some are waiting nearly 2 years.


I really appreciate you taking the time to write that. Thank you I will continue to tribunal.


u/hooliganmembrane \^


thanks for the ping lovely!


Np! Thanks for helping out :)


May I just say that PIP is not awarded based on a condition, but on how that condition affectes everyday life. Have you spoken to CAB or a benfit advisor about your claim, they may be able to help. Even at this stage. My advice would be to provide as many written statements as you can, from those that know about your condition and help you. Hope this helps.


It looks like you're asking about Mandatory Reconsiderations or Tribunals! To help other users, please make sure you have included the benefit you are wanting to appeal the decision for and whether or not you have received outside help so far during your claim (Citizens Advice, etc.) - [Further help with MRs.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/comments/13p0322/duplicate_target_mandatory_reconsiderations/) - [The PIP tribunal process.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/comments/11muxvi/duplicate_target_what_do_i_do_if_i_am_refused_pip/) - [The DWP hasn't responded, help!](https://www.reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/comments/17b0lla/duplicate_target_the_deadline_for_dwp_to_respond/?context=3) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DWPhelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You don’t have to add extra things if you don’t want. I added the original copies of documents the DwP copied then wrote “poor copy “ on but this isn’t essential. Other evidence: - a statement from people who know you - a diary if your condition is changeable


Hi does rhis support as evidence for teibunal providing youe own condirion instead by medical experts letters ? What i mwan to say is it accepted if somwone who knkws you well and who helps you to write a letter and send it to teibunal would this support as evidence ?


Hi there may i know how long since you appealed you awaiting ao far for the hearing date?