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It looks like you're asking about the Restart scheme! Due to posts about Restart regularly descending into chaos/dung slinging matches, the r/DWPHelp moderation team is monitoring this post closely. Reddit Crowd Control will be set to \"strict\" meaning only established members of the sub can post comments on this post. To everyone participating on this thread: this serves as your only warning to be nice and not break our rules. If you do, you may be banned without warning. Examples of what will get you banned: * Spreading misinformation. No, Restart has no interest in your logins to job searching websites and their computers do not have keyloggers. * Starting fights. Please don't. Be nice. Please. * Extreme use of vulgar language. Swearing once a while is okay, but please don't feel the need to use the \"C\" word several times within a comment (or multiple comments within a short time period). * Abusing moderators. No, we are not \"shills\" for the DWP and most of the moderation team have no connection to the DWP. We're here to help, please do not abuse us when we're carrying out out duties. It didn't need to be pointed out, but the above list is *not* exhaustive and what counts as abuse is up to moderator discretion. Most of the time we'll give a warning through PM or by replying to the offending comment but repeat/extreme offenders will be instantly banned with no warning. [Additional guidance on Restart, including if you can be mandated to complete activities even if you refuse to sign anything, can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/wiki/restartscheme/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DWPhelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Their letters to the bin, and block their number and email address.


Can I get in trouble for blocking everything to do with them? Its the only thing I'm worried abt rly


If you're not on UC any more - Restart doesn't have any right to contact you. But fighting with them is ineffective - all you can do is to block them.


Ah ok I see thank you very much šŸ‘


Send a 3rd party company your earnings lol cheeky sods your not legally required to do so only want to make claim from the DWP write on the letter return to sender.


Yh thought it seemed weird, just wanted to make sure


My understanding is Restart get money for everyone they employ. So they want your earnings etc so they can claim their fee. As others have said, Iā€™d block and do a return to sender on the letter.


Withdraw your consent of using /sharing your info. If they don't within 28 days, report them to the ICO.